
479 lines
16 KiB

* This script is used for testing XUL templates. Call test_template within
* a load event handler.
* A test should have a root node with the datasources attribute with the
* id 'root', and a few global variables defined in the test's XUL file:
* testid: the testid, used when outputting test results
* expectedOutput: e4x data containing the expected output. It can optionally
* be enclosed in an <output> element as most tests generate
* more than one node of output.
* isTreeBuilder: true for dont-build-content trees, false otherwise
* queryType: 'rdf', 'xml', etc.
* needsOpen: true for menu tests where the root menu must be opened before
* comparing results
* notWorkingYet: true if this test isn't working yet, outputs todo results
* notWorkingYetDynamic: true if the dynamic changes portion of the test
* isn't working yet, outputs todo results
* changes: an array of functions to perform in sequence to test dynamic changes
* to the datasource.
* If the <output> element has an unordered attribute set to true, the
* children within it must all appear to match, but may appear in any order.
* If the unordered attribute is not set, the children must appear in the same
* order.
* If the 'changes' array is used, it should be an array of functions. Each
* function will be called in order and a comparison of the output will be
* performed. This allows changes to be made to the datasource to ensure that
* the generated template output has been updated. Within the expected output
* e4x data, the step attribute may be set to a number on an element to
* indicate that an element only applies before or after a particular change.
* If step is set to a positive number, that element will only exist after
* that step in the list of changes made. If step is set to a negative number,
* that element will only exist until that step. Steps are numbered starting
* at 1. For example:
* <label value="Cat"/>
* <label step="2" value="Dog"/>
* <label step="-5" value="Mouse"/>
* The first element will always exist. The second element will only appear
* after the second change is made. The third element will only appear until
* the fifth change and it will no longer be present at later steps.
* If the anyid attribute is set to true on an element in the expected output,
* then the value of the id attribute on that element is not compared for a
* match. This is used, for example, for xml datasources, where the ids set on
* the generated output are pseudo-random.
const ZOO_NS = "";
const XUL_NS = "";
const debug = false;
var expectedConsoleMessages = [];
var expectLoggedMessages = null;
try {
const RDF = Components.classes[";1"].
const ContainerUtils = Components.classes[";1"].
} catch(ex) { }
var xmlDoc;
function test_template()
var root = document.getElementById("root");
var ds;
if (queryType == "rdf" && RDF) {
var ioService = Components.classes[";1"].
var src = window.location.href.replace(/test_tmpl.*xul/, "animals.rdf");
ds = RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(src);
if (expectLoggedMessages) {
if (root.getAttribute("datasources") == "rdf:null")
root.setAttribute("datasources", "animals.rdf");
else if (queryType == "xml") {
var src = window.location.href.replace(/test_tmpl.*xul/, "animals.xml");
xmlDoc = new XMLHttpRequest();"get", src, false);
// open menus if necessary
if (needsOpen) = true;
if (expectLoggedMessages)
checkResults(root, 0);
if (changes.length) {
var usedds = ds;
// within these chrome tests, RDF datasources won't be modifiable unless
// an in-memory datasource is used instead. Call copyRDFDataSource to
// copy the datasource.
if (queryType == "rdf")
usedds = copyRDFDataSource(root, ds);
if (needsOpen) = true;
setTimeout(iterateChanged, 0, root, usedds);
else {
if (needsOpen) = false;
if (expectedConsoleMessages.length)
function iterateChanged(root, ds)
for (var c = 0; c < changes.length; c++) {
changes[c](ds, root);
checkResults(root, c + 1);
if (needsOpen) = false;
if (expectedConsoleMessages.length)
function checkResults(root, step)
var output = expectedOutput.copy();
setForCurrentStep(output, step);
var error;
var actualoutput = root;
if (isTreeBuilder) {
// convert the tree's view data into the equivalent DOM structure
// for easier comparison
actualoutput = treeViewToDOM(root);
error = compareOutput(actualoutput, output.treechildren, false);
else {
error = compareOutput(actualoutput, output, true);
var adjtestid = testid;
if (step > 0)
adjtestid += " dynamic step " + step;
var stilltodo = ((step == 0 && notWorkingYet) || (step > 0 && notWorkingYetDynamic));
if (stilltodo)
todo(false, adjtestid);
ok(!error, adjtestid);
if ((!stilltodo && error) || debug) {
// for debugging, serialize the XML output
var serializedXML = "";
var rootNodes = actualoutput.childNodes;
for (var n = 0; n < rootNodes.length; n++) {
var node = rootNodes[n];
if (node.localName != "template")
serializedXML += ((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node));
// remove the XUL namespace declarations to make the output more readable
const nsrepl = new RegExp("xmlns=\"" + XUL_NS + "\" ", "g");
serializedXML = serializedXML.replace(nsrepl, "");
if (debug)
dump("-------- " + adjtestid + " " + error + ":\n" + serializedXML + "\n");
if (error)
is(serializedXML, "Same", "Error is: " + error);
* Adjust the expected output to acccount for any step attributes.
function setForCurrentStep(content, currentStep)
var todelete = [];
for each (var child in content) {
var stepstr = child.@step.toString();
var stepsarr = stepstr.split(",");
for (var s = 0; s < stepsarr.length; s++) {
var step = parseInt(stepsarr[s]);
if ((step > 0 && step > currentStep) ||
(step < 0 && -step <= currentStep)) {
// delete node using this bizarre syntax, because e4x has a non-sensical api
for (var d = 0; d < todelete.length; d++)
delete content.*[todelete[d].childIndex()];
for each (var child in content) {
delete child.@step;
setForCurrentStep(child, currentStep);
* Compares the 'actual' DOM output with the 'expected' output. This function
* is called recursively, with isroot true if actual refers to the root of the
* template. Returns a null string if they are equal and an error string if
* they are not equal. This function is called recursively as it iterates
* through each node in the DOM tree.
function compareOutput(actual, expected, isroot)
// The expected output may be enclosed in an <output> element if it contains
// several nodes. However, the <output> element may be omitted if there is
// only one node.
if (expected.localName() != "output" && isroot) {
// If there is no <output> element then only one node should have been
// generated by the template. The number of children should be one
// <template> node and one generated node.
if (actual.childNodes.length != 2)
return "incorrect child node count of root " +
(actual.childNodes.length - 1) + " expected 1";
return compareOutput(actual.lastChild, expected, false);
var t;
// compare text nodes
if (expected.nodeKind() == "text") {
if (actual.nodeValue != expected.toString())
return "Text " + actual.nodeValue + " doesn't match " + expected.toString();
return "";
if (!isroot) {
var anyid = false;
// make sure that the tags match
if (actual.localName != expected.localName())
return "Tag name " + expected.localName() + " not found";
// loop through the attributes in the expected node and compare their
// values with the corresponding attribute on the actual node
var expectedAttrs = expected.attributes();
for (var a = 0; a < expectedAttrs.length(); a++) {
var attr = expectedAttrs[a];
expectedAttrs.length(); // not having this causes a script error
var expectval = "" + attr;
// skip checking the id when anyid="true", however make sure to
// ensure that the id is actually present.
if ( == "anyid" && expectval == "true") {
anyid = true;
if (!actual.hasAttribute("id"))
return "expected id attribute";
else if (actual.getAttribute( != expectval) {
return "attribute " + + " is '" +
actual.getAttribute( + "' instead of '" + expectval + "'";
// now loop through the actual attributes and make sure that there aren't
// any extra attributes that weren't expected
var length = actual.attributes.length;
for (t = 0; t < length; t++) {
var aattr = actual.attributes[t];
var expectval = "" + expected.@[];
// ignore some attributes that don't matter
if (expectval != actual.getAttribute( && != "staticHint" && != "xmlns" &&
( != "id" || !anyid))
return "extra attribute " +;
// ensure that the node has the right number of children. Subtract one for
// the root node to account for the <template> node.
length = actual.childNodes.length - (isroot ? 1 : 0);
if (length != expected.children().length())
return "incorrect child node count of " + actual.localName + " " + length +
" expected " + expected.children().length();
// if <output unordered="true"> is used, then the child nodes may be in any order
var unordered = (expected.localName() == "output" && expected.@unordered == "true");
// next, loop over the children and call compareOutput recursively on each one
var adj = 0;
for (t = 0; t < actual.childNodes.length; t++) {
var actualnode = actual.childNodes[t];
// skip the <template> element, and add one to the indices when looking
// at the later nodes to account for it
if (isroot && actualnode.localName == "template") {
else {
var output = "unexpected";
if (unordered) {
var expectedChildren = expected.children();
for (var e = 0; e < expectedChildren.length(); e++) {
output = compareOutput(actualnode, expectedChildren[e], false);
if (!output)
else {
output = compareOutput(actualnode, expected.children()[t - adj], false);
// an error was returned, so return early
if (output)
return output;
return "";
* copy the datasource into an in-memory datasource so that it can be modified
function copyRDFDataSource(root, sourceds)
var sourceds;
var dsourcesArr = [];
var composite = root.database;
var dsources = composite.GetDataSources();
while (dsources.hasMoreElements()) {
sourceds = dsources.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
for (var d = 0; d < dsourcesArr.length; d++)
var newds = Components.classes[";1?name=in-memory-datasource"].
var sourcelist = sourceds.GetAllResources();
while (sourcelist.hasMoreElements()) {
var source = sourcelist.getNext();
var props = sourceds.ArcLabelsOut(source);
while (props.hasMoreElements()) {
var prop = props.getNext();
if (prop instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
var targets = sourceds.GetTargets(source, prop, true);
while (targets.hasMoreElements())
newds.Assert(source, prop, targets.getNext(), true);
return newds;
* Converts a tree view (nsITreeView) into the equivalent DOM tree.
* Returns the treechildren
function treeViewToDOM(tree)
var treechildren = document.createElement("treechildren");
if (tree.view)
treeViewToDOMInner(tree.columns, treechildren, tree.view, tree.builder, 0, 0);
return treechildren;
function treeViewToDOMInner(columns, treechildren, view, builder, start, level)
var end = view.rowCount;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (view.getLevel(i) < level)
return i - 1;
var id = builder ? builder.getResourceAtIndex(i).Value : "id" + i;
var item = document.createElement("treeitem");
item.setAttribute("id", id);
var row = document.createElement("treerow");
for (var c = 0; c < columns.length; c++) {
var cell = document.createElement("treecell");
var label = view.getCellText(i, columns[c]);
if (label)
cell.setAttribute("label", label);
if (view.isContainer(i)) {
item.setAttribute("container", "true");
item.setAttribute("empty", view.isContainerEmpty(i) ? "true" : "false");
if (!view.isContainerEmpty(i) && view.isContainerOpen(i)) {
item.setAttribute("open", "true");
var innertreechildren = document.createElement("treechildren");
i = treeViewToDOMInner(columns, innertreechildren, view, builder, i + 1, level + 1);
return i;
function expectConsoleMessage(ref, id, isNew, isActive, extra)
var message = "In template with id root" +
(ref ? " using ref " + ref : "") + "\n " +
(isNew ? "New " : "Removed ") + (isActive ? "active" : "inactive") +
" result for query " + extra + ": " + id;
function compareConsoleMessages()
var consoleService = Components.classes[";1"].
var out = {};
consoleService.getMessageArray(out, {});
var messages = out.value || [];
is(messages.length, expectedConsoleMessages.length, "correct number of logged messages");
for (var m = 0; m < messages.length; m++) {
is(messages[m].message, expectedConsoleMessages.shift(), "logged message " + (m + 1));
function copyToProfile(filename)
if (Cc === undefined) {
var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var loader = Cc[";1"]
var file = Cc[";1"]
.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
var parentURI = getResolvedURI(getRootDirectory(window.location.href));
if (parentURI.JARFile) {
parentURI = extractJarToTmp(parentURI);
} else {
var fileHandler = Cc[";1?name=file"].
parentURI = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(parentURI.spec);
parentURI = parentURI.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFile);
try {
var retVal = parentURI.copyToFollowingLinks(file.parent, filename);
} catch (ex) {
//ignore this error as the file could exist already