/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ia2AccessibleTable.h" #include "Accessible2.h" #include "AccessibleTable_i.c" #include "AccessibleTable2_i.c" #include "AccessibleWrap.h" #include "IUnknownImpl.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include "TableAccessible.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsString.h" using namespace mozilla::a11y; // IUnknown STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppv) { if (!ppv) return E_INVALIDARG; *ppv = nullptr; if (IID_IAccessibleTable == iid) { statistics::IAccessibleTableUsed(); *ppv = static_cast(this); (reinterpret_cast(*ppv))->AddRef(); return S_OK; } if (IID_IAccessibleTable2 == iid) { *ppv = static_cast(this); (reinterpret_cast(*ppv))->AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IAccessibleTable STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_accessibleAt(long aRowIdx, long aColIdx, IUnknown** aAccessible) { return get_cellAt(aRowIdx, aColIdx, aAccessible); } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_caption(IUnknown** aAccessible) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aAccessible) return E_INVALIDARG; *aAccessible = nullptr; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; AccessibleWrap* caption = static_cast(mTable->Caption()); if (!caption) return S_FALSE; (*aAccessible = static_cast(caption))->AddRef(); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_childIndex(long aRowIdx, long aColIdx, long* aChildIdx) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aChildIdx) return E_INVALIDARG; *aChildIdx = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aRowIdx < 0 || aColIdx < 0 || static_cast(aRowIdx) >= mTable->RowCount() || static_cast(aColIdx) >= mTable->ColCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; *aChildIdx = mTable->CellIndexAt(aRowIdx, aColIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_columnDescription(long aColIdx, BSTR* aDescription) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aDescription) return E_INVALIDARG; *aDescription = nullptr; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aColIdx < 0 || static_cast(aColIdx) >= mTable->ColCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; nsAutoString descr; mTable->ColDescription(aColIdx, descr); if (descr.IsEmpty()) return S_FALSE; *aDescription = ::SysAllocStringLen(descr.get(), descr.Length()); return *aDescription ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_columnExtentAt(long aRowIdx, long aColIdx, long* aSpan) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aSpan) return E_INVALIDARG; *aSpan = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aRowIdx < 0 || aColIdx < 0 || static_cast(aRowIdx) >= mTable->RowCount() || static_cast(aColIdx) >= mTable->ColCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; *aSpan = mTable->ColExtentAt(aRowIdx, aColIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_columnHeader(IAccessibleTable** aAccessibleTable, long* aStartingRowIndex) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aAccessibleTable || !aStartingRowIndex) return E_INVALIDARG; *aAccessibleTable = nullptr; *aStartingRowIndex = -1; return E_NOTIMPL; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_columnIndex(long aCellIdx, long* aColIdx) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aColIdx) return E_INVALIDARG; *aColIdx = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aCellIdx < 0 || static_cast(aCellIdx) >= mTable->ColCount() * mTable->RowCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; *aColIdx = mTable->ColIndexAt(aCellIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_nColumns(long* aColCount) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aColCount) return E_INVALIDARG; *aColCount = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; *aColCount = mTable->ColCount(); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_nRows(long* aRowCount) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aRowCount) return E_INVALIDARG; *aRowCount = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; *aRowCount = mTable->RowCount(); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_nSelectedChildren(long* aChildCount) { return get_nSelectedCells(aChildCount); } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_nSelectedColumns(long* aColCount) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aColCount) return E_INVALIDARG; *aColCount = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; *aColCount = mTable->SelectedColCount(); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_nSelectedRows(long* aRowCount) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aRowCount) return E_INVALIDARG; *aRowCount = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; *aRowCount = mTable->SelectedRowCount(); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_rowDescription(long aRowIdx, BSTR* aDescription) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aDescription) return E_INVALIDARG; *aDescription = nullptr; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aRowIdx < 0 || static_cast(aRowIdx) >= mTable->RowCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; nsAutoString descr; mTable->RowDescription(aRowIdx, descr); if (descr.IsEmpty()) return S_FALSE; *aDescription = ::SysAllocStringLen(descr.get(), descr.Length()); return *aDescription ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_rowExtentAt(long aRowIdx, long aColIdx, long* aSpan) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aSpan) return E_INVALIDARG; *aSpan = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aRowIdx < 0 || aColIdx < 0 || static_cast(aRowIdx) >= mTable->RowCount() || static_cast(aColIdx) >= mTable->ColCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; *aSpan = mTable->RowExtentAt(aRowIdx, aColIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_rowHeader(IAccessibleTable** aAccessibleTable, long* aStartingColumnIndex) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aAccessibleTable || !aStartingColumnIndex) return E_INVALIDARG; *aAccessibleTable = nullptr; *aStartingColumnIndex = -1; return E_NOTIMPL; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_rowIndex(long aCellIdx, long* aRowIdx) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aRowIdx) return E_INVALIDARG; *aRowIdx = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aCellIdx < 0 || static_cast(aCellIdx) >= mTable->ColCount() * mTable->RowCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; *aRowIdx = mTable->RowIndexAt(aCellIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_selectedChildren(long aMaxChildren, long** aChildren, long* aNChildren) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aChildren || !aNChildren) return E_INVALIDARG; *aChildren = nullptr; *aNChildren = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; nsAutoTArray cellIndices; mTable->SelectedCellIndices(&cellIndices); uint32_t maxCells = cellIndices.Length(); if (maxCells == 0) return S_FALSE; *aChildren = static_cast(moz_xmalloc(sizeof(LONG) * maxCells)); *aNChildren = maxCells; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxCells; i++) (*aChildren)[i] = cellIndices[i]; return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_selectedColumns(long aMaxColumns, long** aColumns, long* aNColumns) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN return get_selectedColumns(aColumns, aNColumns); A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_selectedRows(long aMaxRows, long** aRows, long* aNRows) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN return get_selectedRows(aRows, aNRows); A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_summary(IUnknown** aAccessible) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aAccessible) return E_INVALIDARG; // Neither html:table nor xul:tree nor ARIA grid/tree have an ability to // link an accessible object to specify a summary. There is closes method // in Table::summary to get a summary as a string which is not mapped // directly to IAccessible2. *aAccessible = nullptr; return S_FALSE; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_isColumnSelected(long aColIdx, boolean* aIsSelected) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aIsSelected) return E_INVALIDARG; *aIsSelected = false; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aColIdx < 0 || static_cast(aColIdx) >= mTable->ColCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; *aIsSelected = mTable->IsColSelected(aColIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_isRowSelected(long aRowIdx, boolean* aIsSelected) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aIsSelected) return E_INVALIDARG; *aIsSelected = false; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aRowIdx < 0 || static_cast(aRowIdx) >= mTable->RowCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; *aIsSelected = mTable->IsRowSelected(aRowIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_isSelected(long aRowIdx, long aColIdx, boolean* aIsSelected) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aIsSelected) return E_INVALIDARG; *aIsSelected = false; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aRowIdx < 0 || aColIdx < 0 || static_cast(aColIdx) >= mTable->ColCount() || static_cast(aRowIdx) >= mTable->RowCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; *aIsSelected = mTable->IsCellSelected(aRowIdx, aColIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::selectRow(long aRowIdx) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aRowIdx < 0 || static_cast(aRowIdx) >= mTable->RowCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; mTable->SelectRow(aRowIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::selectColumn(long aColIdx) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aColIdx < 0 || static_cast(aColIdx) >= mTable->ColCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; mTable->SelectCol(aColIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::unselectRow(long aRowIdx) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aRowIdx < 0 || static_cast(aRowIdx) >= mTable->RowCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; mTable->UnselectRow(aRowIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::unselectColumn(long aColIdx) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aColIdx < 0 || static_cast(aColIdx) >= mTable->ColCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; mTable->UnselectCol(aColIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(long aCellIdx, long* aRowIdx, long* aColIdx, long* aRowExtents, long* aColExtents, boolean* aIsSelected) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aRowIdx || !aColIdx || !aRowExtents || !aColExtents || !aIsSelected) return E_INVALIDARG; *aRowIdx = 0; *aColIdx = 0; *aRowExtents = 0; *aColExtents = 0; *aIsSelected = false; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aCellIdx < 0 || static_cast(aCellIdx) >= mTable->ColCount() * mTable->RowCount()) return E_INVALIDARG; int32_t colIdx = 0, rowIdx = 0; mTable->RowAndColIndicesAt(aCellIdx, &rowIdx, &colIdx); *aRowIdx = rowIdx; *aColIdx = colIdx; *aRowExtents = mTable->RowExtentAt(rowIdx, colIdx); *aColExtents = mTable->ColExtentAt(rowIdx, colIdx); *aIsSelected = mTable->IsCellSelected(rowIdx, colIdx); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_modelChange(IA2TableModelChange* aModelChange) { return E_NOTIMPL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IAccessibleTable2 STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_cellAt(long aRowIdx, long aColIdx, IUnknown** aCell) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aCell) return E_INVALIDARG; *aCell = nullptr; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; AccessibleWrap* cell = static_cast(mTable->CellAt(aRowIdx, aColIdx)); if (!cell) return E_INVALIDARG; (*aCell = static_cast(cell))->AddRef(); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_nSelectedCells(long* aCellCount) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aCellCount) return E_INVALIDARG; *aCellCount = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; *aCellCount = mTable->SelectedCellCount(); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_selectedCells(IUnknown*** aCells, long* aNSelectedCells) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aCells || !aNSelectedCells) return E_INVALIDARG; *aCells = nullptr; *aNSelectedCells = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; nsAutoTArray cells; mTable->SelectedCells(&cells); if (cells.IsEmpty()) return S_FALSE; *aCells = static_cast(::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(IUnknown*) * cells.Length())); if (!*aCells) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cells.Length(); i++) { (*aCells)[i] = static_cast(static_cast(cells[i])); ((*aCells)[i])->AddRef(); } *aNSelectedCells = cells.Length(); return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_selectedColumns(long** aColumns, long* aNColumns) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aColumns || !aNColumns) return E_INVALIDARG; *aColumns = nullptr; *aNColumns = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; nsAutoTArray colIndices; mTable->SelectedColIndices(&colIndices); uint32_t maxCols = colIndices.Length(); if (maxCols == 0) return S_FALSE; *aColumns = static_cast(moz_xmalloc(sizeof(LONG) * maxCols)); *aNColumns = maxCols; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxCols; i++) (*aColumns)[i] = colIndices[i]; return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleTable::get_selectedRows(long** aRows, long* aNRows) { A11Y_TRYBLOCK_BEGIN if (!aRows || !aNRows) return E_INVALIDARG; *aRows = nullptr; *aNRows = 0; if (!mTable) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; nsAutoTArray rowIndices; mTable->SelectedRowIndices(&rowIndices); uint32_t maxRows = rowIndices.Length(); if (maxRows == 0) return S_FALSE; *aRows = static_cast(moz_xmalloc(sizeof(LONG) * maxRows)); *aNRows = maxRows; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxRows; i++) (*aRows)[i] = rowIndices[i]; return S_OK; A11Y_TRYBLOCK_END }