/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40; -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "SharedSurfaceGL.h" #include "GLContext.h" #include "GLBlitHelper.h" #include "ScopedGLHelpers.h" #include "gfxImageSurface.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" #include "GLReadTexImageHelper.h" using namespace mozilla::gfx; namespace mozilla { namespace gl { // |src| must begin and end locked, though we may // temporarily unlock it if we need to. void SharedSurface_GL::ProdCopy(SharedSurface_GL* src, SharedSurface_GL* dest, SurfaceFactory_GL* factory) { GLContext* gl = src->GL(); gl->MakeCurrent(); if (src->AttachType() == AttachmentType::Screen && dest->AttachType() == AttachmentType::Screen) { // Here, we actually need to blit through a temp surface, so let's make one. nsAutoPtr tempSurf( SharedSurface_GLTexture::Create(gl, gl, factory->Formats(), src->Size(), factory->Caps().alpha)); ProdCopy(src, tempSurf, factory); ProdCopy(tempSurf, dest, factory); return; } if (src->AttachType() == AttachmentType::Screen) { SharedSurface_GL* origLocked = gl->GetLockedSurface(); bool srcNeedsUnlock = false; bool origNeedsRelock = false; if (origLocked != src) { if (origLocked) { origLocked->UnlockProd(); origNeedsRelock = true; } src->LockProd(); srcNeedsUnlock = true; } if (dest->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLTexture) { GLuint destTex = dest->ProdTexture(); GLenum destTarget = dest->ProdTextureTarget(); gl->BlitHelper()->BlitFramebufferToTexture(0, destTex, src->Size(), dest->Size(), destTarget); } else if (dest->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLRenderbuffer) { GLuint destRB = dest->ProdRenderbuffer(); ScopedFramebufferForRenderbuffer destWrapper(gl, destRB); gl->BlitHelper()->BlitFramebufferToFramebuffer(0, destWrapper.FB(), src->Size(), dest->Size()); } else { MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled dest->AttachType()."); } if (srcNeedsUnlock) src->UnlockProd(); if (origNeedsRelock) origLocked->LockProd(); return; } if (dest->AttachType() == AttachmentType::Screen) { SharedSurface_GL* origLocked = gl->GetLockedSurface(); bool destNeedsUnlock = false; bool origNeedsRelock = false; if (origLocked != dest) { if (origLocked) { origLocked->UnlockProd(); origNeedsRelock = true; } dest->LockProd(); destNeedsUnlock = true; } if (src->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLTexture) { GLuint srcTex = src->ProdTexture(); GLenum srcTarget = src->ProdTextureTarget(); gl->BlitHelper()->BlitTextureToFramebuffer(srcTex, 0, src->Size(), dest->Size(), srcTarget); } else if (src->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLRenderbuffer) { GLuint srcRB = src->ProdRenderbuffer(); ScopedFramebufferForRenderbuffer srcWrapper(gl, srcRB); gl->BlitHelper()->BlitFramebufferToFramebuffer(srcWrapper.FB(), 0, src->Size(), dest->Size()); } else { MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled src->AttachType()."); } if (destNeedsUnlock) dest->UnlockProd(); if (origNeedsRelock) origLocked->LockProd(); return; } // Alright, done with cases involving Screen types. // Only {src,dest}x{texture,renderbuffer} left. if (src->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLTexture) { GLuint srcTex = src->ProdTexture(); GLenum srcTarget = src->ProdTextureTarget(); if (dest->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLTexture) { GLuint destTex = dest->ProdTexture(); GLenum destTarget = dest->ProdTextureTarget(); gl->BlitHelper()->BlitTextureToTexture(srcTex, destTex, src->Size(), dest->Size(), srcTarget, destTarget); return; } if (dest->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLRenderbuffer) { GLuint destRB = dest->ProdRenderbuffer(); ScopedFramebufferForRenderbuffer destWrapper(gl, destRB); gl->BlitHelper()->BlitTextureToFramebuffer(srcTex, destWrapper.FB(), src->Size(), dest->Size(), srcTarget); return; } MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled dest->AttachType()."); } if (src->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLRenderbuffer) { GLuint srcRB = src->ProdRenderbuffer(); ScopedFramebufferForRenderbuffer srcWrapper(gl, srcRB); if (dest->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLTexture) { GLuint destTex = dest->ProdTexture(); GLenum destTarget = dest->ProdTextureTarget(); gl->BlitHelper()->BlitFramebufferToTexture(srcWrapper.FB(), destTex, src->Size(), dest->Size(), destTarget); return; } if (dest->AttachType() == AttachmentType::GLRenderbuffer) { GLuint destRB = dest->ProdRenderbuffer(); ScopedFramebufferForRenderbuffer destWrapper(gl, destRB); gl->BlitHelper()->BlitFramebufferToFramebuffer(srcWrapper.FB(), destWrapper.FB(), src->Size(), dest->Size()); return; } MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled dest->AttachType()."); } MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled src->AttachType()."); } void SharedSurface_GL::LockProd() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsLocked); LockProdImpl(); mGL->LockSurface(this); mIsLocked = true; } void SharedSurface_GL::UnlockProd() { if (!mIsLocked) return; UnlockProdImpl(); mGL->UnlockSurface(this); mIsLocked = false; } SurfaceFactory_GL::SurfaceFactory_GL(GLContext* gl, SharedSurfaceType type, const SurfaceCaps& caps) : SurfaceFactory(type, caps) , mGL(gl) , mFormats(gl->ChooseGLFormats(caps)) { ChooseBufferBits(caps, mDrawCaps, mReadCaps); } void SurfaceFactory_GL::ChooseBufferBits(const SurfaceCaps& caps, SurfaceCaps& drawCaps, SurfaceCaps& readCaps) const { SurfaceCaps screenCaps; screenCaps.color = caps.color; screenCaps.alpha = caps.alpha; screenCaps.bpp16 = caps.bpp16; screenCaps.depth = caps.depth; screenCaps.stencil = caps.stencil; screenCaps.antialias = caps.antialias; screenCaps.preserve = caps.preserve; if (caps.antialias) { drawCaps = screenCaps; readCaps.Clear(); // Color caps need to be duplicated in readCaps. readCaps.color = caps.color; readCaps.alpha = caps.alpha; readCaps.bpp16 = caps.bpp16; } else { drawCaps.Clear(); readCaps = screenCaps; } } SharedSurface_Basic* SharedSurface_Basic::Create(GLContext* gl, const GLFormats& formats, const IntSize& size, bool hasAlpha) { gl->MakeCurrent(); GLuint tex = CreateTexture(gl, formats.color_texInternalFormat, formats.color_texFormat, formats.color_texType, size); SurfaceFormat format = SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8; switch (formats.color_texInternalFormat) { case LOCAL_GL_RGB: case LOCAL_GL_RGB8: if (formats.color_texType == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5) format = SurfaceFormat::R5G6B5; else format = SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8; break; case LOCAL_GL_RGBA: case LOCAL_GL_RGBA8: format = SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8; break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled Tex format."); } return new SharedSurface_Basic(gl, size, hasAlpha, format, tex); } SharedSurface_Basic::SharedSurface_Basic(GLContext* gl, const IntSize& size, bool hasAlpha, SurfaceFormat format, GLuint tex) : SharedSurface_GL(SharedSurfaceType::Basic, AttachmentType::GLTexture, gl, size, hasAlpha) , mTex(tex), mFB(0) { mGL->MakeCurrent(); mGL->fGenFramebuffers(1, &mFB); ScopedBindFramebuffer autoFB(mGL, mFB); mGL->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, mTex, 0); GLenum status = mGL->fCheckFramebufferStatus(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (status != LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { mGL->fDeleteFramebuffers(1, &mFB); mFB = 0; } mData = Factory::CreateDataSourceSurfaceWithStride(size, format, GetAlignedStride<4>(size.width * BytesPerPixel(format))); } SharedSurface_Basic::~SharedSurface_Basic() { if (!mGL->MakeCurrent()) return; if (mFB) mGL->fDeleteFramebuffers(1, &mFB); mGL->fDeleteTextures(1, &mTex); } void SharedSurface_Basic::Fence() { mGL->MakeCurrent(); ScopedBindFramebuffer autoFB(mGL, mFB); ReadPixelsIntoDataSurface(mGL, mData); } SharedSurface_GLTexture* SharedSurface_GLTexture::Create(GLContext* prodGL, GLContext* consGL, const GLFormats& formats, const gfx::IntSize& size, bool hasAlpha, GLuint texture) { MOZ_ASSERT(prodGL); MOZ_ASSERT(!consGL || prodGL->SharesWith(consGL)); prodGL->MakeCurrent(); GLuint tex = texture; bool ownsTex = false; if (!tex) { tex = CreateTextureForOffscreen(prodGL, formats, size); ownsTex = true; } return new SharedSurface_GLTexture(prodGL, consGL, size, hasAlpha, tex, ownsTex); } SharedSurface_GLTexture::~SharedSurface_GLTexture() { if (!mGL->MakeCurrent()) return; if (mOwnsTex) { mGL->fDeleteTextures(1, &mTex); } if (mSync) { mGL->fDeleteSync(mSync); } } void SharedSurface_GLTexture::Fence() { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mGL->MakeCurrent(); if (mConsGL && mGL->IsExtensionSupported(GLContext::ARB_sync)) { if (mSync) { mGL->fDeleteSync(mSync); mSync = 0; } mSync = mGL->fFenceSync(LOCAL_GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0); if (mSync) { mGL->fFlush(); return; } } MOZ_ASSERT(!mSync); mGL->fFinish(); } bool SharedSurface_GLTexture::WaitSync() { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); if (!mSync) { // We must have used glFinish instead of glFenceSync. return true; } mConsGL->MakeCurrent(); MOZ_ASSERT(mConsGL->IsExtensionSupported(GLContext::ARB_sync)); mConsGL->fWaitSync(mSync, 0, LOCAL_GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED); mConsGL->fDeleteSync(mSync); mSync = 0; return true; } GLuint SharedSurface_GLTexture::ConsTexture(GLContext* consGL) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); MOZ_ASSERT(consGL); MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->SharesWith(consGL)); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(mConsGL, consGL == mConsGL); mConsGL = consGL; return mTex; } } /* namespace gfx */ } /* namespace mozilla */