/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-1999 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Charles Manske (cmanske@netscape.com) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ var gInProgress = true; var gPublishData; var gPersistObj; var gTotalFileCount = 0; var gSucceededCount = 0; var gFinished = false; var gPublishingFailed = false; var gFileNotFound = false; var gStatusMessage=""; var gTimerID; var gAllowEnterKey = false; // Publishing error codes // These are translated from C++ error code strings like this: // kFileNotFound = "FILE_NOT_FOUND", const kNetReset = 2152398868; // nsISocketTransportService.idl const kFileNotFound = 2152857618; const kNotConnected = 2152398860; // in netCore.h const kConnectionRefused = 2152398861; // nsISocketTransportService.idl const kNetTimeout = 2152398862; // nsISocketTransportService.idl const kNoConnectionOrTimeout = 2152398878; const kPortAccessNotAllowed = 2152398867; // netCore.h const kOffline = 2152398865; // netCore.h const kDiskFull = 2152857610; const kNoDeviceSpace = 2152857616; const kNameTooLong = 2152857617; const kAccessDenied = 2152857621; // These are more errors that I don't think we encounter during publishing, // so we don't have error strings yet. Let's keep them here for future reference //const kUnrecognizedPath = 2152857601; //const kUnresolvableSymlink = 2152857602; //const kUnknownType = 2152857604; //const kDestinationNotDir = 2152857605; //const kTargetDoesNotExist = 2152857606; //const kAlreadyExists = 2152857608; //const kInvalidPath = 2152857609; //const kNotDirectory = 2152857612; //const kIsDirectory = 2152857613; //const kIsLocked = 2152857614; //const kTooBig = 2152857615; //const kReadOnly = 2152857619; //const kDirectoryNotEmpty = 2152857620; //const kErrorBindingRedirected = 2152398851; //const kAlreadyConnected = 2152398859; // in netCore.h //const kInProgress = 2152398863; // netCore.h //const kNoContent = 2152398865; // netCore.h //const kUnknownProtocol = 2152398866 // netCore.h //const kFtpLogin = 2152398869; // ftpCore.h //const kFtpCWD = 2152398870; // ftpCore.h //const kFtpPasv = 2152398871; // ftpCore.h //const kFtpPwd = 2152398872; // ftpCore.h function Startup() { gPublishData = window.arguments[0]; if (!gPublishData) { dump("No publish data!\n"); window.close(); return; } gDialog.FileList = document.getElementById("FileList"); gDialog.FinalStatusMessage = document.getElementById("FinalStatusMessage"); gDialog.StatusMessage = document.getElementById("StatusMessage"); gDialog.KeepOpen = document.getElementById("KeepOpen"); gDialog.Close = document.documentElement.getButton("cancel"); SetWindowLocation(); var title = GetDocumentTitle(); if (!title) title = "("+GetString("untitled")+")"; document.title = GetString("PublishProgressCaption").replace(/%title%/, title); document.getElementById("PublishToSite").value = GetString("PublishToSite").replace(/%title%/, TruncateStringAtWordEnd(gPublishData.siteName, 25)); // Show publishing destination URL document.getElementById("PublishUrl").value = gPublishData.publishUrl; // Show subdirectories only if not empty if (gPublishData.docDir || gPublishData.otherDir) { if (gPublishData.docDir) document.getElementById("docDir").value = gPublishData.docDir; else document.getElementById("DocSubdir").hidden = true; if (gPublishData.publishOtherFiles && gPublishData.otherDir) document.getElementById("otherDir").value = gPublishData.otherDir; else document.getElementById("OtherSubdir").hidden = true; } else document.getElementById("Subdirectories").hidden = true; // Add the document to the "publish to" list as quick as possible! SetProgressStatus(gPublishData.filename, "busy"); if (gPublishData.publishOtherFiles) { // When publishing images as well, expand list to show more items gDialog.FileList.setAttribute("rows", 5); window.sizeToContent(); } // Now that dialog is initialized, we can start publishing gPersistObj = window.opener.StartPublishing(); } // this function is to be used when we cancel persist's saving // since not all messages will be returned to us if we cancel // this function changes status for all non-done/non-failure to failure function SetProgressStatusCancel() { var listitems = document.getElementsByTagName("listitem"); if (!listitems) return; for (var i=0; i < listitems.length; i++) { var attr = listitems[i].getAttribute("progress"); if (attr != "done" && attr != "failed") listitems[i].setAttribute("progress", "failed"); } } // Add filename to list of files to publish // or set status for file already in the list // Returns true if file was in the list function SetProgressStatus(filename, status) { if (!filename) return false; if (!status) status = "busy"; // Just set attribute for status icon // if we already have this filename var listitems = document.getElementsByTagName("listitem"); if (listitems) { for (var i=0; i < listitems.length; i++) { if (listitems[i].getAttribute("label") == filename) { listitems[i].setAttribute("progress", status); return true; } } } // We're adding a new file item to list gTotalFileCount++; var listitem = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "listitem"); if (listitem) { listitem.setAttribute("class", "listitem-iconic progressitem"); // This triggers CSS to show icon for each status state listitem.setAttribute("progress", status); listitem.setAttribute("label", filename); gDialog.FileList.appendChild(listitem); } return false; } function SetProgressFinished(filename, networkStatus) { var abortPublishing = false; if (filename) { var status = networkStatus ? "failed" : "done"; if (networkStatus == 0) gSucceededCount++; SetProgressStatus(filename, status); } if (networkStatus != 0) // Error condition { // We abort on all errors except if image file was not found abortPublishing = networkStatus != kFileNotFound; // Mark all remaining files as "failed" if (abortPublishing) { gPublishingFailed = true; SetProgressStatusCancel(); gDialog.FinalStatusMessage.value = GetString("PublishFailed"); } switch (networkStatus) { case kFileNotFound: gFileNotFound = true; if (filename) gStatusMessage = GetString("FileNotFound").replace(/%file%/, filename); break; case kNetReset: // We get this when subdir doesn't exist AND // if filename used is same as an existing subdir var dir = (gPublishData.filename == filename) ? gPublishData.docDir : gPublishData.otherDir; if (dir) { // This is the ambiguous case when we can't tell if subdir or filename is bad // Remove terminal "/" from dir string and insert into message gStatusMessage = GetString("SubdirDoesNotExist").replace(/%dir%/, dir.slice(0, dir.length-1)); gStatusMessage = gStatusMessage.replace(/%file%/, filename); // Remove directory from saved prefs // XXX Note that if subdir is good, // but filename = next level subdirectory name, // we really shouldn't remove subdirectory, // but it's impossible to differentiate this case! RemovePublishSubdirectoryFromPrefs(gPublishData, dir); } else if (filename) gStatusMessage = GetString("FilenameIsSubdir").replace(/%file%/, filename); break; case kNotConnected: case kConnectionRefused: case kNetTimeout: case kNoConnectionOrTimeout: case kPortAccessNotAllowed: gStatusMessage = GetString("ServerNotAvailable"); break; case kOffline: gStatusMessage = GetString("Offline"); break; case kDiskFull: case kNoDeviceSpace: if (filename) gStatusMessage = GetString("DiskFull").replace(/%file%/, filename); break; case kNameTooLong: if (filename) gStatusMessage = GetString("NameTooLong").replace(/%file%/, filename); break; case kAccessDenied: if (filename) gStatusMessage = GetString("AccessDenied").replace(/%file%/, filename); break; case kUnknownType: default: gStatusMessage = GetString("UnknownPublishError") break; } } else if (!filename) { gFinished = true; document.documentElement.setAttribute("buttonlabelcancel", document.documentElement.getAttribute("buttonlabelclose")); if (!gStatusMessage) gStatusMessage = GetString(gPublishingFailed ? "UnknownPublishError" : "AllFilesPublished"); // Now allow "Enter/Return" key to close the dialog AllowDefaultButton(); if (gPublishingFailed || gFileNotFound) { // Show "Troubleshooting" button to help solving problems // and key for successful / failed files document.getElementById("failureBox").hidden = false; } } if (gStatusMessage) SetStatusMessage(gStatusMessage); } function CheckKeepOpen() { if (gTimerID) { clearTimeout(gTimerID); gTimerID = null; } } function onClose() { if (!gFinished) { const nsIPromptService = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService; var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"] .getService(nsIPromptService); const buttonFlags = (nsIPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * nsIPromptService.BUTTON_POS_0) + (nsIPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * nsIPromptService.BUTTON_POS_1); var button = promptService.confirmEx(window, GetString("CancelPublishTitle"), GetString("CancelPublishMessage"), buttonFlags, GetString("CancelPublishContinue"), null, null, null, {}); if (button == 0) return false; } if (gTimerID) { clearTimeout(gTimerID); gTimerID = null; } if (!gFinished && gPersistObj) { try { gPersistObj.cancelSave(); } catch (e) {} } SaveWindowLocation(); // Tell caller so they can cleanup and restore editability window.opener.FinishPublishing(); return true; } function AllowDefaultButton() { gDialog.Close.setAttribute("default","true"); gAllowEnterKey = true; } function onEnterKey() { if (gAllowEnterKey) return CloseDialog(); return false; } function RequestCloseDialog() { // Finish progress messages, settings buttons etc. SetProgressFinished(null, 0); if (!gDialog.KeepOpen.checked) { // Leave window open a minimum amount of time gTimerID = setTimeout("CloseDialog();", 3000); } // Set "completed" message if we succeeded // (Some image files may have failed, // but we don't abort publishing for that) if (!gPublishingFailed) { gDialog.FinalStatusMessage.value = GetString("PublishCompleted"); if (gFileNotFound && gTotalFileCount-gSucceededCount) { // Show number of files that failed to upload gStatusMessage = (GetString("FailedFileMsg").replace(/%x%/,(gTotalFileCount-gSucceededCount))) .replace(/%total%/,gTotalFileCount); SetStatusMessage(gStatusMessage); } } } function SetStatusMessage(message) { // Status message is a child of element // so text can wrap to multiple lines if necessary if (gDialog.StatusMessage.firstChild) { gDialog.StatusMessage.firstChild.data = message; } else { var textNode = document.createTextNode(message); if (textNode) gDialog.StatusMessage.appendChild(textNode); } window.sizeToContent(); } function CloseDialog() { SaveWindowLocation(); window.opener.FinishPublishing(); try { window.close(); } catch (e) {} }