/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const Cu = Components.utils; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/LayoutHelpers.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Highlighter"]; const INSPECTOR_INVISIBLE_ELEMENTS = { "head": true, "base": true, "basefont": true, "isindex": true, "link": true, "meta": true, "script": true, "style": true, "title": true, }; const PSEUDO_CLASSES = [":hover", ":active", ":focus"]; // add ":visited" and ":link" after bug 713106 is fixed /** * A highlighter mechanism. * * The highlighter is built dynamically into the browser element. * The caller is in charge of destroying the highlighter (ie, the highlighter * won't be destroyed if a new tab is selected for example). * * API: * * // Constructor and destructor. * // @param aWindow - browser.xul window. * Highlighter(aWindow); * void destroy(); * * // Highlight a node. * // @param aNode - node to highlight * // @param aScroll - scroll to ensure the node is visible * void highlight(aNode, aScroll); * * // Get the selected node. * DOMNode getNode(); * * // Lock and unlock the select node. * void lock(); * void unlock(); * * // Show and hide the highlighter * void show(); * void hide(); * boolean isHidden(); * * // Redraw the highlighter if the visible portion of the node has changed. * void invalidateSize(aScroll); * * // Is a node highlightable. * boolean isNodeHighlightable(aNode); * * // Show/hide the veil and the infobar * void showInfobar(); * void hideInfobar(); * void showVeil(); * void hideVeil(); * * // Add/Remove listeners * // @param aEvent - event name * // @param aListener - function callback * void addListener(aEvent, aListener); * void removeListener(aEvent, aListener); * * Events: * * "closed" - Highlighter is closing * "nodeselected" - A new node has been selected * "highlighting" - Highlighter is highlighting * "locked" - The selected node has been locked * "unlocked" - The selected ndoe has been unlocked * "pseudoclasstoggled" - A pseudo-class lock has changed on the selected node * * Structure: * * * ... * * * * * * * * * * * @param nsIDOMElement aParent * The container of the veil boxes. */ buildVeil: function Highlighter_buildVeil(aParent) { // We will need to resize these boxes to surround a node. // See highlightRectangle(). this.veilTopBox = this.chromeDoc.createElement("box"); this.veilTopBox.id = "highlighter-veil-topbox"; this.veilTopBox.className = "highlighter-veil"; this.veilMiddleBox = this.chromeDoc.createElement("hbox"); this.veilMiddleBox.id = "highlighter-veil-middlebox"; this.veilLeftBox = this.chromeDoc.createElement("box"); this.veilLeftBox.id = "highlighter-veil-leftbox"; this.veilLeftBox.className = "highlighter-veil"; this.veilTransparentBox = this.chromeDoc.createElement("box"); this.veilTransparentBox.id = "highlighter-veil-transparentbox"; // We don't need any references to veilRightBox and veilBottomBox. // These boxes are automatically resized (flex=1) let veilRightBox = this.chromeDoc.createElement("box"); veilRightBox.id = "highlighter-veil-rightbox"; veilRightBox.className = "highlighter-veil"; let veilBottomBox = this.chromeDoc.createElement("box"); veilBottomBox.id = "highlighter-veil-bottombox"; veilBottomBox.className = "highlighter-veil"; this.veilMiddleBox.appendChild(this.veilLeftBox); this.veilMiddleBox.appendChild(this.veilTransparentBox); this.veilMiddleBox.appendChild(veilRightBox); aParent.appendChild(this.veilTopBox); aParent.appendChild(this.veilMiddleBox); aParent.appendChild(veilBottomBox); }, /** * Build the node Infobar. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @param nsIDOMElement aParent * The container of the infobar. */ buildInfobar: function Highlighter_buildInfobar(aParent) { let container = this.chromeDoc.createElement("box"); container.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-container"; container.setAttribute("position", "top"); container.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); let nodeInfobar = this.chromeDoc.createElement("hbox"); nodeInfobar.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar"; let arrowBoxTop = this.chromeDoc.createElement("box"); arrowBoxTop.className = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-arrow"; arrowBoxTop.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-arrow-top"; let arrowBoxBottom = this.chromeDoc.createElement("box"); arrowBoxBottom.className = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-arrow"; arrowBoxBottom.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-arrow-bottom"; let tagNameLabel = this.chromeDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "span"); tagNameLabel.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-tagname"; let idLabel = this.chromeDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "span"); idLabel.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-id"; let classesBox = this.chromeDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "span"); classesBox.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-classes"; let pseudoClassesBox = this.chromeDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "span"); pseudoClassesBox.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-pseudo-classes"; // Add some content to force a better boundingClientRect down below. pseudoClassesBox.textContent = " "; // Create buttons let inspect = this.chromeDoc.createElement("toolbarbutton"); inspect.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-inspectbutton"; inspect.className = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-button" let toolbarInspectButton = this.chromeDoc.getElementById("inspector-inspect-toolbutton"); inspect.setAttribute("tooltiptext", toolbarInspectButton.getAttribute("tooltiptext")); inspect.setAttribute("command", "Inspector:Inspect"); let nodemenu = this.chromeDoc.createElement("toolbarbutton"); nodemenu.setAttribute("type", "menu"); nodemenu.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-menu"; nodemenu.className = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-button" nodemenu.setAttribute("tooltiptext", this.strings.GetStringFromName("nodeMenu.tooltiptext")); let menu = this.chromeDoc.getElementById("inspector-node-popup"); menu = menu.cloneNode(true); menu.id = "highlighter-node-menu"; let separator = this.chromeDoc.createElement("menuseparator"); menu.appendChild(separator); menu.addEventListener("popupshowing", function() { let items = menu.getElementsByClassName("highlighter-pseudo-class-menuitem"); let i = items.length; while (i--) { menu.removeChild(items[i]); } let fragment = this.buildPseudoClassMenu(); menu.appendChild(fragment); }.bind(this), true); nodemenu.appendChild(menu); // let texthbox = this.chromeDoc.createElement("hbox"); texthbox.id = "highlighter-nodeinfobar-text"; texthbox.setAttribute("align", "center"); texthbox.setAttribute("flex", "1"); texthbox.appendChild(tagNameLabel); texthbox.appendChild(idLabel); texthbox.appendChild(classesBox); texthbox.appendChild(pseudoClassesBox); nodeInfobar.appendChild(inspect); nodeInfobar.appendChild(texthbox); nodeInfobar.appendChild(nodemenu); container.appendChild(arrowBoxTop); container.appendChild(nodeInfobar); container.appendChild(arrowBoxBottom); aParent.appendChild(container); let barHeight = container.getBoundingClientRect().height; this.nodeInfo = { tagNameLabel: tagNameLabel, idLabel: idLabel, classesBox: classesBox, pseudoClassesBox: pseudoClassesBox, container: container, barHeight: barHeight, }; }, /** * Create the menuitems for toggling the selection's pseudo-class state * * @returns DocumentFragment. The menuitems for toggling pseudo-classes. */ buildPseudoClassMenu: function IUI_buildPseudoClassesMenu() { let fragment = this.chromeDoc.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0; i < PSEUDO_CLASSES.length; i++) { let pseudo = PSEUDO_CLASSES[i]; let item = this.chromeDoc.createElement("menuitem"); item.id = "highlighter-pseudo-class-menuitem-" + pseudo; item.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); item.setAttribute("label", pseudo); item.className = "highlighter-pseudo-class-menuitem"; item.setAttribute("checked", DOMUtils.hasPseudoClassLock(this.node, pseudo)); item.addEventListener("command", this.pseudoClassLockToggled.bind(this, pseudo), false); fragment.appendChild(item); } return fragment; }, /** * Highlight a rectangular region. * * @param object aRect * The rectangle region to highlight. * @returns boolean * True if the rectangle was highlighted, false otherwise. */ highlightRectangle: function Highlighter_highlightRectangle(aRect) { if (!aRect) { this.unhighlight(); return; } let oldRect = this._contentRect; if (oldRect && aRect.top == oldRect.top && aRect.left == oldRect.left && aRect.width == oldRect.width && aRect.height == oldRect.height) { return; // same rectangle } let aRectScaled = LayoutHelpers.getZoomedRect(this.win, aRect); if (aRectScaled.left >= 0 && aRectScaled.top >= 0 && aRectScaled.width > 0 && aRectScaled.height > 0) { this.veilTransparentBox.style.visibility = "visible"; // The bottom div and the right div are flexibles (flex=1). // We don't need to resize them. this.veilTopBox.style.height = aRectScaled.top + "px"; this.veilLeftBox.style.width = aRectScaled.left + "px"; this.veilMiddleBox.style.height = aRectScaled.height + "px"; this.veilTransparentBox.style.width = aRectScaled.width + "px"; this._highlighting = true; } else { this.unhighlight(); } this._contentRect = aRect; // save orig (non-scaled) rect this._highlightRect = aRectScaled; // and save the scaled rect. return; }, /** * Clear the highlighter surface. */ unhighlight: function Highlighter_unhighlight() { this._highlighting = false; this.veilMiddleBox.style.height = 0; this.veilTransparentBox.style.width = 0; this.veilTransparentBox.style.visibility = "hidden"; }, /** * Update node information (tagName#id.class) */ updateInfobar: function Highlighter_updateInfobar() { // Tag name this.nodeInfo.tagNameLabel.textContent = this.node.tagName; // ID this.nodeInfo.idLabel.textContent = this.node.id ? "#" + this.node.id : ""; // Classes let classes = this.nodeInfo.classesBox; classes.textContent = this.node.classList.length ? "." + Array.join(this.node.classList, ".") : ""; // Pseudo-classes let pseudos = PSEUDO_CLASSES.filter(function(pseudo) { return DOMUtils.hasPseudoClassLock(this.node, pseudo); }, this); let pseudoBox = this.nodeInfo.pseudoClassesBox; pseudoBox.textContent = pseudos.join(""); }, /** * Move the Infobar to the right place in the highlighter. */ moveInfobar: function Highlighter_moveInfobar() { if (this._highlightRect) { let winHeight = this.win.innerHeight * this.zoom; let winWidth = this.win.innerWidth * this.zoom; let rect = {top: this._highlightRect.top, left: this._highlightRect.left, width: this._highlightRect.width, height: this._highlightRect.height}; rect.top = Math.max(rect.top, 0); rect.left = Math.max(rect.left, 0); rect.width = Math.max(rect.width, 0); rect.height = Math.max(rect.height, 0); rect.top = Math.min(rect.top, winHeight); rect.left = Math.min(rect.left, winWidth); this.nodeInfo.container.removeAttribute("disabled"); // Can the bar be above the node? if (rect.top < this.nodeInfo.barHeight) { // No. Can we move the toolbar under the node? if (rect.top + rect.height + this.nodeInfo.barHeight > winHeight) { // No. Let's move it inside. this.nodeInfo.container.style.top = rect.top + "px"; this.nodeInfo.container.setAttribute("position", "overlap"); } else { // Yes. Let's move it under the node. this.nodeInfo.container.style.top = rect.top + rect.height + "px"; this.nodeInfo.container.setAttribute("position", "bottom"); } } else { // Yes. Let's move it on top of the node. this.nodeInfo.container.style.top = rect.top - this.nodeInfo.barHeight + "px"; this.nodeInfo.container.setAttribute("position", "top"); } let barWidth = this.nodeInfo.container.getBoundingClientRect().width; let left = rect.left + rect.width / 2 - barWidth / 2; // Make sure the whole infobar is visible if (left < 0) { left = 0; this.nodeInfo.container.setAttribute("hide-arrow", "true"); } else { if (left + barWidth > winWidth) { left = winWidth - barWidth; this.nodeInfo.container.setAttribute("hide-arrow", "true"); } else { this.nodeInfo.container.removeAttribute("hide-arrow"); } } this.nodeInfo.container.style.left = left + "px"; } else { this.nodeInfo.container.style.left = "0"; this.nodeInfo.container.style.top = "0"; this.nodeInfo.container.setAttribute("position", "top"); this.nodeInfo.container.setAttribute("hide-arrow", "true"); } }, /** * Store page zoom factor. */ computeZoomFactor: function Highlighter_computeZoomFactor() { this.zoom = this.win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .screenPixelsPerCSSPixel; }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Event Emitter Mechanism addListener: function Highlighter_addListener(aEvent, aListener) { if (!(aEvent in this.events)) this.events[aEvent] = []; this.events[aEvent].push(aListener); }, removeListener: function Highlighter_removeListener(aEvent, aListener) { if (!(aEvent in this.events)) return; let idx = this.events[aEvent].indexOf(aListener); if (idx > -1) this.events[aEvent].splice(idx, 1); }, emitEvent: function Highlighter_emitEvent(aEvent, aArgv) { if (!(aEvent in this.events)) return; let listeners = this.events[aEvent]; let highlighter = this; listeners.forEach(function(aListener) { try { aListener.apply(highlighter, aArgv); } catch(e) {} }); }, removeAllListeners: function Highlighter_removeAllIsteners() { for (let event in this.events) { delete this.events[event]; } }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Event Handling attachMouseListeners: function Highlighter_attachMouseListeners() { this.browser.addEventListener("mousemove", this, true); this.browser.addEventListener("click", this, true); this.browser.addEventListener("dblclick", this, true); this.browser.addEventListener("mousedown", this, true); this.browser.addEventListener("mouseup", this, true); }, detachMouseListeners: function Highlighter_detachMouseListeners() { this.browser.removeEventListener("mousemove", this, true); this.browser.removeEventListener("click", this, true); this.browser.removeEventListener("dblclick", this, true); this.browser.removeEventListener("mousedown", this, true); this.browser.removeEventListener("mouseup", this, true); }, attachPageListeners: function Highlighter_attachPageListeners() { this.browser.addEventListener("resize", this, true); this.browser.addEventListener("scroll", this, true); this.browser.addEventListener("MozAfterPaint", this, true); }, detachPageListeners: function Highlighter_detachPageListeners() { this.browser.removeEventListener("resize", this, true); this.browser.removeEventListener("scroll", this, true); this.browser.removeEventListener("MozAfterPaint", this, true); }, /** * Generic event handler. * * @param nsIDOMEvent aEvent * The DOM event object. */ handleEvent: function Highlighter_handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "click": this.handleClick(aEvent); break; case "mousemove": this.handleMouseMove(aEvent); break; case "resize": this.computeZoomFactor(); break; case "MozAfterPaint": case "scroll": this.brieflyDisableTransitions(); this.invalidateSize(); break; case "dblclick": case "mousedown": case "mouseup": aEvent.stopPropagation(); aEvent.preventDefault(); break; } }, /** * Disable the CSS transitions for a short time to avoid laggy animations * during scrolling or resizing. */ brieflyDisableTransitions: function Highlighter_brieflyDisableTransitions() { if (this.transitionDisabler) { this.chromeWin.clearTimeout(this.transitionDisabler); } else { this.veilContainer.setAttribute("disable-transitions", "true"); this.nodeInfo.container.setAttribute("disable-transitions", "true"); } this.transitionDisabler = this.chromeWin.setTimeout(function() { this.veilContainer.removeAttribute("disable-transitions"); this.nodeInfo.container.removeAttribute("disable-transitions"); this.transitionDisabler = null; }.bind(this), 500); }, /** * Handle clicks. * * @param nsIDOMEvent aEvent * The DOM event. */ handleClick: function Highlighter_handleClick(aEvent) { // Stop inspection when the user clicks on a node. if (aEvent.button == 0) { let win = aEvent.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; this.lock(); win.focus(); aEvent.preventDefault(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); } }, /** * Handle mousemoves in panel. * * @param nsiDOMEvent aEvent * The MouseEvent triggering the method. */ handleMouseMove: function Highlighter_handleMouseMove(aEvent) { let doc = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; // This should never happen, but just in case, we don't let the // highlighter highlight browser nodes. if (doc && doc != this.chromeDoc) { let element = LayoutHelpers.getElementFromPoint(aEvent.target.ownerDocument, aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY); if (element && element != this.node) { this.highlight(element); } } }, }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DOMUtils", function () { return Cc["@mozilla.org/inspector/dom-utils;1"].getService(Ci.inIDOMUtils) }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Highlighter.prototype, "strings", function () { return Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/inspector.properties"); });