# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. let TabView = { _deck: null, _iframe: null, _window: null, _initialized: false, _browserKeyHandlerInitialized: false, _closedLastVisibleTabBeforeFrameInitialized: false, _isFrameLoading: false, _initFrameCallbacks: [], PREF_BRANCH: "browser.panorama.", PREF_FIRST_RUN: "browser.panorama.experienced_first_run", PREF_STARTUP_PAGE: "browser.startup.page", PREF_RESTORE_ENABLED_ONCE: "browser.panorama.session_restore_enabled_once", GROUPS_IDENTIFIER: "tabview-groups", VISIBILITY_IDENTIFIER: "tabview-visibility", // ---------- get windowTitle() { delete this.windowTitle; let brandBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_brand"); let brandShortName = brandBundle.getString("brandShortName"); let title = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("tabview.title", [brandShortName]); return this.windowTitle = title; }, // ---------- get firstUseExperienced() { let pref = this.PREF_FIRST_RUN; if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(pref)) return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref); return false; }, // ---------- set firstUseExperienced(val) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(this.PREF_FIRST_RUN, val); }, // ---------- get sessionRestoreEnabledOnce() { let pref = this.PREF_RESTORE_ENABLED_ONCE; if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(pref)) return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref); return false; }, // ---------- set sessionRestoreEnabledOnce(val) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(this.PREF_RESTORE_ENABLED_ONCE, val); }, // ---------- init: function TabView_init() { // disable the ToggleTabView command for popup windows goSetCommandEnabled("Browser:ToggleTabView", window.toolbar.visible); if (!window.toolbar.visible) return; if (this._initialized) return; if (this.firstUseExperienced) { // ___ visibility let data = SessionStore.getWindowValue(window, this.VISIBILITY_IDENTIFIER); if (data && data == "true") { this.show(); } else { try { data = SessionStore.getWindowValue(window, this.GROUPS_IDENTIFIER); if (data) { let parsedData = JSON.parse(data); this.updateGroupNumberBroadcaster(parsedData.totalNumber || 1); } } catch (e) { } let self = this; // if a tab is changed from hidden to unhidden and the iframe is not // initialized, load the iframe and setup the tab. this._tabShowEventListener = function(event) { if (!self._window) self._initFrame(function() { self._window.UI.onTabSelect(gBrowser.selectedTab); if (self._closedLastVisibleTabBeforeFrameInitialized) { self._closedLastVisibleTabBeforeFrameInitialized = false; self._window.UI.showTabView(false); } }); }; this._tabCloseEventListener = function(event) { if (!self._window && gBrowser.visibleTabs.length == 0) self._closedLastVisibleTabBeforeFrameInitialized = true; }; gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener( "TabShow", this._tabShowEventListener, false); gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener( "TabClose", this._tabCloseEventListener, false); if (this._tabBrowserHasHiddenTabs()) { this._setBrowserKeyHandlers(); } else { // for restoring last session and undoing recently closed window this._SSWindowStateReadyListener = function (event) { if (this._tabBrowserHasHiddenTabs()) this._setBrowserKeyHandlers(); }.bind(this); window.addEventListener( "SSWindowStateReady", this._SSWindowStateReadyListener, false); } } } Services.prefs.addObserver(this.PREF_BRANCH, this, false); this._initialized = true; }, // ---------- // Observes topic changes. observe: function TabView_observe(subject, topic, data) { if (data == this.PREF_FIRST_RUN && this.firstUseExperienced) { this._addToolbarButton(); this.enableSessionRestore(); } }, // ---------- // Uninitializes TabView. uninit: function TabView_uninit() { if (!this._initialized) return; Services.prefs.removeObserver(this.PREF_BRANCH, this); if (this._tabShowEventListener) gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener( "TabShow", this._tabShowEventListener, false); if (this._tabCloseEventListener) gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener( "TabClose", this._tabCloseEventListener, false); if (this._SSWindowStateReadyListener) window.removeEventListener( "SSWindowStateReady", this._SSWindowStateReadyListener, false); this._initialized = false; if (this._window) { this._window = null; } if (this._iframe) { this._iframe.remove(); this._iframe = null; } }, // ---------- // Creates the frame and calls the callback once it's loaded. // If the frame already exists, calls the callback immediately. _initFrame: function TabView__initFrame(callback) { let hasCallback = typeof callback == "function"; // prevent frame to be initialized for popup windows if (!window.toolbar.visible) return; if (this._window) { if (hasCallback) callback(); return; } if (hasCallback) this._initFrameCallbacks.push(callback); if (this._isFrameLoading) return; this._isFrameLoading = true; TelemetryStopwatch.start("PANORAMA_INITIALIZATION_TIME_MS"); // ___ find the deck this._deck = document.getElementById("tab-view-deck"); // ___ create the frame this._iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); this._iframe.id = "tab-view"; this._iframe.setAttribute("transparent", "true"); this._iframe.setAttribute("tooltip", "tab-view-tooltip"); this._iframe.flex = 1; let self = this; window.addEventListener("tabviewframeinitialized", function onInit() { window.removeEventListener("tabviewframeinitialized", onInit, false); TelemetryStopwatch.finish("PANORAMA_INITIALIZATION_TIME_MS"); self._isFrameLoading = false; self._window = self._iframe.contentWindow; self._setBrowserKeyHandlers(); if (self._tabShowEventListener) { gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener( "TabShow", self._tabShowEventListener, false); self._tabShowEventListener = null; } if (self._tabCloseEventListener) { gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener( "TabClose", self._tabCloseEventListener, false); self._tabCloseEventListener = null; } if (self._SSWindowStateReadyListener) { window.removeEventListener( "SSWindowStateReady", self._SSWindowStateReadyListener, false); self._SSWindowStateReadyListener = null; } self._initFrameCallbacks.forEach(function (cb) cb()); self._initFrameCallbacks = []; }, false); this._iframe.setAttribute("src", "chrome://browser/content/tabview.html"); this._deck.appendChild(this._iframe); // ___ create tooltip let tooltip = document.createElement("tooltip"); tooltip.id = "tab-view-tooltip"; tooltip.setAttribute("onpopupshowing", "return TabView.fillInTooltip(document.tooltipNode);"); document.getElementById("mainPopupSet").appendChild(tooltip); }, // ---------- getContentWindow: function TabView_getContentWindow() { return this._window; }, // ---------- isVisible: function TabView_isVisible() { return (this._deck ? this._deck.selectedPanel == this._iframe : false); }, // ---------- show: function TabView_show() { if (this.isVisible()) return; let self = this; this._initFrame(function() { self._window.UI.showTabView(true); }); }, // ---------- hide: function TabView_hide() { if (this.isVisible() && this._window) { this._window.UI.exit(); } }, // ---------- toggle: function TabView_toggle() { if (this.isVisible()) this.hide(); else this.show(); }, // ---------- _tabBrowserHasHiddenTabs: function TabView_tabBrowserHasHiddenTabs() { return (gBrowser.tabs.length - gBrowser.visibleTabs.length) > 0; }, // ---------- updateContextMenu: function TabView_updateContextMenu(tab, popup) { let separator = document.getElementById("context_tabViewNamedGroups"); let isEmpty = true; while (popup.firstChild && popup.firstChild != separator) popup.removeChild(popup.firstChild); let self = this; this._initFrame(function() { let activeGroup = tab._tabViewTabItem.parent; let groupItems = self._window.GroupItems.groupItems; groupItems.forEach(function(groupItem) { // if group has title, it's not hidden and there is no active group or // the active group id doesn't match the group id, a group menu item // would be added. if (!groupItem.hidden && (groupItem.getTitle().trim() || groupItem.getChildren().length) && (!activeGroup || activeGroup.id != groupItem.id)) { let menuItem = self._createGroupMenuItem(groupItem); popup.insertBefore(menuItem, separator); isEmpty = false; } }); separator.hidden = isEmpty; }); }, // ---------- _createGroupMenuItem: function TabView__createGroupMenuItem(groupItem) { let menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem"); let title = groupItem.getTitle(); if (!title.trim()) { let topChildLabel = groupItem.getTopChild().tab.label; let childNum = groupItem.getChildren().length; if (childNum > 1) { let num = childNum - 1; title = gNavigatorBundle.getString("tabview.moveToUnnamedGroup.label"); title = PluralForm.get(num, title).replace("#1", topChildLabel).replace("#2", num); } else { title = topChildLabel; } } menuItem.setAttribute("label", title); menuItem.setAttribute("tooltiptext", title); menuItem.setAttribute("crop", "center"); menuItem.setAttribute("class", "tabview-menuitem"); menuItem.setAttribute( "oncommand", "TabView.moveTabTo(TabContextMenu.contextTab,'" + groupItem.id + "')"); return menuItem; }, // ---------- moveTabTo: function TabView_moveTabTo(tab, groupItemId) { if (this._window) { this._window.GroupItems.moveTabToGroupItem(tab, groupItemId); } else { let self = this; this._initFrame(function() { self._window.GroupItems.moveTabToGroupItem(tab, groupItemId); }); } }, // ---------- // Adds new key commands to the browser, for invoking the Tab Candy UI // and for switching between groups of tabs when outside of the Tab Candy UI. _setBrowserKeyHandlers: function TabView__setBrowserKeyHandlers() { if (this._browserKeyHandlerInitialized) return; this._browserKeyHandlerInitialized = true; let self = this; window.addEventListener("keypress", function(event) { if (self.isVisible() || !self._tabBrowserHasHiddenTabs()) return; let charCode = event.charCode; // Control (+ Shift) + ` if (event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey && (charCode == 96 || charCode == 126)) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); self._initFrame(function() { let groupItems = self._window.GroupItems; let tabItem = groupItems.getNextGroupItemTab(event.shiftKey); if (!tabItem) return; if (gBrowser.selectedTab.pinned) groupItems.updateActiveGroupItemAndTabBar(tabItem, {dontSetActiveTabInGroup: true}); else gBrowser.selectedTab = tabItem.tab; }); } }, true); }, // ---------- // Prepares the tab view for undo close tab. prepareUndoCloseTab: function TabView_prepareUndoCloseTab(blankTabToRemove) { if (this._window) { this._window.UI.restoredClosedTab = true; if (blankTabToRemove && blankTabToRemove._tabViewTabItem) blankTabToRemove._tabViewTabItem.isRemovedAfterRestore = true; } }, // ---------- // Cleans up the tab view after undo close tab. afterUndoCloseTab: function TabView_afterUndoCloseTab() { if (this._window) this._window.UI.restoredClosedTab = false; }, // ---------- // On move to group pop showing. moveToGroupPopupShowing: function TabView_moveToGroupPopupShowing(event) { // Update the context menu only if Panorama was already initialized or if // there are hidden tabs. let numHiddenTabs = gBrowser.tabs.length - gBrowser.visibleTabs.length; if (this._window || numHiddenTabs > 0) this.updateContextMenu(TabContextMenu.contextTab, event.target); }, // ---------- // Function: _addToolbarButton // Adds the TabView button to the TabsToolbar. _addToolbarButton: function TabView__addToolbarButton() { let buttonId = "tabview-button"; if (CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(buttonId)) return; let allTabsBtnPlacement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("alltabs-button"); // allTabsBtnPlacement can never be null because the button isn't removable let desiredPosition = allTabsBtnPlacement.position + 1; CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(buttonId, "TabsToolbar", desiredPosition); // NB: this is for backwards compatibility, and should be removed by // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=976041 document.persist("TabsToolbar", "currentset"); }, // ---------- // Function: updateGroupNumberBroadcaster // Updates the group number broadcaster. updateGroupNumberBroadcaster: function TabView_updateGroupNumberBroadcaster(number) { let groupsNumber = document.getElementById("tabviewGroupsNumber"); groupsNumber.setAttribute("groups", number); }, // ---------- // Function: enableSessionRestore // Enables automatic session restore when the browser is started. Does // nothing if we already did that once in the past. enableSessionRestore: function TabView_enableSessionRestore() { if (!this._window || !this.firstUseExperienced) return; // do nothing if we already enabled session restore once if (this.sessionRestoreEnabledOnce) return; this.sessionRestoreEnabledOnce = true; // enable session restore if necessary if (Services.prefs.getIntPref(this.PREF_STARTUP_PAGE) != 3) { Services.prefs.setIntPref(this.PREF_STARTUP_PAGE, 3); // show banner this._window.UI.notifySessionRestoreEnabled(); } }, // ---------- // Function: fillInTooltip // Fills in the tooltip text. fillInTooltip: function fillInTooltip(tipElement) { let retVal = false; let titleText = null; let direction = tipElement.ownerDocument.dir; while (!titleText && tipElement) { if (tipElement.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) titleText = tipElement.getAttribute("title"); tipElement = tipElement.parentNode; } let tipNode = document.getElementById("tab-view-tooltip"); tipNode.style.direction = direction; if (titleText) { tipNode.setAttribute("label", titleText); retVal = true; } return retVal; } };