/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components; const XMLHttpRequest = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"); let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ ]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/gcli.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "js_beautify", "resource:///modules/devtools/Jsbeautify.jsm"); /** * jsb command. */ gcli.addCommand({ name: 'jsb', description: gcli.lookup('jsbDesc'), returnValue:'string', params: [ { name: 'url', type: 'string', description: gcli.lookup('jsbUrlDesc') }, { name: 'indentSize', type: 'number', description: gcli.lookup('jsbIndentSizeDesc'), manual: gcli.lookup('jsbIndentSizeManual'), defaultValue: 2 }, { name: 'indentChar', type: { name: 'selection', lookup: [ { name: "space", value: " " }, { name: "tab", value: "\t" } ] }, description: gcli.lookup('jsbIndentCharDesc'), manual: gcli.lookup('jsbIndentCharManual'), defaultValue: ' ', }, { name: 'preserveNewlines', type: 'boolean', description: gcli.lookup('jsbPreserveNewlinesDesc'), manual: gcli.lookup('jsbPreserveNewlinesManual') }, { name: 'preserveMaxNewlines', type: 'number', description: gcli.lookup('jsbPreserveMaxNewlinesDesc'), manual: gcli.lookup('jsbPreserveMaxNewlinesManual'), defaultValue: -1 }, { name: 'jslintHappy', type: 'boolean', description: gcli.lookup('jsbJslintHappyDesc'), manual: gcli.lookup('jsbJslintHappyManual') }, { name: 'braceStyle', type: { name: 'selection', data: ['collapse', 'expand', 'end-expand', 'expand-strict'] }, description: gcli.lookup('jsbBraceStyleDesc'), manual: gcli.lookup('jsbBraceStyleManual'), defaultValue: "collapse" }, { name: 'spaceBeforeConditional', type: 'boolean', description: gcli.lookup('jsbSpaceBeforeConditionalDesc'), manual: gcli.lookup('jsbSpaceBeforeConditionalManual') }, { name: 'unescapeStrings', type: 'boolean', description: gcli.lookup('jsbUnescapeStringsDesc'), manual: gcli.lookup('jsbUnescapeStringsManual') } ], exec: function(args, context) { let opts = { indent_size: args.indentSize, indent_char: args.indentChar, preserve_newlines: args.preserveNewlines, max_preserve_newlines: args.preserveMaxNewlines == -1 ? undefined : args.preserveMaxNewlines, jslint_happy: args.jslintHappy, brace_style: args.braceStyle, space_before_conditional: args.spaceBeforeConditional, unescape_strings: args.unescapeStrings } let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); try { xhr.open("GET", args.url, true); } catch(e) { return gcli.lookup('jsbInvalidURL'); } let promise = context.createPromise(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(aEvt) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0) { let browserDoc = context.environment.chromeDocument; let browserWindow = browserDoc.defaultView; let browser = browserWindow.gBrowser; browser.selectedTab = browser.addTab("data:text/plain;base64," + browserWindow.btoa(js_beautify(xhr.responseText, opts))); promise.resolve(); } else { promise.resolve("Unable to load page to beautify: " + args.url + " " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); } }; } xhr.send(null); return promise; } });