/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); let AllTabs; let newTab = gBrowser.addTab(); // TabPinned let pinned = function (event) { let tab = event.target; is(tab, newTab, "The tabs are the same after the tab is pinned"); ok(tab.pinned, "The tab gets pinned"); gBrowser.unpinTab(tab); }; // TabUnpinned let unpinned = function (event) { let tab = event.target; AllTabs.unregister("pinned", pinned); AllTabs.unregister("unpinned", unpinned); is(tab, newTab, "The tabs are the same after the tab is unpinned"); ok(!tab.pinned, "The tab gets unpinned"); // clean up and finish gBrowser.removeTab(tab); hideTabView(finish); }; showTabView(function () { AllTabs = TabView.getContentWindow().AllTabs; AllTabs.register("pinned", pinned); AllTabs.register("unpinned", unpinned); ok(!newTab.pinned, "The tab is not pinned"); gBrowser.pinTab(newTab); }); }