/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #filter substitution package org.mozilla.gecko.updater; import org.mozilla.gecko.util.GeckoJarReader; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import java.net.URL; public class UpdateServiceHelper { public static final String ACTION_REGISTER_FOR_UPDATES = "@ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.REGISTER_FOR_UPDATES"; public static final String ACTION_UNREGISTER_FOR_UPDATES = "@ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.UNREGISTER_FOR_UPDATES"; public static final String ACTION_CHECK_FOR_UPDATE = "@ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.CHECK_FOR_UPDATE"; public static final String ACTION_CHECK_UPDATE_RESULT = "@ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.CHECK_UPDATE_RESULT"; public static final String ACTION_APPLY_UPDATE = "@ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.APPLY_UPDATE"; // Flags for ACTION_CHECK_FOR_UPDATE public static final int FLAG_FORCE_DOWNLOAD = 1; public static final int FLAG_OVERWRITE_EXISTING = 1 << 1; public static final int FLAG_REINSTALL = 1 << 2; public static final int FLAG_RETRY = 1 << 3; // Name of the Intent extra for the autodownload policy, used with ACTION_REGISTER_FOR_UPDATES public static final String EXTRA_AUTODOWNLOAD_NAME = "autodownload"; // Values for EXTRA_AUTODOWNLOAD_NAME public static final int AUTODOWNLOAD_WIFI = 0; public static final int AUTODOWNLOAD_DISABLED = 1; public static final int AUTODOWNLOAD_ENABLED = 2; // Name of the Intent extra that holds the flags for ACTION_CHECK_FOR_UPDATE public static final String EXTRA_UPDATE_FLAGS_NAME = "updateFlags"; // Name of the Intent extra that holds the APK path, used with ACTION_APPLY_UPDATE public static final String EXTRA_PACKAGE_PATH_NAME = "packagePath"; public static final String UPDATE_CHANNEL = "@MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL@"; private static final String LOGTAG = "UpdateServiceHelper"; private static final String BUILDID = "@MOZ_APP_BUILDID@"; private static final String DEFAULT_UPDATE_LOCALE = "en-US"; #ifdef MOZ_PKG_SPECIAL private static final String UPDATE_URL = "https://aus2.mozilla.org/update/4/@MOZ_APP_BASENAME@/@MOZ_APP_VERSION@/%BUILDID%/Android_@MOZ_APP_ABI@-@MOZ_PKG_SPECIAL@/%LOCALE%/@MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL@/%OS_VERSION%/default/default/@MOZ_APP_VERSION@/update.xml"; #else private static final String UPDATE_URL = "https://aus2.mozilla.org/update/4/@MOZ_APP_BASENAME@/@MOZ_APP_VERSION@/%BUILDID%/Android_@MOZ_APP_ABI@/%LOCALE%/@MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL@/%OS_VERSION%/default/default/@MOZ_APP_VERSION@/update.xml"; #endif public static URL getUpdateUrl(Context context, boolean force) { PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); String locale = null; try { ApplicationInfo info = pm.getApplicationInfo("@ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@", 0); String updateLocaleUrl = "jar:jar:file://" + info.sourceDir + "!/omni.ja!/update.locale"; locale = GeckoJarReader.getText(updateLocaleUrl); if (locale != null) locale = locale.trim(); else locale = DEFAULT_UPDATE_LOCALE; } catch (android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { // Shouldn't really be possible, but fallback to default locale Log.i(LOGTAG, "Failed to read update locale file, falling back to " + DEFAULT_UPDATE_LOCALE); locale = DEFAULT_UPDATE_LOCALE; } String url = UPDATE_URL.replace("%LOCALE%", locale). replace("%OS_VERSION%", Build.VERSION.RELEASE). replace("%BUILDID%", force ? "0" : BUILDID); try { return new URL(url); } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "Failed to create update url: ", e); return null; } } public static boolean isUpdaterEnabled() { #ifdef MOZ_UPDATER return true; #else return false; #endif } public static void registerForUpdates(Context context, String policy) { if (policy == null) return; int intPolicy; if (policy.equals("wifi")) { intPolicy = AUTODOWNLOAD_WIFI; } else if (policy.equals("disabled")) { intPolicy = AUTODOWNLOAD_DISABLED; } else if (policy.equals("enabled")) { intPolicy = AUTODOWNLOAD_ENABLED; } else { Log.w(LOGTAG, "Unhandled autoupdate policy: " + policy); return; } registerForUpdates(context, intPolicy); } // 'policy' should one of AUTODOWNLOAD_WIFI, AUTODOWNLOAD_DISABLED, AUTODOWNLOAD_ENABLED public static void registerForUpdates(Context context, int policy) { if (!isUpdaterEnabled()) return; Intent intent = new Intent(UpdateServiceHelper.ACTION_REGISTER_FOR_UPDATES, null, context, UpdateService.class); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_AUTODOWNLOAD_NAME, policy); context.startService(intent); } }