/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ // vim:set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et cin: /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #import #import #include "PluginUtilsOSX.h" // Remove definitions for try/catch interfering with ObjCException macros. #include "nsObjCExceptions.h" #include "nsCocoaUtils.h" #include "nsDebug.h" using namespace mozilla::plugins::PluginUtilsOSX; @interface CGBridgeLayer : CALayer { DrawPluginFunc mDrawFunc; void* mPluginInstance; nsIntRect mUpdateRect; } - (void) setDrawFunc: (DrawPluginFunc)aFunc pluginInstance:(void*) aPluginInstance; - (void) updateRect: (nsIntRect)aRect; @end @implementation CGBridgeLayer - (void) updateRect: (nsIntRect)aRect { mUpdateRect.UnionRect(mUpdateRect, aRect); } - (void) setDrawFunc: (DrawPluginFunc)aFunc pluginInstance:(void*) aPluginInstance { mDrawFunc = aFunc; mPluginInstance = aPluginInstance; } - (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)aCGContext { ::CGContextSaveGState(aCGContext); ::CGContextTranslateCTM(aCGContext, 0, self.bounds.size.height); ::CGContextScaleCTM(aCGContext, (CGFloat) 1, (CGFloat) -1); mDrawFunc(aCGContext, mPluginInstance, mUpdateRect); ::CGContextRestoreGState(aCGContext); mUpdateRect.SetEmpty(); } @end void* mozilla::plugins::PluginUtilsOSX::GetCGLayer(DrawPluginFunc aFunc, void* aPluginInstance) { CGBridgeLayer *bridgeLayer = [[CGBridgeLayer alloc] init ]; [bridgeLayer setDrawFunc:aFunc pluginInstance:aPluginInstance]; return bridgeLayer; } void mozilla::plugins::PluginUtilsOSX::ReleaseCGLayer(void *cgLayer) { CGBridgeLayer *bridgeLayer = (CGBridgeLayer*)cgLayer; [bridgeLayer release]; } void mozilla::plugins::PluginUtilsOSX::Repaint(void *caLayer, nsIntRect aRect) { CGBridgeLayer *bridgeLayer = (CGBridgeLayer*)caLayer; [CATransaction begin]; [bridgeLayer updateRect:aRect]; [bridgeLayer setNeedsDisplay]; [bridgeLayer displayIfNeeded]; [CATransaction commit]; } @interface EventProcessor : NSObject { RemoteProcessEvents aRemoteEvents; void *aPluginModule; } - (void)setRemoteEvents:(RemoteProcessEvents) remoteEvents pluginModule:(void*) pluginModule; - (void)onTick; @end @implementation EventProcessor - (void) onTick { aRemoteEvents(aPluginModule); } - (void)setRemoteEvents:(RemoteProcessEvents) remoteEvents pluginModule:(void*) pluginModule { aRemoteEvents = remoteEvents; aPluginModule = pluginModule; } @end #define EVENT_PROCESS_DELAY 0.05 // 50 ms NPError mozilla::plugins::PluginUtilsOSX::ShowCocoaContextMenu(void* aMenu, int aX, int aY, void* pluginModule, RemoteProcessEvents remoteEvent) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; // Set the native cursor to the OS default (an arrow) before displaying the // context menu. Otherwise (if the plugin has changed the cursor) it may // stay as the plugin has set it -- which means it may be invisible. We // need to do this because we display the context menu without making the // plugin process the foreground process. If we did, the cursor would // change to an arrow cursor automatically -- as it does in Chrome. [[NSCursor arrowCursor] set]; // Create a timer to process browser events while waiting // on the menu. This prevents the browser from hanging // during the lifetime of the menu. EventProcessor* eventProcessor = [[EventProcessor alloc] init]; [eventProcessor setRemoteEvents:remoteEvent pluginModule:pluginModule]; NSTimer *eventTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:EVENT_PROCESS_DELAY target:eventProcessor selector:@selector(onTick) userInfo:nil repeats:TRUE]; // Use NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode otherwise the timer will // not fire during the right click menu. [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:eventTimer forMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode]; NSMenu* nsmenu = reinterpret_cast(aMenu); NSPoint screen_point = ::NSMakePoint(aX, aY); [nsmenu popUpMenuPositioningItem:nil atLocation:screen_point inView:nil]; [eventTimer invalidate]; [eventProcessor release]; return NPERR_NO_ERROR; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_RETURN(NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR); } void mozilla::plugins::PluginUtilsOSX::InvokeNativeEventLoop() { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; ::CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.0, true); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } #define UNDOCUMENTED_SESSION_CONSTANT ((int)-2) namespace mozilla { namespace plugins { namespace PluginUtilsOSX { static void *sApplicationASN = NULL; static void *sApplicationInfoItem = NULL; } } } bool mozilla::plugins::PluginUtilsOSX::SetProcessName(const char* aProcessName) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; nsAutoreleasePool localPool; if (!aProcessName || strcmp(aProcessName, "") == 0) { return false; } NSString *currentName = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] localizedInfoDictionary] objectForKey:(NSString *)kCFBundleNameKey]; char formattedName[1024]; snprintf(formattedName, sizeof(formattedName), "%s (%s)", [currentName UTF8String], aProcessName); aProcessName = formattedName; // This function is based on Chrome/Webkit's and relies on potentially dangerous SPI. typedef CFTypeRef (*LSGetASNType)(); typedef OSStatus (*LSSetInformationItemType)(int, CFTypeRef, CFStringRef, CFStringRef, CFDictionaryRef*); CFBundleRef launchServices = ::CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("com.apple.LaunchServices")); if (!launchServices) { NS_WARNING("Failed to set process name: Could not open LaunchServices bundle"); return false; } if (!sApplicationASN) { sApplicationASN = ::CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(launchServices, CFSTR("_LSGetCurrentApplicationASN")); } LSGetASNType getASNFunc = reinterpret_cast (sApplicationASN); if (!sApplicationInfoItem) { sApplicationInfoItem = ::CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(launchServices, CFSTR("_LSSetApplicationInformationItem")); } LSSetInformationItemType setInformationItemFunc = reinterpret_cast (sApplicationInfoItem); void * displayNameKeyAddr = ::CFBundleGetDataPointerForName(launchServices, CFSTR("_kLSDisplayNameKey")); CFStringRef displayNameKey = nil; if (displayNameKeyAddr) { displayNameKey = reinterpret_cast(*(CFStringRef*)displayNameKeyAddr); } // Rename will fail without this ProcessSerialNumber psn; if (::GetCurrentProcess(&psn) != noErr) { return false; } CFTypeRef currentAsn = getASNFunc(); if (!getASNFunc || !setInformationItemFunc || !displayNameKey || !currentAsn) { NS_WARNING("Failed to set process name: Accessing launchServices failed"); return false; } CFStringRef processName = ::CFStringCreateWithCString(nil, aProcessName, kCFStringEncodingASCII); if (!processName) { NS_WARNING("Failed to set process name: Could not create CFStringRef"); return false; } OSErr err = setInformationItemFunc(UNDOCUMENTED_SESSION_CONSTANT, currentAsn, displayNameKey, processName, nil); // Optional out param ::CFRelease(processName); if (err != noErr) { NS_WARNING("Failed to set process name: LSSetInformationItemType err"); return false; } return true; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_RETURN(false); } namespace mozilla { namespace plugins { namespace PluginUtilsOSX { size_t nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::GetFrontSurfaceWidth() { if (!HasFrontSurface()) { return 0; } return mFrontSurface->GetWidth(); } size_t nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::GetFrontSurfaceHeight() { if (!HasFrontSurface()) { return 0; } return mFrontSurface->GetHeight(); } size_t nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::GetBackSurfaceWidth() { if (!HasBackSurface()) { return 0; } return mBackSurface->GetWidth(); } size_t nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::GetBackSurfaceHeight() { if (!HasBackSurface()) { return 0; } return mBackSurface->GetHeight(); } IOSurfaceID nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::GetFrontSurfaceID() { if (!HasFrontSurface()) { return 0; } return mFrontSurface->GetIOSurfaceID(); } bool nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::HasBackSurface() { return !!mBackSurface; } bool nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::HasFrontSurface() { return !!mFrontSurface; } bool nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::HasCALayer() { return !!mCALayer; } void nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::SetCALayer(void *aCALayer) { mCALayer = aCALayer; } bool nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::InitFrontSurface(size_t aWidth, size_t aHeight, AllowOfflineRendererEnum aAllowOfflineRenderer) { if (!mCALayer) { return false; } mFrontSurface = nsIOSurface::CreateIOSurface(aWidth, aHeight); if (!mFrontSurface) { mCARenderer = nsnull; return false; } if (!mCARenderer) { mCARenderer = new nsCARenderer(); if (!mCARenderer) { mFrontSurface = nsnull; return false; } mCARenderer->AttachIOSurface(mFrontSurface); nsresult result = mCARenderer->SetupRenderer(mCALayer, mFrontSurface->GetWidth(), mFrontSurface->GetHeight(), aAllowOfflineRenderer); if (result != NS_OK) { mCARenderer = nsnull; mFrontSurface = nsnull; return false; } } else { mCARenderer->AttachIOSurface(mFrontSurface); } return true; } void nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::Render() { if (!HasFrontSurface() || !mCARenderer) { return; } mCARenderer->Render(GetFrontSurfaceWidth(), GetFrontSurfaceHeight(), nsnull); } void nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::SwapSurfaces() { nsRefPtr prevFrontSurface = mFrontSurface; mFrontSurface = mBackSurface; mBackSurface = prevFrontSurface; if (mFrontSurface) { mCARenderer->AttachIOSurface(mFrontSurface); } } void nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::ClearFrontSurface() { mFrontSurface = nsnull; if (!mFrontSurface && !mBackSurface) { mCARenderer = nsnull; } } void nsDoubleBufferCARenderer::ClearBackSurface() { mBackSurface = nsnull; if (!mFrontSurface && !mBackSurface) { mCARenderer = nsnull; } } } //PluginUtilsOSX } //plugins } //mozilla