# -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. function getPluginInfo(pluginElement) { var tagMimetype; var pluginsPage; var pluginName = gNavigatorBundle.getString("pluginInfo.unknownPlugin"); if (pluginElement instanceof HTMLAppletElement) { tagMimetype = "application/x-java-vm"; } else { if (pluginElement instanceof HTMLObjectElement) { pluginsPage = pluginElement.getAttribute("codebase"); } else { pluginsPage = pluginElement.getAttribute("pluginspage"); } // only attempt if a pluginsPage is defined. if (pluginsPage) { var doc = pluginElement.ownerDocument; var docShell = findChildShell(doc, gBrowser.docShell, null); try { pluginsPage = makeURI(pluginsPage, doc.characterSet, docShell.currentURI).spec; } catch (ex) { pluginsPage = ""; } } tagMimetype = pluginElement.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIObjectLoadingContent) .actualType; if (tagMimetype == "") { tagMimetype = pluginElement.type; } } if (tagMimetype) { let navMimeType = navigator.mimeTypes.namedItem(tagMimetype); if (navMimeType && navMimeType.enabledPlugin) { pluginName = navMimeType.enabledPlugin.name; pluginName = gPluginHandler.makeNicePluginName(pluginName); } } return { mimetype: tagMimetype, pluginsPage: pluginsPage, pluginName: pluginName }; } var gPluginHandler = { #ifdef MOZ_CRASHREPORTER get CrashSubmit() { delete this.CrashSubmit; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/CrashSubmit.jsm", this); return this.CrashSubmit; }, #endif // Map the plugin's name to a filtered version more suitable for user UI. makeNicePluginName : function (aName) { if (aName == "Shockwave Flash") return "Adobe Flash"; // Clean up the plugin name by stripping off any trailing version numbers // or "plugin". EG, "Foo Bar Plugin 1.23_02" --> "Foo Bar" // Do this by first stripping the numbers, etc. off the end, and then // removing "Plugin" (and then trimming to get rid of any whitespace). // (Otherwise, something like "Java(TM) Plug-in 1.7.0_07" gets mangled) let newName = aName.replace(/[\s\d\.\-\_\(\)]+$/, "").replace(/\bplug-?in\b/i, "").trim(); return newName; }, isTooSmall : function (plugin, overlay) { // Is the 's size too small to hold what we want to show? let pluginRect = plugin.getBoundingClientRect(); // XXX bug 446693. The text-shadow on the submitted-report text at // the bottom causes scrollHeight to be larger than it should be. let overflows = (overlay.scrollWidth > pluginRect.width) || (overlay.scrollHeight - 5 > pluginRect.height); return overflows; }, addLinkClickCallback: function (linkNode, callbackName /*callbackArgs...*/) { // XXX just doing (callback)(arg) was giving a same-origin error. bug? let self = this; let callbackArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).slice(2); linkNode.addEventListener("click", function(evt) { if (!evt.isTrusted) return; evt.preventDefault(); if (callbackArgs.length == 0) callbackArgs = [ evt ]; (self[callbackName]).apply(self, callbackArgs); }, true); linkNode.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) { if (!evt.isTrusted) return; if (evt.keyCode == evt.DOM_VK_RETURN) { evt.preventDefault(); if (callbackArgs.length == 0) callbackArgs = [ evt ]; evt.preventDefault(); (self[callbackName]).apply(self, callbackArgs); } }, true); }, handleEvent : function(event) { let self = gPluginHandler; let plugin = event.target; let doc = plugin.ownerDocument; // We're expecting the target to be a plugin. if (!(plugin instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent)) return; // Force a style flush, so that we ensure our binding is attached. plugin.clientTop; switch (event.type) { case "PluginCrashed": self.pluginInstanceCrashed(plugin, event); break; case "PluginNotFound": // For non-object plugin tags, register a click handler to install the // plugin. Object tags can, and often do, deal with that themselves, // so don't stomp on the page developers toes. if (!(plugin instanceof HTMLObjectElement)) { // We don't yet check to see if there's actually an installer available. let installStatus = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "installStatus"); installStatus.setAttribute("status", "ready"); let iconStatus = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "icon"); iconStatus.setAttribute("status", "ready"); let installLink = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "installPluginLink"); self.addLinkClickCallback(installLink, "installSinglePlugin", plugin); } /* FALLTHRU */ case "PluginBlocklisted": case "PluginOutdated": #ifdef XP_MACOSX case "npapi-carbon-event-model-failure": #endif self.pluginUnavailable(plugin, event.type); break; case "PluginVulnerableUpdatable": let updateLink = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "checkForUpdatesLink"); self.addLinkClickCallback(updateLink, "openPluginUpdatePage"); /* FALLTHRU */ case "PluginVulnerableNoUpdate": case "PluginClickToPlay": self._handleClickToPlayEvent(plugin); let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "mainBox"); let pluginName = getPluginInfo(plugin).pluginName; let messageString = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("PluginClickToPlay", [pluginName]); let overlayText = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "msg msgClickToPlay"); overlayText.textContent = messageString; if (event.type == "PluginVulnerableUpdatable" || event.type == "PluginVulnerableNoUpdate") { let vulnerabilityString = gNavigatorBundle.getString(event.type); let vulnerabilityText = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "vulnerabilityStatus"); vulnerabilityText.textContent = vulnerabilityString; } break; case "PluginPlayPreview": self._handlePlayPreviewEvent(plugin); break; case "PluginDisabled": let manageLink = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "managePluginsLink"); self.addLinkClickCallback(manageLink, "managePlugins"); break; } // Hide the in-content UI if it's too big. The crashed plugin handler already did this. if (event.type != "PluginCrashed") { let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "mainBox"); /* overlay might be null, so only operate on it if it exists */ if (overlay != null && self.isTooSmall(plugin, overlay)) overlay.style.visibility = "hidden"; } }, canActivatePlugin: function PH_canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent) { return !objLoadingContent.activated && objLoadingContent.pluginFallbackType !== Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_PLAY_PREVIEW; }, activatePlugins: function PH_activatePlugins(aContentWindow) { let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(aContentWindow.document); browser._clickToPlayPluginsActivated = true; let cwu = aContentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let plugins = cwu.plugins; for (let plugin of plugins) { let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); if (gPluginHandler.canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent)) objLoadingContent.playPlugin(); } let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", browser); if (notification) notification.remove(); }, activateSinglePlugin: function PH_activateSinglePlugin(aContentWindow, aPlugin) { let objLoadingContent = aPlugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); if (gPluginHandler.canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent)) objLoadingContent.playPlugin(); let cwu = aContentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let pluginNeedsActivation = gPluginHandler._pluginNeedsActivationExceptThese([aPlugin]); let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(aContentWindow.document); let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", browser); if (notification) { browser._clickToPlayDoorhangerShown = false; notification.remove(); } if (pluginNeedsActivation) { gPluginHandler._showClickToPlayNotification(browser); } }, stopPlayPreview: function PH_stopPlayPreview(aPlugin, aPlayPlugin) { let objLoadingContent = aPlugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); if (objLoadingContent.activated) return; if (aPlayPlugin) objLoadingContent.playPlugin(); else objLoadingContent.cancelPlayPreview(); }, newPluginInstalled : function(event) { // browser elements are anonymous so we can't just use target. var browser = event.originalTarget; // clear the plugin list, now that at least one plugin has been installed browser.missingPlugins = null; var notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(browser); var notification = notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("missing-plugins"); if (notification) notificationBox.removeNotification(notification); // reload the browser to make the new plugin show. browser.reload(); }, // Callback for user clicking on a missing (unsupported) plugin. installSinglePlugin: function (plugin) { var missingPlugins = new Map(); var pluginInfo = getPluginInfo(plugin); missingPlugins.set(pluginInfo.mimetype, pluginInfo); openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/plugins/pluginInstallerWizard.xul", "PFSWindow", "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes", {plugins: missingPlugins, browser: gBrowser.selectedBrowser}); }, // Callback for user clicking on a disabled plugin managePlugins: function (aEvent) { BrowserOpenAddonsMgr("addons://list/plugin"); }, // Callback for user clicking on the link in a click-to-play plugin // (where the plugin has an update) openPluginUpdatePage: function (aEvent) { openURL(Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("plugins.update.url")); }, #ifdef MOZ_CRASHREPORTER // Callback for user clicking "submit a report" link submitReport : function(pluginDumpID, browserDumpID) { // The crash reporter wants a DOM element it can append an IFRAME to, // which it uses to submit a form. Let's just give it gBrowser. this.CrashSubmit.submit(pluginDumpID); if (browserDumpID) this.CrashSubmit.submit(browserDumpID); }, #endif // Callback for user clicking a "reload page" link reloadPage: function (browser) { browser.reload(); }, // Callback for user clicking the help icon openHelpPage: function () { openHelpLink("plugin-crashed", false); }, // Event listener for click-to-play plugins. _handleClickToPlayEvent: function PH_handleClickToPlayEvent(aPlugin) { let doc = aPlugin.ownerDocument; let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(doc.defaultView.top.document); let pluginsPermission = Services.perms.testPermission(browser.currentURI, "plugins"); let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aPlugin, "class", "mainBox"); if (browser._clickToPlayPluginsActivated) { let objLoadingContent = aPlugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); objLoadingContent.playPlugin(); return; } else if (pluginsPermission == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION) { if (overlay) overlay.style.visibility = "hidden"; return; } // The overlay is null if the XBL binding is not attached (element is display:none). if (overlay) { overlay.addEventListener("click", function(aEvent) { // Have to check that the target is not the link to update the plugin if (!(aEvent.originalTarget instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) && aEvent.button == 0 && aEvent.isTrusted) { gPluginHandler.activateSinglePlugin(aEvent.target.ownerDocument.defaultView.top, aPlugin); aEvent.stopPropagation(); aEvent.preventDefault(); } }, true); } if (!browser._clickToPlayDoorhangerShown) gPluginHandler._showClickToPlayNotification(browser); }, _handlePlayPreviewEvent: function PH_handlePlayPreviewEvent(aPlugin) { let doc = aPlugin.ownerDocument; let previewContent = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aPlugin, "class", "previewPluginContent"); if (!previewContent) { // the XBL binding is not attached (element is display:none), fallback to click-to-play logic gPluginHandler.stopPlayPreview(aPlugin, false); return; } let iframe = previewContent.getElementsByClassName("previewPluginContentFrame")[0]; if (!iframe) { // lazy initialization of the iframe iframe = doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "iframe"); iframe.className = "previewPluginContentFrame"; previewContent.appendChild(iframe); // Force a style flush, so that we ensure our binding is attached. aPlugin.clientTop; } let pluginInfo = getPluginInfo(aPlugin); let playPreviewUri = "data:application/x-moz-playpreview;," + pluginInfo.mimetype; iframe.src = playPreviewUri; // MozPlayPlugin event can be dispatched from the extension chrome // code to replace the preview content with the native plugin previewContent.addEventListener("MozPlayPlugin", function playPluginHandler(aEvent) { if (!aEvent.isTrusted) return; previewContent.removeEventListener("MozPlayPlugin", playPluginHandler, true); let playPlugin = !aEvent.detail; gPluginHandler.stopPlayPreview(aPlugin, playPlugin); // cleaning up: removes overlay iframe from the DOM let iframe = previewContent.getElementsByClassName("previewPluginContentFrame")[0]; if (iframe) previewContent.removeChild(iframe); }, true); }, reshowClickToPlayNotification: function PH_reshowClickToPlayNotification() { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("plugins.click_to_play")) return; let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; let pluginsPermission = Services.perms.testPermission(browser.currentURI, "plugins"); if (pluginsPermission == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION) return; if (gPluginHandler._pluginNeedsActivationExceptThese([])) gPluginHandler._showClickToPlayNotification(browser); }, // returns true if there is a plugin on this page that needs activation // and isn't in the "except these" list _pluginNeedsActivationExceptThese: function PH_pluginNeedsActivationExceptThese(aExceptThese) { let contentWindow = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow; let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let pluginNeedsActivation = cwu.plugins.some(function(plugin) { let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); return (gPluginHandler.canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent) && aExceptThese.indexOf(plugin) < 0); }); return pluginNeedsActivation; }, /* Gets all plugins currently in the page of the given name */ _getPluginsByName: function PH_getPluginsByName(aDOMWindowUtils, aName) { let plugins = []; for (let plugin of aDOMWindowUtils.plugins) { let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); if (gPluginHandler.canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent)) { let pluginName = getPluginInfo(plugin).pluginName; if (aName == pluginName) { plugins.push(objLoadingContent); } } } return plugins; }, _makeCenterActions: function PH_makeCenterActions(aBrowser) { let contentWindow = aBrowser.contentWindow; let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let pluginsDictionary = new Map(); for (let plugin of cwu.plugins) { let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); if (gPluginHandler.canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent)) { let pluginName = getPluginInfo(plugin).pluginName; if (!pluginsDictionary.has(pluginName)) pluginsDictionary.set(pluginName, []); pluginsDictionary.get(pluginName).push(objLoadingContent); } } let centerActions = []; for (let [pluginName, namedPluginArray] of pluginsDictionary) { let plugin = namedPluginArray[0]; let warn = false; let warningText = ""; let updateLink = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("plugins.update.url"); if (plugin.pluginFallbackType) { if (plugin.pluginFallbackType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE) { warn = true; warningText = gNavigatorBundle.getString("vulnerableUpdatablePluginWarning"); } else if (plugin.pluginFallbackType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE) { warn = true; warningText = gNavigatorBundle.getString("vulnerableNoUpdatePluginWarning"); updateLink = ""; } } let action = { message: pluginName, warn: warn, warningText: warningText, updateLink: updateLink, label: gNavigatorBundle.getString("activateSinglePlugin"), callback: function() { let plugins = gPluginHandler._getPluginsByName(cwu, this.message); for (let objLoadingContent of plugins) { objLoadingContent.playPlugin(); } let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", aBrowser); if (notification && !gPluginHandler._pluginNeedsActivationExceptThese(plugins)) { notification.remove(); } } }; centerActions.push(action); } return centerActions; }, _showClickToPlayNotification: function PH_showClickToPlayNotification(aBrowser) { aBrowser._clickToPlayDoorhangerShown = true; let contentWindow = aBrowser.contentWindow; let messageString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("activatePluginsMessage.message"); let mainAction = { label: gNavigatorBundle.getString("activateAllPluginsMessage.label"), accessKey: gNavigatorBundle.getString("activatePluginsMessage.accesskey"), callback: function() { gPluginHandler.activatePlugins(contentWindow); } }; let centerActions = gPluginHandler._makeCenterActions(aBrowser); let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let haveVulnerablePlugin = cwu.plugins.some(function(plugin) { let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); return (gPluginHandler.canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent) && (objLoadingContent.pluginFallbackType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE || objLoadingContent.pluginFallbackType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE)); }); if (haveVulnerablePlugin) { messageString = gNavigatorBundle.getString("vulnerablePluginsMessage"); } let secondaryActions = [{ label: gNavigatorBundle.getString("activatePluginsMessage.always"), accessKey: gNavigatorBundle.getString("activatePluginsMessage.always.accesskey"), callback: function () { Services.perms.add(aBrowser.currentURI, "plugins", Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION); gPluginHandler.activatePlugins(contentWindow); } },{ label: gNavigatorBundle.getString("activatePluginsMessage.never"), accessKey: gNavigatorBundle.getString("activatePluginsMessage.never.accesskey"), callback: function () { Services.perms.add(aBrowser.currentURI, "plugins", Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION); let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", aBrowser); if (notification) notification.remove(); gPluginHandler._removeClickToPlayOverlays(contentWindow); } }]; let options = { dismissed: true, centerActions: centerActions }; PopupNotifications.show(aBrowser, "click-to-play-plugins", messageString, "plugins-notification-icon", mainAction, secondaryActions, options); }, _removeClickToPlayOverlays: function PH_removeClickToPlayOverlays(aContentWindow) { let doc = aContentWindow.document; let cwu = aContentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); for (let plugin of cwu.plugins) { let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "mainBox"); overlay.style.visibility = "hidden"; } }, // event listener for missing/blocklisted/outdated/carbonFailure plugins. pluginUnavailable: function (plugin, eventType) { let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(plugin.ownerDocument .defaultView.top.document); if (!browser.missingPlugins) browser.missingPlugins = new Map(); var pluginInfo = getPluginInfo(plugin); browser.missingPlugins.set(pluginInfo.mimetype, pluginInfo); var notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(browser); // Should only display one of these warnings per page. // In order of priority, they are: outdated > missing > blocklisted let outdatedNotification = notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("outdated-plugins"); let blockedNotification = notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("blocked-plugins"); let missingNotification = notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("missing-plugins"); function showBlocklistInfo() { var url = formatURL("extensions.blocklist.detailsURL", true); gBrowser.loadOneTab(url, {inBackground: false}); return true; } function showOutdatedPluginsInfo() { gPrefService.setBoolPref("plugins.update.notifyUser", false); var url = formatURL("plugins.update.url", true); gBrowser.loadOneTab(url, {inBackground: false}); return true; } function showPluginsMissing() { // get the urls of missing plugins var missingPlugins = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.missingPlugins; if (missingPlugins) { openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/plugins/pluginInstallerWizard.xul", "PFSWindow", "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes", {plugins: missingPlugins, browser: gBrowser.selectedBrowser}); } } #ifdef XP_MACOSX function carbonFailurePluginsRestartBrowser() { // Notify all windows that an application quit has been requested. let cancelQuit = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool); Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", null); // Something aborted the quit process. if (cancelQuit.data) return; let as = Cc["@mozilla.org/toolkit/app-startup;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAppStartup); as.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestarti386 | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit); } #endif let notifications = { PluginBlocklisted : { barID : "blocked-plugins", iconURL : "chrome://mozapps/skin/plugins/notifyPluginBlocked.png", message : gNavigatorBundle.getString("blockedpluginsMessage.title"), buttons : [{ label : gNavigatorBundle.getString("blockedpluginsMessage.infoButton.label"), accessKey : gNavigatorBundle.getString("blockedpluginsMessage.infoButton.accesskey"), popup : null, callback : showBlocklistInfo }, { label : gNavigatorBundle.getString("blockedpluginsMessage.searchButton.label"), accessKey : gNavigatorBundle.getString("blockedpluginsMessage.searchButton.accesskey"), popup : null, callback : showOutdatedPluginsInfo }], }, PluginOutdated : { barID : "outdated-plugins", iconURL : "chrome://mozapps/skin/plugins/notifyPluginOutdated.png", message : gNavigatorBundle.getString("outdatedpluginsMessage.title"), buttons : [{ label : gNavigatorBundle.getString("outdatedpluginsMessage.updateButton.label"), accessKey : gNavigatorBundle.getString("outdatedpluginsMessage.updateButton.accesskey"), popup : null, callback : showOutdatedPluginsInfo }], }, PluginNotFound : { barID : "missing-plugins", iconURL : "chrome://mozapps/skin/plugins/notifyPluginGeneric.png", message : gNavigatorBundle.getString("missingpluginsMessage.title"), buttons : [{ label : gNavigatorBundle.getString("missingpluginsMessage.button.label"), accessKey : gNavigatorBundle.getString("missingpluginsMessage.button.accesskey"), popup : null, callback : showPluginsMissing }], }, #ifdef XP_MACOSX "npapi-carbon-event-model-failure" : { barID : "carbon-failure-plugins", iconURL : "chrome://mozapps/skin/plugins/notifyPluginGeneric.png", message : gNavigatorBundle.getString("carbonFailurePluginsMessage.message"), buttons: [{ label : gNavigatorBundle.getString("carbonFailurePluginsMessage.restartButton.label"), accessKey : gNavigatorBundle.getString("carbonFailurePluginsMessage.restartButton.accesskey"), popup : null, callback : carbonFailurePluginsRestartBrowser }], } #endif }; // If there is already an outdated plugin notification then do nothing if (outdatedNotification) return; #ifdef XP_MACOSX if (eventType == "npapi-carbon-event-model-failure") { if (gPrefService.getBoolPref("plugins.hide_infobar_for_carbon_failure_plugin")) return; let carbonFailureNotification = notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("carbon-failure-plugins"); if (carbonFailureNotification) carbonFailureNotification.close(); let macutils = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/mac-utils;1"].getService(Ci.nsIMacUtils); // if this is not a Universal build, just follow PluginNotFound path if (!macutils.isUniversalBinary) eventType = "PluginNotFound"; } #endif if (eventType == "PluginBlocklisted") { if (gPrefService.getBoolPref("plugins.hide_infobar_for_missing_plugin")) // XXX add a new pref? return; if (blockedNotification || missingNotification) return; } else if (eventType == "PluginOutdated") { if (gPrefService.getBoolPref("plugins.hide_infobar_for_outdated_plugin")) return; // Cancel any notification about blocklisting/missing plugins if (blockedNotification) blockedNotification.close(); if (missingNotification) missingNotification.close(); } else if (eventType == "PluginNotFound") { if (gPrefService.getBoolPref("plugins.hide_infobar_for_missing_plugin")) return; if (missingNotification) return; // Cancel any notification about blocklisting plugins if (blockedNotification) blockedNotification.close(); } let notify = notifications[eventType]; notificationBox.appendNotification(notify.message, notify.barID, notify.iconURL, notificationBox.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM, notify.buttons); }, // Crashed-plugin observer. Notified once per plugin crash, before events // are dispatched to individual plugin instances. pluginCrashed : function(subject, topic, data) { let propertyBag = subject; if (!(propertyBag instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2) || !(propertyBag instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2)) return; #ifdef MOZ_CRASHREPORTER let pluginDumpID = propertyBag.getPropertyAsAString("pluginDumpID"); let browserDumpID= propertyBag.getPropertyAsAString("browserDumpID"); let shouldSubmit = gCrashReporter.submitReports; let doPrompt = true; // XXX followup to get via gCrashReporter // Submit automatically when appropriate. if (pluginDumpID && shouldSubmit && !doPrompt) { this.submitReport(pluginDumpID, browserDumpID); // Submission is async, so we can't easily show failure UI. propertyBag.setPropertyAsBool("submittedCrashReport", true); } #endif }, // Crashed-plugin event listener. Called for every instance of a // plugin in content. pluginInstanceCrashed: function (plugin, aEvent) { // Ensure the plugin and event are of the right type. if (!(aEvent instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDataContainerEvent)) return; let submittedReport = aEvent.getData("submittedCrashReport"); let doPrompt = true; // XXX followup for .getData("doPrompt"); let submitReports = true; // XXX followup for .getData("submitReports"); let pluginName = aEvent.getData("pluginName"); let pluginDumpID = aEvent.getData("pluginDumpID"); let browserDumpID = aEvent.getData("browserDumpID"); // Remap the plugin name to a more user-presentable form. pluginName = this.makeNicePluginName(pluginName); let messageString = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("crashedpluginsMessage.title", [pluginName]); // // Configure the crashed-plugin placeholder. // let doc = plugin.ownerDocument; let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "mainBox"); let statusDiv = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "submitStatus"); #ifdef MOZ_CRASHREPORTER let status; // Determine which message to show regarding crash reports. if (submittedReport) { // submitReports && !doPrompt, handled in observer status = "submitted"; } else if (!submitReports && !doPrompt) { status = "noSubmit"; } else { // doPrompt status = "please"; // XXX can we make the link target actually be blank? let pleaseLink = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute( plugin, "class", "pleaseSubmitLink"); this.addLinkClickCallback(pleaseLink, "submitReport", pluginDumpID, browserDumpID); } // If we don't have a minidumpID, we can't (or didn't) submit anything. // This can happen if the plugin is killed from the task manager. if (!pluginDumpID) { status = "noReport"; } statusDiv.setAttribute("status", status); let bottomLinks = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "msg msgBottomLinks"); bottomLinks.style.display = "block"; let helpIcon = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "helpIcon"); this.addLinkClickCallback(helpIcon, "openHelpPage"); // If we're showing the link to manually trigger report submission, we'll // want to be able to update all the instances of the UI for this crash to // show an updated message when a report is submitted. if (doPrompt) { let observer = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), observe : function(subject, topic, data) { let propertyBag = subject; if (!(propertyBag instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2)) return; // Ignore notifications for other crashes. if (propertyBag.get("minidumpID") != pluginDumpID) return; statusDiv.setAttribute("status", data); }, handleEvent : function(event) { // Not expected to be called, just here for the closure. } } // Use a weak reference, so we don't have to remove it... Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "crash-report-status", true); // ...alas, now we need something to hold a strong reference to prevent // it from being GC. But I don't want to manually manage the reference's // lifetime (which should be no greater than the page). // Clever solution? Use a closue with an event listener on the document. // When the doc goes away, so do the listener references and the closure. doc.addEventListener("mozCleverClosureHack", observer, false); } #endif let crashText = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "msg msgCrashed"); crashText.textContent = messageString; let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(doc.defaultView.top.document); let link = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "reloadLink"); this.addLinkClickCallback(link, "reloadPage", browser); let notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(browser); // Is the 's size too small to hold what we want to show? if (this.isTooSmall(plugin, overlay)) { // Hide the overlay's contents. Use visibility style, so that it // doesn't collapse down to 0x0. overlay.style.visibility = "hidden"; // If another plugin on the page was large enough to show our UI, we // don't want to show a notification bar. if (!doc.mozNoPluginCrashedNotification) showNotificationBar(pluginDumpID, browserDumpID); } else { // If a previous plugin on the page was too small and resulted in // adding a notification bar, then remove it because this plugin // instance it big enough to serve as in-content notification. hideNotificationBar(); doc.mozNoPluginCrashedNotification = true; } function hideNotificationBar() { let notification = notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("plugin-crashed"); if (notification) notificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true); } function showNotificationBar(pluginDumpID, browserDumpID) { // If there's already an existing notification bar, don't do anything. let notification = notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("plugin-crashed"); if (notification) return; // Configure the notification bar let priority = notificationBox.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM; let iconURL = "chrome://mozapps/skin/plugins/notifyPluginCrashed.png"; let reloadLabel = gNavigatorBundle.getString("crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label"); let reloadKey = gNavigatorBundle.getString("crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.accesskey"); let submitLabel = gNavigatorBundle.getString("crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label"); let submitKey = gNavigatorBundle.getString("crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.accesskey"); let buttons = [{ label: reloadLabel, accessKey: reloadKey, popup: null, callback: function() { browser.reload(); }, }]; #ifdef MOZ_CRASHREPORTER let submitButton = { label: submitLabel, accessKey: submitKey, popup: null, callback: function() { gPluginHandler.submitReport(pluginDumpID, browserDumpID); }, }; if (pluginDumpID) buttons.push(submitButton); #endif let notification = notificationBox.appendNotification(messageString, "plugin-crashed", iconURL, priority, buttons); // Add the "learn more" link. let XULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; let link = notification.ownerDocument.createElementNS(XULNS, "label"); link.className = "text-link"; link.setAttribute("value", gNavigatorBundle.getString("crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore")); let crashurl = formatURL("app.support.baseURL", true); crashurl += "plugin-crashed-notificationbar"; link.href = crashurl; let description = notification.ownerDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(notification, "anonid", "messageText"); description.appendChild(link); // Remove the notfication when the page is reloaded. doc.defaultView.top.addEventListener("unload", function() { notificationBox.removeNotification(notification); }, false); } } };