// -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; -*- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Mobile Browser. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Mozilla Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Mark Finkle * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/utils.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm"); const TOOLBARSTATE_LOADING = 1; const TOOLBARSTATE_LOADED = 2; const kDefaultFavIconURL = "chrome://browser/skin/images/favicon-default-30.png"; [ [ "gHistSvc", "@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1", [Ci.nsINavHistoryService, Ci.nsIBrowserHistory] ], [ "gURIFixup", "@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1", [Ci.nsIURIFixup] ], [ "gPrefService", "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1", [Ci.nsIPrefBranch2] ] ].forEach(function (service) { let [name, contract, ifaces] = service; window.__defineGetter__(name, function () { delete window[name]; window[name] = Cc[contract].getService(ifaces.splice(0, 1)[0]); if (ifaces.length) ifaces.forEach(function (i) { return window[name].QueryInterface(i); }); return window[name]; }); }); var BrowserUI = { _edit : null, _throbber : null, _favicon : null, _faviconLink : null, _dialogs: [], _titleChanged : function(aDocument) { var browser = Browser.selectedBrowser; if (browser && aDocument != browser.contentDocument) return; var caption = aDocument.title; if (!caption) { caption = this.getDisplayURI(browser); if (caption == "about:blank") caption = ""; } this._edit.value = caption; }, /* * Dispatched by window.close() to allow us to turn window closes into tabs * closes. */ _domWindowClose: function (aEvent) { if (!aEvent.isTrusted) return; // Find the relevant tab, and close it. let browsers = Browser.browsers; for (let i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) { if (browsers[i].contentWindow == aEvent.target) { Browser.closeTab(Browser.getTabAtIndex(i)); aEvent.preventDefault(); break; } } }, _linkAdded : function(aEvent) { let link = aEvent.originalTarget; if (!link || !link.href) return; if (/\bicon\b/i(link.rel)) { this._faviconLink = link.href; // If the link changes after pageloading, update it right away. // otherwise we wait until the pageload finishes if (this._favicon.src != "") this._setIcon(this._faviconLink); } else if (/\bsearch\b/i(link.rel)) { var type = link.type && link.type.toLowerCase(); type = type.replace(/^\s+|\s*(?:;.*)?$/g, ""); if (type == "application/opensearchdescription+xml" && link.title && /^(?:https?|ftp):/i.test(link.href)) { var engine = { title: link.title, href: link.href }; BrowserSearch.addPageSearchEngine(engine, link.ownerDocument); } } }, _updateButtons : function(aBrowser) { var back = document.getElementById("cmd_back"); var forward = document.getElementById("cmd_forward"); back.setAttribute("disabled", !aBrowser.canGoBack); forward.setAttribute("disabled", !aBrowser.canGoForward); }, _tabSelect : function(aEvent) { var browser = Browser.selectedBrowser; this._titleChanged(browser.contentDocument); this._updateButtons(browser); this.updateStar(); this._favicon.src = browser.mIconURL || kDefaultFavIconURL; // for new tabs, _tabSelect & update(TOOLBARSTATE_LOADED) are called when // about:blank is loaded. set _faviconLink here so it is not overriden in update this._faviconLink = this._favicon.src; this.updateIcon(); }, _setIcon : function(aURI) { var ios = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); try { var faviconURI = ios.newURI(aURI, null, null); } catch (e) { faviconURI = null; } var fis = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/favicon-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIFaviconService); if (!faviconURI || faviconURI.schemeIs("javascript") || fis.isFailedFavicon(faviconURI)) faviconURI = ios.newURI(kDefaultFavIconURL, null, null); var browser = getBrowser(); browser.mIconURL = faviconURI.spec; fis.setAndLoadFaviconForPage(browser.currentURI, faviconURI, true); this._favicon.src = faviconURI.spec; }, showToolbar : function showToolbar(aEdit) { this.hidePanel(); this._editToolbar(aEdit); }, _toolbarLocked: 0, lockToolbar: function lockToolbar() { this._toolbarLocked++; document.getElementById("toolbar-moveable-container").top = "0"; }, unlockToolbar: function unlockToolbar() { if (!this._toolbarLocked) return; this._toolbarLocked--; if (!this._toolbarLocked) document.getElementById("toolbar-moveable-container").top = ""; }, _editToolbar : function _editToolbar(aEdit) { var icons = document.getElementById("urlbar-icons"); if (aEdit && icons.getAttribute("mode") != "edit") { icons.setAttribute("mode", "edit"); this._edit.defaultValue = this._edit.value; let urlString = this.getDisplayURI(Browser.selectedBrowser); if (urlString == "about:blank") urlString = ""; this._edit.value = urlString; // This is a workaround for bug 488420, needed to cycle focus for the // IME state to be set properly. Testing shows we only really need to // do this the first time. this._edit.inputField.blur(); this._edit.inputField.focus(); } else if (!aEdit && icons.getAttribute("mode") != "view") { icons.setAttribute("mode", "view"); this._edit.inputField.blur(); this._edit.reallyClosePopup(); } }, _closeOrQuit: function _closeOrQuit() { // Close active dialog, if we have one. If not then close the application. let dialog = this.activeDialog; if (dialog) dialog.close(); else window.close(); }, get activeDialog() { // Return the topmost dialog if (this._dialogs.length) return this._dialogs[this._dialogs.length - 1]; return null; }, pushDialog : function pushDialog(aDialog) { // If we have a dialog push it on the stack and set the attr for CSS if (aDialog) { this.lockToolbar(); this._dialogs.push(aDialog); document.getElementById("toolbar-main").setAttribute("dialog", "true"); } }, popDialog : function popDialog() { // Passing null means we pop the topmost dialog if (this._dialogs.length) { this._dialogs.pop(); this.unlockToolbar(); } // If no more dialogs are being displayed, remove the attr for CSS if (!this._dialogs.length) document.getElementById("toolbar-main").removeAttribute("dialog"); }, pushPopup: function pushPopup(aPanel, aElements) { this._popup = { "panel": aPanel, "elements": (aElements instanceof Array) ? aElements : [aElements] }; }, popPopup: function popPopup() { this._popup = null; }, _updatePopup: function _updateContextualPanel(aEvent) { if (!this._popup) return; let element = this._popup.elements; let targetNode = aEvent.target; while (targetNode && element.indexOf(targetNode) == -1) targetNode = targetNode.parentNode; if (targetNode == null) { let panel = this._popup.panel; if (panel.hide) panel.hide(); this.popPopup(); } }, switchPane : function(id) { document.getElementById("panel-items").selectedPanel = document.getElementById(id); }, get toolbarH() { if (!this._toolbarH) { let toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar-main"); this._toolbarH = toolbar.boxObject.height; } return this._toolbarH; }, get sidebarW() { if (!this._sidebarW) { let sidebar = document.getElementById("browser-controls"); this._sidebarW = sidebar.boxObject.width; } return this._sidebarW; }, get starButton() { delete this.starButton; return this.starButton = document.getElementById("tool-star"); }, _initControls : false, sizeControls : function(windowW, windowH) { let tabs = document.getElementById("tabs-container"); let controls = document.getElementById("browser-controls"); if (!this._initControls) { this._initControls = true; } let popup = document.getElementById("popup_autocomplete"); popup.top = this.toolbarH; popup.height = windowH - this.toolbarH; popup.width = windowW; // toolbar UI document.getElementById("toolbar-container").height = this.toolbarH; document.getElementById("toolbar-main").width = windowW; // notification box document.getElementById("notifications").width = windowW; // findbar document.getElementById("findbar-container").width = windowW; // identity document.getElementById("identity-container").width = windowW; // bookmark editor let bmkeditor = document.getElementById("bookmark-container"); bmkeditor.width = windowW; // bookmark list let bookmarks = document.getElementById("bookmarklist-container"); bookmarks.height = windowH; bookmarks.width = windowW; // bookmark popup let bookmarkPopup = document.getElementById("bookmark-popup"); let bookmarkPopupW = windowW / 4; bookmarkPopup.height = windowH / 4; bookmarkPopup.width = bookmarkPopupW; let starRect = this.starButton.getBoundingClientRect(); const popupMargin = 10; bookmarkPopup.top = Math.round(starRect.top) + popupMargin; bookmarkPopup.left = windowW - this.sidebarW - bookmarkPopupW - popupMargin; // select list UI let selectlist = document.getElementById("select-container"); selectlist.height = windowH; selectlist.width = windowW; // tools panel let panel = document.getElementById("panel-container"); panel.height = windowH; panel.width = windowW; }, init : function() { this._edit = document.getElementById("urlbar-edit"); this._throbber = document.getElementById("urlbar-throbber"); this._favicon = document.getElementById("urlbar-favicon"); this._favicon.addEventListener("error", this, false); let urlbarEditArea = document.getElementById("urlbar-editarea"); urlbarEditArea.addEventListener("click", this, false); urlbarEditArea.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false); document.getElementById("toolbar-main").ignoreDrag = true; let tabs = document.getElementById("tabs"); tabs.addEventListener("TabSelect", this, true); tabs.addEventListener("TabOpen", this, true); let browsers = document.getElementById("browsers"); browsers.addEventListener("DOMWindowClose", this, true); browsers.addEventListener("UIShowSelect", this, false, true); // XXX these really want to listen to only the current browser browsers.addEventListener("DOMTitleChanged", this, true); browsers.addEventListener("DOMLinkAdded", this, true); // listening mousedown for automatically dismiss some popups (e.g. larry) window.addEventListener("mousedown", this, true); // listening escape to dismiss dialog on VK_ESCAPE window.addEventListener("keypress", this, true); ExtensionsView.init(); DownloadsView.init(); }, uninit : function() { ExtensionsView.uninit(); }, update : function(aState) { let icons = document.getElementById("urlbar-icons"); let uri = Browser.selectedBrowser.currentURI; switch (aState) { case TOOLBARSTATE_LOADED: icons.setAttribute("mode", "view"); // We handle showing the toolbar for new tabs in BrowserUI.newTab() if (uri.spec != "about:blank") { this.showToolbar(false); } if (!this._faviconLink) this._faviconLink = uri.prePath + "/favicon.ico"; this._setIcon(this._faviconLink); this.updateIcon(); this._faviconLink = null; break; case TOOLBARSTATE_LOADING: this.showToolbar(); // Force the mode back to "loading" since showToolbar() changes it to "view" // and that messes up the CSS rules depending on the "mode" attribute icons.setAttribute("mode", "loading"); this._favicon.src = ""; this._faviconLink = null; this.updateIcon(); break; } }, updateIcon : function() { if (Browser.selectedTab.isLoading()) { this._throbber.hidden = false; this._throbber.setAttribute("loading", "true"); this._favicon.hidden = true; } else { this._favicon.hidden = false; this._throbber.hidden = true; this._throbber.removeAttribute("loading"); } }, getDisplayURI : function(browser) { var uri = browser.currentURI; if (!this._URIFixup) this._URIFixup = Cc["@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1"].getService(Ci.nsIURIFixup); try { uri = this._URIFixup.createExposableURI(uri); } catch (ex) {} return uri.spec; }, /* Set the location to the current content */ setURI : function() { var browser = Browser.selectedBrowser; // FIXME: deckbrowser should not fire TabSelect on the initial tab (bug 454028) if (!browser.currentURI) return; // Update the navigation buttons this._updateButtons(browser); // Check for a bookmarked page this.updateStar(); var urlString = this.getDisplayURI(browser); if (urlString == "about:blank") urlString = ""; this._edit.value = urlString; }, goToURI : function(aURI) { this._edit.reallyClosePopup(); if (!aURI) aURI = this._edit.value; var flags = Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY_FIXUP; getBrowser().loadURIWithFlags(aURI, flags, null, null); gHistSvc.markPageAsTyped(gURIFixup.createFixupURI(aURI, 0)); }, search : function() { var queryURI = "http://www.google.com/search?q=" + this._edit.value + "&hl=en&lr=&btnG=Search"; getBrowser().loadURI(queryURI, null, null, false); }, showAutoComplete : function(showDefault) { BrowserSearch.updateSearchButtons(); this._edit.showHistoryPopup(); }, doButtonSearch : function(button) { if (!("engine" in button) || !button.engine) return; var urlbar = this._edit; urlbar.open = false; var value = urlbar.value; var submission = button.engine.getSubmission(value, null); getBrowser().loadURI(submission.uri.spec, null, submission.postData, false); }, updateStar : function() { if (PlacesUtils.getMostRecentBookmarkForURI(Browser.selectedBrowser.currentURI) != -1) this.starButton.setAttribute("starred", "true"); else this.starButton.removeAttribute("starred"); }, goToBookmark : function goToBookmark(aEvent) { if (aEvent.originalTarget.localName == "button") return; var list = document.getElementById("urllist-items"); BrowserUI.goToURI(list.selectedItem.value); }, showHistory : function() { // XXX Fix me with a real UI }, showBookmarks : function () { BookmarkList.show(); }, newTab : function newTab(aURI) { aURI = aURI || "about:blank"; let tab = Browser.addTab(aURI, true); if (aURI == "about:blank") this.showAutoComplete(); return tab; }, closeTab : function closeTab(aTab) { // If no tab is passed in, assume the current tab Browser.closeTab(aTab || Browser.selectedTab); }, selectTab : function selectTab(aTab) { Browser.selectedTab = aTab; }, hideTabs: function hideTabs() { /* if (ws.isWidgetVisible("tabs-container")) { let widthOfTabs = document.getElementById("tabs-container").boxObject.width; ws.panBy(widthOfTabs, 0, true); } */ }, hideControls: function hideControls() { /* if (ws.isWidgetVisible("browser-controls")) { let widthOfControls = document.getElementById("browser-controls").boxObject.width; ws.panBy(-widthOfControls, 0, true); } */ }, isTabsVisible: function isTabsVisible() { let [leftvis,,,] = Browser.computeSidebarVisibility(); return (leftvis > 0.002); }, showPanel: function showPanel(aPage) { let panelUI = document.getElementById("panel-container"); panelUI.hidden = false; panelUI.width = window.innerWidth; panelUI.height = window.innerHeight; if (aPage != undefined) this.switchPane(aPage); }, hidePanel: function hidePanel() { let panelUI = document.getElementById("panel-container"); panelUI.hidden = true; }, handleEvent: function (aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { // Browser events case "DOMTitleChanged": this._titleChanged(aEvent.target); break; case "DOMLinkAdded": this._linkAdded(aEvent); break; case "DOMWindowClose": this._domWindowClose(aEvent); break; case "UIShowSelect": SelectHelper.show(aEvent.target); break; case "TabSelect": this._tabSelect(aEvent); break; case "TabOpen": if (!this.isTabsVisible()) NewTabPopup.show(aEvent.target); break; // URL textbox events case "click": this.doCommand("cmd_openLocation"); break; case "keypress": if (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) { let dialog = BrowserUI.activeDialog; if (dialog) dialog.close(); } break; case "mousedown": this._updatePopup(aEvent); if (aEvent.detail == 2 && aEvent.button == 0 && gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.doubleClickSelectsAll")) { this._edit.editor.selectAll(); aEvent.preventDefault(); } break; // Favicon events case "error": this._favicon.src = "chrome://browser/skin/images/default-favicon.png"; break; } }, supportsCommand : function(cmd) { var isSupported = false; switch (cmd) { case "cmd_back": case "cmd_forward": case "cmd_reload": case "cmd_stop": case "cmd_search": case "cmd_go": case "cmd_openLocation": case "cmd_star": case "cmd_bookmarks": case "cmd_quit": case "cmd_close": case "cmd_menu": case "cmd_newTab": case "cmd_closeTab": case "cmd_actions": case "cmd_panel": case "cmd_sanitize": case "cmd_zoomin": case "cmd_zoomout": isSupported = true; break; default: isSupported = false; break; } return isSupported; }, isCommandEnabled : function(cmd) { return true; }, doCommand : function(cmd) { var browser = getBrowser(); switch (cmd) { case "cmd_back": browser.goBack(); break; case "cmd_forward": browser.goForward(); break; case "cmd_reload": browser.reload(); break; case "cmd_stop": browser.stop(); break; case "cmd_search": this.search(); break; case "cmd_go": this.goToURI(); break; case "cmd_openLocation": this.showToolbar(true); BrowserUI.showAutoComplete(); break; case "cmd_star": { var bookmarkURI = browser.currentURI; var bookmarkTitle = browser.contentDocument.title || bookmarkURI.spec; let autoClose = false; if (PlacesUtils.getMostRecentBookmarkForURI(bookmarkURI) == -1) { var bookmarkId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledBookmarksFolder, bookmarkURI, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, bookmarkTitle); this.updateStar(); // autoclose the bookmark popup autoClose = true; } // Show/hide bookmark popup BookmarkPopup.toggle(autoClose); break; } case "cmd_bookmarks": this.showBookmarks(); break; case "cmd_quit": goQuitApplication(); break; case "cmd_close": this._closeOrQuit(); break; case "cmd_menu": break; case "cmd_newTab": this.newTab(); break; case "cmd_closeTab": this.closeTab(); break; case "cmd_sanitize": { // disable the button temporarily to indicate something happened let button = document.getElementById("prefs-clear-data"); button.disabled = true; setTimeout(function() { button.disabled = false; }, 5000); Sanitizer.sanitize(); break; } case "cmd_panel": { let panelUI = document.getElementById("panel-container"); if (panelUI.hidden) this.showPanel(); else this.hidePanel(); break; } case "cmd_zoomin": Browser._browserView.zoom(-1); break; case "cmd_zoomout": Browser._browserView.zoom(1); break; } } }; var NewTabPopup = { _timeout: 0, _tabs: [], get box() { delete this.box; return this.box = document.getElementById("newtab-popup"); }, _updateLabel: function() { let newtabStrings = document.getElementById("bundle_browser").getString("newtabpopup.opened"); let label = PluralForm.get(this._tabs.length, newtabStrings).replace("#1", this._tabs.length); this.box.firstChild.setAttribute("value", label); }, hide: function() { if (this._timeout) { clearTimeout(this._timeout); this._timeout = 0; } this._tabs = []; this.box.hidden = true; }, show: function(aTab) { this._tabs.push(aTab); this._updateLabel(); this.box.top = aTab.getBoundingClientRect().top + (aTab.getBoundingClientRect().height / 3); this.box.hidden = false; if (this._timeout) clearTimeout(this._timeout); this._timeout = setTimeout(function(self) { self.hide(); }, 2000, this); BrowserUI.pushPopup(this, this.box); }, selectTab: function() { BrowserUI.selectTab(this._tabs.pop()); this.hide(); } } var BookmarkPopup = { get box() { delete this.box; return this.box = document.getElementById("bookmark-popup"); }, _bookmarkPopupTimeout: -1, hide : function () { if (this._bookmarkPopupTimeout != -1) { clearTimeout(this._bookmarkPopupTimeout); this._bookmarkPopupTimeout = -1; } this.box.hidden = true; }, show : function (aAutoClose) { this.box.hidden = false; if (aAutoClose) { this._bookmarkPopupTimeout = setTimeout(function (self) { self._bookmarkPopupTimeout = -1; self.hide(); }, 2000, this); } // include starButton here, so that click-to-dismiss works as expected BrowserUI.pushPopup(this, [this.box, BrowserUI.starButton]); }, toggle : function (aAutoClose) { if (this.box.hidden) this.show(aAutoClose); else this.hide(); } } var BookmarkHelper = { _panel: null, _editor: null, edit: function BH_edit(aURI) { if (!aURI) aURI = getBrowser().currentURI; let itemId = PlacesUtils.getMostRecentBookmarkForURI(aURI); if (itemId == -1) return; let title = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(itemId); let tags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(aURI, {}); this._editor = document.createElement("placeitem"); this._editor.setAttribute("id", "bookmark-item"); this._editor.setAttribute("flex", "1"); this._editor.setAttribute("type", "bookmark"); this._editor.setAttribute("ui", "manage"); this._editor.setAttribute("title", title); this._editor.setAttribute("uri", aURI.spec); this._editor.setAttribute("tags", tags.join(", ")); this._editor.setAttribute("onmove", "FolderPicker.show(this);"); this._editor.setAttribute("onclose", "BookmarkHelper.close()"); document.getElementById("bookmark-form").appendChild(this._editor); let toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar-main"); let top = toolbar.top + toolbar.boxObject.height; this._panel = document.getElementById("bookmark-container"); this._panel.top = (top < 0 ? 0 : top); this._panel.hidden = false; BrowserUI.pushDialog(this); let self = this; setTimeout(function() { self._editor.init(itemId); self._editor.startEditing(); }, 0); }, close: function BH_close() { BrowserUI.updateStar(); // Note: the _editor will have already saved the data, if needed, by the time // this method is called, since this method is called via the "close" event. this._editor.parentNode.removeChild(this._editor); this._editor = null; this._panel.hidden = true; BrowserUI.popDialog(); }, }; var BookmarkList = { _panel: null, _bookmarks: null, show: function() { this._panel = document.getElementById("bookmarklist-container"); this._panel.width = window.innerWidth; this._panel.height = window.innerHeight; this._panel.hidden = false; BrowserUI.pushDialog(this); this._bookmarks = document.getElementById("bookmark-items"); this._bookmarks.manageUI = false; this._bookmarks.openFolder(); }, close: function() { BrowserUI.updateStar(); if (this._bookmarks.isEditing) this._bookmarks.stopEditing(); this._bookmarks.blur(); this._panel.hidden = true; BrowserUI.popDialog(); }, toggleManage: function() { this._bookmarks.manageUI = !(this._bookmarks.manageUI); }, openBookmark: function() { let item = this._bookmarks.activeItem; if (item.spec) { this.close(); BrowserUI.goToURI(item.spec); } }, }; var FolderPicker = { _control: null, _panel: null, show: function(aControl) { this._panel = document.getElementById("folder-container"); this._panel.width = window.innerWidth; this._panel.height = window.innerHeight; this._panel.hidden = false; BrowserUI.pushDialog(this); this._control = aControl; let folders = document.getElementById("folder-items"); folders.openFolder(); }, close: function() { this._panel.hidden = true; BrowserUI.popDialog(); }, moveItem: function() { let folders = document.getElementById("folder-items"); let itemId = (this._control.activeItem ? this._control.activeItem.itemId : this._control.itemId); let folderId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(itemId); if (folders.selectedItem.itemId != folderId) { PlacesUtils.bookmarks.moveItem(itemId, folders.selectedItem.itemId, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX); if (this._control.removeItem) this._control.removeItem(this._control.activeItem); } this.close(); } }; var SelectHelper = { _panel: null, _list: null, _control: null, _selectedIndexes: [], _getSelectedIndexes: function() { let indexes = []; let control = this._control; if (control.type == 'select-one') { indexes.push(control.selectedIndex); } else { for (let i = 0; i < control.options.length; i++) { if (control.options[i].selected) indexes.push(i); } } return indexes; }, show: function(aControl) { if (!aControl) return; this._control = aControl; this._selectedIndexes = this._getSelectedIndexes(); this._list = document.getElementById("select-list"); this._list.setAttribute("multiple", this._control.multiple ? "true" : "false"); let firstSelected = null; let optionIndex = 0; let children = this._control.children; for (let i=0; i visibleItemsCount) { let delta = Math.ceil(visibleItemsCount / 2); let scrollBoxObject = this._list.boxObject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIScrollBoxObject); scrollBoxObject.scrollTo(0, ((index + 1) - delta) * itemHeight); } }, _forEachOption: function(aCallback) { let children = this._list.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let item = children[i]; if (!item.hasOwnProperty("optionIndex")) continue; aCallback(item, i); } }, _updateControl: function() { let currentSelectedIndexes = this._getSelectedIndexes(); let isIdentical = currentSelectedIndexes.length == this._selectedIndexes.length; if (isIdentical) { for (let i = 0; i < currentSelectedIndexes.length; i++) { if (currentSelectedIndexes[i] != this._selectedIndexes[i]) { isIdentical = false; break; } } } if (!isIdentical) { let control = this._control.wrappedJSObject; if ("onchange" in control) control.onchange(); } }, close: function() { this._updateControl(); this._list.removeEventListener("click", this, false); this._panel.hidden = true; // Clear out the list for the next show let empty = this._list.cloneNode(false); this._list.parentNode.replaceChild(empty, this._list); this._list = empty; this._control.focus(); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "click": let item = aEvent.target; let selectElement = this._control.wrappedJSObject.selectElement; if (item && item.hasOwnProperty("optionIndex")) { if (this._control.multiple) { // Toggle the item state item.selected = !item.selected; selectElement.setOptionsSelectedByIndex(item.optionIndex, item.optionIndex, item.selected, false, false, true); } else { // Unselect all options this._forEachOption( function(aItem, aIndex) { aItem.selected = false; } ); // Select the new one and update the control item.selected = true; selectElement.setOptionsSelectedByIndex(item.optionIndex, item.optionIndex, true, true, false, true); } } break; } } }; function removeBookmarksForURI(aURI) { //XXX blargle xpconnect! might not matter, but a method on // nsINavBookmarksService that takes an array of items to // delete would be faster. better yet, a method that takes a URI! let itemIds = PlacesUtils.getBookmarksForURI(aURI); itemIds.forEach(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeItem); BrowserUI.updateStar(); }