import, pymake.parser, pymake.parserdata, pymake.functions import unittest import logging from cStringIO import StringIO def multitest(cls): for name in cls.testdata.iterkeys(): def m(self, name=name): return self.runSingle(*self.testdata[name]) setattr(cls, 'test_%s' % name, m) return cls class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): def assertEqual(self, a, b, msg=""): """Actually print the values which weren't equal, if things don't work out!""" unittest.TestCase.assertEqual(self, a, b, "%s got %r expected %r" % (msg, a, b)) class DataTest(TestBase): testdata = { 'oneline': ("He\tllo", "f", 1, 0, ((0, "f", 1, 0), (2, "f", 1, 2), (3, "f", 1, 4))), 'twoline': ("line1 \n\tl\tine2", "f", 1, 4, ((0, "f", 1, 4), (5, "f", 1, 9), (6, "f", 1, 10), (7, "f", 2, 0), (8, "f", 2, 4), (10, "f", 2, 8), (13, "f", 2, 11))), } def runSingle(self, data, filename, line, col, results): d = pymake.parser.Data(data, 0, len(data), pymake.parserdata.Location(filename, line, col)) for pos, file, lineno, col in results: loc = d.getloc(pos) self.assertEqual(loc.path, file, "data file offset %i" % pos) self.assertEqual(loc.line, lineno, "data line offset %i" % pos) self.assertEqual(loc.column, col, "data col offset %i" % pos) multitest(DataTest) class LineEnumeratorTest(TestBase): testdata = { 'simple': ( 'Hello, world', [ ('Hello, world', 1), ] ), 'multi': ( 'Hello\nhappy \n\nworld\n', [ ('Hello', 1), ('happy ', 2), ('', 3), ('world', 4), ('', 5), ] ), 'continuation': ( 'Hello, \\\n world\nJellybeans!', [ ('Hello, \\\n world', 1), ('Jellybeans!', 3), ] ), 'multislash': ( 'Hello, \\\\\n world', [ ('Hello, \\\\', 1), (' world', 2), ] ) } def runSingle(self, s, lines): gotlines = [(d.s[d.lstart:d.lend], d.loc.line) for d in pymake.parser.enumeratelines(s, 'path')] self.assertEqual(gotlines, lines) multitest(LineEnumeratorTest) class IterTest(TestBase): testdata = { 'plaindata': ( pymake.parser.iterdata, "plaindata # test\n", "plaindata # test\n" ), 'makecomment': ( pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, "VAR = val # comment", "VAR = val " ), 'makeescapedcomment': ( pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, "VAR = val \# escaped hash", "VAR = val # escaped hash" ), 'makeescapedslash': ( pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, "VAR = val\\\\", "VAR = val\\\\", ), 'makecontinuation': ( pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, "VAR = VAL \\\n continuation # comment \\\n continuation", "VAR = VAL continuation " ), 'makecontinuation2': ( pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, "VAR = VAL \\ \\\n continuation", "VAR = VAL \\ continuation" ), 'makeawful': ( pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, "VAR = VAL \\\\# comment\n", "VAR = VAL \\" ), 'command': ( pymake.parser.itercommandchars, "echo boo # comment", "echo boo # comment", ), 'commandcomment': ( pymake.parser.itercommandchars, "echo boo \# comment", "echo boo \# comment", ), 'commandcontinue': ( pymake.parser.itercommandchars, "echo boo # \\\n\t command 2", "echo boo # \\\n command 2" ), } def runSingle(self, ifunc, idata, expected): d = pymake.parser.Data.fromstring(idata, 'IterTest data') it = pymake.parser._alltokens.finditer(d.s, 0, d.lend) actual = ''.join( [c for c, t, o, oo in ifunc(d, 0, ('dummy-token',), it)] ) self.assertEqual(actual, expected) if ifunc == pymake.parser.itermakefilechars: print "testing %r" % expected self.assertEqual(pymake.parser.flattenmakesyntax(d, 0), expected) multitest(IterTest) # 'define': ( # pymake.parser.iterdefinechars, # "endef", # "" # ), # 'definenesting': ( # pymake.parser.iterdefinechars, # """define BAR # comment #random text #endef not what you think! #endef # comment is ok\n""", # """define BAR # comment #random text #endef not what you think!""" # ), # 'defineescaped': ( # pymake.parser.iterdefinechars, # """value \\ #endef #endef\n""", # "value endef" # ), class MakeSyntaxTest(TestBase): # (string, startat, stopat, stopoffset, expansion testdata = { 'text': ('hello world', 0, (), None, ['hello world']), 'singlechar': ('hello $W', 0, (), None, ['hello ', {'type': 'VariableRef', '.vname': ['W']} ]), 'stopat': ('hello: world', 0, (':', '='), 6, ['hello']), 'funccall': ('h $(flavor FOO)', 0, (), None, ['h ', {'type': 'FlavorFunction', '[0]': ['FOO']} ]), 'escapedollar': ('hello$$world', 0, (), None, ['hello$world']), 'varref': ('echo $(VAR)', 0, (), None, ['echo ', {'type': 'VariableRef', '.vname': ['VAR']} ]), 'dynamicvarname': ('echo $($(VARNAME):.c=.o)', 0, (':',), None, ['echo ', {'type': 'SubstitutionRef', '.vname': [{'type': 'VariableRef', '.vname': ['VARNAME']} ], '.substfrom': ['.c'], '.substto': ['.o']} ]), 'substref': (' $(VAR:VAL) := $(VAL)', 0, (':=', '+=', '=', ':'), 15, [' ', {'type': 'VariableRef', '.vname': ['VAR:VAL']}, ' ']), 'vadsubstref': (' $(VAR:VAL) = $(VAL)', 15, (), None, [{'type': 'VariableRef', '.vname': ['VAL']}, ]), } def compareRecursive(self, actual, expected, path): self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(expected), "compareRecursive: %s %r" % (path, actual)) for i in xrange(0, len(actual)): ipath = path + [i] a, isfunc = actual[i] e = expected[i] if isinstance(e, str): self.assertEqual(a, e, "compareRecursive: %s" % (ipath,)) else: self.assertEqual(type(a), getattr(pymake.functions, e['type']), "compareRecursive: %s" % (ipath,)) for k, v in e.iteritems(): if k == 'type': pass elif k[0] == '[': item = int(k[1:-1]) proppath = ipath + [item] self.compareRecursive(a[item], v, proppath) elif k[0] == '.': item = k[1:] proppath = ipath + [item] self.compareRecursive(getattr(a, item), v, proppath) else: raise Exception("Unexpected property at %s: %s" % (ipath, k)) def runSingle(self, s, startat, stopat, stopoffset, expansion): d = pymake.parser.Data.fromstring(s, pymake.parserdata.Location('testdata', 1, 0)) a, t, offset = pymake.parser.parsemakesyntax(d, startat, stopat, pymake.parser.itermakefilechars) self.compareRecursive(a, expansion, []) self.assertEqual(offset, stopoffset) multitest(MakeSyntaxTest) class VariableTest(TestBase): testdata = """ VAR = value VARNAME = TESTVAR $(VARNAME) = testvalue $(VARNAME:VAR=VAL) = moretesting IMM := $(VARNAME) # this is a comment MULTIVAR = val1 \\ val2 VARNAME = newname """ expected = {'VAR': 'value', 'VARNAME': 'newname', 'TESTVAR': 'testvalue', 'TESTVAL': 'moretesting', 'IMM': 'TESTVAR ', 'MULTIVAR': 'val1 val2', 'UNDEF': None} def runTest(self): stmts = pymake.parser.parsestring(self.testdata, 'VariableTest') m = stmts.execute(m) for k, v in self.expected.iteritems(): flavor, source, val = m.variables.get(k) if val is None: self.assertEqual(val, v, 'variable named %s' % k) else: self.assertEqual(val.resolvestr(m, m.variables), v, 'variable named %s' % k) class SimpleRuleTest(TestBase): testdata = """ VAR = value TSPEC = dummy all: TSPEC = myrule all:: test test2 $(VAR) echo "Hello, $(TSPEC)" %.o: %.c $(CC) -o $@ $< """ def runTest(self): stmts = pymake.parser.parsestring(self.testdata, 'SimpleRuleTest') m = stmts.execute(m) self.assertEqual(m.defaulttarget, 'all', "Default target") self.assertTrue(m.hastarget('all'), "Has 'all' target") target = m.gettarget('all') rules = target.rules self.assertEqual(len(rules), 1, "Number of rules") prereqs = rules[0].prerequisites self.assertEqual(prereqs, ['test', 'test2', 'value'], "Prerequisites") commands = rules[0].commands self.assertEqual(len(commands), 1, "Number of commands") expanded = commands[0].resolvestr(m, target.variables) self.assertEqual(expanded, 'echo "Hello, myrule"') irules = m.implicitrules self.assertEqual(len(irules), 1, "Number of implicit rules") irule = irules[0] self.assertEqual(len(irule.targetpatterns), 1, "%.o target pattern count") self.assertEqual(len(irule.prerequisites), 1, "%.o prerequisite count") self.assertEqual(irule.targetpatterns[0].match('foo.o'), 'foo', "%.o stem") if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) unittest.main()