#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2009, Jay Loden, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ A clone of iotop (http://guichaz.free.fr/iotop/) showing real time disk I/O statistics. It works on Linux only (FreeBSD and OSX are missing support for IO counters). It doesn't work on Windows as curses module is required. Author: Giampaolo Rodola' """ import os import sys import psutil if not hasattr(psutil.Process, 'get_io_counters') or os.name != 'posix': sys.exit('platform not supported') import time import curses import atexit # --- curses stuff def tear_down(): win.keypad(0) curses.nocbreak() curses.echo() curses.endwin() win = curses.initscr() atexit.register(tear_down) curses.endwin() lineno = 0 def print_line(line, highlight=False): """A thin wrapper around curses's addstr().""" global lineno try: if highlight: line += " " * (win.getmaxyx()[1] - len(line)) win.addstr(lineno, 0, line, curses.A_REVERSE) else: win.addstr(lineno, 0, line, 0) except curses.error: lineno = 0 win.refresh() raise else: lineno += 1 # --- /curses stuff def bytes2human(n): """ >>> bytes2human(10000) '9.8 K/s' >>> bytes2human(100001221) '95.4 M/s' """ symbols = ('K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y') prefix = {} for i, s in enumerate(symbols): prefix[s] = 1 << (i+1)*10 for s in reversed(symbols): if n >= prefix[s]: value = float(n) / prefix[s] return '%.2f %s/s' % (value, s) return '%.2f B/s' % (n) def poll(interval): """Calculate IO usage by comparing IO statics before and after the interval. Return a tuple including all currently running processes sorted by IO activity and total disks I/O activity. """ # first get a list of all processes and disk io counters procs = [p for p in psutil.process_iter()] for p in procs[:]: try: p._before = p.get_io_counters() except psutil.Error: procs.remove(p) continue disks_before = psutil.disk_io_counters() # sleep some time time.sleep(interval) # then retrieve the same info again for p in procs[:]: try: p._after = p.get_io_counters() p._cmdline = ' '.join(p.cmdline) if not p._cmdline: p._cmdline = p.name p._username = p.username except psutil.NoSuchProcess: procs.remove(p) disks_after = psutil.disk_io_counters() # finally calculate results by comparing data before and # after the interval for p in procs: p._read_per_sec = p._after.read_bytes - p._before.read_bytes p._write_per_sec = p._after.write_bytes - p._before.write_bytes p._total = p._read_per_sec + p._write_per_sec disks_read_per_sec = disks_after.read_bytes - disks_before.read_bytes disks_write_per_sec = disks_after.write_bytes - disks_before.write_bytes # sort processes by total disk IO so that the more intensive # ones get listed first processes = sorted(procs, key=lambda p: p._total, reverse=True) return (processes, disks_read_per_sec, disks_write_per_sec) def refresh_window(procs, disks_read, disks_write): """Print results on screen by using curses.""" curses.endwin() templ = "%-5s %-7s %11s %11s %s" win.erase() disks_tot = "Total DISK READ: %s | Total DISK WRITE: %s" \ % (bytes2human(disks_read), bytes2human(disks_write)) print_line(disks_tot) header = templ % ("PID", "USER", "DISK READ", "DISK WRITE", "COMMAND") print_line(header, highlight=True) for p in procs: line = templ % (p.pid, p._username[:7], bytes2human(p._read_per_sec), bytes2human(p._write_per_sec), p._cmdline) try: print_line(line) except curses.error: break win.refresh() def main(): try: interval = 0 while 1: args = poll(interval) refresh_window(*args) interval = 1 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()