function test() { // ---------- // Test setup waitForExplicitFinish(); let oldOLC = FullZoom.onLocationChange; FullZoom.onLocationChange = function(aURI, aIsTabSwitch, aBrowser) { // Ignore calls that are not about tab switching on this test if (aIsTabSwitch), aURI, aIsTabSwitch, aBrowser); }; gPrefService.setBoolPref("browser.zoom.updateBackgroundTabs", true); gPrefService.setBoolPref("browser.zoom.siteSpecific", true); let oldAPTS = FullZoom._applyPrefToSetting; let uri = ""; // ------------------------------------------------------ // Test 1 - Zoom should not be called if URIs don't match FullZoom._applyPrefToSetting = function() { ok(false, "This should not be called"); }; FullZoom.onLocationChange(makeURI(uri), true); let tab = gBrowser.addTab(); tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(event) { tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test 2 - Trigger a tab switch that should now update the zoom level FullZoom._applyPrefToSetting = function() { ok(true, "applyPrefToSetting was called"); endTest(); } gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; }, true); tab.linkedBrowser.loadURI(uri); // ------------- // Test clean-up function endTest() { gBrowser.removeTab(tab); FullZoom._applyPrefToSetting = oldAPTS; FullZoom.onLocationChange = oldOLC; oldAPTS = null; oldOLC = null; tab = null; if (gPrefService.prefHasUserValue("browser.zoom.updateBackgroundTabs")) gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.zoom.updateBackgroundTabs"); if (gPrefService.prefHasUserValue("browser.zoom.siteSpecific")) gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.zoom.siteSpecific"); finish(); } }