Jason Orendorff 4d3c5821a1 Bug 563728 - Switch the imacro compiler over to Python. r=Waldo.
rename : js/src/ => js/src/
2010-05-12 08:49:36 -05:00

468 lines
17 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: Python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the TraceMonkey IMacro Assembler.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Brendan Eich <>.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# An imacro (interpreter-macro) assembler in Python.
# Filename suffix conventions, used by rules:
# .jsasm SpiderMonkey JS assembly source, which could be input to other
# assemblers than imacro_asm.js, hence the generic suffix!
# .c.out C source output by imacro_asm.js
import re
import os
class Op:
def __init__(self, jsop, opcode, opname, opsrc, oplen, pops, pushes, precedence, flags):
self.jsop = jsop
self.opcode = opcode
self.opname = opname
self.opsrc = opsrc
self.oplen = oplen
self.pops = pops
self.pushes = pushes
self.precedence = precedence
self.flags = flags
def readFileLines(filename):
f = open(filename)
return f.readlines()
def load_ops(filename):
opdef_regexp = re.compile(r'''(?x)
^ OPDEF \( (JSOP_\w+), \s* # op
([0-9]+), \s* # val
("[^"]+" | [\w_]+), \s* # name
("[^"]+" | [\w_]+), \s* # image
(-1|[0-9]+), \s* # len
(-1|[0-9]+), \s* # uses
(-1|[0-9]+), \s* # defs
([0-9]+), \s* # prec
([\w_| ]+) \s* # format
\) \s* $''')
def decode_string_expr(expr):
if expr == 'NULL':
return None
if expr[0] == '"':
assert expr[-1] == '"'
return expr[1:-1]
assert expr.startswith('js_') and expr.endswith('_str')
return expr[3:-4]
opinfo = []
for lineno, line in enumerate(readFileLines(filename)):
if line.startswith('OPDEF'):
m = opdef_regexp.match(line)
if m is None:
raise ValueError("OPDEF line of wrong format in jsopcode.tbl at line %d" % (lineno + 1))
jsop, opcode, opname, opsrc, oplen, pops, pushes, precedence, flags = m.groups()
assert int(opcode) == len(opinfo)
opinfo.append(Op(jsop, int(opcode), decode_string_expr(opname),
decode_string_expr(opsrc), int(oplen), int(pops), int(pushes),
int(precedence), flags.replace(' ', '').split('|')))
return opinfo
opinfo = load_ops(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "jsopcode.tbl"))
opname2info = dict((info.opname, info) for info in opinfo)
jsop2opcode = dict((info.jsop, info.opcode) for info in opinfo)
def to_uint8(s):
n = int(s)
except ValueError:
n = -1
if 0 <= n < (1<<8):
return n
raise ValueError("invalid 8-bit operand: " + s)
def to_uint16(s):
n = int(s)
except ValueError:
n = -1
if 0 <= n < (1<<16):
return n
raise ValueError("invalid 16-bit operand: " + s)
def immediate(op):
info =
imm1Expr = op.imm1.startswith('(')
if 'JOF_ATOM' in info.flags:
if op.imm1 in ('void', 'object', 'function', 'string', 'number', 'boolean'):
return "0, COMMON_TYPE_ATOM_INDEX(JSTYPE_%s)" % op.imm1.upper()
return "0, COMMON_ATOM_INDEX(%s)" % op.imm1
if 'JOF_JUMP' in info.flags:
assert not imm1Expr
return "%d, %d" % (( >> 8) & 0xff, & 0xff)
if 'JOF_UINT8' in info.flags or 'JOF_INT8' in info.flags:
if imm1Expr:
return op.imm1
return str(to_uint8(op.imm1))
if 'JOF_UINT16' in info.flags:
if imm1Expr:
return '(%s & 0xff00) >> 8, (%s & 0xff)' % (op.imm1, op.imm1)
v = to_uint16(op.imm1)
return "%d, %d" % ((v & 0xff00) >> 8, v & 0xff)
raise NotImplementedError(info.jsop + " format not yet implemented")
def simulate_cfg(igroup, imacro, depth, i):
any_group_opcode = None
expected_depth = None
for opcode in igroup.ops:
opi = opinfo[opcode]
if any_group_opcode is None:
any_group_opcode = opcode
if opi.pops < 0:
expected_depth = None
expected_depth = opi.pushes - opi.pops
elif expected_depth is None:
if opi.pops >= 0:
raise ValueError("imacro shared by constant- and variable-stack-defs/uses instructions")
if opi.pops < 0:
raise ValueError("imacro shared by constant- and variable-stack-defs/uses instructions")
if opi.pushes - opi.pops != expected_depth:
raise ValueError("imacro shared by instructions with different stack depths")
for i in range(i, len(imacro.code)):
op = imacro.code[i]
opi =
if opi.opname == 'imacop':
opi = opinfo[any_group_opcode]
if opi.pops < 0:
depth -= 2 + int(op.imm1)
depth -= opi.pops
depth += opi.pushes
if i in imacro.depths and imacro.depths[i] != depth:
raise ValueError("Mismatched depth at %s:%d" % (imacro.filename, op.line))
# Underflowing depth isn't necessarily fatal; most of the imacros
# assume they are called with N>0 args so some assume it's ok to go
# to some depth <N. We simulate starting from 0, as we've no idea
# what else to do.
# if depth < 0:
# raise ValueError("Negative static-stack depth at %s:%d" % (imacro.filename, op.line))
if depth > imacro.maxdepth:
imacro.maxdepth = depth
imacro.depths[i] = depth
if hasattr(op, "target_index"):
if op.target_index <= i:
raise ValueError("Backward jump at %s:%d" % (imacro.filename, op.line))
simulate_cfg(igroup, imacro, depth, op.target_index)
if in ('goto', 'gotox'):
if expected_depth is not None and depth != expected_depth:
raise ValueError("Expected depth %d, got %d" % (expected_depth, depth))
# Syntax (spaces are significant only to delimit tokens):
# Assembly ::= (Directive? '\n')*
# Directive ::= (name ':')? Operation
# Operation ::= opname Operands?
# Operands ::= Operand (',' Operand)*
# Operand ::= name | number | '(' Expr ')'
# Expr ::= a constant-expression in the C++ language
# containing no parentheses
# We simplify given line structure and the maximum of one immediate operand,
# by parsing using split and regexps. For ease of parsing, parentheses are
# banned in an Expr for now, even in quotes or a C++ comment.
# Pseudo-ops start with . and include .igroup and .imacro, terminated by .end.
# .imacro must nest in .igroup, neither nests in itself. See imacros.jsasm for
# examples.
line_regexp = re.compile(r'''(?x)
(?: (\w+): )? # optional label at start of line
\s* (\.?\w+) # optional spaces, (pseudo-)opcode
(?: \s+ ([+-]?\w+ | \([^)]*\)) )? # optional first immediate operand
(?: \s+ ([\w,-]+ | \([^)]*\)) )? # optional second immediate operand
(?: \s* (?:\#.*) )? # optional spaces and comment
oprange_regexp = re.compile(r'^\w+(?:-\w+)?(?:,\w+(?:-\w+)?)*$')
class IGroup(object):
def __init__(self, name, ops): = name
self.ops = ops
self.imacros = []
class IMacro(object):
def __init__(self, name, filename): = name
self.offset = 0
self.code = []
self.labeldefs = {}
self.labeldef_indexes = {}
self.labelrefs = {}
self.filename = filename
self.depths = {}
self.initdepth = 0
class Instruction(object):
def __init__(self, offset, info, imm1, imm2, lineno):
self.offset = offset = info
self.imm1 = imm1
self.imm2 = imm2
self.lineno = lineno
def assemble(filename, outfile):
write = outfile.write
igroup = None
imacro = None
opcode2extra = {}
igroups = []
write("/* GENERATED BY imacro_asm.js -- DO NOT EDIT!!! */\n")
def fail(msg, *args):
raise ValueError("%s at %s:%d" % (msg % args, filename, lineno + 1))
for lineno, line in enumerate(readFileLines(filename)):
# strip comments
line = re.sub(r'#.*', '', line).rstrip()
if line == "":
m = line_regexp.match(line)
if m is None:
label, opname, imm1, imm2 = m.groups()
if opname.startswith('.'):
if label is not None:
fail("invalid label %s before %s" % (label, opname))
if opname == '.igroup':
if imm1 is None:
fail("missing .igroup name")
if igroup is not None:
fail("nested .igroup " + imm1)
if oprange_regexp.match(imm2) is None:
fail("invalid igroup operator range " + imm2)
ops = set()
for current in imm2.split(","):
split = current.split('-')
opcode = jsop2opcode[split[0]]
if len(split) == 1:
lastopcode = opcode
assert len(split) == 2
lastopcode = jsop2opcode[split[1]]
if opcode >= lastopcode:
fail("invalid opcode range: " + current)
for opcode in range(opcode, lastopcode + 1):
if opcode in ops:
fail("repeated opcode " + opinfo[opcode].jsop)
igroup = IGroup(imm1, ops)
elif opname == '.imacro':
if igroup is None:
fail(".imacro outside of .igroup")
if imm1 is None:
fail("missing .imacro name")
if imacro:
fail("nested .imacro " + imm1)
imacro = IMacro(imm1, filename)
elif opname == '.fixup':
if imacro is None:
fail(".fixup outside of .imacro")
if len(imacro.code) != 0:
fail(".fixup must be first item in .imacro")
if imm1 is None:
fail("missing .fixup argument")
fixup = int(imm1)
except ValueError:
fail(".fixup argument must be a nonzero integer")
if fixup == 0:
fail(".fixup argument must be a nonzero integer")
if imacro.initdepth != 0:
fail("more than one .fixup in .imacro")
imacro.initdepth = fixup
elif opname == '.end':
if imacro is None:
if igroup is None:
fail(".end without prior .igroup or .imacro")
if imm1 is not None and (imm1 != or imm2 is not None):
fail(".igroup/.end name mismatch")
maxdepth = 0
write("static struct {\n")
for imacro in igroup.imacros:
write(" jsbytecode %s[%d];\n" % (, imacro.offset))
write("} %s_imacros = {\n" %
for imacro in igroup.imacros:
depth = 0
write(" {\n")
for op in imacro.code:
operand = ""
if op.imm1 is not None:
operand = ", " + immediate(op)
write("/*%2d*/ %s%s,\n" % (op.offset,, operand))
imacro.maxdepth = imacro.initdepth
simulate_cfg(igroup, imacro, imacro.initdepth, 0)
if imacro.maxdepth > maxdepth:
maxdepth = imacro.maxdepth
write(" },\n")
for opcode in igroup.ops:
opcode2extra[opcode] = maxdepth
igroup = None
assert igroup is not None
if imm1 is not None and imm1 !=
fail(".imacro/.end name mismatch")
# Backpatch the forward references to labels that must now be defined.
for label in imacro.labelrefs:
if label not in imacro.labeldefs:
fail("label " + label + " used but not defined")
link = imacro.labelrefs[label]
assert link >= 0
while True:
op = imacro.code[link]
next = = imacro.labeldefs[label] - op.offset
op.target_index = imacro.labeldef_indexes[label]
if next < 0:
link = next
imacro = None
fail("unknown pseudo-op " + opname)
if opname not in opname2info:
fail("unknown opcode " + opname)
info = opname2info[opname]
if info.oplen == -1:
fail("unimplemented opcode " + opname)
if imacro is None:
fail("opcode %s outside of .imacro", opname)
# Blacklist ops that may or must use an atomized double immediate.
if info.opname in ('double', 'lookupswitch', 'lookupswitchx'):
fail(op.opname + " opcode not yet supported")
if label:
imacro.labeldefs[label] = imacro.offset
imacro.labeldef_indexes[label] = len(imacro.code)
op = Instruction(imacro.offset, info, imm1, imm2, lineno + 1)
if 'JOF_JUMP' in info.flags:
if imm1 in imacro.labeldefs:
# Backward reference can be resolved right away, no backpatching needed. = imacro.labeldefs[imm1] - op.offset
op.target_index = imacro.labeldef_indexes[imm1]
# Link op into the .target-linked backpatch chain at labelrefs[imm1].
# The linked list terminates with a -1 sentinel.
if imm1 in imacro.labelrefs: = imacro.labelrefs[imm1]
else: = -1
imacro.labelrefs[imm1] = len(imacro.code)
imacro.offset += info.oplen
write("uint8 js_opcode2extra[JSOP_LIMIT] = {\n")
for i in range(len(opinfo)):
write(" %d, /* %s */\n" % (opcode2extra.get(i, 0), opinfo[i].jsop))
write("#define JSOP_IS_IMACOP(x) (0 \\\n")
for i in sorted(opcode2extra):
write(" || x == %s \\\n" % opinfo[i].jsop)
write("jsbytecode*\njs_GetImacroStart(jsbytecode* pc) {\n")
for g in igroups:
for m in g.imacros:
start = + "_imacros." +
write(" if (size_t(pc - %s) < %d) return %s;\n" % (start, m.offset, start))
write(" return NULL;\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "usage: python infile.jsasm outfile.c.out"
f = open(sys.argv[2], 'w')
assemble(sys.argv[1], f)