
39 lines
1.2 KiB
Executable File

# Narcissus 'shell' for use with
# This must be run from the js/tests directory
import os, re, sys
from subprocess import *
from optparse import OptionParser
NARC_JS_DIR = "../../narcissus/"
narc_jsdefs = NARC_JS_DIR + "jsdefs.js"
narc_jslex = NARC_JS_DIR + "jslex.js"
narc_jsparse = NARC_JS_DIR + "jsparse.js"
narc_jsexec = NARC_JS_DIR + "jsexec.js"
if __name__ == '__main__':
op = OptionParser(usage='%prog [TEST-SPECS]')
op.add_option('-f', '--file', dest='js_files', action='append',
help='JS file to load', metavar='FILE')
op.add_option('-e', '--expression', dest='js_exps', action='append',
help='JS expression to evaluate')
(options, args) = op.parse_args()
cmd = 'evaluate("__NARCISSUS__=true;"); '
if options.js_exps:
for exp in options.js_exps:
cmd += 'evaluate("%s"); ' % exp.replace('"', '\\"')
if options.js_files:
for file in options.js_files:
cmd += 'evaluate(snarf("%(file)s"), "%(file)s", 1); ' % {'file':file }
Popen([js_cmd, '-f', narc_jsdefs, '-f', narc_jslex, '-f', narc_jsparse, '-f', narc_jsexec, '-e', cmd]).wait()