1. This directly have not been turn on to build system yet. 2. Currently, the implementation of the nsICaseConversion call the UCData package develped by Mark Leisher . I have not check in the package into the mozilla tree yet. You can get the package from ftp://crl.nmsu.edu/CLR/multiling/unicode/ucdata.tar.gz or ftp://crl.nmsu.edu/CLR/multiling/unicode/ucdata.zip After you get the package, you need to put those file into different place under Mozilla tree until we check them in. a. put ucdata.c and ucdata.h into mozilla/modules/unicharutil/src b. put MUTTUCData.txt and ucgendat.c into mozilla/modules/unicharutil/tools You also need the Unicode data base from Unicode ftp site ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData-Latest.txt Put it under mozilla/modules/unicharutil/tools 3. The Window makefile work. I am still working on Mac and UNIX build Frank Tang