2007-11-28 13:27:12 -08:00

383 lines
12 KiB

# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is Patcher 2, a patch generator for the AUS2 system.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Mozilla Corporation
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Chase Phillips (
# J. Paul Reed (
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
package MozAUSLib;
use Cwd;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy qw(move copy);
use English;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use MozBuild::Util qw(RunShellCommand MkdirWithPath HashFile);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(CreatePartialMarFile CreatePartialMarPatchInfo
GetAUS2PlatformStrings GetBouncerPlatformStrings
use strict;
$MAR_BIN = 'dist/host/bin/mar';
$MBSDIFF_BIN = 'dist/host/bin/mbsdiff';
$INCREMENTAL_UPDATE_BIN = 'tools/update-packaging/';
$UNWRAP_FULL_UPDATE_BIN = 'tools/update-packaging/';
$MAKE_BIN = '/usr/bin/make';
$TMPDIR_PREFIX = '/dev/shm/tmp/MozAUSLib';
%BOUNCER_PLATFORMS = ( 'win32' => 'win',
'linux-i686' => 'linux',
'mac' => 'osx',
'unimac' => 'osx',
%AUS2_PLATFORMS = ( 'macppc' => 'Darwin_ppc-gcc3',
'mac' => 'Darwin_Universal-gcc3',
'linux-i686' => 'Linux_x86-gcc3',
'win32' => 'WINNT_x86-msvc' );
## Global, used by CachedHashFile()
sub CachedHashFile {
my %args = @_;
if (! exists($args{'file'}) || !exists($args{'type'})) {
die("ASSERT: CachedHashFile: null file and/or type");
# Let HashFile do all the heavy error checking lifting...
my $file = $args{'file'};
my $checksumType = $args{'type'};
if (! exists($SNIPPET_CHECKSUM_HASH_CACHE->{$file})) {
if (! exists($SNIPPET_CHECKSUM_HASH_CACHE->{$file}->{$checksumType})) {
$SNIPPET_CHECKSUM_HASH_CACHE->{$file}->{$checksumType} =
HashFile(file => $file, type => $checksumType);
return $SNIPPET_CHECKSUM_HASH_CACHE->{$file}->{$checksumType};
sub EnsureDeliverablesDir
my %args = @_;
die "ASSERT: null config spec\n" if (not defined($args{'config'}));
my $configSpec = $args{'config'};
my $fullDeliverableDirPath = catfile($configSpec->GetDeliverableDir(),
MkdirWithPath(dir => $fullDeliverableDirPath, mask => 0751) or
die "ASSERT: EnsureDeliverablesDir(): " .
"MkdirWithPath($fullDeliverableDirPath) failed\n";
return $fullDeliverableDirPath;
sub ValidateToolsDirectory
my %args = @_;
my $toolsDir= $args{'toolsDir'};
if ($toolsDir !~ /^\//) {
die "ASSERT: ValidateToolsDirectory() requires a full path: $toolsDir\n";
my $binPrefix = "$toolsDir/mozilla";
return (-d $binPrefix and
-x "$binPrefix/$MAR_BIN" and
-x "$binPrefix/$MBSDIFF_BIN" and
-x "$binPrefix/$INCREMENTAL_UPDATE_BIN" and
-x "$binPrefix/$UNWRAP_FULL_UPDATE_BIN");
sub GetAUS2PlatformStrings
my %retHash = %AUS2_PLATFORMS;
return %retHash;
sub GetBouncerPlatformStrings
return %retHash;
sub CreatePartialMarFile
my %args = @_;
my $fromCompleteMar = $args{'from'};
my $toCompleteMar = $args{'to'};
my $outputDir = $args{'outputDir'} || getcwd();
my $outputFile = $args{'outputFile'} || $DEFAULT_PARTIAL_MAR_OUTPUT_FILE;
my $mozdir = $args{'mozdir'};
my $forceList = $args{'force'};
my $startingWd = getcwd();
if (not defined($mozdir)) {
die "ASSERT: CreatePartialMarFile(): mozdir undefined\n";
if (not ValidateToolsDirectory(toolsDir => $mozdir)) {
print STDERR "Invalid Mozilla working dir: $mozdir\n";
return -1;
} else {
# We actually want the CVS directory itself...
$mozdir .= '/mozilla';
my $mar = "$mozdir/$MAR_BIN";
my $mbsdiff = "$mozdir/$MBSDIFF_BIN";
my $makeIncrementalUpdate = "$mozdir/$INCREMENTAL_UPDATE_BIN";
# Seed PRNG.
srand (time() ^ $PID ^ unpack "%L*", `ps axww|gzip`);
my $tmpDir = "$TMPDIR_PREFIX.CreatePartialMarFile/$PID/" .
my $fromDir = "$tmpDir/from";
my $toDir = "$tmpDir/to";
my $partialDir = "$tmpDir/partial";
my @createdDirs = ($tmpDir, $fromDir, $toDir, $partialDir);
foreach my $dir (@createdDirs) {
if (not MkdirWithPath(dir => $dir)) {
print STDERR "MkdirWithPath() failed on $dir: $EVAL_ERROR\n";
return -1;
if ( not -r $fromCompleteMar) {
print STDERR "CreatePartialMarFile: $fromCompleteMardoesn't exist!";
return -1;
if ( not -r $toCompleteMar ) {
print STDERR "CreatePartialMarFile: $toCompleteMar doesn't exist!";
return -1;
# XXX - Add check here to verify md5/sha1 checksum of file is as-expected.
# Extract the source MAR file.
$ENV{'MAR'} = $mar;
my $extractCommand = catfile($mozdir, $UNWRAP_FULL_UPDATE_BIN);
my $unwrapArgs = [catfile($startingWd, $fromCompleteMar)];
printf("Decompressing $fromCompleteMar with $extractCommand " .
join(" ", @{$unwrapArgs}) . "...\n");
chdir($fromDir) or die "chdir() $fromDir failed: $ERRNO";
my $rv = RunShellCommand(command => $extractCommand,
args => $unwrapArgs,
output => 1);
if ($rv->{'exitValue'} != 0) {
die "FAILED: $extractCommand: $rv->{'exitValue'}, output: $rv->{'output'}\n";
# Extract the destination MAR file.
$unwrapArgs = [catfile($startingWd, $toCompleteMar)];
printf("Decompressing $toCompleteMar with $extractCommand " .
join(" ", @{$unwrapArgs}) . "...\n");
chdir($toDir) or die "chdir() $toDir failed: $ERRNO";;
$rv = RunShellCommand(command => $extractCommand,
args => $unwrapArgs,
output => 1);
if ($rv->{'exitValue'} != 0) {
die "FAILED: $extractCommand: $rv->{'exitValue'}, output: $rv->{'output'}\n";
# Build the partial patch.
my $outputMar = catfile($mozdir, $DEFAULT_PARTIAL_MAR_OUTPUT_FILE);
$ENV{'MBSDIFF'} = $mbsdiff;
my $incrUpdateArgs = [];
# Tack any force arguments onto the beginning of the arg list
if (defined($forceList) && scalar(@{$forceList}) > 0) {
foreach my $file (@{$forceList}) {
push(@{$incrUpdateArgs}, ('-f', $file));
push(@{$incrUpdateArgs}, ($outputMar, $fromDir, $toDir));
printf("Building partial update with: $makeIncrementalUpdate " .
join(" ", @{$incrUpdateArgs}) . "\n...");
$rv = RunShellCommand(command => $makeIncrementalUpdate,
args => $incrUpdateArgs,
output => 1);
if ($rv->{'exitValue'} != 0) {
die "FAILED: $makeIncrementalUpdate: $rv->{'exitValue'}, " .
"output: $rv->{'output'}\n";
if (-f $outputMar) {
printf("Found $outputMar.\n");
} else {
print STDERR "Couldn't find partial output mar: $outputMar\n";
my $finalDeliverable = catfile($outputDir, $outputFile);
printf("Moving $outputMar to $finalDeliverable... \n");
move($outputMar, $finalDeliverable) or
die "move($outputMar, $finalDeliverable) failed: $ERRNO";
printf("Removing temporary directories...\n");
foreach my $dir (@createdDirs ) {
printf("\tRemoving $dir...\n");
eval { rmtree($dir) };
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
print STDERR "rmtree on $dir failed; $EVAL_ERROR";
return 1;
chdir($startingWd) or die "Couldn't chdir() back to $startingWd: $ERRNO";
return 1;
sub SubstitutePath
my %args = @_;
my $string = $args{'path'} ||
die 'ASSERT: SubstitutePath() called with null path';
my $platform = $args{'platform'} || 'UNDEFINED';
my $locale = $args{'locale'} ||'UNDEFINED';
my $version = $args{'version'} || 'UNDEFINED';
my $app = $args{'app'} || 'UNDEFINED';
my %bouncer_platforms = GetBouncerPlatformStrings();
my $bouncer_platform = $bouncer_platforms{$platform};
$string =~ s/%platform%/$platform/g;
$string =~ s/%locale%/$locale/g;
$string =~ s/%bouncer\-platform%/$bouncer_platform/g;
$string =~ s/%version%/$version/g;
$string =~ s/%app%/$app/g;
return $string;
sub GetSnippetDirFromChannel {
my %args = @_;
die 'ASSERT: GetSnippetDirFromChannel(): null/invalid update config ' .
"object\n" if (!exists($args{'config'}) || ref($args{'config'}) ne 'HASH');
die "ASSERT: GetSnippetDirFromChannel(): null channel\n" if (
my $channel = $args{'channel'};
my $currentUpdateConfig = $args{'config'};
die "ASSERT: GetSnippetDirFromChannel(): invalid update config object\n"
if (! exists($currentUpdateConfig->{'to'}) ||
my $snippetDirTestKey = $channel . '-dir';
if (exists($currentUpdateConfig->{$snippetDirTestKey})) {
} elsif ($channel =~ /test(-\w+)?$/) {
} else {