/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "SourceSurfaceD2D1.h" #include "DrawTargetD2D1.h" #include "Tools.h" namespace mozilla { namespace gfx { SourceSurfaceD2D1::SourceSurfaceD2D1(ID2D1Image *aImage, ID2D1DeviceContext *aDC, SurfaceFormat aFormat, const IntSize &aSize, DrawTargetD2D1 *aDT) : mImage(aImage) , mDC(aDC) , mDrawTarget(aDT) { aImage->QueryInterface((ID2D1Bitmap1**)byRef(mRealizedBitmap)); mFormat = aFormat; mSize = aSize; } SourceSurfaceD2D1::~SourceSurfaceD2D1() { } TemporaryRef SourceSurfaceD2D1::GetDataSurface() { EnsureRealizedBitmap(); RefPtr softwareBitmap; D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1 props; props.dpiX = 96; props.dpiY = 96; props.pixelFormat = D2DPixelFormat(mFormat); props.colorContext = nullptr; props.bitmapOptions = D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CANNOT_DRAW | D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CPU_READ; mDC->CreateBitmap(D2DIntSize(mSize), nullptr, 0, props, (ID2D1Bitmap1**)byRef(softwareBitmap)); D2D1_POINT_2U point = D2D1::Point2U(0, 0); D2D1_RECT_U rect = D2D1::RectU(0, 0, mSize.width, mSize.height); softwareBitmap->CopyFromBitmap(&point, mRealizedBitmap, &rect); return new DataSourceSurfaceD2D1(softwareBitmap, mFormat); } void SourceSurfaceD2D1::EnsureRealizedBitmap() { if (mRealizedBitmap) { return; } RefPtr dc; Factory::GetD2D1Device()->CreateDeviceContext(D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, byRef(dc)); D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1 props; props.dpiX = 96; props.dpiY = 96; props.pixelFormat = D2DPixelFormat(mFormat); props.colorContext = nullptr; props.bitmapOptions = D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_TARGET; dc->CreateBitmap(D2DIntSize(mSize), nullptr, 0, props, (ID2D1Bitmap1**)byRef(mRealizedBitmap)); dc->SetTarget(mRealizedBitmap); dc->BeginDraw(); dc->DrawImage(mImage); dc->EndDraw(); } void SourceSurfaceD2D1::DrawTargetWillChange() { // At this point in time this should always be true here. MOZ_ASSERT(mRealizedBitmap); RefPtr oldBitmap = mRealizedBitmap; D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1 props; props.dpiX = 96; props.dpiY = 96; props.pixelFormat = D2DPixelFormat(mFormat); props.colorContext = nullptr; props.bitmapOptions = D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_TARGET; mDC->CreateBitmap(D2DIntSize(mSize), nullptr, 0, props, (ID2D1Bitmap1**)byRef(mRealizedBitmap)); D2D1_POINT_2U point = D2D1::Point2U(0, 0); D2D1_RECT_U rect = D2D1::RectU(0, 0, mSize.width, mSize.height); mRealizedBitmap->CopyFromBitmap(&point, oldBitmap, &rect); mImage = mRealizedBitmap; DrawTargetD2D1::mVRAMUsageSS += mSize.width * mSize.height * BytesPerPixel(mFormat); mDrawTarget = nullptr; // We now no longer depend on the source surface content remaining the same. MarkIndependent(); } void SourceSurfaceD2D1::MarkIndependent() { if (mDrawTarget) { MOZ_ASSERT(mDrawTarget->mSnapshot == this); mDrawTarget->mSnapshot = nullptr; mDrawTarget = nullptr; } } DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::DataSourceSurfaceD2D1(ID2D1Bitmap1 *aMappableBitmap, SurfaceFormat aFormat) : mBitmap(aMappableBitmap) , mFormat(aFormat) , mMapped(false) { } DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::~DataSourceSurfaceD2D1() { if (mMapped) { mBitmap->Unmap(); } } IntSize DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::GetSize() const { D2D1_SIZE_F size = mBitmap->GetSize(); return IntSize(int32_t(size.width), int32_t(size.height)); } uint8_t* DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::GetData() { EnsureMapped(); return mMap.bits; } bool DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::Map(MapType aMapType, MappedSurface *aMappedSurface) { // DataSourceSurfaces used with the new Map API should not be used with GetData!! MOZ_ASSERT(!mMapped); MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsMapped); D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS options; if (aMapType == MapType::READ) { options = D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ; } else { MOZ_CRASH("No support for Write maps on D2D1 DataSourceSurfaces yet!"); } D2D1_MAPPED_RECT map; mBitmap->Map(D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ, &map); aMappedSurface->mData = map.bits; aMappedSurface->mStride = map.pitch; mIsMapped = true; return true; } void DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::Unmap() { MOZ_ASSERT(mIsMapped); mIsMapped = false; mBitmap->Unmap(); } int32_t DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::Stride() { EnsureMapped(); return mMap.pitch; } void DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::EnsureMapped() { // Do not use GetData() after having used Map! MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsMapped); if (mMapped) { return; } mBitmap->Map(D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ, &mMap); mMapped = true; } } }