/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test Summary: // 1. call ss.setWindowState with a broken state // 1a. ensure that it doesn't throw. function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); let brokenState = { windows: [ { tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] }] } //{ tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:robots" }] }] }, ], selectedWindow: 2 }; let brokenStateString = JSON.stringify(brokenState); let gotError = false; try { ss.setWindowState(window, brokenStateString, true); } catch (ex) { gotError = true; info(ex); } ok(!gotError, "ss.setWindowState did not throw an error"); // Make sure that we reset the state. Use a full state just in case things get crazy. let blankState = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }]}]}; waitForBrowserState(blankState, finish); }