/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['DataStoreDB']; function debug(s) { // dump('DEBUG DataStoreDB: ' + s + '\n'); } const DATASTOREDB_VERSION = 1; const DATASTOREDB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME = 'DataStoreDB'; const DATASTOREDB_REVISION = 'revision'; const DATASTOREDB_REVISION_INDEX = 'revisionIndex'; Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/IndexedDBHelper.jsm'); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.importGlobalProperties(["indexedDB"]); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "uuidgen", "@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1", "nsIUUIDGenerator"); this.DataStoreDB = function DataStoreDB() {} DataStoreDB.prototype = { __proto__: IndexedDBHelper.prototype, upgradeSchema: function(aTransaction, aDb, aOldVersion, aNewVersion) { debug('updateSchema'); aDb.createObjectStore(DATASTOREDB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME, { autoIncrement: true }); let store = aDb.createObjectStore(DATASTOREDB_REVISION, { autoIncrement: true, keyPath: 'internalRevisionId' }); store.createIndex(DATASTOREDB_REVISION_INDEX, 'revisionId', { unique: true }); }, init: function(aOwner, aName) { let dbName = aName + '|' + aOwner; this.initDBHelper(dbName, DATASTOREDB_VERSION, [DATASTOREDB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME, DATASTOREDB_REVISION]); }, txn: function(aType, aCallback, aErrorCb) { debug('Transaction request'); this.newTxn( aType, aType == 'readonly' ? [ DATASTOREDB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME ] : [ DATASTOREDB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME, DATASTOREDB_REVISION ], function(aTxn, aStores) { aType == 'readonly' ? aCallback(aTxn, aStores[0], null) : aCallback(aTxn, aStores[0], aStores[1]); }, function() {}, aErrorCb ); }, cursorTxn: function(aCallback, aErrorCb) { debug('Cursor transaction request'); this.newTxn( 'readonly', [ DATASTOREDB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME, DATASTOREDB_REVISION ], function(aTxn, aStores) { aCallback(aTxn, aStores[0], aStores[1]); }, function() {}, aErrorCb ); }, revisionTxn: function(aType, aCallback, aErrorCb) { debug("Transaction request"); this.newTxn( aType, DATASTOREDB_REVISION, aCallback, function() {}, aErrorCb ); }, addRevision: function(aStore, aKey, aType, aSuccessCb) { debug("AddRevision: " + aKey + " - " + aType); let revisionId = uuidgen.generateUUID().toString(); let request = aStore.put({ revisionId: revisionId, objectId: aKey, operation: aType }); request.onsuccess = function() { aSuccessCb(revisionId); } }, getInternalRevisionId: function(aRevisionId, aStore, aSuccessCb) { debug('GetInternalRevisionId'); let request = aStore.index(DATASTOREDB_REVISION_INDEX).getKey(aRevisionId); request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) { aSuccessCb(aEvent.target.result); } }, clearRevisions: function(aStore, aSuccessCb) { debug("ClearRevisions"); let request = aStore.clear(); request.onsuccess = function() { aSuccessCb(); } }, delete: function() { debug('delete'); this.close(); indexedDB.deleteDatabase(this.dbName); debug('database deleted'); } }