/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/core/promise.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/source-editor.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/EventEmitter.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/SideMenuWidget.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/VariablesView.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/ViewHelpers.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetworkHelper", "resource://gre/modules/devtools/NetworkHelper.jsm"); const NET_STRINGS_URI = "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/netmonitor.properties"; const LISTENERS = [ "NetworkActivity" ]; const NET_PREFS = { "NetworkMonitor.saveRequestAndResponseBodies": true }; /** * Object defining the network monitor controller components. */ let NetMonitorController = { /** * Initializes the view. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the monitor finishes startup. */ startupNetMonitor: function() { if (this._isInitialized) { return this._startup.promise; } this._isInitialized = true; let deferred = this._startup = Promise.defer(); NetMonitorView.initialize(() => { NetMonitorView._isInitialized = true; deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Destroys the view and disconnects the monitor client from the server. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the monitor finishes shutdown. */ shutdownNetMonitor: function() { if (this._isDestroyed) { return this._shutdown.promise; } this._isDestroyed = true; this._startup = null; let deferred = this._shutdown = Promise.defer(); NetMonitorView.destroy(() => { NetMonitorView._isDestroyed = true; this.TargetEventsHandler.disconnect(); this.NetworkEventsHandler.disconnect(); this.disconnect(); deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Initiates remote or chrome network monitoring based on the current target, * wiring event handlers as necessary. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the monitor finishes connecting. */ connect: function() { if (this._connection) { return this._connection.promise; } let deferred = this._connection = Promise.defer(); let target = this._target; let { client, form } = target; if (target.chrome) { this._startChromeMonitoring(client, form.consoleActor, deferred.resolve); } else { this._startMonitoringTab(client, form, deferred.resolve); } return deferred.promise; }, /** * Disconnects the debugger client and removes event handlers as necessary. */ disconnect: function() { // When debugging local or a remote instance, the connection is closed by // the RemoteTarget. this._connection = null; this.client = null; this.tabClient = null; this.webConsoleClient = null; }, /** * Sets up a monitoring session. * * @param DebuggerClient aClient * The debugger client. * @param object aTabGrip * The remote protocol grip of the tab. * @param function aCallback * A function to invoke once the client attached to the console client. */ _startMonitoringTab: function(aClient, aTabGrip, aCallback) { if (!aClient) { Cu.reportError("No client found!"); return; } this.client = aClient; aClient.attachTab(aTabGrip.actor, (aResponse, aTabClient) => { if (!aTabClient) { Cu.reportError("No tab client found!"); return; } this.tabClient = aTabClient; aClient.attachConsole(aTabGrip.consoleActor, LISTENERS, (aResponse, aWebConsoleClient) => { if (!aWebConsoleClient) { Cu.reportError("Couldn't attach to console: " + aResponse.error); return; } this.webConsoleClient = aWebConsoleClient; this.webConsoleClient.setPreferences(NET_PREFS, () => { this.TargetEventsHandler.connect(); this.NetworkEventsHandler.connect(); if (aCallback) { aCallback(); } }); }); }); }, /** * Sets up a chrome monitoring session. * * @param DebuggerClient aClient * The debugger client. * @param object aConsoleActor * The remote protocol grip of the chrome debugger. * @param function aCallback * A function to invoke once the client attached to the console client. */ _startChromeMonitoring: function(aClient, aConsoleActor, aCallback) { if (!aClient) { Cu.reportError("No client found!"); return; } this.client = aClient; aClient.attachConsole(aConsoleActor, LISTENERS, (aResponse, aWebConsoleClient) => { if (!aWebConsoleClient) { Cu.reportError("Couldn't attach to console: " + aResponse.error); return; } this.webConsoleClient = aWebConsoleClient; this.webConsoleClient.setPreferences(NET_PREFS, () => { this.TargetEventsHandler.connect(); this.NetworkEventsHandler.connect(); if (aCallback) { aCallback(); } }); }); }, _isInitialized: false, _isDestroyed: false, _startup: null, _shutdown: null, _connection: null, client: null, tabClient: null, webConsoleClient: null }; /** * Functions handling target-related lifetime events. */ function TargetEventsHandler() { this._onTabNavigated = this._onTabNavigated.bind(this); this._onTabDetached = this._onTabDetached.bind(this); } TargetEventsHandler.prototype = { get target() NetMonitorController._target, get webConsoleClient() NetMonitorController.webConsoleClient, /** * Listen for events emitted by the current tab target. */ connect: function() { dumpn("TargetEventsHandler is connecting..."); this.target.on("close", this._onTabDetached); this.target.on("navigate", this._onTabNavigated); this.target.on("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated); }, /** * Remove events emitted by the current tab target. */ disconnect: function() { if (!this.target) { return; } dumpn("TargetEventsHandler is disconnecting..."); this.target.off("close", this._onTabDetached); this.target.off("navigate", this._onTabNavigated); this.target.off("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated); }, /** * Called for each location change in the monitored tab. * * @param string aType * Packet type. * @param object aPacket * Packet received from the server. */ _onTabNavigated: function(aType, aPacket) { if (aType == "will-navigate") { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.reset(); NetMonitorView.NetworkDetails.toggle(false); window.emit("NetMonitor:TargetWillNavigate"); } if (aType == "navigate") { window.emit("NetMonitor:TargetNavigate"); } }, /** * Called when the monitored tab is closed. */ _onTabDetached: function() { NetMonitorController.shutdownNetMonitor(); } }; /** * Functions handling target network events. */ function NetworkEventsHandler() { this._onNetworkEvent = this._onNetworkEvent.bind(this); this._onNetworkEventUpdate = this._onNetworkEventUpdate.bind(this); this._onRequestHeaders = this._onRequestHeaders.bind(this); this._onRequestCookies = this._onRequestCookies.bind(this); this._onRequestPostData = this._onRequestPostData.bind(this); this._onResponseHeaders = this._onResponseHeaders.bind(this); this._onResponseCookies = this._onResponseCookies.bind(this); this._onResponseContent = this._onResponseContent.bind(this); this._onEventTimings = this._onEventTimings.bind(this); } NetworkEventsHandler.prototype = { get client() NetMonitorController._target.client, get webConsoleClient() NetMonitorController.webConsoleClient, /** * Connect to the current target client. */ connect: function() { dumpn("NetworkEventsHandler is connecting..."); this.client.addListener("networkEvent", this._onNetworkEvent); this.client.addListener("networkEventUpdate", this._onNetworkEventUpdate); }, /** * Disconnect from the client. */ disconnect: function() { if (!this.client) { return; } dumpn("NetworkEventsHandler is disconnecting..."); this.client.removeListener("networkEvent", this._onNetworkEvent); this.client.removeListener("networkEventUpdate", this._onNetworkEventUpdate); }, /** * The "networkEvent" message type handler. * * @param string aType * Message type. * @param object aPacket * The message received from the server. */ _onNetworkEvent: function(aType, aPacket) { let { actor, startedDateTime, method, url } = aPacket.eventActor; NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.addRequest(actor, startedDateTime, method, url); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEvent"); }, /** * The "networkEventUpdate" message type handler. * * @param string aType * Message type. * @param object aPacket * The message received from the server. */ _onNetworkEventUpdate: function(aType, aPacket) { let actor = aPacket.from; switch (aPacket.updateType) { case "requestHeaders": this.webConsoleClient.getRequestHeaders(actor, this._onRequestHeaders); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdating:RequestHeaders"); break; case "requestCookies": this.webConsoleClient.getRequestCookies(actor, this._onRequestCookies); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdating:RequestCookies"); break; case "requestPostData": this.webConsoleClient.getRequestPostData(actor, this._onRequestPostData); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdating:RequestPostData"); break; case "responseHeaders": this.webConsoleClient.getResponseHeaders(actor, this._onResponseHeaders); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdating:ResponseHeaders"); break; case "responseCookies": this.webConsoleClient.getResponseCookies(actor, this._onResponseCookies); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdating:ResponseCookies"); break; case "responseStart": NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aPacket.from, { httpVersion: aPacket.response.httpVersion, status: aPacket.response.status, statusText: aPacket.response.statusText, headersSize: aPacket.response.headersSize }); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdating:ResponseStart"); break; case "responseContent": NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aPacket.from, { contentSize: aPacket.contentSize, mimeType: aPacket.mimeType }); this.webConsoleClient.getResponseContent(actor, this._onResponseContent); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdating:ResponseContent"); break; case "eventTimings": NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aPacket.from, { totalTime: aPacket.totalTime }); this.webConsoleClient.getEventTimings(actor, this._onEventTimings); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdating:EventTimings"); break; } }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "requestHeaders" packet. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _onRequestHeaders: function(aResponse) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aResponse.from, { requestHeaders: aResponse }); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdated:RequestHeaders"); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "requestCookies" packet. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _onRequestCookies: function(aResponse) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aResponse.from, { requestCookies: aResponse }); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdated:RequestCookies"); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "requestPostData" packet. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _onRequestPostData: function(aResponse) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aResponse.from, { requestPostData: aResponse }); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdated:RequestPostData"); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "responseHeaders" packet. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _onResponseHeaders: function(aResponse) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aResponse.from, { responseHeaders: aResponse }); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdated:ResponseHeaders"); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "responseCookies" packet. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _onResponseCookies: function(aResponse) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aResponse.from, { responseCookies: aResponse }); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdated:ResponseCookies"); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "responseContent" packet. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _onResponseContent: function(aResponse) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aResponse.from, { responseContent: aResponse }); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdated:ResponseContent"); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "eventTimings" packet. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _onEventTimings: function NEH__onEventTimings(aResponse) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(aResponse.from, { eventTimings: aResponse }); window.emit("NetMonitor:NetworkEventUpdated:EventTimings"); }, /** * Fetches the full text of a LongString. * * @param object | string aStringGrip * The long string grip containing the corresponding actor. * If you pass in a plain string (by accident or because you're lazy), * then a promise of the same string is simply returned. * @return object Promise * A promise that is resolved when the full string contents * are available, or rejected if something goes wrong. */ getString: function NEH_getString(aStringGrip) { // Make sure this is a long string. if (typeof aStringGrip != "object" || aStringGrip.type != "longString") { return Promise.resolve(aStringGrip); // Go home string, you're drunk. } // Fetch the long string only once. if (aStringGrip._fullText) { return aStringGrip._fullText.promise; } let deferred = aStringGrip._fullText = Promise.defer(); let { actor, initial, length } = aStringGrip; let longStringClient = this.webConsoleClient.longString(aStringGrip); longStringClient.substring(initial.length, length, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.error) { Cu.reportError(aResponse.error + ": " + aResponse.message); deferred.reject(aResponse); return; } deferred.resolve(initial + aResponse.substring); }); return deferred.promise; } }; /** * Localization convenience methods. */ let L10N = new ViewHelpers.L10N(NET_STRINGS_URI); /** * Shortcuts for accessing various network monitor preferences. */ let Prefs = new ViewHelpers.Prefs("devtools.netmonitor", { networkDetailsWidth: ["Int", "panes-network-details-width"] }); /** * Convenient way of emitting events from the panel window. */ EventEmitter.decorate(this); /** * Preliminary setup for the NetMonitorController object. */ NetMonitorController.TargetEventsHandler = new TargetEventsHandler(); NetMonitorController.NetworkEventsHandler = new NetworkEventsHandler(); /** * Export some properties to the global scope for easier access. */ Object.defineProperties(window, { "create": { get: function() ViewHelpers.create }, "gNetwork": { get: function() NetMonitorController.NetworkEventsHandler } }); /** * Helper method for debugging. * @param string */ function dumpn(str) { if (wantLogging) { dump("NET-FRONTEND: " + str + "\n"); } } let wantLogging = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log");