
240 lines
12 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Tests if requests render correct information in the details UI.
function test() {
initNetMonitor(SIMPLE_SJS).then(([aTab, aDebuggee, aMonitor]) => {
info("Starting test... ");
let { document, L10N, SourceEditor, NetMonitorView } = aMonitor.panelWin;
let { RequestsMenu, NetworkDetails } = NetMonitorView;
RequestsMenu.lazyUpdate = false;
waitForNetworkEvents(aMonitor, 1).then(() => {
is(RequestsMenu.selectedItem, null,
"There shouldn't be any selected item in the requests menu.");
is(RequestsMenu.itemCount, 1,
"The requests menu should not be empty after the first request.");
is(NetMonitorView.detailsPaneHidden, true,
"The details pane should still be hidden after the first request.");
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" },
isnot(RequestsMenu.selectedItem, null,
"There should be a selected item in the requests menu.");
is(RequestsMenu.selectedIndex, 0,
"The first item should be selected in the requests menu.");
is(NetMonitorView.detailsPaneHidden, false,
"The details pane should not be hidden after toggle button was pressed.");
.then(() => {
return teardown(aMonitor);
function testHeadersTab() {
let tab = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[0];
let tabpanel = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tabpanel")[0];
is(tab.getAttribute("selected"), "true",
"The headers tab in the network details pane should be selected.");
SIMPLE_SJS, "The url summary value is incorrect.");
SIMPLE_SJS, "The url summary tooltiptext is incorrect.");
"GET", "The method summary value is incorrect.");
"200", "The status summary code is incorrect.");
"200 Och Aye", "The status summary value is incorrect.");
is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope").length, 2,
"There should be 2 header scopes displayed in this tabpanel.");
ok(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variable-or-property").length >= 12,
"There should be at least 12 header values displayed in this tabpanel.");
// Can't test for an exact total number of headers, because it seems to
// vary across pgo/non-pgo builds.
is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-empty-notice").length, 0,
"The empty notice should not be displayed in this tabpanel.");
let responseScope = tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[0];
let requestScope = tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[1];
L10N.getStr("responseHeaders") + " (" +
L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.sizeKB", L10N.numberWithDecimals(173/1024, 3)) + ")",
"The response headers scope doesn't have the correct title.");
L10N.getStr("requestHeaders") + " (0"),
"The request headers scope doesn't have the correct title.");
// Can't test for full request headers title because the size may
// vary across platforms ("User-Agent" header differs). We're pretty
// sure it's smaller than 1 MB though, so it starts with a 0.
is(responseScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .name")[0].getAttribute("value"),
"Connection", "The first response header name was incorrect.");
is(responseScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .value")[0].getAttribute("value"),
"\"close\"", "The first response header value was incorrect.");
is(responseScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .name")[1].getAttribute("value"),
"Content-Length", "The second response header name was incorrect.");
is(responseScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .value")[1].getAttribute("value"),
"\"12\"", "The second response header value was incorrect.");
is(responseScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .name")[2].getAttribute("value"),
"Content-Type", "The third response header name was incorrect.");
is(responseScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .value")[2].getAttribute("value"),
"\"text/plain; charset=utf-8\"", "The third response header value was incorrect.");
is(responseScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .name")[5].getAttribute("value"),
"foo-bar", "The last response header name was incorrect.");
is(responseScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .value")[5].getAttribute("value"),
"\"baz\"", "The last response header value was incorrect.");
is(requestScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .name")[0].getAttribute("value"),
"Host", "The first request header name was incorrect.");
is(requestScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .value")[0].getAttribute("value"),
"\"\"", "The first request header value was incorrect.");
is(requestScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .name")[5].getAttribute("value"),
"Connection", "The penultimate request header name was incorrect.");
is(requestScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .value")[5].getAttribute("value"),
"\"keep-alive\"", "The penultimate request header value was incorrect.");
let lastReqHeaderName = requestScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .name")[6];
let lastReqHeaderValue = requestScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .value")[6];
if (lastReqHeaderName && lastReqHeaderValue) {
"Cache-Control", "The last request header name was incorrect.");
"\"max-age=0\"", "The last request header value was incorrect.");
} else {
info("The number of request headers was 6 instead of 7. Technically, " +
"not a failure in this particular test, but needs investigation.");
function testCookiesTab() {
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" },
document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[1]);
let tab = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[1];
let tabpanel = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tabpanel")[1];
is(tab.getAttribute("selected"), "true",
"The cookies tab in the network details pane should be selected.");
is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope").length, 0,
"There should be no cookie scopes displayed in this tabpanel.");
is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variable-or-property").length, 0,
"There should be no cookie values displayed in this tabpanel.");
is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-empty-notice").length, 1,
"The empty notice should be displayed in this tabpanel.");
function testParamsTab() {
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" },
document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[2]);
let tab = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[2];
let tabpanel = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tabpanel")[2];
is(tab.getAttribute("selected"), "true",
"The params tab in the network details pane should be selected.");
is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope").length, 0,
"There should be no param scopes displayed in this tabpanel.");
is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variable-or-property").length, 0,
"There should be no param values displayed in this tabpanel.");
is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-empty-notice").length, 1,
"The empty notice should be displayed in this tabpanel.");
.hasAttribute("hidden"), false,
"The request params box should not be hidden.");
.hasAttribute("hidden"), true,
"The request post data textarea box should be hidden.");
function testResponseTab() {
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" },
document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[3]);
let tab = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[3];
let tabpanel = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tabpanel")[3];
is(tab.getAttribute("selected"), "true",
"The response tab in the network details pane should be selected.");
.hasAttribute("hidden"), true,
"The response info header should be hidden.");
.hasAttribute("hidden"), true,
"The response content json box should be hidden.");
.hasAttribute("hidden"), false,
"The response content textarea box should not be hidden.");
.hasAttribute("hidden"), true,
"The response content image box should be hidden.");
return NetMonitorView.editor("#response-content-textarea").then((aEditor) => {
is(aEditor.getText(), "Hello world!",
"The text shown in the source editor is incorrect.");
is(aEditor.getMode(), SourceEditor.MODES.TEXT,
"The mode active in the source editor is incorrect.");
function testTimingsTab() {
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" },
document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[4]);
let tab = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[4];
let tabpanel = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tabpanel")[4];
is(tab.getAttribute("selected"), "true",
"The timings tab in the network details pane should be selected.");
ok(tabpanel.querySelector("#timings-summary-blocked .requests-menu-timings-total")
"The blocked timing info does not appear to be correct.");
ok(tabpanel.querySelector("#timings-summary-dns .requests-menu-timings-total")
"The dns timing info does not appear to be correct.");
ok(tabpanel.querySelector("#timings-summary-connect .requests-menu-timings-total")
"The connect timing info does not appear to be correct.");
ok(tabpanel.querySelector("#timings-summary-send .requests-menu-timings-total")
"The send timing info does not appear to be correct.");
ok(tabpanel.querySelector("#timings-summary-wait .requests-menu-timings-total")
"The wait timing info does not appear to be correct.");
ok(tabpanel.querySelector("#timings-summary-receive .requests-menu-timings-total")
"The receive timing info does not appear to be correct.");