#!/usr/bin/env python # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import re, sys, os, os.path, logging, shutil, signal, math, time, traceback import xml.dom.minidom from distutils import dir_util from glob import glob from optparse import OptionParser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from tempfile import mkdtemp, gettempdir from threading import Timer import random import socket import time from automation import Automation, getGlobalLog, resetGlobalLog from automationutils import * HARNESS_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60 # -------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: this is a hack for mozbase without virtualenv, remove with bug 849900 # here = os.path.dirname(__file__) mozbase = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), 'mozbase')) if os.path.isdir(mozbase): for package in os.listdir(mozbase): sys.path.append(os.path.join(mozbase, package)) import manifestparser import mozcrash import mozinfo # --------------------------------------------------------------- #TODO: replace this with json.loads when Python 2.6 is required. def parse_json(j): """ Awful hack to parse a restricted subset of JSON strings into Python dicts. """ return eval(j, {'true':True,'false':False,'null':None}) """ Control-C handling """ gotSIGINT = False def markGotSIGINT(signum, stackFrame): global gotSIGINT gotSIGINT = True class XPCShellTests(object): log = getGlobalLog() oldcwd = os.getcwd() def __init__(self, log=None): """ Init logging and node status """ if log: resetGlobalLog(log) self.nodeProc = None def buildTestList(self): """ read the xpcshell.ini manifest and set self.alltests to be an array of test objects. if we are chunking tests, it will be done here as well """ mp = manifestparser.TestManifest(strict=False) if self.manifest is None: for testdir in self.testdirs: if testdir: mp.read(os.path.join(testdir, 'xpcshell.ini')) else: mp.read(self.manifest) self.buildTestPath() self.alltests = mp.active_tests(**mozinfo.info) if self.singleFile is None and self.totalChunks > 1: self.chunkTests() def chunkTests(self): """ Split the list of tests up into [totalChunks] pieces and filter the self.alltests based on thisChunk, so we only run a subset. """ totalTests = 0 for dir in self.alltests: totalTests += len(self.alltests[dir]) testsPerChunk = math.ceil(totalTests / float(self.totalChunks)) start = int(round((self.thisChunk-1) * testsPerChunk)) end = start + testsPerChunk currentCount = 0 templist = {} for dir in self.alltests: startPosition = 0 dirCount = len(self.alltests[dir]) endPosition = dirCount if currentCount < start and currentCount + dirCount >= start: startPosition = int(start - currentCount) if currentCount + dirCount > end: endPosition = int(end - currentCount) if end - currentCount < 0 or (currentCount + dirCount < start): endPosition = 0 if startPosition is not endPosition: templist[dir] = self.alltests[dir][startPosition:endPosition] currentCount += dirCount self.alltests = templist def setAbsPath(self): """ Set the absolute path for xpcshell, httpdjspath and xrepath. These 3 variables depend on input from the command line and we need to allow for absolute paths. This function is overloaded for a remote solution as os.path* won't work remotely. """ self.testharnessdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.headJSPath = self.testharnessdir.replace("\\", "/") + "/head.js" self.xpcshell = os.path.abspath(self.xpcshell) # we assume that httpd.js lives in components/ relative to xpcshell self.httpdJSPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.xpcshell), 'components', 'httpd.js') self.httpdJSPath = replaceBackSlashes(self.httpdJSPath) self.httpdManifest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.xpcshell), 'components', 'httpd.manifest') self.httpdManifest = replaceBackSlashes(self.httpdManifest) if self.xrePath is None: self.xrePath = os.path.dirname(self.xpcshell) else: self.xrePath = os.path.abspath(self.xrePath) if self.mozInfo is None: self.mozInfo = os.path.join(self.testharnessdir, "mozinfo.json") def buildCoreEnvironment(self): """ Add environment variables likely to be used across all platforms, including remote systems. """ # Make assertions fatal self.env["XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK"] = "stack-and-abort" # Don't launch the crash reporter client self.env["MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT"] = "1" # Capturing backtraces is very slow on some platforms, and it's # disabled by automation.py too self.env["NS_TRACE_MALLOC_DISABLE_STACKS"] = "1" def buildEnvironment(self): """ Create and returns a dictionary of self.env to include all the appropriate env variables and values. On a remote system, we overload this to set different values and are missing things like os.environ and PATH. """ self.env = dict(os.environ) self.buildCoreEnvironment() if sys.platform == 'win32': self.env["PATH"] = self.env["PATH"] + ";" + self.xrePath elif sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'os2knix'): os.environ["BEGINLIBPATH"] = self.xrePath + ";" + self.env["BEGINLIBPATH"] os.environ["LIBPATHSTRICT"] = "T" elif sys.platform == 'osx' or sys.platform == "darwin": self.env["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = self.xrePath else: # unix or linux? if not "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in self.env or self.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] is None: self.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = self.xrePath else: self.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join([self.xrePath, self.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]]) return self.env def buildXpcsRunArgs(self): """ Add arguments to run the test or make it interactive. """ if self.interactive: self.xpcsRunArgs = [ '-e', 'print("To start the test, type |_execute_test();|.");', '-i'] else: self.xpcsRunArgs = ['-e', '_execute_test(); quit(0);'] def getPipes(self): """ Determine the value of the stdout and stderr for the test. Return value is a list (pStdout, pStderr). """ if self.interactive: pStdout = None pStderr = None else: if (self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]): pStdout = None pStderr = None else: if sys.platform == 'os2emx': pStdout = None else: pStdout = PIPE pStderr = STDOUT return pStdout, pStderr def buildXpcsCmd(self, testdir): """ Load the root head.js file as the first file in our test path, before other head, test, and tail files. On a remote system, we overload this to add additional command line arguments, so this gets overloaded. """ # - NOTE: if you rename/add any of the constants set here, update # do_load_child_test_harness() in head.js if not self.appPath: self.appPath = self.xrePath self.xpcsCmd = [ self.xpcshell, '-g', self.xrePath, '-a', self.appPath, '-r', self.httpdManifest, '-m', '-n', '-s', '-e', 'const _HTTPD_JS_PATH = "%s";' % self.httpdJSPath, '-e', 'const _HEAD_JS_PATH = "%s";' % self.headJSPath ] if self.testingModulesDir: # Escape backslashes in string literal. sanitized = self.testingModulesDir.replace('\\', '\\\\') self.xpcsCmd.extend([ '-e', 'const _TESTING_MODULES_DIR = "%s";' % sanitized ]) self.xpcsCmd.extend(['-f', os.path.join(self.testharnessdir, 'head.js')]) if self.debuggerInfo: self.xpcsCmd = [self.debuggerInfo["path"]] + self.debuggerInfo["args"] + self.xpcsCmd if self.pluginsPath: self.pluginsDir = self.setupPluginsDir() self.xpcsCmd.extend(['-p', self.pluginsDir]) else: self.pluginsDir = None def buildTestPath(self): """ If we specifiy a testpath, set the self.testPath variable to be the given directory or file. |testPath| will be the optional path only, or |None|. |singleFile| will be the optional test only, or |None|. """ self.singleFile = None if self.testPath is not None: if self.testPath.endswith('.js'): # Split into path and file. if self.testPath.find('/') == -1: # Test only. self.singleFile = self.testPath else: # Both path and test. # Reuse |testPath| temporarily. self.testPath = self.testPath.rsplit('/', 1) self.singleFile = self.testPath[1] self.testPath = self.testPath[0] else: # Path only. # Simply remove optional ending separator. self.testPath = self.testPath.rstrip("/") def getHeadAndTailFiles(self, test): """Obtain the list of head and tail files. Returns a 2-tuple. The first element is a list of head files. The second is a list of tail files. """ def sanitize_list(s, kind): for f in s.strip().split(' '): f = f.strip() if len(f) < 1: continue path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(test['here'], f)) if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception('%s file does not exist: %s' % (kind, path)) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise Exception('%s file is not a file: %s' % (kind, path)) yield path return (list(sanitize_list(test['head'], 'head')), list(sanitize_list(test['tail'], 'tail'))) def setupPluginsDir(self): pluginsDir = mkdtemp() # shutil.copytree requires dst to not exist. Deleting the tempdir # would make a race condition possible in a concurrent environment, # so we are using dir_utils.copy_tree which accepts an existing dst dir_util.copy_tree(self.pluginsPath, pluginsDir) if self.interactive: self.log.info("TEST-INFO | plugins dir is %s" % pluginsDir) return pluginsDir def setupProfileDir(self): """ Create a temporary folder for the profile and set appropriate environment variables. When running check-interactive and check-one, the directory is well-defined and retained for inspection once the tests complete. On a remote system, this may be overloaded to use a remote path structure. """ if self.interactive or self.singleFile: profileDir = os.path.join(gettempdir(), self.profileName, "xpcshellprofile") try: # This could be left over from previous runs self.removeDir(profileDir) except: pass os.makedirs(profileDir) else: profileDir = mkdtemp() self.env["XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR"] = profileDir if self.interactive or self.singleFile: self.log.info("TEST-INFO | profile dir is %s" % profileDir) return profileDir def setupTempDir(self): tempDir = mkdtemp() self.env["XPCSHELL_TEST_TEMP_DIR"] = tempDir if self.interactive: self.log.info("TEST-INFO | temp dir is %s" % tempDir) return tempDir def setupLeakLogging(self): """ Enable leaks (only) detection to its own log file and set environment variables. On a remote system, this may be overloaded to use a remote filename and path structure """ filename = "runxpcshelltests_leaks.log" leakLogFile = os.path.join(self.profileDir, filename) self.env["XPCOM_MEM_LEAK_LOG"] = leakLogFile return leakLogFile def launchProcess(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, env, cwd): """ Simple wrapper to launch a process. On a remote system, this is more complex and we need to overload this function. """ cmd = wrapCommand(cmd) proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env, cwd=cwd) return proc def communicate(self, proc): """ Simple wrapper to communicate with a process. On a remote system, this is overloaded to handle remote process communication. """ return proc.communicate() def poll(self, proc): """ Simple wrapper to check if a process has terminated. On a remote system, this is overloaded to handle remote process communication. """ return proc.poll() def kill(self, proc): """ Simple wrapper to kill a process. On a remote system, this is overloaded to handle remote process communication. """ return proc.kill() def removeDir(self, dirname): """ Simple wrapper to remove (recursively) a given directory. On a remote system, we need to overload this to work on the remote filesystem. """ shutil.rmtree(dirname) def verifyDirPath(self, dirname): """ Simple wrapper to get the absolute path for a given directory name. On a remote system, we need to overload this to work on the remote filesystem. """ return os.path.abspath(dirname) def getReturnCode(self, proc): """ Simple wrapper to get the return code for a given process. On a remote system we overload this to work with the remote process management. """ return proc.returncode def createLogFile(self, test, stdout, leakLogs): """ For a given test and stdout buffer, create a log file. also log any found leaks. On a remote system we have to fix the test name since it can contain directories. """ try: f = open(test + ".log", "w") f.write(stdout) for leakLog in leakLogs: if os.path.exists(leakLog): leaks = open(leakLog, "r") f.write(leaks.read()) leaks.close() finally: if f: f.close() def buildCmdHead(self, headfiles, tailfiles, xpcscmd): """ Build the command line arguments for the head and tail files, along with the address of the webserver which some tests require. On a remote system, this is overloaded to resolve quoting issues over a secondary command line. """ cmdH = ", ".join(['"' + replaceBackSlashes(f) + '"' for f in headfiles]) cmdT = ", ".join(['"' + replaceBackSlashes(f) + '"' for f in tailfiles]) return xpcscmd + \ ['-e', 'const _SERVER_ADDR = "localhost"', '-e', 'const _HEAD_FILES = [%s];' % cmdH, '-e', 'const _TAIL_FILES = [%s];' % cmdT] def buildCmdTestFile(self, name): """ Build the command line arguments for the test file. On a remote system, this may be overloaded to use a remote path structure. """ return ['-e', 'const _TEST_FILE = ["%s"];' % replaceBackSlashes(name)] def trySetupNode(self): """ Run node for SPDY tests, if available, and updates mozinfo as appropriate. """ nodeMozInfo = {'hasNode': False} # Assume the worst nodeBin = None # We try to find the node executable in the path given to us by the user in # the MOZ_NODE_PATH environment variable localPath = os.getenv('MOZ_NODE_PATH', None) if localPath and os.path.exists(localPath) and os.path.isfile(localPath): nodeBin = localPath if nodeBin: self.log.info('Found node at %s' % (nodeBin,)) myDir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] mozSpdyJs = os.path.join(myDir, 'moz-spdy', 'moz-spdy.js') if os.path.exists(mozSpdyJs): # OK, we found our SPDY server, let's try to get it running self.log.info('Found moz-spdy at %s' % (mozSpdyJs,)) stdout, stderr = self.getPipes() try: # We pipe stdin to node because the spdy server will exit when its # stdin reaches EOF self.nodeProc = Popen([nodeBin, mozSpdyJs], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, env=self.env, cwd=os.getcwd()) # Check to make sure the server starts properly by waiting for it to # tell us it's started msg = self.nodeProc.stdout.readline() if msg.startswith('SPDY server listening'): nodeMozInfo['hasNode'] = True except OSError, e: # This occurs if the subprocess couldn't be started self.log.error('Could not run node SPDY server: %s' % (str(e),)) mozinfo.update(nodeMozInfo) def shutdownNode(self): """ Shut down our node process, if it exists """ if self.nodeProc: self.log.info('Node SPDY server shutting down ...') # moz-spdy exits when its stdin reaches EOF, so force that to happen here self.nodeProc.communicate() def writeXunitResults(self, results, name=None, filename=None, fh=None): """ Write Xunit XML from results. The function receives an iterable of results dicts. Each dict must have the following keys: classname - The "class" name of the test. name - The simple name of the test. In addition, it must have one of the following saying how the test executed: passed - Boolean indicating whether the test passed. False if it failed. skipped - True if the test was skipped. The following keys are optional: time - Execution time of the test in decimal seconds. failure - Dict describing test failure. Requires keys: type - String type of failure. message - String describing basic failure. text - Verbose string describing failure. Arguments: |name|, Name of the test suite. Many tools expect Java class dot notation e.g. dom.simple.foo. A directory with '/' converted to '.' is a good choice. |fh|, File handle to write XML to. |filename|, File name to write XML to. |results|, Iterable of tuples describing the results. """ if filename is None and fh is None: raise Exception("One of filename or fh must be defined.") if name is None: name = "xpcshell" else: assert isinstance(name, basestring) if filename is not None: fh = open(filename, 'wb') doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() testsuite = doc.createElement("testsuite") testsuite.setAttribute("name", name) doc.appendChild(testsuite) total = 0 passed = 0 failed = 0 skipped = 0 for result in results: total += 1 if result.get("skipped", None): skipped += 1 elif result["passed"]: passed += 1 else: failed += 1 testcase = doc.createElement("testcase") testcase.setAttribute("classname", result["classname"]) testcase.setAttribute("name", result["name"]) if "time" in result: testcase.setAttribute("time", str(result["time"])) else: # It appears most tools expect the time attribute to be present. testcase.setAttribute("time", "0") if "failure" in result: failure = doc.createElement("failure") failure.setAttribute("type", str(result["failure"]["type"])) failure.setAttribute("message", result["failure"]["message"]) # Lossy translation but required to not break CDATA. Also, text could # be None and Python 2.5's minidom doesn't accept None. Later versions # do, however. cdata = result["failure"]["text"] if not isinstance(cdata, str): cdata = "" cdata = cdata.replace("]]>", "]] >") text = doc.createCDATASection(cdata) failure.appendChild(text) testcase.appendChild(failure) if result.get("skipped", None): e = doc.createElement("skipped") testcase.appendChild(e) testsuite.appendChild(testcase) testsuite.setAttribute("tests", str(total)) testsuite.setAttribute("failures", str(failed)) testsuite.setAttribute("skip", str(skipped)) doc.writexml(fh, addindent=" ", newl="\n", encoding="utf-8") def testTimeout(self, test, processPID): self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Test timed out" % test) Automation().killAndGetStackNoScreenshot(processPID, self.appPath, self.debuggerInfo) def post_to_autolog(self, results, name): from moztest.results import TestContext, TestResult, TestResultCollection from moztest.output.autolog import AutologOutput context = TestContext( testgroup='b2g xpcshell testsuite', operating_system='android', arch='emulator', harness='xpcshell', hostname=socket.gethostname(), tree='b2g', buildtype='opt', ) collection = TestResultCollection('b2g emulator testsuite') for result in results: duration = result.get('time', 0) if 'skipped' in result: outcome = 'SKIPPED' elif 'todo' in result: outcome = 'KNOWN-FAIL' elif result['passed']: outcome = 'PASS' else: outcome = 'UNEXPECTED-FAIL' output = None if 'failure' in result: output = result['failure']['text'] t = TestResult(name=result['name'], test_class=name, time_start=0, context=context) t.finish(result=outcome, time_end=duration, output=output) collection.append(t) collection.time_taken += duration out = AutologOutput() out.post(out.make_testgroups(collection)) def logCommand(self, name, completeCmd, testdir): self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | full command: %r" % (name, completeCmd)) self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | current directory: %r" % (name, testdir)) # Show only those environment variables that are changed from # the ambient environment. changedEnv = (set("%s=%s" % i for i in self.env.iteritems()) - set("%s=%s" % i for i in os.environ.iteritems())) self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | environment: %s" % (name, list(changedEnv))) def runTests(self, xpcshell, xrePath=None, appPath=None, symbolsPath=None, manifest=None, testdirs=None, testPath=None, interactive=False, verbose=False, keepGoing=False, logfiles=True, thisChunk=1, totalChunks=1, debugger=None, debuggerArgs=None, debuggerInteractive=False, profileName=None, mozInfo=None, shuffle=False, testsRootDir=None, xunitFilename=None, xunitName=None, testingModulesDir=None, autolog=False, pluginsPath=None, **otherOptions): """Run xpcshell tests. |xpcshell|, is the xpcshell executable to use to run the tests. |xrePath|, if provided, is the path to the XRE to use. |appPath|, if provided, is the path to an application directory. |symbolsPath|, if provided is the path to a directory containing breakpad symbols for processing crashes in tests. |manifest|, if provided, is a file containing a list of test directories to run. |testdirs|, if provided, is a list of absolute paths of test directories. No-manifest only option. |testPath|, if provided, indicates a single path and/or test to run. |pluginsPath|, if provided, custom plugins directory to be returned from the xpcshell dir svc provider for NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR_LIST. |interactive|, if set to True, indicates to provide an xpcshell prompt instead of automatically executing the test. |verbose|, if set to True, will cause stdout/stderr from tests to be printed always |logfiles|, if set to False, indicates not to save output to log files. Non-interactive only option. |debuggerInfo|, if set, specifies the debugger and debugger arguments that will be used to launch xpcshell. |profileName|, if set, specifies the name of the application for the profile directory if running only a subset of tests. |mozInfo|, if set, specifies specifies build configuration information, either as a filename containing JSON, or a dict. |shuffle|, if True, execute tests in random order. |testsRootDir|, absolute path to root directory of all tests. This is used by xUnit generation to determine the package name of the tests. |xunitFilename|, if set, specifies the filename to which to write xUnit XML results. |xunitName|, if outputting an xUnit XML file, the str value to use for the testsuite name. |testingModulesDir|, if provided, specifies where JS modules reside. xpcshell will register a resource handler mapping this path. |otherOptions| may be present for the convenience of subclasses """ global gotSIGINT if testdirs is None: testdirs = [] if xunitFilename is not None or xunitName is not None: if not isinstance(testsRootDir, basestring): raise Exception("testsRootDir must be a str when outputting xUnit.") if not os.path.isabs(testsRootDir): testsRootDir = os.path.abspath(testsRootDir) if not os.path.exists(testsRootDir): raise Exception("testsRootDir path does not exists: %s" % testsRootDir) # Try to guess modules directory. # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This # code path should never be executed in local runs because the build system # should always set this argument. if not testingModulesDir: ourDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) possible = os.path.join(ourDir, os.path.pardir, 'modules') if os.path.isdir(possible): testingModulesDir = possible if testingModulesDir: # The resource loader expects native paths. Depending on how we were # invoked, a UNIX style path may sneak in on Windows. We try to # normalize that. testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(testingModulesDir) if not os.path.isabs(testingModulesDir): testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(testingModulesDir) if not testingModulesDir.endswith(os.path.sep): testingModulesDir += os.path.sep self.xpcshell = xpcshell self.xrePath = xrePath self.appPath = appPath self.symbolsPath = symbolsPath self.manifest = manifest self.testdirs = testdirs self.testPath = testPath self.interactive = interactive self.verbose = verbose self.keepGoing = keepGoing self.logfiles = logfiles self.totalChunks = totalChunks self.thisChunk = thisChunk self.debuggerInfo = getDebuggerInfo(self.oldcwd, debugger, debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive) self.profileName = profileName or "xpcshell" self.mozInfo = mozInfo self.testingModulesDir = testingModulesDir self.pluginsPath = pluginsPath # If we have an interactive debugger, disable ctrl-c. if self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None) if not testdirs and not manifest: # nothing to test! self.log.error("Error: No test dirs or test manifest specified!") return False self.testCount = 0 self.passCount = 0 self.failCount = 0 self.todoCount = 0 self.setAbsPath() self.buildXpcsRunArgs() self.buildEnvironment() # Handle filenames in mozInfo if not isinstance(self.mozInfo, dict): mozInfoFile = self.mozInfo if not os.path.isfile(mozInfoFile): self.log.error("Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'. Perhaps you need to use --build-info-json?" % mozInfoFile) return False self.mozInfo = parse_json(open(mozInfoFile).read()) mozinfo.update(self.mozInfo) # The appDirKey is a optional entry in either the default or individual test # sections that defines a relative application directory for test runs. If # defined we pass 'grePath/$appDirKey' for the -a parameter of the xpcshell # test harness. appDirKey = None if "appname" in self.mozInfo: appDirKey = self.mozInfo["appname"] + "-appdir" # We have to do this before we build the test list so we know whether or # not to run tests that depend on having the node spdy server self.trySetupNode() pStdout, pStderr = self.getPipes() self.buildTestList() if shuffle: random.shuffle(self.alltests) xunitResults = [] for test in self.alltests: name = test['path'] if self.singleFile and not name.endswith(self.singleFile): continue if self.testPath and name.find(self.testPath) == -1: continue self.testCount += 1 keep_going, xunitResult = self.run_test(test, tests_root_dir=testsRootDir, app_dir_key=appDirKey, interactive=interactive, verbose=verbose, pStdout=pStdout, pStderr=pStderr, keep_going=keepGoing) xunitResults.append(xunitResult) if not keep_going: break self.shutdownNode() if self.testCount == 0: self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runxpcshelltests.py | No tests run. Did you pass an invalid --test-path?") self.failCount = 1 self.log.info("INFO | Result summary:") self.log.info("INFO | Passed: %d" % self.passCount) self.log.info("INFO | Failed: %d" % self.failCount) self.log.info("INFO | Todo: %d" % self.todoCount) if autolog: self.post_to_autolog(xunitResults, xunitName) if xunitFilename is not None: self.writeXunitResults(filename=xunitFilename, results=xunitResults, name=xunitName) if gotSIGINT and not keepGoing: self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C), so stopped run. " \ "(Use --keep-going to keep running tests after killing one with SIGINT)") return False return self.failCount == 0 def print_stdout(self, stdout): """Print stdout line-by-line to avoid overflowing buffers.""" self.log.info(">>>>>>>") if (stdout): for line in stdout.splitlines(): self.log.info(line) self.log.info("<<<<<<<") def cleanupDir(self, directory, name, stdout, xunit_result): try: self.removeDir(directory) except Exception: self.log.info("TEST-INFO | Failed to remove directory: %s. Waiting." % directory) # We suspect the filesystem may still be making changes. Wait a # little bit and try again. time.sleep(5) try: self.removeDir(directory) except Exception: message = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Failed to clean up directory: %s" % (name, sys.exc_info()[1]) self.log.error(message) self.print_stdout(stdout) self.print_stdout(traceback.format_exc()) self.failCount += 1 xunit_result["passed"] = False xunit_result["failure"] = { "type": "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL", "message": message, "text": "%s\n%s" % (stdout, traceback.format_exc()) } def run_test(self, test, tests_root_dir=None, app_dir_key=None, interactive=False, verbose=False, pStdout=None, pStderr=None, keep_going=False): """Run an individual xpcshell test.""" global gotSIGINT name = test['path'] xunit_result = {'name': test['name'], 'classname': 'xpcshell'} # The xUnit package is defined as the path component between the root # dir and the test with path characters replaced with '.' (using Java # class notation). if tests_root_dir is not None: tests_root_dir = os.path.normpath(tests_root_dir) if test['here'].find(tests_root_dir) != 0: raise Exception('tests_root_dir is not a parent path of %s' % test['here']) relpath = test['here'][len(tests_root_dir):].lstrip('/\\') xunit_result['classname'] = relpath.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.') # Check for skipped tests if 'disabled' in test: self.log.info('TEST-INFO | skipping %s | %s' % (name, test['disabled'])) xunit_result['skipped'] = True return True, xunit_result # Check for known-fail tests expected = test['expected'] == 'pass' # By default self.appPath will equal the gre dir. If specified in the # xpcshell.ini file, set a different app dir for this test. if app_dir_key and app_dir_key in test: rel_app_dir = test[app_dir_key] rel_app_dir = os.path.join(self.xrePath, rel_app_dir) self.appPath = os.path.abspath(rel_app_dir) else: self.appPath = None test_dir = os.path.dirname(name) self.buildXpcsCmd(test_dir) head_files, tail_files = self.getHeadAndTailFiles(test) cmdH = self.buildCmdHead(head_files, tail_files, self.xpcsCmd) # Create a profile and a temp dir that the JS harness can stick # a profile and temporary data in self.profileDir = self.setupProfileDir() self.tempDir = self.setupTempDir() self.leakLogFile = self.setupLeakLogging() # The test file will have to be loaded after the head files. cmdT = self.buildCmdTestFile(name) args = self.xpcsRunArgs[:] if 'debug' in test: args.insert(0, '-d') completeCmd = cmdH + cmdT + args testTimer = None if not interactive and not self.debuggerInfo: testTimer = Timer(HARNESS_TIMEOUT, lambda: self.testTimeout(name, proc.pid)) testTimer.start() proc = None try: self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | running test ..." % name) if verbose: self.logCommand(name, completeCmd, test_dir) startTime = time.time() proc = self.launchProcess(completeCmd, stdout=pStdout, stderr=pStderr, env=self.env, cwd=test_dir) if interactive: self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | Process ID: %d" % (name, proc.pid)) # Allow user to kill hung subprocess with SIGINT w/o killing this script # - don't move this line above launchProcess, or child will inherit the SIG_IGN signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, markGotSIGINT) # |stderr == None| as |pStderr| was either |None| or redirected to |stdout|. stdout, stderr = self.communicate(proc) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if interactive: # Not sure what else to do here... return True, xunit_result if testTimer: testTimer.cancel() result = not ((self.getReturnCode(proc) != 0) or # if do_throw or do_check failed (stdout and re.search("^((parent|child): )?TEST-UNEXPECTED-", stdout, re.MULTILINE)) or # if syntax error in xpcshell file (stdout and re.search(": SyntaxError:", stdout, re.MULTILINE)) or # if e10s test started but never finished (child process crash) (stdout and re.search("^child: CHILD-TEST-STARTED", stdout, re.MULTILINE) and not re.search("^child: CHILD-TEST-COMPLETED", stdout, re.MULTILINE))) if result != expected: failureType = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-%s" % ("FAIL" if expected else "PASS") message = "%s | %s | test failed (with xpcshell return code: %d), see following log:" % ( failureType, name, self.getReturnCode(proc)) self.log.error(message) self.print_stdout(stdout) self.failCount += 1 xunit_result["passed"] = False xunit_result["failure"] = { "type": failureType, "message": message, "text": stdout } else: now = time.time() timeTaken = (now - startTime) * 1000 xunit_result["time"] = now - startTime self.log.info("TEST-%s | %s | test passed (time: %.3fms)" % ("PASS" if expected else "KNOWN-FAIL", name, timeTaken)) if verbose: self.print_stdout(stdout) xunit_result["passed"] = True if expected: self.passCount += 1 else: self.todoCount += 1 xunit_result["todo"] = True if mozcrash.check_for_crashes(test_dir, self.symbolsPath, test_name=name): message = "PROCESS-CRASH | %s | application crashed" % name self.failCount += 1 xunit_result["passed"] = False xunit_result["failure"] = { "type": "PROCESS-CRASH", "message": message, "text": stdout } # Find child process(es) leak log(s), if any: See InitLog() in # xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcntImpl.cpp for logfile naming logic leakLogs = [self.leakLogFile] for childLog in glob(os.path.join(self.profileDir, "runxpcshelltests_leaks_*_pid*.log")): if os.path.isfile(childLog): leakLogs += [childLog] for log in leakLogs: dumpLeakLog(log, True) if self.logfiles and stdout: self.createLogFile(name, stdout, leakLogs) finally: # We can sometimes get here before the process has terminated, which would # cause removeDir() to fail - so check for the process & kill it it needed. if proc and self.poll(proc) is None: message = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Process still running after test!" % name self.log.error(message) self.print_stdout(stdout) self.failCount += 1 xunit_result["passed"] = False xunit_result["failure"] = { "type": "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL", "message": message, "text": stdout } self.kill(proc) # We don't want to delete the profile when running check-interactive # or check-one. if self.profileDir and not self.interactive and not self.singleFile: self.cleanupDir(self.profileDir, name, stdout, xunit_result) self.cleanupDir(self.tempDir, name, stdout, xunit_result) if self.pluginsDir: self.cleanupDir(self.pluginsDir, name, stdout, xunit_result) if gotSIGINT: xunit_result["passed"] = False xunit_result["time"] = "0.0" xunit_result["failure"] = { "type": "SIGINT", "message": "Received SIGINT", "text": "Received SIGINT (control-C) during test execution." } self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C) during test execution") if (keep_going): gotSIGINT = False else: return False, xunit_result return True, xunit_result class XPCShellOptions(OptionParser): def __init__(self): """Process command line arguments and call runTests() to do the real work.""" OptionParser.__init__(self) addCommonOptions(self) self.add_option("--app-path", type="string", dest="appPath", default=None, help="application directory (as opposed to XRE directory)") self.add_option("--autolog", action="store_true", dest="autolog", default=False, help="post to autolog") self.add_option("--interactive", action="store_true", dest="interactive", default=False, help="don't automatically run tests, drop to an xpcshell prompt") self.add_option("--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="always print stdout and stderr from tests") self.add_option("--keep-going", action="store_true", dest="keepGoing", default=False, help="continue running tests after test killed with control-C (SIGINT)") self.add_option("--logfiles", action="store_true", dest="logfiles", default=True, help="create log files (default, only used to override --no-logfiles)") self.add_option("--manifest", type="string", dest="manifest", default=None, help="Manifest of test directories to use") self.add_option("--no-logfiles", action="store_false", dest="logfiles", help="don't create log files") self.add_option("--test-path", type="string", dest="testPath", default=None, help="single path and/or test filename to test") self.add_option("--tests-root-dir", type="string", dest="testsRootDir", default=None, help="absolute path to directory where all tests are located. this is typically $(objdir)/_tests") self.add_option("--testing-modules-dir", dest="testingModulesDir", default=None, help="Directory where testing modules are located.") self.add_option("--test-plugin-path", type="string", dest="pluginsPath", default=None, help="Path to the location of a plugins directory containing the test plugin or plugins required for tests. " "By default xpcshell's dir svc provider returns gre/plugins. Use test-plugin-path to add a directory " "to return for NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR_LIST when queried.") self.add_option("--total-chunks", type = "int", dest = "totalChunks", default=1, help = "how many chunks to split the tests up into") self.add_option("--this-chunk", type = "int", dest = "thisChunk", default=1, help = "which chunk to run between 1 and --total-chunks") self.add_option("--profile-name", type = "string", dest="profileName", default=None, help="name of application profile being tested") self.add_option("--build-info-json", type = "string", dest="mozInfo", default=None, help="path to a mozinfo.json including information about the build configuration. defaults to looking for mozinfo.json next to the script.") self.add_option("--shuffle", action="store_true", dest="shuffle", default=False, help="Execute tests in random order") self.add_option("--xunit-file", dest="xunitFilename", help="path to file where xUnit results will be written.") self.add_option("--xunit-suite-name", dest="xunitName", help="name to record for this xUnit test suite. Many " "tools expect Java class notation, e.g. " "dom.basic.foo") def main(): parser = XPCShellOptions() options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2 and options.manifest is None or \ (len(args) < 1 and options.manifest is not None): print >>sys.stderr, """Usage: %s or: %s --manifest=test.manifest """ % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) xpcsh = XPCShellTests() if options.interactive and not options.testPath: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: You must specify a test filename in interactive mode!" sys.exit(1) if not xpcsh.runTests(args[0], testdirs=args[1:], **options.__dict__): sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()