/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests that history initialization correctly handles a request to forcibly // replace the current database. function run_test() { // Ensure that our database doesn't already exist. let (dbFile = gProfD.clone()) { dbFile.append("places.sqlite"); do_check_false(dbFile.exists()); } let (dbFile = gProfD.clone()) { dbFile.append("places.sqlite.corrupt"); do_check_false(dbFile.exists()); } let file = do_get_file("default.sqlite"); file.copyTo(gProfD, "places.sqlite"); // Create some unique stuff to check later. let db = Services.storage.openUnsharedDatabase(file); db.executeSimpleSQL("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)"); db.close(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("places.database.replaceOnStartup", true); do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.history.databaseStatus, PlacesUtils.history.DATABASE_STATUS_CORRUPT); let (dbFile = gProfD.clone()) { dbFile.append("places.sqlite"); do_check_true(dbFile.exists()); // Check the new database is really a new one. let db = Services.storage.openUnsharedDatabase(file); try { db.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE * FROM test"); do_throw("The new database should not have our unique content"); } catch(ex) {} db.close(); } let (dbFile = gProfD.clone()) { dbFile.append("places.sqlite.corrupt"); do_check_true(dbFile.exists()); } };