/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "base/thread.h" #include "mozilla/layers/CompositorParent.h" #include "mozilla/layers/ImageBridgeParent.h" #include "mozilla/layers/ImageContainerParent.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsXULAppAPI.h" using namespace base; using namespace mozilla::ipc; namespace mozilla { namespace layers { ImageBridgeParent::ImageBridgeParent(MessageLoop* aLoop, Transport* aTransport) : mMessageLoop(aLoop) , mTransport(aTransport) { ImageContainerParent::CreateSharedImageMap(); } ImageBridgeParent::~ImageBridgeParent() { if (mTransport) { XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new DeleteTask(mTransport)); } } void ImageBridgeParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &ImageBridgeParent::DeferredDestroy)); } static void ConnectImageBridgeInParentProcess(ImageBridgeParent* aBridge, Transport* aTransport, ProcessHandle aOtherProcess) { aBridge->Open(aTransport, aOtherProcess, XRE_GetIOMessageLoop(), AsyncChannel::Parent); } /*static*/ PImageBridgeParent* ImageBridgeParent::Create(Transport* aTransport, ProcessId aOtherProcess) { ProcessHandle processHandle; if (!base::OpenProcessHandle(aOtherProcess, &processHandle)) { return nullptr; } MessageLoop* loop = CompositorParent::CompositorLoop(); nsRefPtr bridge = new ImageBridgeParent(loop, aTransport); bridge->mSelfRef = bridge; loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(ConnectImageBridgeInParentProcess, bridge.get(), aTransport, processHandle)); return bridge.get(); } bool ImageBridgeParent::RecvStop() { unsigned int numChildren = ManagedPImageContainerParent().Length(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) { static_cast( ManagedPImageContainerParent()[i] )->DoStop(); } return true; } static uint64_t GenImageContainerID() { static uint64_t sNextImageID = 1; ++sNextImageID; return sNextImageID; } PGrallocBufferParent* ImageBridgeParent::AllocPGrallocBuffer(const gfxIntSize& aSize, const uint32_t& aFormat, const uint32_t& aUsage, MaybeMagicGrallocBufferHandle* aOutHandle) { #ifdef MOZ_HAVE_SURFACEDESCRIPTORGRALLOC return GrallocBufferActor::Create(aSize, aFormat, aUsage, aOutHandle); #else NS_RUNTIMEABORT("No gralloc buffers for you"); return nullptr; #endif } bool ImageBridgeParent::DeallocPGrallocBuffer(PGrallocBufferParent* actor) { #ifdef MOZ_HAVE_SURFACEDESCRIPTORGRALLOC delete actor; return true; #else NS_RUNTIMEABORT("Um, how did we get here?"); return false; #endif } PImageContainerParent* ImageBridgeParent::AllocPImageContainer(uint64_t* aID) { uint64_t id = GenImageContainerID(); *aID = id; return new ImageContainerParent(id); } bool ImageBridgeParent::DeallocPImageContainer(PImageContainerParent* toDealloc) { delete toDealloc; return true; } MessageLoop * ImageBridgeParent::GetMessageLoop() { return mMessageLoop; } void ImageBridgeParent::DeferredDestroy() { mSelfRef = nullptr; // |this| was just destroyed, hands off } } // layers } // mozilla