/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "TokenServerClient", "TokenServerClientError", "TokenServerClientNetworkError", "TokenServerClientServerError", ]; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://services-common/log4moz.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-common/preferences.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-common/rest.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-common/utils.js"); const Prefs = new Preferences("services.common.tokenserverclient."); /** * Represents a TokenServerClient error that occurred on the client. * * This is the base type for all errors raised by client operations. * * @param message * (string) Error message. */ this.TokenServerClientError = function TokenServerClientError(message) { this.name = "TokenServerClientError"; this.message = message || "Client error."; } TokenServerClientError.prototype = new Error(); TokenServerClientError.prototype.constructor = TokenServerClientError; /** * Represents a TokenServerClient error that occurred in the network layer. * * @param error * The underlying error thrown by the network layer. */ this.TokenServerClientNetworkError = function TokenServerClientNetworkError(error) { this.name = "TokenServerClientNetworkError"; this.error = error; } TokenServerClientNetworkError.prototype = new TokenServerClientError(); TokenServerClientNetworkError.prototype.constructor = TokenServerClientNetworkError; /** * Represents a TokenServerClient error that occurred on the server. * * This type will be encountered for all non-200 response codes from the * server. The type of error is strongly enumerated and is stored in the * `cause` property. This property can have the following string values: * * conditions-required -- The server is requesting that the client * agree to service conditions before it can obtain a token. The * conditions that must be presented to the user and agreed to are in * the `urls` mapping on the instance. Keys of this mapping are * identifiers. Values are string URLs. * * invalid-credentials -- A token could not be obtained because * the credentials presented by the client were invalid. * * unknown-service -- The requested service was not found. * * malformed-request -- The server rejected the request because it * was invalid. If you see this, code in this file is likely wrong. * * malformed-response -- The response from the server was not what was * expected. * * general -- A general server error has occurred. Clients should * interpret this as an opaque failure. * * @param message * (string) Error message. */ this.TokenServerClientServerError = function TokenServerClientServerError(message, cause="general") { this.name = "TokenServerClientServerError"; this.message = message || "Server error."; this.cause = cause; } TokenServerClientServerError.prototype = new TokenServerClientError(); TokenServerClientServerError.prototype.constructor = TokenServerClientServerError; /** * Represents a client to the Token Server. * * http://docs.services.mozilla.com/token/index.html * * The Token Server supports obtaining tokens for arbitrary apps by * constructing URI paths of the form /. However, the service * discovery mechanism emphasizes the use of full URIs and tries to not force * the client to manipulate URIs. This client currently enforces this practice * by not implementing an API which would perform URI manipulation. * * If you are tempted to implement this API in the future, consider this your * warning that you may be doing it wrong and that you should store full URIs * instead. * * Areas to Improve: * * - The server sends a JSON response on error. The client does not currently * parse this. It might be convenient if it did. * - Currently most non-200 status codes are rolled into one error type. It * might be helpful if callers had a richer API that communicated who was * at fault (e.g. differentiating a 503 from a 401). */ this.TokenServerClient = function TokenServerClient() { this._log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Common.TokenServerClient"); this._log.level = Log4Moz.Level[Prefs.get("logger.level")]; } TokenServerClient.prototype = { /** * Logger instance. */ _log: null, /** * Obtain a token from a BrowserID assertion against a specific URL. * * This asynchronously obtains the token. The callback receives 2 arguments: * * (TokenServerClientError | null) If no token could be obtained, this * will be a TokenServerClientError instance describing why. The * type seen defines the type of error encountered. If an HTTP response * was seen, a RESTResponse instance will be stored in the `response` * property of this object. If there was no error and a token is * available, this will be null. * * (map | null) On success, this will be a map containing the results from * the server. If there was an error, this will be null. The map has the * following properties: * * id (string) HTTP MAC public key identifier. * key (string) HTTP MAC shared symmetric key. * endpoint (string) URL where service can be connected to. * uid (string) user ID for requested service. * duration (string) the validity duration of the issued token. * * Terms of Service Acceptance * --------------------------- * * Some services require users to accept terms of service before they can * obtain a token. If a service requires ToS acceptance, the error passed * to the callback will be a `TokenServerClientServerError` with the * `cause` property set to "conditions-required". The `urls` property of that * instance will be a map of string keys to string URL values. The user-agent * should prompt the user to accept the content at these URLs. * * Clients signify acceptance of the terms of service by sending a token * request with additional metadata. This is controlled by the * `conditionsAccepted` argument to this function. Clients only need to set * this flag once per service and the server remembers acceptance. If * the conditions for the service change, the server may request * clients agree to terms again. Therefore, clients should always be * prepared to handle a conditions required response. * * Clients should not blindly send acceptance to conditions. Instead, clients * should set `conditionsAccepted` if and only if the server asks for * acceptance, the conditions are displayed to the user, and the user agrees * to them. * * Example Usage * ------------- * * let client = new TokenServerClient(); * let assertion = getBrowserIDAssertionFromSomewhere(); * let url = "https://token.services.mozilla.com/1.0/sync/2.0"; * * client.getTokenFromBrowserIDAssertion(url, assertion, * function onResponse(error, result) { * if (error) { * if (error.cause == "conditions-required") { * promptConditionsAcceptance(error.urls, function onAccept() { * client.getTokenFromBrowserIDAssertion(url, assertion, * onResponse, true); * } * return; * } * * // Do other error handling. * return; * } * * let { * id: id, key: key, uid: uid, endpoint: endpoint, duration: duration * } = result; * // Do stuff with data and carry on. * }); * * @param url * (string) URL to fetch token from. * @param assertion * (string) BrowserID assertion to exchange token for. * @param cb * (function) Callback to be invoked with result of operation. * @param conditionsAccepted * (bool) Whether to send acceptance to service conditions. */ getTokenFromBrowserIDAssertion: function getTokenFromBrowserIDAssertion(url, assertion, cb, conditionsAccepted=false) { if (!url) { throw new TokenServerClientError("url argument is not valid."); } if (!assertion) { throw new TokenServerClientError("assertion argument is not valid."); } if (!cb) { throw new TokenServerClientError("cb argument is not valid."); } this._log.debug("Beginning BID assertion exchange: " + url); let req = new RESTRequest(url); req.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); req.setHeader("Authorization", "Browser-ID " + assertion); if (conditionsAccepted) { // Value is irrelevant. req.setHeader("X-Conditions-Accepted", "1"); } let client = this; req.get(function onResponse(error) { if (error) { cb(new TokenServerClientNetworkError(error), null); return; } let self = this; function callCallback(error, result) { if (!cb) { self._log.warn("Callback already called! Did it throw?"); return; } try { cb(error, result); } catch (ex) { self._log.warn("Exception when calling user-supplied callback: " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex)); } cb = null; } try { client._processTokenResponse(this.response, callCallback); } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Error processing token server response: " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex)); let error = new TokenServerClientError(ex); error.response = this.response; callCallback(error, null); } }); }, /** * Handler to process token request responses. * * @param response * RESTResponse from token HTTP request. * @param cb * The original callback passed to the public API. */ _processTokenResponse: function processTokenResponse(response, cb) { this._log.debug("Got token response: " + response.status); // Responses should *always* be JSON, even in the case of 4xx and 5xx // errors. If we don't see JSON, the server is likely very unhappy. let ct = response.headers["content-type"] || ""; if (ct != "application/json" && !ct.startsWith("application/json;")) { this._log.warn("Did not receive JSON response. Misconfigured server?"); this._log.debug("Content-Type: " + ct); this._log.debug("Body: " + response.body); let error = new TokenServerClientServerError("Non-JSON response.", "malformed-response"); error.response = response; cb(error, null); return; } let result; try { result = JSON.parse(response.body); } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Invalid JSON returned by server: " + response.body); let error = new TokenServerClientServerError("Malformed JSON.", "malformed-response"); error.response = response; cb(error, null); return; } // The service shouldn't have any 3xx, so we don't need to handle those. if (response.status != 200) { // We /should/ have a Cornice error report in the JSON. We log that to // help with debugging. if ("errors" in result) { // This could throw, but this entire function is wrapped in a try. If // the server is sending something not an array of objects, it has // failed to keep its contract with us and there is little we can do. for (let error of result.errors) { this._log.info("Server-reported error: " + JSON.stringify(error)); } } let error = new TokenServerClientServerError(); error.response = response; if (response.status == 400) { error.message = "Malformed request."; error.cause = "malformed-request"; } else if (response.status == 401) { error.message("Authentication failed."); error.cause = "invalid-credentials"; } // 403 should represent a "condition acceptance needed" response. // // The extra validation of "urls" is important. We don't want to signal // conditions required unless we are absolutely sure that is what the // server is asking for. else if (response.status == 403) { if (!("urls" in result)) { this._log.warn("403 response without proper fields!"); this._log.warn("Response body: " + response.body); error.message = "Missing JSON fields."; error.cause = "malformed-response"; } else if (typeof(result.urls) != "object") { error.message = "urls field is not a map."; error.cause = "malformed-response"; } else { error.message = "Conditions must be accepted."; error.cause = "conditions-required"; error.urls = result.urls; } } else if (response.status == 404) { error.message = "Unknown service."; error.cause = "unknown-service"; } cb(error, null); return; } for (let k of ["id", "key", "api_endpoint", "uid"]) { if (!(k in result)) { let error = new TokenServerClientServerError("Expected key not " + " present in result: " + k); error.cause = "malformed-response"; error.response = response; cb(error, null); return; } } this._log.debug("Successful token response: " + result.id); cb(null, { id: result.id, key: result.key, endpoint: result.api_endpoint, uid: result.uid, }); } };