function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); var w; const secMan = Components.classes[";1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptSecurityManager); var iteration = 1; const uris = ["", "about:blank"]; var uri; var origDoc; function testLoad() { if (w.document == origDoc) { // Go back to polling setTimeout(testLoad, 10); return; } var prin = w.document.nodePrincipal; isnot(prin, null, "Loaded principal must not be null when adding " + uri); isnot(prin, undefined, "Loaded principal must not be undefined when loading " + uri); is(secMan.isSystemPrincipal(prin), false, "Loaded principal must not be system when loading " + uri); w.close(); if (iteration == uris.length) { finish(); } else { ++iteration; doTest(); } } function doTest() { uri = uris[iteration - 1]; w =, "_blank", "width=10,height=10"); var prin = w.document.nodePrincipal; if (!uri) { uri = undefined; } isnot(prin, null, "Forced principal must not be null when loading " + uri); isnot(prin, undefined, "Forced principal must not be undefined when loading " + uri); is(secMan.isSystemPrincipal(prin), false, "Forced principal must not be system when loading " + uri); if (uri == undefined) { // No actual load here, so just move along. w.close(); ++iteration; doTest(); } else { origDoc = w.document; // Need to poll, because load listeners on the content window won't // survive the load. setTimeout(testLoad, 10); } } doTest(); }