/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsCocoaUtils_h_ #define nsCocoaUtils_h_ #import #include "nsRect.h" #include "nsObjCExceptions.h" #include "imgIContainer.h" #include "nsEvent.h" #include "npapi.h" class nsIWidget; // Used to retain a Cocoa object for the remainder of a method's execution. class nsAutoRetainCocoaObject { public: nsAutoRetainCocoaObject(id anObject) { mObject = NS_OBJC_TRY_EXPR_ABORT([anObject retain]); } ~nsAutoRetainCocoaObject() { NS_OBJC_TRY_ABORT([mObject release]); } private: id mObject; // [STRONG] }; // Provide a local autorelease pool for the remainder of a method's execution. class nsAutoreleasePool { public: nsAutoreleasePool() { mLocalPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; } ~nsAutoreleasePool() { [mLocalPool release]; } private: NSAutoreleasePool *mLocalPool; }; @interface NSApplication (Undocumented) // Present in all versions of OS X from (at least) 10.2.8 through 10.5. - (BOOL)_isRunningModal; - (BOOL)_isRunningAppModal; // It's sometimes necessary to explicitly remove a window from the "window // cache" in order to deactivate it. The "window cache" is an undocumented // subsystem, all of whose methods are included in the NSWindowCache category // of the NSApplication class (in header files generated using class-dump). // Present in all versions of OS X from (at least) 10.2.8 through 10.5. - (void)_removeWindowFromCache:(NSWindow *)aWindow; // Send an event to the current Cocoa app-modal session. Present in all // versions of OS X from (at least) 10.2.8 through 10.5. - (void)_modalSession:(NSModalSession)aSession sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent; // Present (and documented) on OS X 10.6 and above. Not present before 10.6. // This declaration needed to avoid compiler warnings when compiling on 10.5 // and below (or using the 10.5 SDK and below). - (void)setHelpMenu:(NSMenu *)helpMenu; @end class nsCocoaUtils { public: // Returns the height of the primary screen (the one with the menu bar, which // is documented to be the first in the |screens| array). static float MenuBarScreenHeight(); // Returns the given y coordinate, which must be in screen coordinates, // flipped from Gecko to Cocoa or Cocoa to Gecko. static float FlippedScreenY(float y); // Gecko rects (nsRect) contain an origin (x,y) in a coordinate // system with (0,0) in the top-left of the primary screen. Cocoa rects // (NSRect) contain an origin (x,y) in a coordinate system with (0,0) // in the bottom-left of the primary screen. Both nsRect and NSRect // contain width/height info, with no difference in their use. static NSRect GeckoRectToCocoaRect(const nsIntRect &geckoRect); // See explanation for geckoRectToCocoaRect, guess what this does... static nsIntRect CocoaRectToGeckoRect(const NSRect &cocoaRect); // Gives the location for the event in screen coordinates. Do not call this // unless the window the event was originally targeted at is still alive! // anEvent may be nil -- in that case the current mouse location is returned. static NSPoint ScreenLocationForEvent(NSEvent* anEvent); // Determines if an event happened over a window, whether or not the event // is for the window. Does not take window z-order into account. static BOOL IsEventOverWindow(NSEvent* anEvent, NSWindow* aWindow); // Events are set up so that their coordinates refer to the window to which they // were originally sent. If we reroute the event somewhere else, we'll have // to get the window coordinates this way. Do not call this unless the window // the event was originally targeted at is still alive! static NSPoint EventLocationForWindow(NSEvent* anEvent, NSWindow* aWindow); static BOOL IsMomentumScrollEvent(NSEvent* aEvent); // Hides the Menu bar and the Dock. Multiple hide/show requests can be nested. static void HideOSChromeOnScreen(bool aShouldHide, NSScreen* aScreen); static nsIWidget* GetHiddenWindowWidget(); static void PrepareForNativeAppModalDialog(); static void CleanUpAfterNativeAppModalDialog(); // 3 utility functions to go from a frame of imgIContainer to CGImage and then to NSImage // Convert imgIContainer -> CGImageRef, caller owns result /** Creates a CGImageRef from a frame contained in an imgIContainer. Copies the pixel data from the indicated frame of the imgIContainer into a new CGImageRef. The caller owns the CGImageRef. @param aFrame the frame to convert @param aResult the resulting CGImageRef @return NS_OK if the conversion worked, NS_ERROR_FAILURE otherwise */ static nsresult CreateCGImageFromSurface(gfxImageSurface *aFrame, CGImageRef *aResult); /** Creates a Cocoa NSImage from a CGImageRef. Copies the pixel data from the CGImageRef into a new NSImage. The caller owns the NSImage. @param aInputImage the image to convert @param aResult the resulting NSImage @return NS_OK if the conversion worked, NS_ERROR_FAILURE otherwise */ static nsresult CreateNSImageFromCGImage(CGImageRef aInputImage, NSImage **aResult); /** Creates a Cocoa NSImage from a frame of an imgIContainer. Combines the two methods above. The caller owns the NSImage. @param aImage the image to extract a frame from @param aWhichFrame the frame to extract (see imgIContainer FRAME_*) @param aResult the resulting NSImage @return NS_OK if the conversion worked, NS_ERROR_FAILURE otherwise */ static nsresult CreateNSImageFromImageContainer(imgIContainer *aImage, PRUint32 aWhichFrame, NSImage **aResult); /** * Returns nsAString for aSrc. */ static void GetStringForNSString(const NSString *aSrc, nsAString& aDist); /** * Makes NSString instance for aString. */ static NSString* ToNSString(const nsAString& aString); /** * Returns NSRect for aGeckoRect. */ static void GeckoRectToNSRect(const nsIntRect& aGeckoRect, NSRect& aOutCocoaRect); /** * Makes NSEvent instance for aEventTytpe and aEvent. */ static NSEvent* MakeNewCocoaEventWithType(NSEventType aEventType, NSEvent *aEvent); /** * Initializes aNPCocoaEvent. */ static void InitNPCocoaEvent(NPCocoaEvent* aNPCocoaEvent); /** * Initializes aPluginEvent for aCocoaEvent. */ static void InitPluginEvent(nsPluginEvent &aPluginEvent, NPCocoaEvent &aCocoaEvent); /** * Initializes nsInputEvent for aNativeEvent or aModifiers. */ static void InitInputEvent(nsInputEvent &aInputEvent, NSEvent* aNativeEvent); static void InitInputEvent(nsInputEvent &aInputEvent, NSUInteger aModifiers); /** * GetCurrentModifiers() returns Cocoa modifier flags for current state. */ static NSUInteger GetCurrentModifiers(); }; #endif // nsCocoaUtils_h_