Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ISO8601DateUtils.jsm"); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Microformats", "adr", "tag", "hCard", "hCalendar", "geo"]; var Microformats = { version: 0.8, /* When a microformat is added, the name is placed in this list */ list: [], /* Custom iterator so that microformats can be enumerated as */ /* for (i in Microformats) */ __iterator__: function () { for (let i=0; i < this.list.length; i++) { yield this.list[i]; } }, /** * Retrieves microformats objects of the given type from a document * * @param name The name of the microformat (required) * @param rootElement The DOM element at which to start searching (required) * @param options Literal object with the following options: * recurseFrames - Whether or not to search child frames * for microformats (optional - defaults to true) * showHidden - Whether or not to add hidden microformat * (optional - defaults to false) * debug - Whether or not we are in debug mode (optional * - defaults to false) * @param targetArray An array of microformat objects to which is added the results (optional) * @return A new array of microformat objects or the passed in microformat * object array with the new objects added */ get: function(name, rootElement, options, targetArray) { if (!Microformats[name]) { return; } targetArray = targetArray || []; rootElement = rootElement || content.document; /* If recurseFrames is undefined or true, look through all child frames for microformats */ if (!options || !options.hasOwnProperty("recurseFrames") || options.recurseFrames) { if (rootElement.defaultView && rootElement.defaultView.frames.length > 0) { for (let i=0; i < rootElement.defaultView.frames.length; i++) { Microformats.get(name, rootElement.defaultView.frames[i].document, options, targetArray); } } } /* Get the microformat nodes for the document */ var microformatNodes = []; if (Microformats[name].className) { microformatNodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(rootElement, Microformats[name].className); /* alternateClassName is for cases where a parent microformat is inferred by the children */ /* If we find alternateClassName, the entire document becomes the microformat */ if ((microformatNodes.length == 0) && Microformats[name].alternateClassName) { var altClass = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(rootElement, Microformats[name].alternateClassName); if (altClass.length > 0) { microformatNodes.push(rootElement); } } } else if (Microformats[name].attributeValues) { microformatNodes = Microformats.getElementsByAttribute(rootElement, Microformats[name].attributeName, Microformats[name].attributeValues); } /* Create objects for the microformat nodes and put them into the microformats */ /* array */ for (let i = 0; i < microformatNodes.length; i++) { /* If showHidden undefined or false, don't add microformats to the list that aren't visible */ if (!options || !options.hasOwnProperty("showHidden") || !options.showHidden) { var box = (microformatNodes[i].ownerDocument || microformatNodes[i]).getBoxObjectFor(microformatNodes[i]); if ((box.height == 0) || (box.width == 0)) { continue; } } try { if (options && options.debug) { /* Don't validate in the debug case so that we don't get errors thrown */ /* in the debug case, we want all microformats, even if they are invalid */ targetArray.push(new Microformats[name].mfObject(microformatNodes[i], false)); } else { targetArray.push(new Microformats[name].mfObject(microformatNodes[i], true)); } } catch (ex) { /* Creation of individual object probably failed because it is invalid. */ /* This isn't a problem, because the page might have invalid microformats */ } } return targetArray; }, /** * Counts microformats objects of the given type from a document * * @param name The name of the microformat (required) * @param rootElement The DOM element at which to start searching (required) * @param options Literal object with the following options: * recurseFrames - Whether or not to search child frames * for microformats (optional - defaults to true) * showHidden - Whether or not to add hidden microformat * (optional - defaults to false) * debug - Whether or not we are in debug mode (optional * - defaults to false) * @return The new count */ count: function(name, rootElement, options) { var mfArray = Microformats.get(name, rootElement, options); if (mfArray) { return mfArray.length; } return 0; }, /** * Returns true if the passed in node is a microformat. Does NOT return true * if the passed in node is a child of a microformat. * * @param node DOM node to check * @return true if the node is a microformat, false if it is not */ isMicroformat: function(node) { for (let i in Microformats) { if (Microformats[i].className) { if (Microformats.matchClass(node, Microformats[i].className)) { return true; } } else { var attribute; if (attribute = node.getAttribute(Microformats[i].attributeName)) { var attributeList = Microformats[i].attributeValues.split(" "); for (let j=0; j < attributeList.length; j++) { if (attribute.match("(^|\\s)" + attributeList[j] + "(\\s|$)")) { return true; } } } } } return false; }, /** * This function searches a given nodes ancestors looking for a microformat * and if it finds it, returns it. It does NOT include self, so if the passed * in node is a microformat, it will still search ancestors for a microformat. * * @param node DOM node to check * @return If the node is contained in a microformat, it returns the parent * DOM node, otherwise returns null */ getParent: function(node) { var xpathExpression; var xpathResult; var mfname; for (let i in Microformats) { mfname = i; if (Microformats[mfname]) { if (Microformats[mfname].className) { xpathExpression = "ancestor::*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + Microformats[mfname].className + " ')]"; } else if (Microformats[mfname].attributeValues) { xpathExpression = "ancestor::*["; var attributeList = Microformats[i].attributeValues.split(" "); for (let j=0; j < attributeList.length; j++) { if (j != 0) { xpathExpression += " or "; } xpathExpression += "contains(concat(' ', @" + Microformats[mfname].attributeName + ", ' '), ' " + attributeList[j] + " ')"; } xpathExpression += "]"; } else { continue; } xpathResult = (node.ownerDocument || node).evaluate(xpathExpression, node, null, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); if (xpathResult.singleNodeValue) { xpathResult.singleNodeValue.microformat = mfname; return xpathResult.singleNodeValue; } } } return null; }, /** * If the passed in node is a microformat, this function returns a space * separated list of the microformat names that correspond to this node * * @param node DOM node to check * @return If the node is a microformat, a space separated list of microformat * names, otherwise returns nothing */ getNamesFromNode: function(node) { var microformatNames = []; var xpathExpression; var xpathResult; for (let i in Microformats) { if (Microformats[i]) { if (Microformats[i].className) { if (Microformats.matchClass(node, Microformats[i].className)) { microformatNames.push(i); continue; } } else if (Microformats[i].attributeValues) { var attribute; if (attribute = node.getAttribute(Microformats[i].attributeName)) { var attributeList = Microformats[i].attributeValues.split(" "); for (let j=0; j < attributeList.length; j++) { /* If we match any attribute, we've got a microformat */ if (attribute.match("(^|\\s)" + attributeList[j] + "(\\s|$)")) { microformatNames.push(i); break; } } } } } } return microformatNames.join(" "); }, /** * Outputs the contents of a microformat object for debug purposes. * * @param microformatObject JavaScript object that represents a microformat * @return string containing a visual representation of the contents of the microformat */ debug: function debug(microformatObject) { function dumpObject(item, indent) { if (!indent) { indent = ""; } var toreturn = ""; var testArray = []; for (let i in item) { if (testArray[i]) { continue; } if (typeof item[i] == "object") { if ((i != "node") && (i != "resolvedNode")) { if (item[i] && item[i].semanticType) { toreturn += indent + item[i].semanticType + " [" + i + "] { \n"; } else { toreturn += indent + "object " + i + " { \n"; } toreturn += dumpObject(item[i], indent + "\t"); toreturn += indent + "}\n"; } } else if ((typeof item[i] != "function") && (i != "semanticType")) { if (item[i]) { toreturn += indent + i + "=" + item[i] + "\n"; } } } if (!toreturn && item) { toreturn = item.toString(); } return toreturn; } return dumpObject(microformatObject); }, add: function add(microformat, microformatDefinition) { /* We always replace an existing definition with the new one */ if (microformatDefinition.mfVersion == Microformats.version) { if (!Microformats[microformat]) { Microformats.list.push(microformat); } Microformats[microformat] = microformatDefinition; microformatDefinition.mfObject.prototype.debug = function(microformatObject) { return Microformats.debug(microformatObject) }; } }, /* All parser specific functions are contained in this object */ parser: { /** * Uses the microformat patterns to decide what the correct text for a * given microformat property is. This includes looking at things like * abbr, img/alt, area/alt and value excerpting. * * @param propnode The DOMNode to check * @param parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty, * this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the * microformat node. & @param datatype HTML/text - whether to use innerHTML or innerText - defaults to text * @return A string with the value of the property */ defaultGetter: function(propnode, parentnode, datatype) { if (((((propnode.localName.toLowerCase() == "abbr") || (propnode.localName.toLowerCase() == "html:abbr")) && !propnode.namespaceURI) || ((propnode.localName.toLowerCase() == "abbr") && (propnode.namespaceURI == ""))) && (propnode.getAttribute("title"))) { return propnode.getAttribute("title"); } else if ((propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "img") && (propnode.getAttribute("alt"))) { return propnode.getAttribute("alt"); } else if ((propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "area") && (propnode.getAttribute("alt"))) { return propnode.getAttribute("alt"); } else if ((propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea") || (propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select") || (propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input")) { return propnode.value; } else { var values = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(propnode, "value"); if (values.length > 0) { var value = ""; for (let j=0;j 0) { return s; } } } }, /** * Used to specifically retrieve a date in a microformat node. * After getting the default text, it normalizes it to an ISO8601 date. * * @param propnode The DOMNode to check * @param parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty, * this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the * microformat node. * @return A string with the normalized date. */ dateTimeGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) { var date = Microformats.parser.textGetter(propnode, parentnode); if (date) { return Microformats.parser.normalizeISO8601(date); } }, /** * Used to specifically retrieve a URI in a microformat node. This includes * looking at an href/img/object/area to get the fully qualified URI. * * @param propnode The DOMNode to check * @param parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty, * this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the * microformat node. * @return A string with the fully qualified URI. */ uriGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) { var pairs = {"a":"href", "img":"src", "object":"data", "area":"href"}; var name = propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (pairs.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return propnode[pairs[name]]; } return Microformats.parser.textGetter(propnode, parentnode); }, /** * Used to specifically retrieve a telephone number in a microformat node. * Basically this is to handle the face that telephone numbers use value * as the name as one of their subproperties, but value is also used for * value excerpting ( * @param propnode The DOMNode to check * @param parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty, * this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the * microformat node. * @return A string with the telephone number */ telGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) { var pairs = {"a":"href", "object":"data", "area":"href"}; var name = propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (pairs.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var protocol; if (propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf("tel:") == 0) { protocol = "tel:"; } if (propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf("fax:") == 0) { protocol = "fax:"; } if (propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf("modem:") == 0) { protocol = "modem:"; } if (protocol) { if (propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf('?') > 0) { return unescape(propnode[pairs[name]].substring(protocol.length, propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf('?'))); } else { return unescape(propnode[pairs[name]].substring(protocol.length)); } } } if (Microformats.matchClass(propnode, "value")) { return Microformats.parser.textGetter(parentnode, parentnode); } else { return Microformats.parser.textGetter(propnode, parentnode); } }, /** * Used to specifically retrieve an email address in a microformat node. * This includes at an href, as well as removing subject if specified and * the mailto prefix. * * @param propnode The DOMNode to check * @param parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty, * this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the * microformat node. * @return A string with the email address. */ emailGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) { if ((propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a") || (propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "area")) { var mailto = propnode.href; /* IO Service won't fully parse mailto, so we do it manually */ if (mailto.indexOf('?') > 0) { return unescape(mailto.substring("mailto:".length, mailto.indexOf('?'))); } else { return unescape(mailto.substring("mailto:".length)); } } else { /* Special case - if this node is a value, use the parent node to get all the values */ /* If this case gets executed, per the value design pattern, the result */ /* will be the EXACT email address with no extra parsing required */ if (Microformats.matchClass(propnode, "value")) { return Microformats.parser.textGetter(parentnode, parentnode); } else { return Microformats.parser.textGetter(propnode, parentnode); } } }, /** * Used when a caller needs the text inside a particular DOM node. * It calls defaultGetter to handle all the subtleties of getting * text from a microformat. * * @param propnode The DOMNode to check * @param parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty, * this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the * microformat node. * @return A string with just the text including all tags. */ textGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) { return Microformats.parser.defaultGetter(propnode, parentnode, "text"); }, /** * Used when a caller needs the HTML inside a particular DOM node. * * @param propnode The DOMNode to check * @param parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty, * this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the * microformat node. * @return An object with function to access the string and the HTML * Note that because this is an object, you can't do string functions * so i faked a couple string functions that might be useful. */ HTMLGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) { return { toString: function () { return Microformats.parser.defaultGetter(propnode, parentnode, "text"); }, toHTML: function () { return Microformats.parser.defaultGetter(propnode, parentnode, "HTML"); }, replace: function (a, b) { return this.toString().replace(a,b); }, match: function (a) { return this.toString().match(a); } }; }, /** * Internal parser API used to determine which getter to call based on the * datatype specified in the microformat definition. * * @param prop The microformat property in the definition * @param propnode The DOMNode to check * @param parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty, * this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the * microformat node. * @return A string with the property value. */ datatypeHelper: function(prop, node, parentnode) { var result; var datatype = prop.datatype; if (prop.implied) { datatype = prop.subproperties[prop.implied].datatype; } switch (datatype) { case "dateTime": result = Microformats.parser.dateTimeGetter(node, parentnode); break; case "anyURI": result = Microformats.parser.uriGetter(node, parentnode); break; case "email": result = Microformats.parser.emailGetter(node, parentnode); break; case "tel": result = Microformats.parser.telGetter(node, parentnode); break; case "HTML": result = Microformats.parser.HTMLGetter(node, parentnode); break; case "float": result = parseFloat(Microformats.parser.textGetter(node, parentnode)); break; case "custom": result = prop.customGetter(node, parentnode); break; case "microformat": try { result = new Microformats[prop.microformat].mfObject(node); } catch (ex) { /* We can swallow this exception. If the creation of the */ /* mf object fails, then the node isn't a microformat */ } if (result) { if (prop.microformat_property) { result = result[prop.microformat_property]; } break; } default: result = Microformats.parser.textGetter(node, parentnode); break; } /* This handles the case where one property implies another property */ /* For instance, org by itself is actually org.organization-name */ if ((prop.implied) && (result)) { var temp = result; result = {}; result[prop.implied] = temp; } if (result && prop.values) { var validType = false; for (let value in prop.values) { if (result.toLowerCase() == prop.values[value]) { validType = true; break; } } if (!validType) { return; } } return result; }, newMicroformat: function(object, in_node, microformat, validate) { /* check to see if we are even valid */ if (!Microformats[microformat]) { throw("Invalid microformat - " + microformat); } if (in_node.ownerDocument) { if (Microformats[microformat].attributeName) { if (!(in_node.getAttribute(Microformats[microformat].attributeName))) { throw("Node is not a microformat (" + microformat + ")"); } } else { if (!Microformats.matchClass(in_node, Microformats[microformat].className)) { throw("Node is not a microformat (" + microformat + ")"); } } } var node = in_node; if ((Microformats[microformat].className) && in_node.ownerDocument) { node = Microformats.parser.preProcessMicroformat(in_node); } for (let i in Microformats[microformat].properties) { object.__defineGetter__(i, Microformats.parser.getMicroformatPropertyGenerator(node, microformat, i, object)); } /* The node in the object should be the original node */ object.node = in_node; /* we also store the node that has been "resolved" */ object.resolvedNode = node; object.semanticType = microformat; if (validate) { Microformats.parser.validate(object.node, microformat); } }, getMicroformatPropertyGenerator: function getMicroformatPropertyGenerator(node, name, property, microformat) { return function() { var result = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(node, name, property); // delete microformat[property]; // microformat[property] = result; return result; }; }, getPropertyInternal: function getPropertyInternal(propnode, parentnode, propobj, propname, mfnode) { var result; if (propobj.subproperties) { for (let subpropname in propobj.subproperties) { var subpropnodes; var subpropobj = propobj.subproperties[subpropname]; if (subpropobj.rel == true) { subpropnodes = Microformats.getElementsByAttribute(propnode, "rel", subpropname); } else { subpropnodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(propnode, subpropname); } var resultArray = []; var subresult; for (let i = 0; i < subpropnodes.length; i++) { subresult = Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(subpropnodes[i], propnode, subpropobj, subpropname, mfnode); if (subresult) { resultArray.push(subresult); /* If we're not a plural property, don't bother getting more */ if (!subpropobj.plural) { break; } } } if (resultArray.length == 0) { subresult = Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(propnode, null, subpropobj, subpropname, mfnode); if (subresult) { resultArray.push(subresult); } } if (resultArray.length > 0) { result = result || {}; if (subpropobj.plural) { result[subpropname] = resultArray; } else { result[subpropname] = resultArray[0]; } } } } if (!parentnode || (!result && propobj.subproperties)) { if (propobj.virtual) { if (propobj.virtualGetter) { result = propobj.virtualGetter(mfnode || propnode); } else { result = Microformats.parser.datatypeHelper(propobj, propnode); } } else if (propobj.implied) { result = Microformats.parser.datatypeHelper(propobj, propnode); } } else if (!result) { result = Microformats.parser.datatypeHelper(propobj, propnode, parentnode); } return result; }, getMicroformatProperty: function getMicroformatProperty(in_mfnode, mfname, propname) { var mfnode = in_mfnode; /* If the node has not been preprocessed, the requested microformat */ /* is a class based microformat and the passed in node is not the */ /* entire document, preprocess it. Preprocessing the node involves */ /* creating a duplicate of the node and taking care of things like */ /* the include and header design patterns */ if (!in_mfnode.origNode && Microformats[mfname].className && in_mfnode.ownerDocument) { mfnode = Microformats.parser.preProcessMicroformat(in_mfnode); } /* propobj is the corresponding property object in the microformat */ var propobj; /* If there is a corresponding property in the microformat, use it */ if (Microformats[mfname].properties[propname]) { propobj = Microformats[mfname].properties[propname]; } else { /* If we didn't get a property, bail */ return; } /* Query the correct set of nodes (rel or class) based on the setting */ /* in the property */ var propnodes; if (propobj.rel == true) { propnodes = Microformats.getElementsByAttribute(mfnode, "rel", propname); } else { propnodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(mfnode, propname); } if (propnodes.length > 0) { var resultArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < propnodes.length; i++) { var subresult = Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(propnodes[i], mfnode, propobj, propname); if (subresult) { resultArray.push(subresult); /* If we're not a plural property, don't bother getting more */ if (!propobj.plural) { return resultArray[0]; } } } if (resultArray.length > 0) { return resultArray; } } else { /* If we didn't find any class nodes, check to see if this property */ /* is virtual and if so, call getPropertyInternal again */ if (propobj.virtual) { return Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(mfnode, null, propobj, propname); } } return; }, /** * Internal parser API used to resolve includes and headers. Includes are * resolved by simply cloning the node and replacing it in a clone of the * original DOM node. Headers are resolved by creating a span and then copying * the innerHTML and the class name. * * @param in_mfnode The node to preProcess. * @return If the node had includes or headers, a cloned node otherwise * the original node. You can check to see if the node was cloned * by looking for .origNode in the new node. */ preProcessMicroformat: function preProcessMicroformat(in_mfnode) { var mfnode; var includes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(in_mfnode, "include"); if ((includes.length > 0) || ((in_mfnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "td") && (in_mfnode.getAttribute("headers")))) { mfnode = in_mfnode.cloneNode(true); mfnode.origNode = in_mfnode; if (includes.length > 0) { includes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(mfnode, "include"); var includeId; var include_length = includes.length; for (let i = include_length -1; i >= 0; i--) { if (includes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a") { includeId = includes[i].getAttribute("href").substr(1); } if (includes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object") { includeId = includes[i].getAttribute("data").substr(1); } if (in_mfnode.ownerDocument.getElementById(includeId)) { includes[i].parentNode.replaceChild(in_mfnode.ownerDocument.getElementById(includeId).cloneNode(true), includes[i]); } } } else { var headers = in_mfnode.getAttribute("headers").split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { var tempNode = in_mfnode.ownerDocument.createElement("span"); var headerNode = in_mfnode.ownerDocument.getElementById(headers[i]); if (headerNode) { tempNode.innerHTML = headerNode.innerHTML; tempNode.className = headerNode.className; mfnode.appendChild(tempNode); } } } } else { mfnode = in_mfnode; } return mfnode; }, validate: function validate(mfnode, mfname) { var error = ""; if (Microformats[mfname].validate) { return Microformats[mfname].validate(mfnode); } else if (Microformats[mfname].required) { for (let i=0;i 0) { throw(error); } return true; } }, /* This function normalizes an ISO8601 date by adding punctuation and */ /* ensuring that hours and seconds have values */ normalizeISO8601: function normalizeISO8601(string) { var dateArray = string.match(/(\d\d\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d)(?:[T ](\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(?:([-+Z])(?:(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)?)?)?)?)?/); var dateString; var tzOffset = 0; if (!dateArray) { return; } if (dateArray[1]) { dateString = dateArray[1]; if (dateArray[2]) { dateString += "-" + dateArray[2]; if (dateArray[3]) { dateString += "-" + dateArray[3]; if (dateArray[4]) { dateString += "T" + dateArray[4]; if (dateArray[5]) { dateString += ":" + dateArray[5]; } else { dateString += ":" + "00"; } if (dateArray[6]) { dateString += ":" + dateArray[6]; } else { dateString += ":" + "00"; } if (dateArray[7]) { dateString += "." + dateArray[7]; } if (dateArray[8]) { dateString += dateArray[8]; if ((dateArray[8] == "+") || (dateArray[8] == "-")) { if (dateArray[9]) { dateString += dateArray[9]; if (dateArray[10]) { dateString += dateArray[10]; } } } } } } } } return dateString; } }, /** * Converts a Javascript date object into an ISO 8601 formatted date * NOTE: I'm using an extra parameter on the date object for this function. * If date.time is NOT true, this function only outputs the date. * * @param date Javascript Date object * @param punctuation true if the date should have -/: * @return string with the ISO date. */ iso8601FromDate: function iso8601FromDate(date, punctuation) { var string = date.getFullYear().toString(); if (punctuation) { string += "-"; } string += (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1'); if (punctuation) { string += "-"; } string += date.getDate().toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1'); if (date.time) { string += "T"; string += date.getHours().toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1'); if (punctuation) { string += ":"; } string += date.getMinutes().toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1'); if (punctuation) { string += ":"; } string += date.getSeconds().toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1'); if (date.getMilliseconds() > 0) { if (punctuation) { string += "."; } string += date.getMilliseconds().toString(); } } return string; }, simpleEscape: function simpleEscape(s) { s = s.replace(/\&/g, '%26'); s = s.replace(/\#/g, '%23'); s = s.replace(/\+/g, '%2B'); s = s.replace(/\-/g, '%2D'); s = s.replace(/\=/g, '%3D'); s = s.replace(/\'/g, '%27'); s = s.replace(/\,/g, '%2C'); // s = s.replace(/\r/g, '%0D'); // s = s.replace(/\n/g, '%0A'); s = s.replace(/ /g, '+'); return s; }, /** * Not intended for external consumption. Microformat implementations might use it. * * Retrieve elements matching all classes listed in a space-separated string. * I had to implement my own because I need an Array, not an nsIDomNodeList * * @param rootElement The DOM element at which to start searching (optional) * @param className A space separated list of classenames * @return microformatNodes An array of DOM Nodes, each representing a microformat in the document. */ getElementsByClassName: function getElementsByClassName(rootNode, className) { var returnElements = []; if ((rootNode.ownerDocument || rootNode).getElementsByClassName) { /* Firefox 3 - native getElementsByClassName */ var col = rootNode.getElementsByClassName(className); for (let i = 0; i < col.length; i++) { returnElements[i] = col[i]; } } else if ((rootNode.ownerDocument || rootNode).evaluate) { /* Firefox 2 and below - XPath */ var xpathExpression; xpathExpression = ".//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + className + " ')]"; var xpathResult = (rootNode.ownerDocument || rootNode).evaluate(xpathExpression, rootNode, null, 0, null); var node; while (node = xpathResult.iterateNext()) { returnElements.push(node); } } else { /* Slow fallback for testing */ className = className.replace(/\-/g, "\\-"); var elements = rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (let i=0;i 1) || (fn != orgs[0]["organization-name"]))) { var fns = fn.split(" "); if (fns.length === 2) { if (fns[0].charAt(fns[0].length-1) == ',') { given_name = fns[1]; family_name = fns[0].substr(0, fns[0].length-1); } else if (fns[1].length == 1) { given_name = fns[1]; family_name = fns[0]; } else if ((fns[1].length == 2) && (fns[1].charAt(fns[1].length-1) == '.')) { given_name = fns[1]; family_name = fns[0]; } else { given_name = fns[0]; family_name = fns[1]; } return {"given-name" : given_name, "family-name" : family_name}; } } } }, "nickname" : { plural: true, virtual: true, /* Implied "nickname" Optimization */ /* */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { var fn = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(mfnode, "hCard", "fn"); var orgs = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(mfnode, "hCard", "org"); var given_name; var family_name; if (fn && (!orgs || (orgs.length) > 1 || (fn != orgs[0]["organization-name"]))) { var fns = fn.split(" "); if (fns.length === 1) { return [fns[0]]; } } return; } }, "note" : { plural: true, datatype: "HTML" }, "org" : { subproperties: { "organization-name" : { }, "organization-unit" : { plural: true } }, plural: true, implied: "organization-name" }, "photo" : { plural: true, datatype: "anyURI" }, "rev" : { datatype: "dateTime" }, "role" : { plural: true }, "sequence" : { }, "sort-string" : { }, "sound" : { plural: true }, "title" : { plural: true }, "tel" : { subproperties: { "type" : { plural: true, values: ["msg", "home", "work", "pref", "voice", "fax", "cell", "video", "pager", "bbs", "car", "isdn", "pcs"] }, "value" : { datatype: "tel" } }, plural: true, implied: "value" }, "tz" : { }, "uid" : { datatype: "anyURI" }, "url" : { plural: true, datatype: "anyURI" } } }; Microformats.add("hCard", hCard_definition); function hCalendar(node, validate) { if (node) { Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "hCalendar", validate); } } hCalendar.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.resolvedNode) { /* If this microformat has an include pattern, put the */ /* dtstart in parenthesis after the summary to differentiate */ /* them. */ var summaries = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(this.node, "summary"); if (summaries.length === 0) { if (this.summary) { if (this.dtstart) { return this.summary + " (" + ISO8601DateUtils.parse(this.dtstart).toLocaleString() + ")"; } } } } if (this.dtstart) { return this.summary; } return; } var hCalendar_definition = { mfVersion: 0.8, mfObject: hCalendar, className: "vevent", required: ["summary", "dtstart"], properties: { "category" : { plural: true, datatype: "microformat", microformat: "tag", microformat_property: "tag" }, "class" : { values: ["public", "private", "confidential"] }, "description" : { datatype: "HTML" }, "dtstart" : { datatype: "dateTime" }, "dtend" : { datatype: "dateTime" }, "dtstamp" : { datatype: "dateTime" }, "duration" : { }, "geo" : { datatype: "microformat", microformat: "geo" }, "location" : { datatype: "microformat", microformat: "hCard" }, "status" : { values: ["tentative", "confirmed", "cancelled"] }, "summary" : {}, "transp" : { values: ["opaque", "transparent"] }, "uid" : { datatype: "anyURI" }, "url" : { datatype: "anyURI" }, "last-modified" : { datatype: "dateTime" }, "rrule" : { subproperties: { "interval" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "interval"); } }, "freq" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "freq"); } }, "bysecond" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "bysecond"); } }, "byminute" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "byminute"); } }, "byhour" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "byhour"); } }, "bymonthday" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "bymonthday"); } }, "byyearday" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "byyearday"); } }, "byweekno" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "byweekno"); } }, "bymonth" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "bymonth"); } }, "byday" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "byday"); } }, "until" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "until"); } }, "count" : { virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { return, "count"); } } }, retrieve: function(mfnode, property) { var value = Microformats.parser.textGetter(mfnode); var rrule; rrule = value.split(';'); for (let i=0; i < rrule.length; i++) { if (rrule[i].match(property)) { return rrule[i].split('=')[1]; } } } } } }; Microformats.add("hCalendar", hCalendar_definition); function geo(node, validate) { if (node) { Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "geo", validate); } } geo.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.latitude && this.longitude) { var s; if ((this.node.localName.toLowerCase() != "abbr") && (this.node.localName.toLowerCase() != "html:abbr")) { s = Microformats.parser.textGetter(this.node); } else { s = this.node.textContent; } if (s) { return s; } /* check if geo is contained in a vcard */ var xpathExpression = "ancestor::*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' vcard ')]"; var xpathResult = this.node.ownerDocument.evaluate(xpathExpression, this.node, null, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); if (xpathResult.singleNodeValue) { var hcard = new hCard(xpathResult.singleNodeValue); if (hcard.fn) { return hcard.fn; } } /* check if geo is contained in a vevent */ xpathExpression = "ancestor::*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' vevent ')]"; xpathResult = this.node.ownerDocument.evaluate(xpathExpression, this.node, null, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, xpathResult); if (xpathResult.singleNodeValue) { var hcal = new hCalendar(xpathResult.singleNodeValue); if (hcal.summary) { return hcal.summary; } } if (s) { return s; } else { return this.latitude + ", " + this.longitude; } } } var geo_definition = { mfVersion: 0.8, mfObject: geo, className: "geo", required: ["latitude","longitude"], properties: { "latitude" : { datatype: "float", virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { var value = Microformats.parser.textGetter(mfnode); var latlong; if (value.match(';')) { latlong = value.split(';'); if (latlong[0]) { return parseFloat(latlong[0]); } } } }, "longitude" : { datatype: "float", virtual: true, /* This will only be called in the virtual case */ virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { var value = Microformats.parser.textGetter(mfnode); var latlong; if (value.match(';')) { latlong = value.split(';'); if (latlong[1]) { return parseFloat(latlong[1]); } } } } } }; Microformats.add("geo", geo_definition); function tag(node, validate) { if (node) { Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "tag", validate); } } tag.prototype.toString = function() { // if (!this.tag) { // return this.text; // } return this.tag; } var tag_definition = { mfVersion: 0.8, mfObject: tag, attributeName: "rel", attributeValues: "tag", properties: { "tag" : { virtual: true, virtualGetter: function(mfnode) { if (mfnode.href) { var ioService = Components.classes[";1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var uri = ioService.newURI(mfnode.href, null, null); var url_array = uri.path.split("/"); for(let i=url_array.length-1; i > 0; i--) { if (url_array[i] !== "") { var tag if (tag = Microformats.tag.validTagName(url_array[i].replace(/\+/g, ' '))) { try { return decodeURIComponent(tag); } catch (ex) { return unescape(tag); } } } } } return null; } }, "link" : { virtual: true, datatype: "anyURI" }, "text" : { virtual: true } }, validTagName: function(tag) { var returnTag = tag; if (tag.indexOf('?') != -1) { if (tag.indexOf('?') === 0) { return false; } else { returnTag = tag.substr(0, tag.indexOf('?')); } } if (tag.indexOf('#') != -1) { if (tag.indexOf('#') === 0) { return false; } else { returnTag = tag.substr(0, tag.indexOf('#')); } } if (tag.indexOf('.html') != -1) { if (tag.indexOf('.html') == tag.length - 5) { return false; } } return returnTag; }, validate: function(node) { var tag = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(node, "tag", "tag"); if (!tag) { if (node.href) { var url_array = node.getAttribute("href").split("/"); for(let i=url_array.length-1; i > 0; i--) { if (url_array[i] !== "") { throw("Invalid tag name (" + url_array[i] + ")");; } } } else { throw("No href specified on tag"); } } return true; } }; Microformats.add("tag", tag_definition);