/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var testGenerator = testSteps(); var abortFired = false; function abortListener(evt) { abortFired = true; is(evt.target.error, null, "Expect a null error for an aborted transaction"); } function testSteps() { const Ci = Components.interfaces; const name = this.window ? window.location.pathname : "Splendid Test"; let request = indexedDB.open(name, 1); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onupgradeneeded = grabEventAndContinueHandler; request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; let event = yield undefined; let db = event.target.result; db.onabort = abortListener; let transaction; let objectStore; let index; transaction = event.target.transaction; try { let error = transaction.error; ok(false, "Expect an exception"); } catch(e) { ok(true, "Got an exception."); is(e.name, "InvalidStateError", "Got the right exception"); } objectStore = db.createObjectStore("foo", { autoIncrement: true }); index = objectStore.createIndex("fooindex", "indexKey", { unique: true }); is(transaction.db, db, "Correct database"); is(transaction.mode, "versionchange", "Correct mode"); is(transaction.objectStoreNames.length, 1, "Correct names length"); is(transaction.objectStoreNames.item(0), "foo", "Correct name"); is(transaction.objectStore("foo"), objectStore, "Can get stores"); is(transaction.oncomplete, null, "No complete listener"); is(transaction.onabort, null, "No abort listener"); is(objectStore.name, "foo", "Correct name"); is(objectStore.keyPath, null, "Correct keyPath"); is(objectStore.indexNames.length, 1, "Correct indexNames length"); is(objectStore.indexNames[0], "fooindex", "Correct indexNames name"); is(objectStore.index("fooindex"), index, "Can get index"); // Wait until it's complete! transaction.oncomplete = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; is(transaction.db, db, "Correct database"); is(transaction.mode, "versionchange", "Correct mode"); is(transaction.objectStoreNames.length, 1, "Correct names length"); is(transaction.objectStoreNames.item(0), "foo", "Correct name"); is(transaction.onabort, null, "No abort listener"); try { is(transaction.objectStore("foo").name, "foo", "Can't get stores"); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Out of scope transaction can't make stores"); } is(objectStore.name, "foo", "Correct name"); is(objectStore.keyPath, null, "Correct keyPath"); is(objectStore.indexNames.length, 1, "Correct indexNames length"); is(objectStore.indexNames[0], "fooindex", "Correct indexNames name"); try { objectStore.add({}); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Add threw"); } try { objectStore.put({}, 1); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Put threw"); } try { objectStore.put({}, 1); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Put threw"); } try { objectStore.delete(1); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Remove threw"); } try { objectStore.get(1); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Get threw"); } try { objectStore.getAll(null); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "GetAll threw"); } try { objectStore.openCursor(); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "OpenCursor threw"); } try { objectStore.createIndex("bar", "id"); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "CreateIndex threw"); } try { objectStore.index("bar"); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Index threw"); } try { objectStore.deleteIndex("bar"); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "RemoveIndex threw"); } yield undefined; request = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite").objectStore("foo").add({}); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; event.target.transaction.onabort = function(event) { ok(false, "Shouldn't see an abort event!"); }; event.target.transaction.oncomplete = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; is(event.type, "complete", "Right kind of event"); let key; request = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite").objectStore("foo").add({}); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; key = event.target.result; event.target.transaction.onabort = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event.target.transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { ok(false, "Shouldn't see a complete event here!"); }; event.target.transaction.abort(); event = yield undefined; is(event.type, "abort", "Right kind of event"); request = db.transaction("foo").objectStore("foo").get(key); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; is(event.target.result, undefined, "Object was removed"); executeSoon(function() { testGenerator.next(); }); yield undefined; let keys = []; let abortEventCount = 0; function abortErrorHandler(event) { is(event.target.error.name, "AbortError", "Good error"); abortEventCount++; event.preventDefault(); }; objectStore = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite").objectStore("foo"); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { request = objectStore.add({}); request.onerror = abortErrorHandler; request.onsuccess = function(event) { keys.push(event.target.result); if (keys.length == 5) { event.target.transaction.onabort = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event.target.transaction.abort(); } }; } event = yield undefined; is(event.type, "abort", "Got abort event"); is(keys.length, 5, "Added 5 items in this transaction"); is(abortEventCount, 5, "Got 5 abort error events"); for (let i in keys) { request = db.transaction("foo").objectStore("foo").get(keys[i]); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; is(event.target.result, undefined, "Object was removed by abort"); } // Set up some predictible data transaction = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite"); objectStore = transaction.objectStore("foo"); objectStore.clear(); objectStore.add({}, 1); objectStore.add({}, 2); request = objectStore.add({}, 1); request.onsuccess = function() { ok(false, "inserting duplicate key should fail"); } request.onerror = function(event) { ok(true, "inserting duplicate key should fail"); event.preventDefault(); } transaction.oncomplete = grabEventAndContinueHandler; yield undefined; // Check when aborting is allowed abortEventCount = 0; let expectedAbortEventCount = 0; // During INITIAL transaction = db.transaction("foo"); transaction.abort(); try { transaction.abort(); ok(false, "second abort should throw an error"); } catch (ex) { ok(true, "second abort should throw an error"); } // During LOADING transaction = db.transaction("foo"); transaction.objectStore("foo").get(1).onerror = abortErrorHandler; expectedAbortEventCount++; transaction.abort(); try { transaction.abort(); ok(false, "second abort should throw an error"); } catch (ex) { ok(true, "second abort should throw an error"); } // During LOADING from callback transaction = db.transaction("foo"); transaction.objectStore("foo").get(1).onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; transaction.objectStore("foo").get(1).onerror = abortErrorHandler; expectedAbortEventCount++ transaction.abort(); try { transaction.abort(); ok(false, "second abort should throw an error"); } catch (ex) { ok(true, "second abort should throw an error"); } // During LOADING from error callback transaction = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite"); transaction.objectStore("foo").add({}, 1).onerror = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); transaction.objectStore("foo").get(1).onerror = abortErrorHandler; expectedAbortEventCount++ transaction.abort(); continueToNextStep(); } yield undefined; // In between callbacks transaction = db.transaction("foo"); function makeNewRequest() { let r = transaction.objectStore("foo").get(1); r.onsuccess = makeNewRequest; r.onerror = abortErrorHandler; } makeNewRequest(); transaction.objectStore("foo").get(1).onsuccess = function(event) { executeSoon(function() { transaction.abort(); expectedAbortEventCount++; continueToNextStep(); }); }; yield undefined; // During COMMITTING transaction = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite"); transaction.objectStore("foo").put({hello: "world"}, 1).onsuccess = function(event) { continueToNextStep(); }; yield undefined; try { transaction.abort(); ok(false, "second abort should throw an error"); } catch (ex) { ok(true, "second abort should throw an error"); } transaction.oncomplete = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; // Since the previous transaction shouldn't have caused any error events, // we know that all events should have fired by now. is(abortEventCount, expectedAbortEventCount, "All abort errors fired"); // Abort both failing and succeeding requests transaction = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite"); transaction.onabort = transaction.oncomplete = grabEventAndContinueHandler; transaction.objectStore("foo").add({indexKey: "key"}).onsuccess = function(event) { transaction.abort(); }; let request1 = transaction.objectStore("foo").add({indexKey: "key"}); request1.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; request1.onerror = grabEventAndContinueHandler; let request2 = transaction.objectStore("foo").get(1); request2.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; request2.onerror = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield undefined; is(event.type, "error", "abort() should make all requests fail"); is(event.target, request1, "abort() should make all requests fail"); is(event.target.error.name, "AbortError", "abort() should make all requests fail"); event.preventDefault(); event = yield undefined; is(event.type, "error", "abort() should make all requests fail"); is(event.target, request2, "abort() should make all requests fail"); is(event.target.error.name, "AbortError", "abort() should make all requests fail"); event.preventDefault(); event = yield undefined; is(event.type, "abort", "transaction should fail"); is(event.target, transaction, "transaction should fail"); ok(abortFired, "Abort should have fired!"); finishTest(); yield undefined; }