
382 lines
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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# DOM Bindings Configuration.
# The WebIDL interfaces are defined in dom/webidl. For each such interface, there
# is a corresponding entry in the configuration table below. The configuration
# table maps each interface name to a |descriptor| or list of |descriptor|s.
# Valid fields for all descriptors:
# * nativeType - The native type (concrete class or XPCOM interface) that
# instances of this interface will unwrap to (required).
# * headerFile - The file in which the nativeType is declared (defaults
# to an educated guess).
# * castable - Indicates whether the value in the wrapper can be cast to
# nativeType, or whether it needs to be QI-ed (defaults to True
# for everything but callback interfaces).
# * concrete - Indicates whether there exist objects with this interface as
# their primary interface (defaults to True).
# * prefable - Indicates whether this binding is subject to the about:config
# pref, or whether it's always enabled (defaults to False).
# * workers - Indicates whether the descriptor is intended to be used for
# worker threads (defaults to false).
# * customTrace - The native class will use a custom trace hook (defaults to
# true for workers, false otherwise).
# * customFinalize - The native class will use a custom finalize hook
# (defaults to true for workers, false otherwise).
# * notflattened - The native type does not have nsIClassInfo, so when
# wrapping it the right IID needs to be passed in.
# * register - True if this binding should be registered. Defaults to true.
# * binaryNames - Dict for mapping method and attribute names to different
# names when calling the native methods (defaults to an empty
# dict). The keys are the property names as they appear in the
# .webidl file and the values are the names as they should be
# in the WebIDL.
# * wrapperCache: True if this object is a wrapper cache. Objects that are
# not can only be returned from a limited set of methods,
# cannot be prefable, and must ensure that they disallow
# XPConnect wrapping. Always true for worker descriptors.
# Defaults to true.
# The following fields are either a string, an array (defaults to an empty
# array) or a dictionary with three possible keys (all, getterOnly and
# setterOnly) each having such an array as the value
# * infallible - attributes and methods specified in the .webidl file that
# cannot fail and therefore do not require the final nsresult&
# argument
# * implicitJSContext - attributes and methods specified in the .webidl file
# that require a JSContext as the first argument
# * resultNotAddRefed - attributes and methods specified in the .webidl file
# that do not AddRef the return value
DOMInterfaces = {
'Blob': [
'nativeType': 'nsIDOMBlob',
'headerFile': 'nsIDOMFile.h',
'prefable': True,
'castable': False
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'JSObject',
'headerFile': 'jsapi.h',
'castable': False
'Document': [
'nativeType': 'nsIDocument',
'prefable': True,
'castable': False
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'JSObject',
'headerFile': 'jsapi.h',
'castable': False
'Event': [
'nativeType': 'nsIDOMEvent',
'prefable': True,
'castable': False
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'JSObject',
'headerFile': 'jsapi.h',
'castable': False
'EventListener': [
'nativeType': 'nsIDOMEventListener',
'prefable': True
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'JSObject',
'headerFile': 'jsapi.h'
'EventTarget': [
'nativeType': 'nsDOMEventTargetHelper',
'hasInstanceInterface': 'nsIDOMEventTarget',
'concrete': False,
'prefable': True,
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'mozilla::dom::workers::EventTarget',
'headerFile': 'mozilla/dom/workers/bindings/EventTarget.h',
'concrete': False
'FormData': [
'nativeType': 'nsIDOMFormData',
'prefable': True,
'castable': False
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'JSObject',
'headerFile': 'jsapi.h',
'castable': False
'IID': [
'nativeType': 'nsIJSIID',
'headerFile': 'xpcjsid.h',
'prefable': True,
'castable': False
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'JSObject',
'headerFile': 'jsapi.h',
'castable': False
'InputStream': [
'nativeType': 'nsIInputStream',
'prefable': True,
'castable': False,
'notflattened': True
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'JSObject',
'headerFile': 'jsapi.h',
'castable': False
'MozChannel': [
'nativeType': 'nsIChannel',
'prefable': True,
'castable': False,
'notflattened': True
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'JSObject',
'headerFile': 'jsapi.h',
'castable': False
'WebGLRenderingContext': {
'nativeType': 'mozilla::WebGLContext',
'prefable': True,
'resultNotAddRefed': [ 'canvas', 'getContextAttributes', 'getExtension',
'getAttachedShaders' ],
'implicitJSContext': [ 'texImage2D', 'texSubImage2D' ],
'infallible': [ 'canvas', 'drawingBufferWidth', 'drawingBufferHeight',
'isContextLost', 'getSupportedExtensions',
'getExtension', 'activeTexture',
'attachShader', 'bindAttribLocation', 'bindBuffer',
'bindFramebuffer', 'bindRenderbuffer', 'bindTexture',
'blendColor', 'blendEquation', 'blendEquationSeparate',
'blendFunc', 'blendFuncSeparate', 'bufferData',
'bufferSubData', 'checkFramebufferStatus',
'clear', 'clearColor', 'clearDepth', 'clearStencil',
'colorMask', 'compileShader', 'compressedTexImage2D',
'compressedTexSubImage2D', 'copyTexImage2D',
'copyTexSubImage2D', 'createBuffer', 'createFramebuffer',
'createProgram', 'createRenderbuffer', 'createShader',
'createTexture', 'cullFace', 'deleteBuffer',
'deleteFramebuffer', 'deleteProgram', 'deleteRenderbuffer',
'deleteShader', 'deleteTexture', 'depthFunc', 'depthMask',
'depthRange', 'detachShader', 'disable',
'disableVertexAttribArray', 'drawArrays', 'drawElements',
'enable', 'enableVertexAttribArray', 'finish', 'flush',
'framebufferRenderbuffer', 'framebufferTexture2D',
'frontFace', 'generateMipmap', 'getActiveAttrib',
'getActiveUniform', 'getAttachedShaders', 'getAttribLocation',
'getBufferParameter', 'getError', 'getProgramParameter',
'getRenderbufferParameter', 'getShaderParameter',
'getShaderPrecisionFormat', 'getShaderSource',
'getTexParameter', 'getUniformLocation',
'getVertexAttribOffset', 'hint', 'isBuffer',
'isEnabled', 'isFramebuffer', 'isProgram', 'isRenderbuffer',
'isShader', 'isTexture', 'lineWidth', 'pixelStorei',
'polygonOffset', 'renderbufferStorage', 'sampleCoverage',
'scissor', 'shaderSource', 'stencilFunc',
'stencilFuncSeparate', 'stencilMask', 'stencilMaskSeparate',
'stencilOp', 'stencilOpSeparate', 'texParameterf',
'texParameteri', 'uniform1f', 'uniform1fv', 'uniform1i',
'uniform1iv', 'uniform2f', 'uniform2fv', 'uniform2i',
'uniform2iv', 'uniform3f', 'uniform3fv', 'uniform3i',
'uniform3iv', 'uniform4f', 'uniform4fv', 'uniform4i',
'uniform4iv', 'uniformMatrix2fv', 'uniformMatrix3fv',
'uniformMatrix4fv', 'useProgram', 'validateProgram',
'vertexAttrib1f', 'vertexAttrib1fv', 'vertexAttrib2f',
'vertexAttrib2fv', 'vertexAttrib3f', 'vertexAttrib3fv',
'vertexAttrib4f', 'vertexAttrib4fv', 'vertexAttribPointer',
'WebGLUniformLocation': {
'nativeType': 'mozilla::WebGLUniformLocation',
'headerFile': 'WebGLContext.h',
'wrapperCache': False
'XMLHttpRequest': [
'nativeType': 'nsXMLHttpRequest',
'prefable': True,
'infallible': {
'all': [
'readyState', 'withCredentials', 'abort', 'statusText',
'getAllResponseHeaders', 'overrideMimeType', 'mozBackgroundRequest',
'multipart', 'channel', 'upload', 'status', 'mozAnon', 'mozSystem'
'getterOnly': [
'responseType', 'timeout', 'onreadystatechange', 'onuploadprogress'
'implicitJSContext': [ 'constructor', ],
'resultNotAddRefed': [ 'upload', 'responseXML' ]
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'mozilla::dom::workers::XMLHttpRequest',
'headerFile': 'mozilla/dom/workers/bindings/XMLHttpRequest.h',
'infallible': {
'all': ['readyState', 'statusText', 'mozAnon', 'mozSystem' ],
'getterOnly': [ 'timeout', 'withCredentials', 'mozBackgroundRequest',
'responseType', 'responseXML', 'channel', 'multipart' ]
'XMLHttpRequestEventTarget': [
'nativeType': 'nsXHREventTarget',
'headerFile': 'nsXMLHttpRequest.h',
'concrete': False,
'prefable': True,
'infallible': {
'getterOnly': [
'onabort', 'onerror', 'onload', 'onloadstart', 'onprogress',
'ontimeout', 'onloadend'
'workers': True,
'concrete': False,
'nativeType': 'mozilla::dom::workers::XMLHttpRequestEventTarget',
'headerFile': 'mozilla/dom/workers/bindings/XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.h'
'XMLHttpRequestUpload': [
'nativeType': 'nsXMLHttpRequestUpload',
'headerFile': 'nsXMLHttpRequest.h',
'prefable': True
'workers': True,
'nativeType': 'mozilla::dom::workers::XMLHttpRequestUpload',
'headerFile': 'mozilla/dom/workers/bindings/XMLHttpRequestUpload.h'
# Test Interfaces of various sorts #
'TestInterface' : {
'nativeType': 'mozilla::dom::TestInterface',
'headerFile': 'TestBindingHeader.h',
'register': False,
'resultNotAddRefed': [ 'receiveWeakSelf', 'receiveWeakNullableSelf',
'receiveWeakNullableCastableObjectNullableSequence' ],
'binaryNames': { 'methodRenamedFrom': 'methodRenamedTo',
'attributeGetterRenamedFrom': 'attributeGetterRenamedTo',
'attributeRenamedFrom': 'attributeRenamedTo' }
'TestNonCastableInterface' : {
'nativeType': 'mozilla::dom::TestNonCastableInterface',
'headerFile': 'TestBindingHeader.h',
'register': False,
'castable': False
'TestExternalInterface' : {
'nativeType': 'mozilla::dom::TestExternalInterface',
'headerFile': 'TestBindingHeader.h',
'register': False,
'castable': False
'TestNonWrapperCacheInterface' : {
'nativeType': 'mozilla::dom::TestNonWrapperCacheInterface',
'headerFile': 'TestBindingHeader.h',
'register': False,
'wrapperCache': False
# These are temporary, until they've been converted to use new DOM bindings
def addExternalIface(iface, nativeType=None, headerFile=None):
if nativeType is None:
nativeType = 'nsIDOM' + iface
domInterface = {
'nativeType': nativeType,
'concrete': False,
'castable': False
if not headerFile is None:
domInterface['headerFile'] = headerFile
DOMInterfaces[iface] = domInterface
# If you add one of these, you need to make sure nsDOMQS.h has the relevant
# macros added for it
def addExternalHTMLElement(element):
nativeElement = 'ns' + element
addExternalIface(element, nativeType=nativeElement,
headerFile=nativeElement + '.h')
addExternalIface('ImageData', nativeType='mozilla::dom::ImageData',
addExternalIface('WebGLActiveInfo', nativeType='mozilla::WebGLActiveInfo',
addExternalIface('WebGLBuffer', nativeType='mozilla::WebGLBuffer',
addExternalIface('WebGLContextAttributes', nativeType='JSObject',
addExternalIface('WebGLExtension', nativeType='nsIWebGLExtension',
addExternalIface('WebGLFramebuffer', nativeType='mozilla::WebGLFramebuffer',
addExternalIface('WebGLProgram', nativeType='mozilla::WebGLProgram',
addExternalIface('WebGLRenderbuffer', nativeType='mozilla::WebGLRenderbuffer',
addExternalIface('WebGLShader', nativeType='mozilla::WebGLShader',
addExternalIface('WebGLTexture', nativeType='mozilla::WebGLTexture',