#!/usr/bin/perl # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. use DBI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI::Request; use URLTimingDataSet; use File::Copy (); use strict; use vars qw($dbh $arc $dbroot); # current db, and db/archive use constant STALE_AGE => 5 * 60; # seconds # show a chart of this run; turned off in automated tests, and where # an installation hasn't set up the required modules and libraries use constant SHOW_CHART => 0; sub createArchiveMetaTable { my $table = "tMetaTable"; return if -e "$dbroot/archive/$table"; # don't create it if it exists warn "createMetaTable:\t$dbroot/archive/$table"; mkdir "$dbroot/archive" unless -d "$dbroot/archive"; my ($sth, $sql); $sql = qq{ CREATE TABLE tMetaTable (DATETIME CHAR(14), LASTPING CHAR(14), ID CHAR(8), INDEX INTEGER, CUR_IDX INTEGER, CUR_CYC INTEGER, CUR_CONTENT CHAR(128), STATE INTEGER, BLESSED INTEGER, MAXCYC INTEGER, MAXIDX INTEGER, REPLACE INTEGER, NOCACHE INTEGER, DELAY INTEGER, REMOTE_USER CHAR(16), HTTP_USER_AGENT CHAR(128), REMOTE_ADDR CHAR(15), USER_EMAIL CHAR(32), USER_COMMENT CHAR(256) ) }; $sth = $arc->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish(); warn 'created archive meta table'; return 1; } sub purgeStaleEntries { my $id = shift; my $metatable = "tMetaTable"; # first, remove dead stuff my $sql = qq{SELECT * FROM $metatable WHERE STATE = "INIT" OR STATE = "OPEN"}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); my $now = time(); my $status; while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my $age = $now - timestamp2Time($data[1]); # if OPEN or INIT, and not heard from in 10 minutes, then it's never coming # back here again. Delete the entry. Whine in the error_log. if ($age > STALE_AGE) { warn "deleting stale record+table, id = $data[2], last = $data[1], @data"; $dbh->do( qq(DELETE FROM $metatable WHERE ID = "$data[2]") ); $dbh->do("DROP TABLE t" . $data[2]); } $status .= "$age @data\n"; } $sth->finish(); # now move any COMPLETE records to archive $sql = qq{SELECT * FROM $metatable}; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); $now = time(); while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my $age = $now - timestamp2Time($data[1]); # This keeps the "live" entries from growing too slow. # If COMPLETE and older than 10 minutes, move to archive. if ($age > STALE_AGE) { warn "moving COMPLETE record+table, id = $data[2], last = $data[1], @data"; moveRecordToArchive($data[2], \@data); $dbh->do( qq(DELETE FROM $metatable WHERE ID = "$data[2]") ); } } $sth->finish(); if (!SHOW_CHART) { # Don't move it if showing a chart. (Otherwise, if showing a # a chart, I'd have to do a little extra work to make sure I # didn't yank the record away from the IMG request) $sql = qq{SELECT * FROM $metatable WHERE ID = "$id"}; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { warn "moving COMPLETE record+table, id = $id, @data\n"; moveRecordToArchive($data[2], \@data); $dbh->do( qq(DELETE FROM $metatable WHERE ID = "$data[2]") ); } } $sth->finish(); } sub moveRecordToArchive { my $id = shift || die "no id"; my $dataref = shift || die "no dataref"; createArchiveMetaTable(); # if it doesn't exist insertIntoMetaTable($dataref); File::Copy::move("$dbroot/t$id", "$dbroot/archive/t$id"); } sub insertIntoMetaTable { my $dataref = shift || die "no dataref"; my $table = "tMetaTable"; my ($sth, $sql); $sql = qq{ INSERT INTO $table (DATETIME, LASTPING, ID, INDEX, CUR_IDX, CUR_CYC, CUR_CONTENT, STATE, BLESSED, MAXCYC, MAXIDX, REPLACE, NOCACHE, DELAY, REMOTE_USER, HTTP_USER_AGENT, REMOTE_ADDR, USER_EMAIL, USER_COMMENT ) VALUES (?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?, ?,?,?) }; $sth = $arc->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(@$dataref); $sth->finish(); } sub timestamp2Time ($) { my $str = shift; use Time::Local (); my @datetime = reverse unpack 'A4A2A2A2A2A2', $str; --$datetime[4]; # month: 0-11 return Time::Local::timelocal(@datetime); } sub serializeDataSet { # package up this data for storage elsewhere my $rs = shift; my $data = "avgmedian|" . $rs->{avgmedian}; $data .= "|average|" . $rs->{average}; $data .= "|minimum|" . $rs->{minimum}; $data .= "|maximum|" . $rs->{maximum}; $_ = $rs->as_string; s/^\s+//gs; s/\s+\n$//gs; s/\s*\n/\|/gs; # fold newlines s/\|\s+/\|/gs; s/\s+/;/gs; return $data . ":" . $_; } # # handle the request # my $request = new CGI::Request; my $id = $request->param('id'); #XXX need to check for valid parameter id my $rs = URLTimingDataSet->new($id); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # This sucks: we'll let the test time out to avoid crash-on-shutdown bugs print ""; # # dump some stats for tinderbox to snarf # print "\n"; # # If this is SurfingSafari, then catch a wave and you're sitting on top of the world!! # (and also blat this out to tegu, cause we got no 'dump' statement. # if ($request->cgi->var("HTTP_USER_AGENT") =~ /Safari/) { my %machineMap = ( "" => "boxset", "" => "pawn" ); my $ip = $request->cgi->var('REMOTE_ADDR'); my $machine = $machineMap{$ip}; my $res = eval q{ use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); # seconds my $req = POST('http://tegu.mozilla.org/graph/collect.cgi', [testname => 'pageload', tbox => "$machine" . "-aux", value => $rs->{avgmedian}, data => $data]); my $res = $ua->request($req); return $res; }; if ($@) { warn "Failed to submit startup results: $@"; } else { warn "Startup results submitted to server: \n", $res->status_line, "\n", $res->content, "\n"; } } if ($request->param('purge')) { # now move any old stuff into archive and clean stale entries # just going with the simple approach of "whoever sees old entries # first, cleans em up, whether they 'own' them or not". Hopefully, # the default locking will be sufficient to prevent a race. close(STDOUT); sleep(1); $dbroot = "db"; $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=./$dbroot", {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1}) || die "Cannot connect: " . $DBI::errstr; $arc = DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=./$dbroot/archive", {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1}) || die "Cannot connect: " . $DBI::errstr; purgeStaleEntries($id); $dbh->disconnect(); $arc->disconnect(); } exit 0;