/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["DownloadsIPC"]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "cpmm", "@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageSender"); /** * This module lives in the child process and receives the ipc messages * from the parent. It saves the download's state and redispatch changes * to DOM objects using an observer notification. * * This module needs to be loaded once and only once per process. */ function debug(aStr) { #ifdef MOZ_DEBUG dump("-*- DownloadsIPC.jsm : " + aStr + "\n"); #endif } const ipcMessages = ["Downloads:Added", "Downloads:Removed", "Downloads:Changed", "Downloads:GetList:Return", "Downloads:ClearAllDone:Return", "Downloads:Remove:Return", "Downloads:Pause:Return", "Downloads:Resume:Return"]; this.DownloadsIPC = { downloads: {}, init: function() { debug("init"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); ipcMessages.forEach((aMessage) => { cpmm.addMessageListener(aMessage, this); }); // We need to get the list of current downloads. this.ready = false; this.getListPromises = []; this.clearAllPromises = []; this.downloadPromises = {}; cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Downloads:GetList", {}); this._promiseId = 0; }, notifyChanges: function(aId) { // TODO: use the subject instead of stringifying. if (this.downloads[aId]) { debug("notifyChanges notifying changes for " + aId); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "downloads-state-change-" + aId, JSON.stringify(this.downloads[aId])); } else { debug("notifyChanges failed for " + aId) } }, _updateDownloadsArray: function(aDownloads) { this.downloads = []; // We actually have an array of downloads. aDownloads.forEach((aDownload) => { this.downloads[aDownload.id] = aDownload; }); }, receiveMessage: function(aMessage) { let download = aMessage.data; debug("message: " + aMessage.name); switch(aMessage.name) { case "Downloads:GetList:Return": this._updateDownloadsArray(download); if (!this.ready) { this.getListPromises.forEach(aPromise => aPromise.resolve(this.downloads)); this.getListPromises.length = 0; } this.ready = true; break; case "Downloads:ClearAllDone:Return": this._updateDownloadsArray(download); this.clearAllPromises.forEach(aPromise => aPromise.resolve(this.downloads)); this.clearAllPromises.length = 0; break; case "Downloads:Added": this.downloads[download.id] = download; this.notifyChanges(download.id); break; case "Downloads:Removed": if (this.downloads[download.id]) { this.downloads[download.id] = download; this.notifyChanges(download.id); delete this.downloads[download.id]; } break; case "Downloads:Changed": // Only update properties that actually changed. let cached = this.downloads[download.id]; if (!cached) { debug("No download found for " + download.id); return; } let props = ["totalBytes", "currentBytes", "url", "path", "state", "contentType", "startTime"]; let changed = false; props.forEach((aProp) => { if (download[aProp] && (download[aProp] != cached[aProp])) { cached[aProp] = download[aProp]; changed = true; } }); // Updating the error property. We always get a 'state' change as // well. cached.error = download.error; if (changed) { this.notifyChanges(download.id); } break; case "Downloads:Remove:Return": case "Downloads:Pause:Return": case "Downloads:Resume:Return": if (this.downloadPromises[download.promiseId]) { if (!download.error) { this.downloadPromises[download.promiseId].resolve(download); } else { this.downloadPromises[download.promiseId].reject(download); } delete this.downloadPromises[download.promiseId]; } break; } }, /** * Returns a promise that is resolved with the list of current downloads. */ getDownloads: function() { debug("getDownloads()"); let deferred = Promise.defer(); if (this.ready) { debug("Returning existing list."); deferred.resolve(this.downloads); } else { this.getListPromises.push(deferred); } return deferred.promise; }, /** * Returns a promise that is resolved with the list of current downloads. */ clearAllDone: function() { debug("clearAllDone"); let deferred = Promise.defer(); this.clearAllPromises.push(deferred); cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Downloads:ClearAllDone", {}); return deferred.promise; }, promiseId: function() { return this._promiseId++; }, remove: function(aId) { debug("remove " + aId); let deferred = Promise.defer(); let pId = this.promiseId(); this.downloadPromises[pId] = deferred; cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Downloads:Remove", { id: aId, promiseId: pId }); return deferred.promise; }, pause: function(aId) { debug("pause " + aId); let deferred = Promise.defer(); let pId = this.promiseId(); this.downloadPromises[pId] = deferred; cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Downloads:Pause", { id: aId, promiseId: pId }); return deferred.promise; }, resume: function(aId) { debug("resume " + aId); let deferred = Promise.defer(); let pId = this.promiseId(); this.downloadPromises[pId] = deferred; cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Downloads:Resume", { id: aId, promiseId: pId }); return deferred.promise; }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic == "xpcom-shutdown") { ipcMessages.forEach((aMessage) => { cpmm.removeMessageListener(aMessage, this); }); } } }; DownloadsIPC.init();