
401 lines
14 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { Ci, Cu } = require("chrome");
const Services = require("Services");
const { ActorPool, appendExtraActors, createExtraActors } = require("devtools/server/actors/common");
const { DebuggerServer } = require("devtools/server/main");
const { dumpProtocolSpec } = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const makeDebugger = require("./utils/make-debugger");
/* Root actor for the remote debugging protocol. */
* Create a remote debugging protocol root actor.
* @param aConnection
* The DebuggerServerConnection whose root actor we are constructing.
* @param aParameters
* The properties of |aParameters| provide backing objects for the root
* actor's requests; if a given property is omitted from |aParameters|, the
* root actor won't implement the corresponding requests or notifications.
* Supported properties:
* - tabList: a live list (see below) of tab actors. If present, the
* new root actor supports the 'listTabs' request, providing the live
* list's elements as its tab actors, and sending 'tabListChanged'
* notifications when the live list's contents change. One actor in
* this list must have a true '.selected' property.
* - addonList: a live list (see below) of addon actors. If present, the
* new root actor supports the 'listAddons' request, providing the live
* list's elements as its addon actors, and sending 'addonListchanged'
* notifications when the live list's contents change.
* - globalActorFactories: an object |A| describing further actors to
* attach to the 'listTabs' reply. This is the type accumulated by
* DebuggerServer.addGlobalActor. For each own property |P| of |A|,
* the root actor adds a property named |P| to the 'listTabs'
* reply whose value is the name of an actor constructed by
* |A[P]|.
* - onShutdown: a function to call when the root actor is disconnected.
* Instance properties:
* - applicationType: the string the root actor will include as the
* "applicationType" property in the greeting packet. By default, this
* is "browser".
* Live lists:
* A "live list", as used for the |tabList|, is an object that presents a
* list of actors, and also notifies its clients of changes to the list. A
* live list's interface is two properties:
* - getList: a method that returns a promise to the contents of the list.
* - onListChanged: a handler called, with no arguments, when the set of
* values the iterator would produce has changed since the last
* time 'iterator' was called. This may only be set to null or a
* callable value (one for which the typeof operator returns
* 'function'). (Note that the live list will not call the
* onListChanged handler until the list has been iterated over
* once; if nobody's seen the list in the first place, nobody
* should care if its contents have changed!)
* When the list changes, the list implementation should ensure that any
* actors yielded in previous iterations whose referents (tabs) still exist
* get yielded again in subsequent iterations. If the underlying referent
* is the same, the same actor should be presented for it.
* The root actor registers an 'onListChanged' handler on the appropriate
* list when it may need to send the client 'tabListChanged' notifications,
* and is careful to remove the handler whenever it does not need to send
* such notifications (including when it is disconnected). This means that
* live list implementations can use the state of the handler property (set
* or null) to install and remove observers and event listeners.
* Note that, as the only way for the root actor to see the members of the
* live list is to begin an iteration over the list, the live list need not
* actually produce any actors until they are reached in the course of
* iteration: alliterative lazy live lists.
function RootActor(aConnection, aParameters) {
this.conn = aConnection;
this._parameters = aParameters;
this._onTabListChanged = this.onTabListChanged.bind(this);
this._onAddonListChanged = this.onAddonListChanged.bind(this);
this._extraActors = {};
// This creates a Debugger instance for chrome debugging all globals.
this.makeDebugger = makeDebugger.bind(null, {
findDebuggees: dbg => dbg.findAllGlobals(),
shouldAddNewGlobalAsDebuggee: () => true
RootActor.prototype = {
constructor: RootActor,
applicationType: "browser",
traits: {
sources: true,
editOuterHTML: true,
// Whether the server-side highlighter actor exists and can be used to
// remotely highlight nodes (see server/actors/highlighter.js)
highlightable: true,
// Which custom highlighter does the server-side highlighter actor supports?
// (see server/actors/highlighter.js)
customHighlighters: [
// Whether the inspector actor implements the getImageDataFromURL
// method that returns data-uris for image URLs. This is used for image
// tooltips for instance
urlToImageDataResolver: true,
networkMonitor: true,
// Whether the storage inspector actor to inspect cookies, etc.
storageInspector: true,
// Whether storage inspector is read only
storageInspectorReadOnly: true,
// Whether conditional breakpoints are supported
conditionalBreakpoints: true,
bulk: true,
// Whether the style rule actor implements the modifySelector method
// that modifies the rule's selector
selectorEditable: true,
// Whether the page style actor implements the addNewRule method that
// adds new rules to the page
addNewRule: true
* Return a 'hello' packet as specified by the Remote Debugging Protocol.
sayHello: function() {
return {
from: this.actorID,
applicationType: this.applicationType,
/* This is not in the spec, but it's used by tests. */
testConnectionPrefix: this.conn.prefix,
traits: this.traits
* This is true for the root actor only, used by some child actors
get isRootActor() true,
* The (chrome) window, for use by child actors
get window() isWorker ? null : Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(DebuggerServer.chromeWindowType),
* The list of all windows
get windows() {
return => {
return docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
* URL of the chrome window.
get url() { return this.window ? this.window.document.location.href : null; },
* The top level window's docshell
get docShell() {
return this.window
* The list of all docshells
get docShells() {
let docShellsEnum = this.docShell.getDocShellEnumerator(
let docShells = [];
while (docShellsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
return docShells;
* Getter for the best nsIWebProgress for to watching this window.
get webProgress() {
return this.docShell
* Disconnects the actor from the browser window.
disconnect: function() {
/* Tell the live lists we aren't watching any more. */
if (this._parameters.tabList) {
this._parameters.tabList.onListChanged = null;
if (this._parameters.addonList) {
this._parameters.addonList.onListChanged = null;
if (typeof this._parameters.onShutdown === 'function') {
this._extraActors = null;
/* The 'listTabs' request and the 'tabListChanged' notification. */
* Handles the listTabs request. The actors will survive until at least
* the next listTabs request.
onListTabs: function() {
let tabList = this._parameters.tabList;
if (!tabList) {
return { from: this.actorID, error: "noTabs",
message: "This root actor has no browser tabs." };
* Walk the tab list, accumulating the array of tab actors for the
* reply, and moving all the actors to a new ActorPool. We'll
* replace the old tab actor pool with the one we build here, thus
* retiring any actors that didn't get listed again, and preparing any
* new actors to receive packets.
let newActorPool = new ActorPool(this.conn);
let tabActorList = [];
let selected;
return tabList.getList().then((tabActors) => {
for (let tabActor of tabActors) {
if (tabActor.selected) {
selected = tabActorList.length;
tabActor.parentID = this.actorID;
/* DebuggerServer.addGlobalActor support: create actors. */
if (!this._globalActorPool) {
this._globalActorPool = new ActorPool(this.conn);
this._createExtraActors(this._parameters.globalActorFactories, this._globalActorPool);
* Drop the old actorID -> actor map. Actors that still mattered were
* added to the new map; others will go away.
if (this._tabActorPool) {
this._tabActorPool = newActorPool;
let reply = {
"from": this.actorID,
"selected": selected || 0,
"tabs": [actor.form() for (actor of tabActorList)],
/* If a root window is accessible, include its URL. */
if (this.url) {
reply.url = this.url;
/* DebuggerServer.addGlobalActor support: name actors in 'listTabs' reply. */
* Now that we're actually going to report the contents of tabList to
* the client, we're responsible for letting the client know if it
* changes.
tabList.onListChanged = this._onTabListChanged;
return reply;
onTabListChanged: function () {
this.conn.send({ from: this.actorID, type:"tabListChanged" });
/* It's a one-shot notification; no need to watch any more. */
this._parameters.tabList.onListChanged = null;
onListAddons: function () {
let addonList = this._parameters.addonList;
if (!addonList) {
return { from: this.actorID, error: "noAddons",
message: "This root actor has no browser addons." };
return addonList.getList().then((addonActors) => {
let addonActorPool = new ActorPool(this.conn);
for (let addonActor of addonActors) {
if (this._addonActorPool) {
this._addonActorPool = addonActorPool;
addonList.onListChanged = this._onAddonListChanged;
return {
"from": this.actorID,
"addons": [addonActor.form() for (addonActor of addonActors)]
onAddonListChanged: function () {
this.conn.send({ from: this.actorID, type: "addonListChanged" });
this._parameters.addonList.onListChanged = null;
/* This is not in the spec, but it's used by tests. */
onEcho: function (aRequest) {
* Request packets are frozen. Copy aRequest, so that
* DebuggerServerConnection.onPacket can attach a 'from' property.
return Cu.cloneInto(aRequest, {});
onProtocolDescription: dumpProtocolSpec,
/* Support for DebuggerServer.addGlobalActor. */
_createExtraActors: createExtraActors,
_appendExtraActors: appendExtraActors,
/* ThreadActor hooks. */
* Prepare to enter a nested event loop by disabling debuggee events.
preNest: function() {
// Disable events in all open windows.
let e = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
let win = e.getNext();
let windowUtils = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
* Prepare to exit a nested event loop by enabling debuggee events.
postNest: function(aNestData) {
// Enable events in all open windows.
let e = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
let win = e.getNext();
let windowUtils = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
RootActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"listTabs": RootActor.prototype.onListTabs,
"listAddons": RootActor.prototype.onListAddons,
"echo": RootActor.prototype.onEcho,
"protocolDescription": RootActor.prototype.onProtocolDescription
exports.RootActor = RootActor;