/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; let Ci = Components.interfaces, Cc = Components.classes, Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm") Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); let gStringBundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/aboutAddons.properties"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(window, "gChromeWin", function() window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem) .rootTreeItem .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow)); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(window, "SelectHelper", function() gChromeWin.SelectHelper); function init() { window.addEventListener("popstate", onPopState, false); Services.obs.addObserver(Addons, "browser-search-engine-modified", false); AddonManager.addInstallListener(Addons); AddonManager.addAddonListener(Addons); Addons.getAddons(); showList(); } function uninit() { Services.obs.removeObserver(Addons, "browser-search-engine-modified"); AddonManager.removeInstallListener(Addons); AddonManager.removeAddonListener(Addons); } function openLink(aElement) { try { let formatter = Cc["@mozilla.org/toolkit/URLFormatterService;1"].getService(Ci.nsIURLFormatter); let url = formatter.formatURLPref(aElement.getAttribute("pref")); let BrowserApp = gChromeWin.BrowserApp; BrowserApp.addTab(url, { selected: true, parentId: BrowserApp.selectedTab.id }); } catch (ex) {} } function onPopState(aEvent) { // Called when back/forward is used to change the state of the page if (aEvent.state) { // Show the detail page for an addon Addons.showDetails(Addons._getElementForAddon(aEvent.state.id)); } else { // Clear any previous detail addon let detailItem = document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item"); detailItem.addon = null; showList(); } } function showList() { // Hide the detail page and show the list let details = document.querySelector("#addons-details"); details.style.display = "none"; let list = document.querySelector("#addons-list"); list.style.display = "block"; } var Addons = { _restartCount: 0, _createItem: function _createItem(aAddon) { let outer = document.createElement("div"); outer.setAttribute("addonID", aAddon.id); outer.className = "addon-item"; outer.setAttribute("role", "button"); outer.addEventListener("click", function() { this.showDetails(outer); history.pushState({ id: aAddon.id }, document.title); }.bind(this), true); let img = document.createElement("img"); img.className = "favicon"; img.setAttribute("src", aAddon.iconURL); outer.appendChild(img); let inner = document.createElement("div"); inner.className = "inner"; let details = document.createElement("div"); details.className = "details"; inner.appendChild(details); let tagPart = document.createElement("div"); tagPart.textContent = gStringBundle.GetStringFromName("addonType." + aAddon.type); tagPart.className = "tag"; details.appendChild(tagPart); let titlePart = document.createElement("div"); titlePart.textContent = aAddon.name; titlePart.className = "title"; details.appendChild(titlePart); let versionPart = document.createElement("div"); versionPart.textContent = aAddon.version; versionPart.className = "version"; details.appendChild(versionPart); if ("description" in aAddon) { let descPart = document.createElement("div"); descPart.textContent = aAddon.description; descPart.className = "description"; inner.appendChild(descPart); } outer.appendChild(inner); return outer; }, _createItemForAddon: function _createItemForAddon(aAddon) { let appManaged = (aAddon.scope == AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION); let opType = this._getOpTypeForOperations(aAddon.pendingOperations); let updateable = (aAddon.permissions & AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UPGRADE) > 0; let uninstallable = (aAddon.permissions & AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UNINSTALL) > 0; let blocked = ""; switch(aAddon.blocklistState) { case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED: blocked = "blocked"; break; case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_SOFTBLOCKED: blocked = "softBlocked"; break; case Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_OUTDATED: blocked = "outdated"; break; } let item = this._createItem(aAddon); item.setAttribute("isDisabled", !aAddon.isActive); item.setAttribute("opType", opType); item.setAttribute("updateable", updateable); if (blocked) item.setAttribute("blockedStatus", blocked); item.setAttribute("optionsURL", aAddon.optionsURL || ""); item.addon = aAddon; return item; }, _getElementForAddon: function(aKey) { let list = document.getElementById("addons-list"); let element = list.querySelector("div[addonID='" + aKey + "']"); return element; }, getAddons: function getAddons() { // Clear all content before filling the addons let list = document.getElementById("addons-list"); list.innerHTML = ""; let self = this; AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["extension", "theme", "locale"], function(aAddons) { for (let i=0; i .addon-item"); detailItem.setAttribute("isDisabled", aListItem.getAttribute("isDisabled")); detailItem.setAttribute("opType", aListItem.getAttribute("opType")); detailItem.setAttribute("optionsURL", aListItem.getAttribute("optionsURL")); let addon = detailItem.addon = aListItem.addon; let favicon = document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item .favicon"); if (addon.iconURL) favicon.setAttribute("src", addon.iconURL); else favicon.removeAttribute("src"); document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item .title").textContent = addon.name; document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item .version").textContent = addon.version; document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item .tag").textContent = gStringBundle.GetStringFromName("addonType." + addon.type); document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item .description-full").textContent = addon.description; let enableBtn = document.getElementById("uninstall-btn"); if (addon.appDisabled) enableBtn.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); else enableBtn.removeAttribute("disabled"); let uninstallBtn = document.getElementById("uninstall-btn"); if (addon.scope == AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION) uninstallBtn.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); else uninstallBtn.removeAttribute("disabled"); let box = document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item .options-box"); box.innerHTML = ""; // Retrieve the extensions preferences try { let optionsURL = aListItem.getAttribute("optionsURL"); let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", optionsURL, false); xhr.send(); if (xhr.responseXML) { // Only allow for now let settings = xhr.responseXML.querySelectorAll(":root > setting"); for (let i = 0; i < settings.length; i++) { var setting = settings[i]; var desc = stripTextNodes(setting).trim(); if (!setting.hasAttribute("desc")) setting.setAttribute("desc", desc); box.appendChild(setting); } /* // Send an event so add-ons can prepopulate any non-preference based // settings let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("AddonOptionsLoad", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(event); // Also send a notification to match the behavior of desktop Firefox let id = this.id.substring(17); // length of |urn:mozilla:item:| Services.obs.notifyObservers(document, "addon-options-displayed", id); */ } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e) } let list = document.querySelector("#addons-list"); list.style.display = "none"; let details = document.querySelector("#addons-details"); details.style.display = "block"; }, setEnabled: function setEnabled(aValue, aAddon) { let detailItem = document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item"); let addon = aAddon || detailItem.addon; if (!addon) return; let listItem = this._getElementForAddon(addon.id); let opType; if (addon.type == "search") { addon.engine.hidden = !aValue; opType = aValue ? "needs-enable" : "needs-disable"; } else if (addon.type == "theme") { if (aValue) { // We can have only one theme enabled, so disable the current one if any let list = document.getElementById("addons-list"); let item = list.firstElementChild; while (item) { if (item.addon && (item.addon.type == "theme") && (item.addon.isActive)) { this.setEnabled(false, item); break; } item = item.nextSibling; } } addon.userDisabled = !aValue; } else if (addon.type == "locale") { addon.userDisabled = !aValue; } else { addon.userDisabled = !aValue; opType = this._getOpTypeForOperations(addon.pendingOperations); if ((addon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_ENABLE) || (addon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_DISABLE)) { this.showRestart(); } else if (listItem && /needs-(enable|disable)/.test(listItem.getAttribute("opType"))) { this.hideRestart(); } } if (addon == detailItem.addon) { detailItem.setAttribute("isDisabled", !aValue); if (opType) detailItem.setAttribute("opType", opType); else detailItem.removeAttribute("opType"); } // Sync to the list item if (listItem) { listItem.setAttribute("isDisabled", !aValue); if (opType) listItem.setAttribute("opType", opType); else listItem.removeAttribute("opType"); } }, enable: function enable() { this.setEnabled(true); }, disable: function disable() { this.setEnabled(false); }, uninstall: function uninstall() { let list = document.getElementById("addons-list"); let detailItem = document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item"); let addon = detailItem.addon; if (!addon) return; let listItem = this._getElementForAddon(addon.id); if (addon.type == "search") { // Make sure the engine isn't hidden before removing it, to make sure it's // visible if the user later re-adds it (works around bug 341833) addon.engine.hidden = false; Services.search.removeEngine(addon.engine); // the search-engine-modified observer will take care of updating the list history.back(); } else { addon.uninstall(); if (addon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL) { this.showRestart(); // A disabled addon doesn't need a restart so it has no pending ops and // can't be cancelled let opType = this._getOpTypeForOperations(addon.pendingOperations); if (!addon.isActive && opType == "") opType = "needs-uninstall"; detailItem.setAttribute("opType", opType); listItem.setAttribute("opType", opType); } else { list.removeChild(listItem); history.back(); } } }, cancelUninstall: function ev_cancelUninstall() { let detailItem = document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item"); let addon = detailItem.addon; if (!addon) return; addon.cancelUninstall(); this.hideRestart(); let opType = this._getOpTypeForOperations(addon.pendingOperations); detailItem.setAttribute("opType", opType); let listItem = this._getElementForAddon(addon.id); listItem.setAttribute("opType", opType); }, showRestart: function showRestart() { this._restartCount++; gChromeWin.XPInstallObserver.showRestartPrompt(); }, hideRestart: function hideRestart() { this._restartCount--; if (this._restartCount == 0) gChromeWin.XPInstallObserver.hideRestartPrompt(); }, onEnabled: function(aAddon) { let listItem = this._getElementForAddon(aAddon.id); if (!listItem) return; // Reload the details to pick up any options now that it's enabled. listItem.setAttribute("optionsURL", aAddon.optionsURL || ""); let detailItem = document.querySelector("#addons-details > .addon-item"); if (aAddon == detailItem.addon) this.showDetails(listItem); }, onInstallEnded: function(aInstall, aAddon) { let needsRestart = false; if (aInstall.existingAddon && (aInstall.existingAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UPGRADE)) needsRestart = true; else if (aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_INSTALL) needsRestart = true; let list = document.getElementById("addons-list"); let element = this._getElementForAddon(aAddon.id); if (!element) { element = this._createItemForAddon(aAddon); list.insertBefore(element, list.firstElementChild); } if (needsRestart) element.setAttribute("opType", "needs-restart"); }, observe: function observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic == "browser-search-engine-modified") { switch (aData) { case "engine-added": case "engine-removed": case "engine-changed": this.getAddons(); break; } } }, onInstallFailed: function(aInstall) { }, onDownloadProgress: function xpidm_onDownloadProgress(aInstall) { }, onDownloadFailed: function(aInstall) { }, onDownloadCancelled: function(aInstall) { } }