/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 et : */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Plugin App. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ben Turner * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "WindowsMessageLoop.h" #include "SyncChannel.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsStringGlue.h" #include "nsIXULAppInfo.h" #include "mozilla/Mutex.h" using mozilla::ipc::SyncChannel; using mozilla::MutexAutoUnlock; using namespace mozilla::ipc::windows; /** * The Windows-only code below exists to solve a general problem with deadlocks * that we experience when sending synchronous IPC messages to processes that * contain native windows (i.e. HWNDs). Windows (the OS) sends synchronous * messages between parent and child HWNDs in multiple circumstances (e.g. * WM_PARENTNOTIFY, WM_NCACTIVATE, etc.), even when those HWNDs are controlled * by different threads or different processes. Thus we can very easily end up * in a deadlock by a call stack like the following: * * Process A: * - CreateWindow(...) creates a "parent" HWND. * - SendCreateChildWidget(HWND) is a sync IPC message that sends the "parent" * HWND over to Process B. Process A blocks until a response is received * from Process B. * * Process B: * - RecvCreateWidget(HWND) gets the "parent" HWND from Process A. * - CreateWindow(..., HWND) creates a "child" HWND with the parent from * process A. * - Windows (the OS) generates a WM_PARENTNOTIFY message that is sent * synchronously to Process A. Process B blocks until a response is * received from Process A. Process A, however, is blocked and cannot * process the message. Both processes are deadlocked. * * The example above has a few different workarounds (e.g. setting the * WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY style on the child window) but the general problem is * persists. Once two HWNDs are parented we must not block their owning * threads when manipulating either HWND. * * Windows requires any application that hosts native HWNDs to always process * messages or risk deadlock. Given our architecture the only way to meet * Windows' requirement and allow for synchronous IPC messages is to pump a * miniature message loop during a sync IPC call. We avoid processing any * queued messages during the loop, but "nonqueued" messages (see * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644927(VS.85).aspx under the * section "Nonqueued messages") cannot be avoided. Those messages are trapped * in a special window procedure where we can either ignore the message or * process it in some fashion. */ namespace { UINT gEventLoopMessage = RegisterWindowMessage(L"SyncChannel Windows Message Loop Message"); const wchar_t kOldWndProcProp[] = L"MozillaIPCOldWndProc"; // This isn't defined before Windows XP. enum { WM_XP_THEMECHANGED = 0x031A }; PRUnichar gAppMessageWindowName[256] = { 0 }; PRInt32 gAppMessageWindowNameLength = 0; nsTArray* gNeuteredWindows = nsnull; typedef nsTArray > DeferredMessageArray; DeferredMessageArray* gDeferredMessages = nsnull; HHOOK gDeferredGetMsgHook = NULL; HHOOK gDeferredCallWndProcHook = NULL; DWORD gUIThreadId = 0; int gEventLoopDepth = 0; LRESULT CALLBACK DeferredMessageHook(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // XXX This function is called for *both* the WH_CALLWNDPROC hook and the // WH_GETMESSAGE hook, but they have different parameters. We don't // use any of them except nCode which has the same meaning. // Only run deferred messages if all of these conditions are met: // 1. The |nCode| indicates that this hook should do something. // 2. We have deferred messages to run. // 3. We're not being called from the PeekMessage within the WaitForNotify // function (indicated with SyncChannel::IsPumpingMessages). We really // only want to run after returning to the main event loop. if (nCode >= 0 && gDeferredMessages && !SyncChannel::IsPumpingMessages()) { NS_ASSERTION(gDeferredGetMsgHook && gDeferredCallWndProcHook, "These hooks must be set if we're being called!"); NS_ASSERTION(gDeferredMessages->Length(), "No deferred messages?!"); // Unset hooks first, in case we reenter below. UnhookWindowsHookEx(gDeferredGetMsgHook); UnhookWindowsHookEx(gDeferredCallWndProcHook); gDeferredGetMsgHook = 0; gDeferredCallWndProcHook = 0; // Unset the global and make sure we delete it when we're done here. nsAutoPtr messages(gDeferredMessages); gDeferredMessages = nsnull; // Run all the deferred messages in order. PRUint32 count = messages->Length(); for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { messages->ElementAt(index)->Run(); } } // Always call the next hook. return CallNextHookEx(NULL, nCode, wParam, lParam); } LRESULT ProcessOrDeferMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DeferredMessage* deferred = nsnull; // Most messages ask for 0 to be returned if the message is processed. LRESULT res = 0; switch (uMsg) { // Messages that can be deferred as-is. These must not contain pointers in // their wParam or lParam arguments! case WM_ACTIVATE: case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: case WM_CANCELMODE: case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: case WM_CHILDACTIVATE: case WM_DESTROY: case WM_ENABLE: case WM_IME_NOTIFY: case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT: case WM_KILLFOCUS: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case WM_NCDESTROY: case WM_PARENTNOTIFY: case WM_SETFOCUS: case WM_SHOWWINDOW: // Intentional fall-through. case WM_XP_THEMECHANGED: { deferred = new DeferredSendMessage(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } case WM_DEVICECHANGE: case WM_NCACTIVATE: // Intentional fall-through. case WM_SETCURSOR: { // Friggin unconventional return value... res = TRUE; deferred = new DeferredSendMessage(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: { res = MA_NOACTIVATE; deferred = new DeferredSendMessage(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } // These messages need to use the RedrawWindow function to generate the // right kind of message. We can't simply fake them as the MSDN docs say // explicitly that paint messages should not be sent by an application. case WM_ERASEBKGND: { UINT flags = RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT | RDW_NOFRAME | RDW_NOCHILDREN | RDW_ERASENOW; deferred = new DeferredRedrawMessage(hwnd, flags); break; } case WM_NCPAINT: { UINT flags = RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT | RDW_NOERASE | RDW_NOCHILDREN | RDW_ERASENOW; deferred = new DeferredRedrawMessage(hwnd, flags); break; } // This message will generate a WM_PAINT message if there are invalid // areas. case WM_PAINT: { deferred = new DeferredUpdateMessage(hwnd); break; } // This message holds a string in its lParam that we must copy. case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: { deferred = new DeferredSettingChangeMessage(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } // These messages are faked via a call to SetWindowPos. case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { deferred = new DeferredWindowPosMessage(hwnd, lParam); break; } case WM_NCCALCSIZE: { deferred = new DeferredWindowPosMessage(hwnd, lParam, true, wParam); break; } // Messages that are safe to pass to DefWindowProc go here. case WM_GETICON: case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: case WM_GETTEXT: case WM_NCHITTEST: case WM_SETICON: case WM_SYNCPAINT: // Intentional fall-through. case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: { return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } // Unknown messages only. default: { #ifdef DEBUG nsCAutoString log("Received \"nonqueued\" message "); log.AppendInt(uMsg); log.AppendLiteral(" during a synchronous IPC message for window "); log.AppendInt((PRInt64)hwnd); wchar_t className[256] = { 0 }; if (GetClassNameW(hwnd, className, sizeof(className) - 1) > 0) { log.AppendLiteral(" (\""); log.Append(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8((PRUnichar*)className)); log.AppendLiteral("\")"); } log.AppendLiteral(", sending it to DefWindowProc instead of the normal " "window procedure."); NS_ERROR(log.get()); #endif return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } } NS_ASSERTION(deferred, "Must have a message here!"); // Create the deferred message array if it doesn't exist already. if (!gDeferredMessages) { gDeferredMessages = new nsTArray >(20); NS_ASSERTION(gDeferredMessages, "Out of memory!"); } // Save for later. The array takes ownership of |deferred|. gDeferredMessages->AppendElement(deferred); return res; } LRESULT CALLBACK NeuteredWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WNDPROC oldWndProc = (WNDPROC)GetProp(hwnd, kOldWndProcProp); if (!oldWndProc) { // We should really never ever get here. NS_ERROR("No old wndproc!"); return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } // See if we care about this message. We may either ignore it, send it to // DefWindowProc, or defer it for later. return ProcessOrDeferMessage(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } static bool WindowIsMozillaWindow(HWND hWnd) { if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { NS_WARNING("Window has died!"); return false; } PRUnichar buffer[256] = { 0 }; int length = GetClassNameW(hWnd, (wchar_t*)buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1); if (length <= 0) { NS_WARNING("Failed to get class name!"); return false; } nsDependentString className(buffer, length); if (StringBeginsWith(className, NS_LITERAL_STRING("Mozilla")) || StringBeginsWith(className, NS_LITERAL_STRING("Gecko")) || className.EqualsLiteral("nsToolkitClass") || className.EqualsLiteral("nsAppShell:EventWindowClass")) { return true; } // nsNativeAppSupport makes a window like "FirefoxMessageWindow" based on the // toolkit app's name. It's pretty expensive to calculate this so we only try // once. if (gAppMessageWindowNameLength == 0) { nsCOMPtr appInfo = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"); if (appInfo) { nsCAutoString appName; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(appInfo->GetName(appName))) { appName.Append("MessageWindow"); nsDependentString windowName(gAppMessageWindowName); CopyUTF8toUTF16(appName, windowName); gAppMessageWindowNameLength = windowName.Length(); } } // Don't try again if that failed. if (gAppMessageWindowNameLength == 0) { gAppMessageWindowNameLength = -1; } } if (gAppMessageWindowNameLength != -1 && className.Equals(nsDependentString(gAppMessageWindowName, gAppMessageWindowNameLength))) { return true; } return false; } bool NeuterWindowProcedure(HWND hWnd) { if (!WindowIsMozillaWindow(hWnd)) { // Some other kind of window, skip. return false; } NS_ASSERTION(!GetProp(hWnd, kOldWndProcProp), "This should always be null!"); // It's possible to get NULL out of SetWindowLongPtr, and the only way to know // if that's a valid old value is to use GetLastError. Clear the error here so // we can tell. SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); LONG_PTR currentWndProc = SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)NeuteredWindowProc); if (!currentWndProc) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetLastError()) { // No error, so we set something and must therefore reset it. SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, currentWndProc); } return false; } NS_ASSERTION(currentWndProc != (LONG_PTR)NeuteredWindowProc, "This shouldn't be possible!"); if (!SetProp(hWnd, kOldWndProcProp, (HANDLE)currentWndProc)) { // Cleanup NS_WARNING("SetProp failed!"); SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, currentWndProc); RemoveProp(hWnd, kOldWndProcProp); return false; } return true; } void RestoreWindowProcedure(HWND hWnd) { NS_ASSERTION(WindowIsMozillaWindow(hWnd), "Not a mozilla window, this shouldn't be in our list!"); LONG_PTR oldWndProc = (LONG_PTR)RemoveProp(hWnd, kOldWndProcProp); if (oldWndProc) { NS_ASSERTION(oldWndProc != (LONG_PTR)NeuteredWindowProc, "This shouldn't be possible!"); LONG_PTR currentWndProc = SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, oldWndProc); NS_ASSERTION(currentWndProc == (LONG_PTR)NeuteredWindowProc, "This should never be switched out from under us!"); } } LRESULT CALLBACK CallWindowProcedureHook(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (nCode >= 0) { NS_ASSERTION(gNeuteredWindows, "This should never be null!"); HWND hWnd = reinterpret_cast(lParam)->hwnd; if (!gNeuteredWindows->Contains(hWnd) && NeuterWindowProcedure(hWnd)) { if (!gNeuteredWindows->AppendElement(hWnd)) { NS_ERROR("Out of memory!"); RestoreWindowProcedure(hWnd); } } } return CallNextHookEx(NULL, nCode, wParam, lParam); } inline void AssertWindowIsNotNeutered(HWND hWnd) { #ifdef DEBUG // Make sure our neutered window hook isn't still in place. LONG_PTR wndproc = GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC); NS_ASSERTION(wndproc != (LONG_PTR)NeuteredWindowProc, "Window is neutered!"); #endif } } // anonymous namespace void SyncChannel::WaitForNotify() { mMutex.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); NS_ASSERTION(gEventLoopDepth >= 0, "Event loop depth mismatch!"); HHOOK windowHook = NULL; nsAutoTArray neuteredWindows; if (++gEventLoopDepth == 1) { NS_ASSERTION(!SyncChannel::IsPumpingMessages(), "Shouldn't be pumping already!"); SyncChannel::SetIsPumpingMessages(true); if (!gUIThreadId) { gUIThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); } NS_ASSERTION(gUIThreadId, "ThreadId should not be 0!"); NS_ASSERTION(gUIThreadId == GetCurrentThreadId(), "Running on different threads!"); NS_ASSERTION(!gNeuteredWindows, "Should only set this once!"); gNeuteredWindows = &neuteredWindows; windowHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, CallWindowProcedureHook, NULL, gUIThreadId); NS_ASSERTION(windowHook, "Failed to set hook!"); } { MutexAutoUnlock unlock(mMutex); while (1) { // Wait until we have a message in the queue. MSDN docs are a bit unclear // but it seems that windows from two different threads (and it should be // noted that a thread in another process counts as a "different thread") // will implicitly have their message queues attached if they are parented // to one another. This wait call, then, will return for a message // delivered to *either* thread. DWORD result = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, NULL, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT); if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { NS_ERROR("Wait failed!"); break; } // The only way to know on which thread the message was delivered is to // use some logic on the return values of GetQueueStatus and PeekMessage. // PeekMessage will return false if there are no "queued" messages, but it // will run all "nonqueued" messages before returning. So if PeekMessage // returns false and there are no "nonqueued" messages that were run then // we know that the message we woke for was intended for a window on // another thread. bool haveSentMessagesPending = (HIWORD(GetQueueStatus(QS_SENDMESSAGE)) & QS_SENDMESSAGE) != 0; // This PeekMessage call will actually process all "nonqueued" messages // that are pending before returning. If we have "nonqueued" messages // pending then we should have switched out all the window procedures // above. In that case this PeekMessage call won't actually cause any // mozilla code (or plugin code) to run. // We check first to see if we should break out of the loop by looking for // the special message from the IO thread. We pull it out of the queue. MSG msg = { 0 }; if (PeekMessageW(&msg, (HWND)-1, gEventLoopMessage, gEventLoopMessage, PM_REMOVE)) { break; } // If the following PeekMessage call fails to return a message for us (and // returns false) and we didn't run any "nonqueued" messages then we must // have woken up for a message designated for a window in another thread. // If we loop immediately then we could enter a tight loop, so we'll give // up our time slice here to let the child process its message. if (!PeekMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE) && !haveSentMessagesPending) { // Message was for child, we should wait a bit. SwitchToThread(); } } } NS_ASSERTION(gEventLoopDepth > 0, "Event loop depth mismatch!"); if (--gEventLoopDepth == 0) { if (windowHook) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(windowHook); } NS_ASSERTION(gNeuteredWindows == &neuteredWindows, "Bad pointer!"); gNeuteredWindows = nsnull; PRUint32 count = neuteredWindows.Length(); for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { RestoreWindowProcedure(neuteredWindows[index]); } SyncChannel::SetIsPumpingMessages(false); // Before returning we need to set a hook to run any deferred messages that // we received during the IPC call. The hook will unset itself as soon as // someone else calls GetMessage, PeekMessage, or runs code that generates a // "nonqueued" message. if (gDeferredMessages && !(gDeferredGetMsgHook && gDeferredCallWndProcHook)) { NS_ASSERTION(gDeferredMessages->Length(), "No deferred messages?!"); gDeferredGetMsgHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, DeferredMessageHook, NULL, gUIThreadId); gDeferredCallWndProcHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, DeferredMessageHook, NULL, gUIThreadId); NS_ASSERTION(gDeferredGetMsgHook && gDeferredCallWndProcHook, "Failed to set hooks!"); } } } void SyncChannel::NotifyWorkerThread() { mMutex.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); NS_ASSERTION(gUIThreadId, "This should have been set already!"); if (!PostThreadMessage(gUIThreadId, gEventLoopMessage, 0, 0)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to post thread message!"); } } void DeferredSendMessage::Run() { AssertWindowIsNotNeutered(hWnd); if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { NS_ERROR("Invalid window!"); return; } WNDPROC wndproc = reinterpret_cast(GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC)); if (!wndproc) { NS_ERROR("Invalid window procedure!"); return; } CallWindowProc(wndproc, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } void DeferredRedrawMessage::Run() { AssertWindowIsNotNeutered(hWnd); if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { NS_ERROR("Invalid window!"); return; } #ifdef DEBUG BOOL ret = #endif RedrawWindow(hWnd, NULL, NULL, flags); NS_ASSERTION(ret, "RedrawWindow failed!"); } void DeferredUpdateMessage::Run() { AssertWindowIsNotNeutered(hWnd); if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) { NS_ERROR("Invalid window!"); return; } #ifdef DEBUG BOOL ret = #endif UpdateWindow(hWnd); NS_ASSERTION(ret, "UpdateWindow failed!"); } DeferredSettingChangeMessage::DeferredSettingChangeMessage(HWND aHWnd, UINT aMessage, WPARAM aWParam, LPARAM aLParam) : DeferredSendMessage(aHWnd, aMessage, aWParam, aLParam) { NS_ASSERTION(aMessage == WM_SETTINGCHANGE, "Wrong message type!"); if (aLParam) { lParamString = _wcsdup(reinterpret_cast(aLParam)); lParam = reinterpret_cast(lParamString); } else { lParam = NULL; } } DeferredSettingChangeMessage::~DeferredSettingChangeMessage() { if (lParamString) { free(lParamString); } } DeferredWindowPosMessage::DeferredWindowPosMessage(HWND aHWnd, LPARAM aLParam, bool aForCalcSize, WPARAM aWParam) { if (aForCalcSize) { if (aWParam) { NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* arg = reinterpret_cast(aLParam); memcpy(&windowPos, arg->lppos, sizeof(windowPos)); NS_ASSERTION(aHWnd == windowPos.hwnd, "Mismatched hwnds!"); } else { RECT* arg = reinterpret_cast(aLParam); windowPos.hwnd = aHWnd; windowPos.hwndInsertAfter = NULL; windowPos.x = arg->left; windowPos.y = arg->top; windowPos.cx = arg->right - arg->left; windowPos.cy = arg->bottom - arg->top; NS_ASSERTION(arg->right >= arg->left && arg->bottom >= arg->top, "Negative width or height!"); } windowPos.flags = SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_DEFERERASE | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING; } else { // Not for WM_NCCALCSIZE WINDOWPOS* arg = reinterpret_cast(aLParam); memcpy(&windowPos, arg, sizeof(windowPos)); NS_ASSERTION(aHWnd == windowPos.hwnd, "Mismatched hwnds!"); // Windows sends in some private flags sometimes that we can't simply copy. // Filter here. UINT mask = SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | SWP_DEFERERASE | SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_NOREPOSITION | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW; windowPos.flags &= mask; } } void DeferredWindowPosMessage::Run() { AssertWindowIsNotNeutered(windowPos.hwnd); if (!IsWindow(windowPos.hwnd)) { NS_ERROR("Invalid window!"); return; } if (!IsWindow(windowPos.hwndInsertAfter)) { NS_WARNING("ZOrder change cannot be honored"); windowPos.hwndInsertAfter = 0; windowPos.flags |= SWP_NOZORDER; } #ifdef DEBUG BOOL ret = #endif SetWindowPos(windowPos.hwnd, windowPos.hwndInsertAfter, windowPos.x, windowPos.y, windowPos.cx, windowPos.cy, windowPos.flags); NS_ASSERTION(ret, "SetWindowPos failed!"); }