2014-04-01 22:00:47 -07:00

75 lines
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package org.mozilla.gecko.tests;
import org.mozilla.gecko.Actions;
import org.mozilla.gecko.PaintedSurface;
public class test_bug720538 extends PixelTest {
public void test_bug720538() {
String url = getAbsoluteUrl("/robocop/test_bug720538.html");
* for this test, we load the associated test_bug720538.html file. this file has two
* iframes (painted completely blue - #0000FF) and the rest of the page is the background
* color, which is #008000 green. When we first render the page there is an iframe in
* the top-left corner, and when we double-tap on it it should zoom to fill the visible
* view area leaving a little bit of space on either side. We can test for this by checking
* a few pixels to ensure that there is some background visible on either side of the iframe.
* Finally, when we double-tap on it to zoom out again, we need to check that the bottom of
* the view doesn't have any checkerboarding. We can verify this by getting a few pixels and
* checking that it is the same as the expected background color of the page, as opposed to
* the gray shades of the checkerboard.
PaintedSurface painted = loadAndGetPainted(url);
try {
// first we check that the point we want to double-tap (100, 100) is blue, indicating it's inside the iframe
mAsserter.ispixel(painted.getPixelAt(100, 100), 0, 0, 0xFF, "Ensuring double-tap point is in the iframe");
} finally {
// do the double tap and wait for the double-tap animation to finish. we assume the animation is done
// when we find a 500ms period with no paint events that occurs after at least one paint event.
Actions.RepeatedEventExpecter paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
MotionEventHelper meh = new MotionEventHelper(getInstrumentation(), mDriver.getGeckoLeft(), mDriver.getGeckoTop());
meh.doubleTap(100, 100);
painted = waitForPaint(paintExpecter);
try {
// check a few points to ensure that we did a good zoom-to-block on the iframe. this checks that
// the background color is visible on the left and right edges of the viewport, but the iframe is
// visible in between those edges
mAsserter.ispixel(painted.getPixelAt(0, 100), 0, 0x80, 0, "Checking page background to the left of the iframe");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted.getPixelAt(50, 100), 0, 0, 0xFF, "Checking for iframe a few pixels from the left edge");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted.getPixelAt(mDriver.getGeckoWidth() - 51, 100), 0, 0, 0xFF, "Checking for iframe a few pixels from the right edge");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted.getPixelAt(mDriver.getGeckoWidth() - 1, 100), 0, 0x80, 0, "Checking page background the right of the iframe");
} finally {
// now we do double-tap again to zoom out and wait for the animation to finish, as before
paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
meh.doubleTap(mDriver.getGeckoWidth() / 2, 100);
painted = waitForPaint(paintExpecter);
try {
// and now we check a pixel at the bottom of the view to ensure that we have the page
// background and not some checkerboarding. use the second-last row of pixels instead of
// the last row because the last row is subject to rounding and clipping errors
for (int y = 2; y < 10; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
mAsserter.dumpLog("Pixel at " + x + ", " + (mDriver.getGeckoHeight() - y) + ": " + Integer.toHexString(painted.getPixelAt(x, mDriver.getGeckoHeight() - y)));
mAsserter.ispixel(painted.getPixelAt(0, mDriver.getGeckoHeight() - 2), 0, 0x80, 0, "Checking bottom-left corner of viewport");
} finally {