/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

test for bug 642615"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "clipboardHelper", "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1", "nsIClipboardHelper"); function consoleOpened(HUD) { let jsterm = HUD.jsterm; let stringToCopy = "foobazbarBug642615"; jsterm.clearOutput(); ok(!jsterm.completeNode.value, "no completeNode.value"); jsterm.setInputValue("doc"); let completionValue; // wait for key "u" function onCompletionValue() { completionValue = jsterm.completeNode.value; // Arguments: expected, setup, success, failure. waitForClipboard( stringToCopy, function() { clipboardHelper.copyString(stringToCopy, document); }, onClipboardCopy, finishTest); } function onClipboardCopy() { updateEditUIVisibility(); goDoCommand("cmd_paste"); waitForSuccess(waitForPaste); } let waitForPaste = { name: "no completion value after paste", validatorFn: function() { return !jsterm.completeNode.value; }, successFn: onClipboardPaste, failureFn: finishTest, }; function onClipboardPaste() { goDoCommand("cmd_undo"); waitForSuccess({ name: "completion value for 'docu' after undo", validatorFn: function() { return !!jsterm.completeNode.value; }, successFn: onCompletionValueAfterUndo, failureFn: finishTest, }); } function onCompletionValueAfterUndo() { is(jsterm.completeNode.value, completionValue, "same completeNode.value after undo"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("v", {accelKey: true}); waitForSuccess({ name: "no completion after ctrl-v (paste)", validatorFn: function() { return !jsterm.completeNode.value; }, successFn: finishTest, failureFn: finishTest, }); } EventUtils.synthesizeKey("u", {}); waitForSuccess({ name: "completion value for 'docu'", validatorFn: function() { return !!jsterm.completeNode.value; }, successFn: onCompletionValue, failureFn: finishTest, }); } function test() { addTab(TEST_URI); browser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() { browser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true); openConsole(null, consoleOpened); }, true); }