#!perl -w package Packager; require 5.004; use strict; use File::stat; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Find; use File::Path; use File::stat; require Exporter; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); # Package that generates a jar manifest from an input file @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( Copy ); # initialize variables my($saved_cwd) = cwd(); my($component) = ""; # current component being copied my(@components) = (); # list of components to copy my($components) = ""; # string version of @components my($altdest) = ""; # alternate file destination my($line) = ""; # line being processed my($srcdir) = ""; # root directory being copied from my($destdir) = ""; # root directory being copied to my($package) = ""; # file listing files to copy my($os) = ""; # os type (MSDOS, Unix) my($lineno) = 0; # line # of package file for error text my($debug) = 0; # controls amount of debug output my($dirflag) = 0; # flag: are we copying a directory? my($help) = 0; # flag: if set, print usage my($flat) = 0; # copy everything into the package dir, not into separate # component dirs # # Copy # # Loop over each line in the specified manifest, copying into $destdir # sub Copy { ($srcdir, $destdir, $package, $os, $flat, $help, $debug, @components) = @_; check_arguments(); if ($os eq "MSDOS") { $srcdir =~ s|\\|/|; $destdir =~ s|\\|/|; } open (MANIFEST,"<$package") || die "Error: couldn't open file $package for reading: $!. Exiting...\n"; LINE: while () { $line = ""; $altdest = ""; $lineno++; s/\\/\//g if ($os eq "MSDOS"); # Convert to posix path s/\;.*//; # it's a comment, kill it. s/^\s+//; # nuke leading whitespace s/\s+$//; # nuke trailing whitespace ($debug >= 2) && print "\n"; ($debug >= 8) && print "line $lineno:$_\n"; # it's a blank line, skip it. /^$/ && do { ($debug >= 10) && print "blank line.\n"; next LINE; }; # it's a new component /^\[/ && do { ($debug >= 10) && print "component.\n"; $component = $_; do_component(); next LINE; }; # if we find a file before we have a component and we are in flat mode, # copy it - allows for flat only files (installed-chrome.txt) if (( $component eq "" ) && ($components eq "" ) && (!$flat)) { next LINE; } # skip line if we're only copying specific components and outside # those components if (( $component eq "" ) && ($components ne "" )) { ($debug >= 10) && print "Not in specifed component. Skipping $_\n"; next LINE; } if ($line eq "") { $line = $_; # if $line not set, set it. } if ($os ne "MSDOS") { # hack - need to fix for dos $line =~ s|^/||; # strip any leading path delimiter } # delete the file or directory following the '-' /^-/ && do { $line =~ s/^-//; # strip leading '-' ($debug >= 10) && print "delete: $destdir/$component/$line\n"; do_delete ("$destdir", "$component", "$line"); next LINE; }; # file/directory being copied to different target location /\,/ && do { /.*\,.*\,.*/ && die "Error: multiple commas not allowed ($package, $lineno): $_.\n"; ($line, $altdest) = split (/\s*\,\s*/, $line, 2); $line =~ s|/*$||; # strip any trailing path delimiters $altdest =~ s|/*$||; # strip any trailing delimiter ($debug >= 10) && print "relocate: $line => $altdest.\n"; }; # if it has wildcards, do recursive copy. /(?:\*|\?)/ && do { ($debug >= 10) && print "wildcard copy.\n"; do_wildcard ("$srcdir/$line"); next LINE; }; # if it's a single file, copy it. ( -f "$srcdir/$line" ) && do { ($debug >= 10) && print "file copy.\n"; do_copyfile (); next LINE; }; # if it's a directory, do recursive copy. (-d "$srcdir/$line") && do { ($debug >= 10) && print "directory copy.\n"; do_copydir ("$srcdir/$line"); next LINE; }; # if we hit this, it's either a file in the package file that is # not in the src directory, or it is not a valid entry. print "Warning: package error or possible missing or unnecessary file: $line ($package, $lineno).\n"; } # LINE close (MANIFEST); chdir ($saved_cwd); } # # Delete the given file or directory # sub do_delete { my ($targetpath) = $_[0]; my ($targetcomp) = $_[1]; my ($targetfile) = $_[2]; my ($target) = ($flat) ? "$targetpath/$targetfile" : "$targetpath/$targetcomp/$targetfile"; ($debug >= 2) && print "do_delete():\n"; ($debug >= 1) && print "-$targetfile\n"; if ( -f $target ) { (! -w $target ) && die "Error: delete failed: $target not writeable ($package, $component, $lineno). Exiting...\n"; ($debug >= 4) && print " unlink($target)\n"; unlink ($target) || die "Error: unlink() failed: $!. Exiting...\n"; } elsif ( -d $target ) { (! -w $target ) && die "Error: delete failed: $target not writeable ($package, $component, $lineno). Exiting...\n"; ($debug >= 4) && print " rmtree($target)\n"; rmtree ($target, 0, 0) || die "Error: rmtree() failed: $!. Exiting...\n"; } else { warn "Warning: delete failed: $target is not a file or directory ($package, $component, $lineno).\n"; } } # # Copy an individual file from the srcdir to the destdir. # # This is called by both the individual and batch/recursive copy routines, # using $dirflag to check if called from do_copydir. Batch copy can pass in # directories, so be sure to check first and break if it isn't a file. # sub do_copyfile { my ($destpath) = ""; # destination directory path my ($destpathcomp) = ""; # ditto, but possibly including component dir my ($destname) = ""; # destination file name my ($destsuffix) = ""; # destination file name suffix my ($altpath) = ""; # alternate destination directory path my ($altname) = ""; # alternate destination file name my ($altsuffix) = ""; # alternate destination file name suffix my ($srcpath) = ""; # source file directory path my ($srcname) = ""; # source file name my ($srcsuffix) = ""; # source file name suffix ($debug >= 2) && print "do_copyfile():\n"; ($debug >= 10) && print " cwd: " . getcwd() . "\n"; # set srcname correctly depending on how called if ( $dirflag ) { ($srcname, $srcpath, $srcsuffix) = fileparse("$File::Find::name", '\..*?$'); } else { ($srcname, $srcpath, $srcsuffix) = fileparse("$srcdir/$line", '\..*?$'); } ($debug >= 4) && print " fileparse(src): '$srcpath $srcname $srcsuffix'\n"; # return if srcname is a directory from do_copydir if ( -d "$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix" ) { ($debug >= 10) && print " return: '$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix' is a directory\n"; return; } else { ($debug >= 10) && print " '$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix' is not a directory\n"; } # set the destination path, if alternate destination given, use it. if ($flat) { if ($srcsuffix eq ".manifest" && $srcpath =~ m|/components/$|) { if ($component eq "") { die ("Manifest file was not part of a component."); } $destpathcomp = "$srcdir/manifests/$component"; $altdest = "$srcname$srcsuffix"; } elsif ($srcsuffix eq ".xpt" && $srcpath =~ m|/components/$|) { if ($component eq "") { die ("XPT file was not part of a component."); } $destpathcomp = "$srcdir/xpt/$component/components"; $altdest = "$srcname$srcsuffix"; } else { $destpathcomp = "$destdir"; } } else { if ( $component ne "" ) { $destpathcomp = "$destdir/$component"; } else { $destpathcomp = "$destdir"; } } if ( $altdest ne "" ) { if ( $dirflag ) { # directory copy to altdest ($destname, $destpath, $destsuffix) = fileparse("$destpathcomp/$altdest/$File::Find::name", '\..*?$'); # Todo: add MSDOS hack $destpath =~ s|\Q$srcdir\E/$line/||; # rm info added by find ($debug >= 5) && print " dir copy to altdest: $destpath $destname $destsuffix\n"; } else { # single file copy to altdest ($destname, $destpath, $destsuffix) = fileparse("$destpathcomp/$altdest", '\..*?$'); ($debug >= 5) && print " file copy to altdest: $destpath $destname $destsuffix\n"; } } else { if ( $dirflag ) { # directory copy, no altdest my $destfile = $File::Find::name; if ($os eq "MSDOS") { $destfile =~ s|\\|/|; } $destfile =~ s|\Q$srcdir\E/||; ($destname, $destpath, $destsuffix) = fileparse("$destpathcomp/$destfile", '\..*?$'); ($debug >= 5) && print " dir copy w/o altdest: $destpath $destname $destsuffix\n"; } else { # single file copy, no altdest ($destname, $destpath, $destsuffix) = fileparse("$destpathcomp/$line", '\..*?$'); ($debug >= 5) && print " file copy w/o altdest: $destpath $destname $destsuffix\n"; } } if ($flat) { $destpath =~ s|bin[/\\]||; } # create the destination path if it doesn't exist if (! -d "$destpath" ) { ($debug >= 5) && print " mkpath($destpath)\n"; # For OS/2 - remove trailing '/' chop($destpath); mkpath ($destpath, 0, 0755) || die "Error: mkpath() failed: $!. Exiting...\n"; # Put delimiter back for copying... $destpath = "$destpath/"; } # path exists, source and destination known, time to copy if ((-f "$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix") && (-r "$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix")) { if ( $debug >= 1 ) { if ( $dirflag ) { print "$destname$destsuffix\n"; # from unglob } else { print "$line\n"; # from single file } if ( $debug >= 3 ) { print " copy\t$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix =>\n\t\t$destpath$destname$destsuffix\n"; } } unlink("$destpath$destname$destsuffix") if ( -e "$destpath$destname$destsuffix"); copy ("$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix", "$destpath$destname$destsuffix") || die "Error: copy of file $srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix failed ($package, $component, $lineno): $!. Exiting...\n"; # if this is unix, set the dest file permissions # read permissions my($st) = stat("$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix") || die "Error: can't stat $srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix: $! Exiting...\n"; # set permissions ($debug >= 2) && print " chmod ".$st->mode." $destpath$destname$destsuffix\n"; chmod ($st->mode, "$destpath$destname$destsuffix") || warn "Warning: chmod of $destpath$destname$destsuffix failed: $!. Exiting...\n"; } else { warn "Error: file $srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix is not a file or is not readable ($package, $component, $lineno).\n"; } } # # Expand any wildcards and copy files and/or directories # # todo: pass individual files to do_copyfile, not do_copydir # sub do_wildcard { my ($entry) = $_[0]; my (@list) = (); my ($item) = ""; ($debug >= 2) && print "do_wildcard():\n"; if ( $entry =~ /(?:\*|\?)/ ) { # it's a wildcard, @list = glob($entry); # expand it ($debug >= 4) && print " glob: $entry => @list\n"; foreach $item ( @list ) { # now copy each item in list if ( -f $item ) { ($debug >= 10) && print " do_copyfile: $item\n"; # glob adds full path to item like find() in copydir so # take advantage of existing code in copyfile by using # $dirflag and $File::Find::name. $File::Find::name = $item; $dirflag = 1; do_copyfile(); $dirflag = 0; $File::Find::name = ""; } elsif ( -d $item ) { ($debug >= 10) && print " do_copydir($item)\n"; do_copydir ($item); } else { warn "Warning: $item is not a file or directory ($package, $component, $lineno). Skipped...\n"; } } } } # # Recursively copy directories specified. # sub do_copydir { my ($entry) = $_[0]; $dirflag = 1; # flag indicating directory copy in progress ($debug >= 2) && print "do_copydir():\n"; if (! -d "$entry" ) { warn "Warning: $entry is not a directory ($package, $component, $lineno). Skipped...\n"; } ($debug >= 4) && print " find($entry)\n"; find (\&do_copyfile, $entry); $dirflag = 0; } # # Handle new component # sub do_component { ($debug >= 2) && print "do_component():\n"; ( $component =~ /^\[.*(?:\s|\[|\])+.*\]/ ) && # no brackets or ws die "Error: malformed component $component. Exiting...\n"; $component =~ s/^\[(.*)\]/$1/; # strip [] if ( $components ne "") { if ( $components =~ /$component/ ) { ($debug >= 10) && print "Component $component is in $components.\n"; } else { ($debug >= 10) && print "Component $component not in $components.\n"; $component = ""; return; # named specific components and this isn't it } } if ($debug >= 1) { print "[$component]\n"; } # create component directory if (!$flat) { if ( -d "$destdir/$component" ) { warn "Warning: component directory \"$component\" already exists in \"$destdir\".\n"; } else { ($debug >= 4) && print " mkdir $destdir/$component\n"; mkdir ("$destdir/$component", 0755) || die "Error: couldn't create component directory \"$component\": $!. Exiting...\n"; } } } # # Check that arguments to script are valid. # sub check_arguments { my ($exitval) = 0; ($debug >= 2) && print "check_arguments():\n"; # if --help print usage if ($help) { print_usage(); exit (1); } # make sure required variables are set: # check source directory if ( $srcdir eq "" ) { print "Error: source directory (--source) not specified.\n"; $exitval += 8; } elsif ((! -d $srcdir) || (! -r $srcdir)) { print "Error: source directory \"$srcdir\" is not a directory or is unreadable.\n"; $exitval = 1; } # check destination directory if ( $destdir eq "" ) { print "Error: destination directory (--destination) not specified.\n"; $exitval += 8; } elsif ((! -d $destdir) || (! -w $destdir)) { print "Error: destination directory \"$destdir\" is not a directory or is not writeable.\n"; $exitval += 2; } # check destdir not a subdir of srcdir # hack - workaround for bug 14558 that should be fixed eventually. if (0) { # todo - write test print "Error: destination directory must not be subdirectory of the source directory.\n"; $exitval += 32; } # check package file if ( $package eq "" ) { print "Error: package file (--file) not specified.\n"; $exitval += 8; } elsif (!(-f $package) || !(-r $package)) { print "Error: package file \"$package\" is not a file or is unreadable.\n"; $exitval += 4; } # check OS == {unix|dos} if ($os eq "") { print "Error: OS type (--os) not specified.\n"; $exitval += 8; } elsif ( $os =~ /dos/i ) { $os = "MSDOS"; fileparse_set_fstype ($os); } elsif ( $os =~ /unix/i ) { $os = "Unix"; # can be anything but MSDOS fileparse_set_fstype ($os); } else { print "Error: OS type \"$os\" unknown.\n"; $exitval += 16; } # turn components array into a string for regexp if ( @components > 0 ) { $components = join (",",@components); } else { $components = ""; } if ($debug > 4) { print ("source dir:\t$srcdir\ndest dir:\t$destdir\npackage:\t$package\nOS:\t$os\ncomponents:\t$components\n"); } if ($exitval) { print "See \'$0 --help\' for more information.\n"; print "Exiting...\n"; exit ($exitval); } } # # display usage information # sub print_usage { ($debug >= 2) && print "print_usage():\n"; print < Specifies the directory from which to copy the files specified in the file passed via --file. Required. -d, --destination Specifies the directory in which to create the component directories and copy the files specified in the file passed via --file. Required. NOTE: Source and destination directories must be absolute paths. Relative paths will NOT work. Also, the destination directory must NOT be a subdirectory of the source directory. -f, --file Specifies the file listing the components to be created in the destination directory and the files to copy from the source directory to each component directory in the destination directory. Required. -o, --os [dos|unix] Specifies which type of system this is. Used for parsing file specifications from the package file. Required. -c, --component Specifies a specific component in the package file to copy rather than copying all the components in the package file. Can be used more than once for multiple components (e.g. "-c browser -c mail" to copy mail and news only). Optional. -l, --flat Suppresses creation of components dirs, but stuffes everything directly into the package destination dir. This is useful for creating tarballs. -h, --help Prints this information. Optional. --debug [1-10] Controls verbosity of debugging output, 10 being most verbose. 1 : same as --verbose. 2 : includes function calls. 3 : includes source and destination for each copy. Optional. -v, --verbose Print component names and files copied/deleted. Optional. e.g. $0 --os unix --source /builds/mozilla/dist --destination /h/lithium/install --file packages-win --os unix --verbose Note: options can be specified by either a leading '--' or '-'. EOC }