Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/LoadContextInfo.jsm'); Cu.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); var gRequestNo = 0; function packagedAppContentHandler(metadata, response) { response.setHeader("Content-Type", 'application/package'); var body = testData.getData(); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); gRequestNo++; } function getChannelForURL(url) { let uri = createURI(url); let ssm = Cc[";1"] .getService(Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager); let principal = ssm.createCodebasePrincipal(uri, {}); let tmpChannel = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: url, loadingPrincipal: principal, contentPolicyType: Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_OTHER }); tmpChannel.notificationCallbacks = new LoadContextCallback(principal.appId, principal.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement, false, false); return tmpChannel; } var subresourcePaths = [ [ "/index.html", "index.html" ], [ "index.html", "index.html" ], [ "/../../index.html", "index.html" ], [ "../../index.html", "index.html" ], [ "/hello/./.././index.html", "index.html" ], [ "hello/./.././index.html", "index.html" ], [ "../hello/index.html", "hello/index.html" ], [ "/../hello/index.html", "hello/index.html" ], [ "/./././index.html", "index.html" ], ] var content = " Test "; // The package content // getData formats it as described at var testData = { token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p", getData: function() { var str = ""; str += "--" + this.token + "\r\n"; str += "Content-Location: " + subresourcePaths[gRequestNo][0] + "\r\n"; str += "Content-Type: text/html" + "\r\n"; str += "\r\n"; str += content + "\r\n"; str += "--" + this.token + "--"; return str; } } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "uri", function() { return "http://localhost:" + httpserver.identity.primaryPort; }); // The active http server initialized in run_test var httpserver = null; // The packaged app service initialized in run_test var paservice = null; // This variable is set before getResource is called. The listener uses this variable // to check the correct resource path for the returned entry var packagePath = null; function run_test() { // setup test httpserver = new HttpServer(); httpserver.registerPrefixHandler("/package/", packagedAppContentHandler); httpserver.start(-1); paservice = Cc[";1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPackagedAppService); var testuri = createURI("http://localhost/"); add_test(continueTest); // run tests run_next_test(); } // A listener we use to check the proper cache entry is returned by the service function packagedResourceListener(path, content) { this.path = path; this.content = content; } packagedResourceListener.prototype = { QueryInterface: function (iid) { if (iid.equals(Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback) || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) return this; throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; }, onCacheEntryCheck: function() { return Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback.ENTRY_WANTED; }, onCacheEntryAvailable: function (entry, isnew, appcache, status) { equal(status, Cr.NS_OK, "status is NS_OK"); ok(!!entry, "Needs to have an entry"); equal(entry.key, uri + packagePath + "!//" + this.path, "Check entry has correct name"); var inputStream = entry.openInputStream(0); pumpReadStream(inputStream, (read) => { inputStream.close(); equal(read, this.content); // not using do_check_eq since logger will fail for the 1/4MB string continueTest(); }); } }; var gGenerator = test_paths(); function continueTest() { try {; } catch (e if e instanceof StopIteration) { run_next_test(); } } function test_paths() { for (var i in subresourcePaths) { packagePath = "/package/" + i; dump("Iteration " + i + "\n"); let url = uri + packagePath + "!//" + subresourcePaths[i][1]; paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(url), new packagedResourceListener(subresourcePaths[i][1], content)); yield undefined; } }