function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); // Pinned: Link to the same domain should not open a new tab // Tests link to testLink(0, true, false, function() { // Pinned: Link to a different subdomain should open a new tab // Tests link to testLink(1, true, true, function() { // Pinned: Link to a different domain should open a new tab // Tests link to testLink(2, true, true, function() { // Not Pinned: Link to a different domain should not open a new tab // Tests link to testLink(2, false, false, function() { // Pinned: Targetted link should open a new tab // Tests link to with target="foo" testLink(3, true, true, function() { // Pinned: Link in a subframe should not open a new tab // Tests link to in subframe testLink(0, true, false, function() { // Pinned: Link to the same domain (with www prefix) should not open a new tab // Tests link to testLink(4, true, false, function() { // Pinned: Link to a data: URI should not open a new tab // Tests link to data:text/html,Another Page testLink(5, true, false, function() { // Pinned: Link to an about: URI should not open a new tab // Tests link to about:mozilla testLink(6, true, false, finish); }); }); }, true); }); }); }); }); }); } function testLink(aLinkIndex, pinTab, expectNewTab, nextTest, testSubFrame) { let appTab = gBrowser.addTab("", {skipAnimation: true}); if (pinTab) gBrowser.pinTab(appTab); gBrowser.selectedTab = appTab; appTab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", onLoad, true); let loadCount = 0; function onLoad() { loadCount++; if (loadCount < 2) return; appTab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true); let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(appTab); if (testSubFrame) browser = browser.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0]; let links = browser.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("a"); if (expectNewTab) gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabOpen", onTabOpen, true); else browser.addEventListener("load", onPageLoad, true); info("Clicking " + links[aLinkIndex].textContent); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type:"click"}, links[aLinkIndex], browser.contentWindow); let linkLocation = links[aLinkIndex].href; function onPageLoad() { browser.removeEventListener("load", onPageLoad, true); is(browser.contentDocument.location.href, linkLocation, "Link should not open in a new tab"); executeSoon(function(){ gBrowser.removeTab(appTab); nextTest(); }); } function onTabOpen(event) { gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabOpen", onTabOpen, true); ok(true, "Link should open a new tab"); executeSoon(function(){ gBrowser.removeTab(appTab); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); nextTest(); }); } } }