/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var PackagedTestHelper = (function PackagedTestHelper() { "use strict"; var launchableValue; var steps; var index = -1; var gSJSPath = "tests/dom/apps/tests/file_packaged_app.sjs"; var gSJS = "http://test/" + gSJSPath; var gAppName = "appname"; var gApp = null; var gInstallOrigin = "http://mochi.test:8888"; function debug(aMsg) { //dump("== PackageTestHelper debug == " + aMsg + "\n"); } function next() { index += 1; if (index >= steps.length) { ok(false, "Shouldn't get here!"); return; } try { steps[index](); } catch(ex) { ok(false, "Caught exception", ex); } } function start() { next(); } function finish() { SpecialPowers.setAllAppsLaunchable(launchableValue); SpecialPowers.removePermission("webapps-manage", document); SimpleTest.finish(); } function mozAppsError() { ok(false, "mozApps error: " + self.error.name); finish(); } function xhrError(event, url) { var xhr = event.target; ok(false, "XHR error loading " + url + ": " + xhr.status + " - " + xhr.statusText); finish(); } function xhrAbort(url) { ok(false, "XHR abort loading " + url); finish(); } function setAppVersion(aVersion, aCb, aDontUpdatePackage) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var dontUpdate = ""; if (aDontUpdatePackage) { dontUpdate = "&dontUpdatePackage=1"; } var url = gSJS + "?setVersion=" + aVersion + dontUpdate; xhr.addEventListener("load", function() { is(xhr.responseText, "OK", "setAppVersion OK"); aCb(); }); xhr.addEventListener("error", event => xhrError(event, url)); xhr.addEventListener("abort", event => xhrAbort(url)); xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.send(); } function checkAppDownloadError(aMiniManifestURL, aExpectedError, aVersion, aUninstall, aDownloadAvailable, aName, aCb) { var req = navigator.mozApps.installPackage(aMiniManifestURL); req.onsuccess = function(evt) { ok(true, "App installed"); if (!aUninstall) { // Save it for later. gApp = req.result; } }; req.onerror = function(evt) { ok(false, "Got unexpected " + evt.target.error.name); finish(); }; navigator.mozApps.mgmt.oninstall = function(evt) { var aApp = evt.application; aApp.ondownloaderror = function(evt) { var error = aApp.downloadError.name; if (error == aExpectedError) { ok(true, "Got expected " + aExpectedError); var expected = { name: aName, manifestURL: aMiniManifestURL, installOrigin: gInstallOrigin, progress: 0, installState: "pending", downloadAvailable: aDownloadAvailable, downloading: false, downloadSize: 0, size: 0, readyToApplyDownload: false }; checkAppState(aApp, aVersion, expected, false, aUninstall, aCb || next); } else { ok(false, "Got unexpected " + error); finish(); } }; aApp.ondownloadsuccess = function(evt) { ok(false, "We are supposed to throw " + aExpectedError); finish(); }; }; } function checkAppState(aApp, aVersion, aExpectedApp, aLaunchable, aUninstall, aCb) { debug(JSON.stringify(aApp, null, 2)); if (aApp.manifest) { debug(JSON.stringify(aApp.manifest, null, 2)); } if (aExpectedApp.name) { if (aApp.manifest) { is(aApp.manifest.name, aExpectedApp.name, "Check name"); } is(aApp.updateManifest.name, aExpectedApp.name, "Check name mini-manifest"); } if (aApp.manifest) { is(aApp.manifest.version, aVersion, "Check version"); } if (typeof aExpectedApp.size !== "undefined" && aApp.manifest) { is(aApp.manifest.size, aExpectedApp.size, "Check size"); } if (aApp.manifest) { is(aApp.manifest.launch_path, gSJSPath, "Check launch path"); } if (aExpectedApp.manifestURL) { is(aApp.manifestURL, aExpectedApp.manifestURL, "Check manifestURL"); } if (aExpectedApp.installOrigin) { is(aApp.installOrigin, aExpectedApp.installOrigin, "Check installOrigin"); } ok(aApp.removable, "Removable app"); if (typeof aExpectedApp.progress !== "undefined") { todo(aApp.progress == aExpectedApp.progress, "Check progress"); } if (aExpectedApp.installState) { is(aApp.installState, aExpectedApp.installState, "Check installState"); } if (typeof aExpectedApp.downloadAvailable !== "undefined") { is(aApp.downloadAvailable, aExpectedApp.downloadAvailable, "Check download available"); } if (typeof aExpectedApp.downloading !== "undefined") { is(aApp.downloading, aExpectedApp.downloading, "Check downloading"); } if (typeof aExpectedApp.downloadSize !== "undefined") { is(aApp.downloadSize, aExpectedApp.downloadSize, "Check downloadSize"); } if (typeof aExpectedApp.readyToApplyDownload !== "undefined") { is(aApp.readyToApplyDownload, aExpectedApp.readyToApplyDownload, "Check readyToApplyDownload"); } if (aLaunchable) { if (aUninstall) { checkUninstallApp(aApp); } else if (aCb && typeof aCb === "function") { aCb(); } return; } // Check if app is not launchable. var req = aApp.launch(); req.onsuccess = function () { ok(false, "We shouldn't be here"); finish(); }; req.onerror = function() { ok(true, "App is not launchable"); if (aUninstall) { checkUninstallApp(aApp); } else if (aCb && typeof aCb === "function") { aCb(); } return; }; } return { setSteps: function (aSteps) { steps = aSteps; }, next: next, start: start, finish: finish, mozAppsError: mozAppsError, setAppVersion: setAppVersion, checkAppState: checkAppState, checkAppDownloadError: checkAppDownloadError, get gSJSPath() { return gSJSPath; }, get gSJS() { return gSJS; }, get gAppName() { return gAppName;}, get gApp() { return gApp; }, set gApp(aValue) { gApp = aValue; }, gInstallOrigin: gInstallOrigin, launchableValue: launchableValue }; })();