
1274 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
let Promise = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm").Promise;
let telephony;
let conference;
const kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled = "ril.debugging.enabled";
* Emulator helper.
let emulator = (function() {
let pendingCmdCount = 0;
let originalRunEmulatorCmd = runEmulatorCmd;
let pendingShellCount = 0;
let originalRunEmulatorShell = runEmulatorShell;
// Overwritten it so people could not call this function directly.
runEmulatorCmd = function() {
throw "Use emulator.runCmdWithCallback(cmd, callback) instead of runEmulatorCmd";
// Overwritten it so people could not call this function directly.
runEmulatorShell = function() {
throw "Use emulator.runShellCmd(cmd, callback) instead of runEmulatorShell";
function runCmd(cmd) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
originalRunEmulatorCmd(cmd, function(result) {
if (result[result.length - 1] === "OK") {
} else {
is(result[result.length - 1], "OK", "emulator command result.");
return deferred.promise;
function runCmdWithCallback(cmd, callback) {
runCmd(cmd).then(result => {
if (callback && typeof callback === "function") {
* @return Promise
function runShellCmd(aCommands) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
originalRunEmulatorShell(aCommands, function(aResult) {
return deferred.promise;
* @return Promise
function waitFinish() {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
waitFor(function() {
}, function() {
return pendingCmdCount === 0 && pendingShellCount === 0;
return deferred.promise;
return {
runCmd: runCmd,
runCmdWithCallback: runCmdWithCallback,
runShellCmd: runShellCmd,
waitFinish: waitFinish
* Telephony related helper functions.
(function() {
* @return Promise
function delay(ms) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let startTime =;
waitFor(function() {
},function() {
let duration = - startTime;
return (duration >= ms);
return deferred.promise;
* @return Promise
function waitForNoCall() {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
waitFor(function() {
}, function() {
return telephony.calls.length === 0;
return deferred.promise;
* @return Promise
function clearCalls() {
log("Clear existing calls.");
// Hang up all calls.
let hangUpPromises = [];
for (let call of telephony.calls) {
log(".. hangUp " +;
for (let call of conference.calls) {
log(".. hangUp " +;
return Promise.all(hangUpPromises)
.then(() => {
return emulator.runCmd("gsm clear").then(waitForNoCall);
* Provide a string with format of the emulator call list result.
* @param prefix
* Possible values are "outbound" and "inbound".
* @param number
* Call number.
* @return A string with format of the emulator call list result.
function callStrPool(prefix, number) {
let padding = " : ";
let numberInfo = prefix + number + padding.substr(number.length);
let info = {};
let states = ['ringing', 'incoming', 'active', 'held'];
for (let state of states) {
info[state] = numberInfo + state;
return info;
* Provide a corresponding string of an outgoing call. The string is with
* format of the emulator call list result.
* @param number
* Number of an outgoing call.
* @return A string with format of the emulator call list result.
function outCallStrPool(number) {
return callStrPool("outbound to ", number);
* Provide a corresponding string of an incoming call. The string is with
* format of the emulator call list result.
* @param number
* Number of an incoming call.
* @return A string with format of the emulator call list result.
function inCallStrPool(number) {
return callStrPool("inbound from ", number);
* Check utility functions.
function checkInitialState() {
log("Verify initial state.");
ok(telephony.calls, '');
checkTelephonyActiveAndCalls(null, []);
ok(conference.calls, 'conference.calls');
checkConferenceStateAndCalls('', []);
* Convenient helper to compare a TelephonyCall and a received call event.
function checkEventCallState(event, call, state) {
is(call,, "");
is(call.state, state, "call state");
* Convenient helper to check and mozTelephony.calls.
function checkTelephonyActiveAndCalls(active, calls) {
is(, active, "");
is(telephony.calls.length, calls.length, "telephony.calls");
for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; ++i) {
is(telephony.calls[i], calls[i]);
* Convenient helper to check mozTelephony.conferenceGroup.state and
* .conferenceGroup.calls.
function checkConferenceStateAndCalls(state, calls) {
is(conference.state, state, "conference.state");
is(conference.calls.length, calls.length, "conference.calls");
for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) {
is(conference.calls[i], calls[i]);
* Convenient helper to handle *.oncallschanged event.
* @param container
* Representation of "mozTelephony" or "mozTelephony.conferenceGroup."
* @param containerName
* Name of container. Could be an arbitrary string, used for debug
* messages only.
* @param expectedCalls
* An array of calls.
* @param callback
* A callback function.
function check_oncallschanged(container, containerName, expectedCalls,
callback) {
container.oncallschanged = function(event) {
log("Received 'callschanged' event for the " + containerName);
if ( {
let index = expectedCalls.indexOf(;
ok(index != -1);
expectedCalls.splice(index, 1);
if (expectedCalls.length === 0) {
container.oncallschanged = null;
* Convenient helper to handle *.ongroupchange event.
* @param call
* A TelephonyCall object.
* @param callName
* Name of a call. Could be an arbitrary string, used for debug messages
* only.
* @param group
* Representation of mozTelephony.conferenceGroup.
* @param callback
* A callback function.
function check_ongroupchange(call, callName, group, callback) {
call.ongroupchange = function(event) {
log("Received 'groupchange' event for the " + callName);
call.ongroupchange = null;
is(, group);
* Convenient helper to handle *.onstatechange event.
* @param container
* Representation of a TelephonyCall or mozTelephony.conferenceGroup.
* @param containerName
* Name of container. Could be an arbitrary string, used for debug messages
* only.
* @param state
* A string.
* @param callback
* A callback function.
function check_onstatechange(container, containerName, state, callback) {
container.onstatechange = function(event) {
log("Received 'statechange' event for the " + containerName);
container.onstatechange = null;
is(container.state, state);
* Convenient helper to check the sequence of call state and event handlers.
* @param state
* A string of the expected call state.
* @param previousEvent
* A string of the event that should come before the expected state.
function StateEventChecker(state, previousEvent) {
let event = 'on' + state;
return function(call, callName, callback) {
call[event] = function() {
log("Received '" + state + "' event for the " + callName);
call[event] = null;
if (previousEvent) {
// We always clear the event handler when the event is received.
// Therefore, if the corresponding handler is not existed, the expected
// previous event has been already received.
is(call.state, state);
* Convenient helper to check the expected call number and name.
* @param number
* A string sent to modem.
* @param numberPresentation
* An unsigned short integer sent to modem.
* @param name
* A string sent to modem.
* @param namePresentation
* An unsigned short integer sent to modem.
* @param receivedNumber
* A string exposed by Telephony API.
* @param receivedName
* A string exposed by Telephony API.
function checkCallId(number, numberPresentation, name, namePresentation,
receivedNumber, receivedName) {
let expectedNum = !numberPresentation ? number : "";
is(receivedNumber, expectedNum, "check number per numberPresentation");
let expectedName;
if (numberPresentation) {
expectedName = "";
} else if (!namePresentation) {
expectedName = name ? name : "";
} else {
expectedName = "";
is(receivedName, expectedName, "check name per number/namePresentation");
* Convenient helper to check the call list existing in the emulator.
* @param expectedCallList
* An array of call info with the format of "callStrPool()[state]".
* @return A deferred promise.
function checkEmulatorCallList(expectedCallList) {
return emulator.runCmd("gsm list").then(result => {
log("Call list is now: " + result);
for (let i = 0; i < expectedCallList.length; ++i) {
is(result[i], expectedCallList[i], "emulator calllist");
* Super convenient helper to check calls and state of mozTelephony and
* mozTelephony.conferenceGroup.
* @param active
* A TelephonyCall object. Should be the expected active call.
* @param calls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects. Should be the expected list of
* mozTelephony.calls.
* @param conferenceState
* A string. Should be the expected conference state.
* @param conferenceCalls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects. Should be the expected list of
* mozTelephony.conferenceGroup.calls.
function checkState(active, calls, conferenceState, conferenceCalls) {
checkTelephonyActiveAndCalls(active, calls);
checkConferenceStateAndCalls(conferenceState, conferenceCalls);
* Super convenient helper to check calls and state of mozTelephony and
* mozTelephony.conferenceGroup as well as the calls existing in the emulator.
* @param active
* A TelephonyCall object. Should be the expected active call.
* @param calls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects. Should be the expected list of
* mozTelephony.calls.
* @param conferenceState
* A string. Should be the expected conference state.
* @param conferenceCalls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects. Should be the expected list of
* mozTelephony.conferenceGroup.calls.
* @param callList
* An array of call info with the format of "callStrPool()[state]".
* @return A deferred promise.
function checkAll(active, calls, conferenceState, conferenceCalls, callList) {
checkState(active, calls, conferenceState, conferenceCalls);
return checkEmulatorCallList(callList);
* Request utility functions.
* Make sure there's no pending event before we jump to the next action.
* @param received
* A string of the received event.
* @param pending
* An array of the pending events.
* @param nextAction
* A callback function that is called when there's no pending event.
function receivedPending(received, pending, nextAction) {
let index = pending.indexOf(received);
if (index != -1) {
pending.splice(index, 1);
if (pending.length === 0) {
* Make an outgoing call.
* @param number
* A string.
* @param serviceId [optional]
* Identification of a service. 0 is set as default.
* @return A deferred promise.
function dial(number, serviceId) {
serviceId = typeof serviceId !== "undefined" ? serviceId : 0;
log("Make an outgoing call: " + number + ", serviceId: " + serviceId);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
telephony.dial(number, serviceId).then(call => {
is(, number);
is(call.state, "dialing");
is(call.serviceId, serviceId);
call.onalerting = function onalerting(event) {
call.onalerting = null;
log("Received 'onalerting' call event.");
checkEventCallState(event, call, "alerting");
}, cause => {
return deferred.promise;
* Answer an incoming call.
* @param call
* An incoming TelephonyCall object.
* @param conferenceStateChangeCallback [optional]
* A callback function which is called if answering an incoming call
* triggers conference state change.
* @return A deferred promise.
function answer(call, conferenceStateChangeCallback) {
log("Answering the incoming call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let done = function() {
let pending = ["call.onconnected"];
let receive = function(name) {
receivedPending(name, pending, done);
// When there's already a connected conference call, answering a new incoming
// call triggers conference state change. We should wait for
// |conference.onstatechange| before checking the state of the conference call.
if (conference.state === "connected") {
check_onstatechange(conference, "conference", "held", function() {
if (typeof conferenceStateChangeCallback === "function") {
call.onconnecting = function onconnectingIn(event) {
log("Received 'connecting' call event for incoming call.");
call.onconnecting = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "connecting");
call.onconnected = function onconnectedIn(event) {
log("Received 'connected' call event for incoming call.");
call.onconnected = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "connected");
return deferred.promise;
* Hold a call.
* @param call
* A TelephonyCall object.
* @return A deferred promise.
function hold(call) {
log("Putting the call on hold.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let gotHolding = false;
call.onholding = function onholding(event) {
log("Received 'holding' call event");
call.onholding = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "holding");
gotHolding = true;
call.onheld = function onheld(event) {
log("Received 'held' call event");
call.onheld = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "held");
return deferred.promise;
* Locally hang up a call.
* @param call
* A TelephonyCall object.
* @return A deferred promise.
function hangUp(call) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
call.ondisconnected = function(event) {
log("Received 'disconnected' call event");
call.ondisconnected = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "disconnected");
return deferred.promise;
* Simulate an incoming call.
* @param number
* A string.
* @param numberPresentation [optional]
* An unsigned short integer.
* @param name [optional]
* A string.
* @param namePresentation [optional]
* An unsigned short integer.
* @return A deferred promise.
function remoteDial(number, numberPresentation, name, namePresentation) {
log("Simulating an incoming call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
telephony.onincoming = function onincoming(event) {
log("Received 'incoming' call event.");
telephony.onincoming = null;
let call =;
is(call.state, "incoming");
checkCallId(number, numberPresentation, name, namePresentation,,;
numberPresentation = numberPresentation || "";
name = name || "";
namePresentation = namePresentation || "";
emulator.runCmd("gsm call " + number + "," + numberPresentation + "," + name +
"," + namePresentation);
return deferred.promise;
* Remote party answers the call.
* @param call
* A TelephonyCall object.
* @return A deferred promise.
function remoteAnswer(call) {
log("Remote answering the call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
call.onconnected = function onconnected(event) {
log("Received 'connected' call event.");
call.onconnected = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "connected");
emulator.runCmd("gsm accept " +;
return deferred.promise;
* Remote party hangs up the call.
* @param call
* A TelephonyCall object.
* @return A deferred promise.
function remoteHangUp(call) {
log("Remote hanging up the call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
call.ondisconnected = function ondisconnected(event) {
log("Received 'disconnected' call event.");
call.ondisconnected = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "disconnected");
emulator.runCmd("gsm cancel " +;
return deferred.promise;
* Remote party hangs up all the calls.
* @param calls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects.
* @return A deferred promise.
function remoteHangUpCalls(calls) {
let promise = Promise.resolve();
for (let call of calls) {
promise = promise.then(remoteHangUp.bind(null, call));
return promise;
* Add calls to conference.
* @param callsToAdd
* An array of TelephonyCall objects to be added into conference. The
* length of the array should be 1 or 2.
* @param connectedCallback [optional]
* A callback function which is called when conference state becomes
* connected.
* @param twice [optional]
* To send conference request twice. It is only used for special test.
* @return A deferred promise.
function addCallsToConference(callsToAdd, connectedCallback, twice) {
log("Add " + callsToAdd.length + " calls into conference.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let done = function() {
let pending = ["conference.oncallschanged", "conference.onconnected"];
let receive = function(name) {
receivedPending(name, pending, done);
let check_onconnected = StateEventChecker('connected', 'onresuming');
for (let call of callsToAdd) {
let callName = "callToAdd (" + + ')';
let ongroupchange = callName + ".ongroupchange";
check_ongroupchange(call, callName, conference,
receive.bind(null, ongroupchange));
let onstatechange = callName + ".onstatechange";
check_onstatechange(call, callName, 'connected',
receive.bind(null, onstatechange));
check_oncallschanged(conference, 'conference', callsToAdd,
receive.bind(null, "conference.oncallschanged"));
check_onconnected(conference, "conference", function() {
if (typeof connectedCallback === 'function') {
// Cannot use apply() through webidl, so just separate the cases to handle.
let requestCount = twice ? 2 : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < requestCount; ++i) {
if (callsToAdd.length == 2) {
conference.add(callsToAdd[0], callsToAdd[1]);
} else {
return deferred.promise;
* Hold the conference.
* @param calls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects existing in conference.
* @param heldCallback [optional]
* A callback function which is called when conference state becomes
* held.
* @return A deferred promise.
function holdConference(calls, heldCallback) {
log("Holding the conference call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let done = function() {
let pending = ["conference.onholding", "conference.onheld"];
let receive = function(name) {
receivedPending(name, pending, done);
let check_onholding = StateEventChecker('holding', null);
let check_onheld = StateEventChecker('held', 'onholding');
for (let call of calls) {
let callName = "call (" + + ')';
let onholding = callName + ".onholding";
check_onholding(call, callName, receive.bind(null, onholding));
let onheld = callName + ".onheld";
check_onheld(call, callName, receive.bind(null, onheld));
check_onholding(conference, "conference",
receive.bind(null, "conference.onholding"));
check_onheld(conference, "conference", function() {
if (typeof heldCallback === 'function') {
return deferred.promise;
* Resume the conference.
* @param calls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects existing in conference.
* @param connectedCallback [optional]
* A callback function which is called when conference state becomes
* connected.
* @return A deferred promise.
function resumeConference(calls, connectedCallback) {
log("Resuming the held conference call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let done = function() {
let pending = ["conference.onresuming", "conference.onconnected"];
let receive = function(name) {
receivedPending(name, pending, done);
let check_onresuming = StateEventChecker('resuming', null);
let check_onconnected = StateEventChecker('connected', 'onresuming');
for (let call of calls) {
let callName = "call (" + + ')';
let onresuming = callName + ".onresuming";
check_onresuming(call, callName, receive.bind(null, onresuming));
let onconnected = callName + ".onconnected";
check_onconnected(call, callName, receive.bind(null, onconnected));
check_onresuming(conference, "conference",
receive.bind(null, "conference.onresuming"));
check_onconnected(conference, "conference", function() {
if (typeof connectedCallback === 'function') {
return deferred.promise;
* Remove a call out of conference.
* @param callToRemove
* A TelephonyCall object existing in conference.
* @param autoRemovedCalls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects which is going to be automatically
* removed. The length of the array should be 0 or 1.
* @param remainedCalls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects which remain in conference.
* @param stateChangeCallback [optional]
* A callback function which is called when conference state changes.
* @return A deferred promise.
function removeCallInConference(callToRemove, autoRemovedCalls, remainedCalls,
statechangeCallback) {
log("Removing a participant from the conference call.");
is(conference.state, 'connected');
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let done = function() {
let pending = ["callToRemove.ongroupchange", "telephony.oncallschanged",
"conference.oncallschanged", "conference.onstatechange"];
let receive = function(name) {
receivedPending(name, pending, done);
// Remained call in conference will be held.
for (let call of remainedCalls) {
let callName = "remainedCall (" + + ')';
let onstatechange = callName + ".onstatechange";
check_onstatechange(call, callName, 'held',
receive.bind(null, onstatechange));
// When a call is removed from conference with 2 calls, another one will be
// automatically removed from group and be put on hold.
for (let call of autoRemovedCalls) {
let callName = "autoRemovedCall (" + + ')';
let ongroupchange = callName + ".ongroupchange";
check_ongroupchange(call, callName, null,
receive.bind(null, ongroupchange));
let onstatechange = callName + ".onstatechange";
check_onstatechange(call, callName, 'held',
receive.bind(null, onstatechange));
check_ongroupchange(callToRemove, "callToRemove", null, function() {
is(callToRemove.state, 'connected');
check_oncallschanged(telephony, 'telephony',
receive.bind(null, "telephony.oncallschanged"));
check_oncallschanged(conference, 'conference',
autoRemovedCalls.concat(callToRemove), function() {
is(conference.calls.length, remainedCalls.length);
check_onstatechange(conference, 'conference',
(remainedCalls.length ? 'held' : ''), function() {
if (typeof statechangeCallback === 'function') {
return deferred.promise;
* Hangup a call in conference.
* @param callToHangUp
* A TelephonyCall object existing in conference.
* @param autoRemovedCalls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects which is going to be automatically
* removed. The length of the array should be 0 or 1.
* @param remainedCalls
* An array of TelephonyCall objects which remain in conference.
* @param stateChangeCallback [optional]
* A callback function which is called when conference state changes.
* @return A deferred promise.
function hangUpCallInConference(callToHangUp, autoRemovedCalls, remainedCalls,
statechangeCallback) {
log("Release one call in conference.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let done = function() {
let pending = ["conference.oncallschanged", "remoteHangUp"];
let receive = function(name) {
receivedPending(name, pending, done);
// When a call is hang up from conference with 2 calls, another one will be
// automatically removed from group.
for (let call of autoRemovedCalls) {
let callName = "autoRemovedCall (" + + ')';
let ongroupchange = callName + ".ongroupchange";
check_ongroupchange(call, callName, null,
receive.bind(null, ongroupchange));
if (autoRemovedCalls.length) {
check_oncallschanged(telephony, 'telephony',
receive.bind(null, "telephony.oncallschanged"));
check_oncallschanged(conference, 'conference',
autoRemovedCalls.concat(callToHangUp), function() {
is(conference.calls.length, remainedCalls.length);
if (remainedCalls.length === 0) {
check_onstatechange(conference, 'conference', '', function() {
if (typeof statechangeCallback === 'function') {
.then(receive.bind(null, "remoteHangUp"));
return deferred.promise;
* Create a conference with an outgoing call and an incoming call.
* @param outNumber
* Number of an outgoing call.
* @param inNumber
* Number of an incoming call.
* @return Promise<[outCall, inCall]>
function createConferenceWithTwoCalls(outNumber, inNumber) {
let outCall;
let inCall;
let outInfo = outCallStrPool(outNumber);
let inInfo = inCallStrPool(inNumber);
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => dial(outNumber))
.then(call => { outCall = call; })
.then(() => checkAll(outCall, [outCall], '', [], [outInfo.ringing]))
.then(() => remoteAnswer(outCall))
.then(() => checkAll(outCall, [outCall], '', [], []))
.then(() => remoteDial(inNumber))
.then(call => { inCall = call; })
.then(() => checkAll(outCall, [outCall, inCall], '', [],
[, inInfo.incoming]))
.then(() => answer(inCall))
.then(() => checkAll(inCall, [outCall, inCall], '', [],
.then(() => addCallsToConference([outCall, inCall], function() {
checkState(conference, [], 'connected', [outCall, inCall]);
.then(() => checkAll(conference, [], 'connected', [outCall, inCall],
.then(() => {
return [outCall, inCall];
* Create a new incoming call and add it into the conference.
* @param inNumber
* Number of an incoming call.
* @param conferenceCalls
* Calls already in conference.
* @return Promise<[calls in the conference]>
function createCallAndAddToConference(inNumber, conferenceCalls) {
// Create an info array. allInfo = [info1, info2, ...].
let allInfo =, i) {
return (i === 0) ? outCallStrPool(
: inCallStrPool(;
// Define state property of the info array.
// Ex: = [,, ...].
function addInfoState(allInfo, state) {
Object.defineProperty(allInfo, state, {
get: function() {
return { return info[state]; });
for (let state of ['ringing', 'incoming', 'active', 'held']) {
addInfoState(allInfo, state);
let newCall;
let newInfo = inCallStrPool(inNumber);
return remoteDial(inNumber)
.then(call => { newCall = call; })
.then(() => checkAll(conference, [newCall], 'connected', conferenceCalls,
.then(() => answer(newCall, function() {
checkState(newCall, [newCall], 'held', conferenceCalls);
.then(() => checkAll(newCall, [newCall], 'held', conferenceCalls,
.then(() => {
// We are going to add the new call into the conference.
.then(() => addCallsToConference([newCall], function() {
checkState(conference, [], 'connected', conferenceCalls);
.then(() => checkAll(conference, [], 'connected', conferenceCalls,
.then(() => {
return conferenceCalls;
* Setup a conference with an outgoing call and N incoming calls.
* @param callNumbers
* Array of numbers, the first number is for outgoing call and the
* remaining numbers are for incoming calls.
* @return Promise<[calls in the conference]>
function setupConference(callNumbers) {
log("Create a conference with " + callNumbers.length + " calls.");
let promise = createConferenceWithTwoCalls(callNumbers[0], callNumbers[1]);
for (let number of callNumbers) {
promise = promise.then(createCallAndAddToConference.bind(null, number));
return promise;
* Public members.
this.gDelay = delay;
this.gCheckInitialState = checkInitialState;
this.gClearCalls = clearCalls;
this.gOutCallStrPool = outCallStrPool;
this.gInCallStrPool = inCallStrPool;
this.gCheckState = checkState;
this.gCheckAll = checkAll;
this.gDial = dial;
this.gAnswer = answer;
this.gHangUp = hangUp;
this.gHold = hold;
this.gRemoteDial = remoteDial;
this.gRemoteAnswer = remoteAnswer;
this.gRemoteHangUp = remoteHangUp;
this.gRemoteHangUpCalls = remoteHangUpCalls;
this.gAddCallsToConference = addCallsToConference;
this.gHoldConference = holdConference;
this.gResumeConference = resumeConference;
this.gRemoveCallInConference = removeCallInConference;
this.gHangUpCallInConference = hangUpCallInConference;
this.gSetupConference = setupConference;
this.gReceivedPending = receivedPending;
function _startTest(permissions, test) {
function permissionSetUp() {
SpecialPowers.setBoolPref("dom.mozSettings.enabled", true);
for (let per of permissions) {
SpecialPowers.addPermission(per, true, document);
function permissionTearDown() {
for (let per of permissions) {
SpecialPowers.removePermission(per, document);
let debugPref;
function setUp() {
log("== Test SetUp ==");
// Turn on debugging pref.
debugPref = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref(kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled);
SpecialPowers.setBoolPref(kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled, true);
log("Set debugging pref: " + debugPref + " => true");
// Make sure that we get the telephony after adding permission.
telephony = window.navigator.mozTelephony;
conference = telephony.conferenceGroup;
return gClearCalls().then(gCheckInitialState);
// Extend finish() with tear down.
finish = (function() {
let originalFinish = finish;
function tearDown() {
log("== Test TearDown ==");
.then(() => {
// Restore debugging pref.
SpecialPowers.setBoolPref(kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled, debugPref);
log("Set debugging pref: true => " + debugPref);
.then(function() {
originalFinish.apply(this, arguments);
return tearDown.bind(this);
function mainTest() {
.then(function onSuccess() {
log("== Test Start ==");
}, function onError(error) {
ok(false, "SetUp error");
function startTest(test) {
_startTest(["telephony"], test);
function startTestWithPermissions(permissions, test) {
_startTest(permissions.concat("telephony"), test);
function startDSDSTest(test) {
let numRIL;
try {
numRIL = SpecialPowers.getIntPref("ril.numRadioInterfaces");
} catch (ex) {
numRIL = 1; // Pref not set.
if (numRIL > 1) {
} else {
log("Not a DSDS environment. Test is skipped.");
ok(true); // We should run at least one test.