# .hgignore - List of filenames hg should ignore # Filenames that should be ignored wherever they appear ~$ \.py(c|o)$ (?i)(^|/)TAGS$ (^|/)ID$ (^|/)\.DS_Store$ # Vim swap files. ^\.sw.$ .[^/]*\.sw.$ # Emacs directory variable files. \.dir-locals\.el # User files that may appear at the root ^\.mozconfig ^mozconfig* ^configure$ ^config\.cache$ ^config\.log$ ^\.clang_complete ^mach.ini$ # Empty marker file that's generated when we check out NSS ^security/manager/\.nss\.checkout$ # Build directories ^obj # Build directories for js shell _DBG\.OBJ/ _OPT\.OBJ/ ^js/src/.*-obj/ # SpiderMonkey configury ^js/src/configure$ ^js/src/autom4te.cache$ # SpiderMonkey test result logs ^js/src/tests/results-.*\.(html|txt)$ # Java HTML5 parser classes ^parser/html/java/(html|java)parser/ # SVN directories \.svn/ # Ignore the files and directory that Eclipse IDE creates \.project$ \.cproject$ \.settings/ # Ignore the directory that JetBrains IDEs create \.idea/ # Python stuff installed at build time. ^python/psutil/.*\.so ^python/psutil/.*\.pyd ^python/psutil/build/ # Git repositories .git/ # Ignore chrome.manifest files from the devtools loader ^browser/devtools/chrome.manifest$ ^toolkit/devtools/chrome.manifest$ # git checkout of libstagefright ^media/libstagefright/android$ # Tag files generated by GNU Global GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH # Unit tests for Loop ^browser/components/loop/standalone/content/config\.js$ ^browser/components/loop/standalone/node_modules/ # Git clone directory for updating web-platform-tests ^testing/web-platform/sync/ # Loop web client build/deploy dependencies ^browser/components/loop/standalone/bower_components # Loop legal content build/deploy artifacts # XXX Once a grunt contrib-clean command has been added (bug 1066491), or # once legal has centralized their ToS and PP hosting infrastructure, # (expected Q4 2014) the legal doc build stuff for Loop can be removed, # including the following three lines ^browser/components/loop/standalone/content/legal/styles/.*\.css$ ^browser/components/loop/standalone/content/legal/terms/en_US\.html$ # Android Gradle artifacts. ^mobile/android/gradle/.gradle