/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const CRASH_URL = "http://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/pluginCrashCommentAndURL.html"; const SERVER_URL = "http://example.com/browser/toolkit/crashreporter/test/browser/crashreport.sjs"; function test() { // Crashing the plugin takes up a lot of time, so extend the test timeout. requestLongerTimeout(runs.length); waitForExplicitFinish(); // The test harness sets MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT, which disables plugin // crash reports. This test needs them enabled. The test also needs a mock // report server, and fortunately one is already set up by toolkit/ // crashreporter/test/Makefile.in. Assign its URL to MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL, // which CrashSubmit.jsm uses as a server override. let env = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIEnvironment); let noReport = env.get("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT"); let serverURL = env.get("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL"); env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT", ""); env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL", SERVER_URL); let tab = gBrowser.loadOneTab("about:blank", { inBackground: false }); let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab); browser.addEventListener("PluginCrashed", onCrash, false); Services.obs.addObserver(onSubmitStatus, "crash-report-status", false); registerCleanupFunction(function cleanUp() { env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT", noReport); env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL", serverURL); gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("PluginCrashed", onCrash, false); Services.obs.removeObserver(onSubmitStatus, "crash-report-status"); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); doNextRun(); } let runs = [ { shouldSubmissionUIBeVisible: true, comment: "", urlOptIn: false, }, { shouldSubmissionUIBeVisible: true, comment: "a test comment", urlOptIn: true, }, { width: 300, height: 300, shouldSubmissionUIBeVisible: false, }, ]; let currentRun = null; function doNextRun() { try { if (!runs.length) { finish(); return; } currentRun = runs.shift(); let args = ["width", "height"].reduce(function (memo, arg) { if (arg in currentRun) memo[arg] = currentRun[arg]; return memo; }, {}); gBrowser.loadURI(CRASH_URL + "?" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(args))); // And now wait for the crash. } catch (err) { failWithException(err); finish(); } } function onCrash() { try { let plugin = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("plugin"); let elt = gPluginHandler.getPluginUI.bind(gPluginHandler, plugin); let style = gBrowser.contentWindow.getComputedStyle(elt("msg msgPleaseSubmit")); is(style.display, currentRun.shouldSubmissionUIBeVisible ? "block" : "none", "Submission UI visibility should be correct"); if (!currentRun.shouldSubmissionUIBeVisible) { // Done with this run. doNextRun(); return; } elt("submitComment").value = currentRun.comment; elt("submitURLOptIn").checked = currentRun.urlOptIn; elt("submitButton").click(); // And now wait for the submission status notification. } catch (err) { failWithException(err); doNextRun(); } } function onSubmitStatus(subj, topic, data) { try { // Wait for success or failed, doesn't matter which. if (data != "success" && data != "failed") return; let extra = getPropertyBagValue(subj.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag), "extra"); ok(extra instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag, "Extra data should be property bag"); let val = getPropertyBagValue(extra, "PluginUserComment"); if (currentRun.comment) is(val, currentRun.comment, "Comment in extra data should match comment in textbox"); else ok(val === undefined, "Comment should be absent from extra data when textbox is empty"); val = getPropertyBagValue(extra, "PluginContentURL"); if (currentRun.urlOptIn) is(val, gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "URL in extra data should match browser URL when opt-in checked"); else ok(val === undefined, "URL should be absent from extra data when opt-in not checked"); } catch (err) { failWithException(err); } doNextRun(); } function getPropertyBagValue(bag, key) { try { var val = bag.getProperty(key); } catch (e if e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {} return val; } function failWithException(err) { ok(false, "Uncaught exception: " + err + "\n" + err.stack); }