/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; function test() { if (!isTiltEnabled()) { info("Skipping part of the arcball test because Tilt isn't enabled."); return; } if (!isWebGLSupported()) { info("Skipping part of the arcball test because WebGL isn't supported."); return; } requestLongerTimeout(10); waitForExplicitFinish(); createTab(function() { createTilt({ onTiltOpen: function(instance) { performTest(instance.presenter.canvas, instance.controller.arcball, function() { info("Killing arcball reset test."); Services.obs.addObserver(cleanup, DESTROYED, false); InspectorUI.closeInspectorUI(); }); } }); }); } function performTest(canvas, arcball, callback) { is(document.activeElement, canvas, "The visualizer canvas should be focused when performing this test."); info("Starting arcball reset test."); // start translating and rotating sometime at random window.setTimeout(function() { info("Synthesizing key down events."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_W", { type: "keydown" }); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", { type: "keydown" }); // wait for some arcball translations and rotations to happen window.setTimeout(function() { info("Synthesizing key up events."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_W", { type: "keyup" }); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", { type: "keyup" }); // ok, transformations finished, we can now try to reset the model view window.setTimeout(function() { info("Synthesizing arcball reset key press."); arcball._onResetStart = function() { info("Starting arcball reset animation."); }; arcball._onResetStep = function() { info("\nlastRot: " + quat4.str(arcball._lastRot) + "\ndeltaRot: " + quat4.str(arcball._deltaRot) + "\ncurrentRot: " + quat4.str(arcball._currentRot) + "\nlastTrans: " + vec3.str(arcball._lastTrans) + "\ndeltaTrans: " + vec3.str(arcball._deltaTrans) + "\ncurrentTrans: " + vec3.str(arcball._currentTrans) + "\nadditionalRot: " + vec3.str(arcball._additionalRot) + "\nadditionalTrans: " + vec3.str(arcball._additionalTrans) + "\nzoomAmount: " + arcball._zoomAmount); }; arcball._onResetFinish = function() { ok(isApproxVec(arcball._lastRot, [0, 0, 0, 1]), "The arcball _lastRot field wasn't reset correctly."); ok(isApproxVec(arcball._deltaRot, [0, 0, 0, 1]), "The arcball _deltaRot field wasn't reset correctly."); ok(isApproxVec(arcball._currentRot, [0, 0, 0, 1]), "The arcball _currentRot field wasn't reset correctly."); ok(isApproxVec(arcball._lastTrans, [0, 0, 0]), "The arcball _lastTrans field wasn't reset correctly."); ok(isApproxVec(arcball._deltaTrans, [0, 0, 0]), "The arcball _deltaTrans field wasn't reset correctly."); ok(isApproxVec(arcball._currentTrans, [0, 0, 0]), "The arcball _currentTrans field wasn't reset correctly."); ok(isApproxVec(arcball._additionalRot, [0, 0, 0]), "The arcball _additionalRot field wasn't reset correctly."); ok(isApproxVec(arcball._additionalTrans, [0, 0, 0]), "The arcball _additionalTrans field wasn't reset correctly."); ok(isApproxVec([arcball._zoomAmount], [0]), "The arcball _zoomAmount field wasn't reset correctly."); executeSoon(function() { info("Finishing arcball reset test."); callback(); }); }; EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_R", { type: "keydown" }); }, Math.random() * 1000); // leave enough time for transforms to happen }, Math.random() * 1000); }, Math.random() * 1000); } function cleanup() { info("Cleaning up arcball reset test."); Services.obs.removeObserver(cleanup, DESTROYED); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); finish(); }