function test() { gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabOpen", tabAdded, false); var tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank", { skipAnimation: true }); gBrowser.removeTab(tab); is(tab.parentNode, null, "tab removed immediately"); tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank", { skipAnimation: true }); gBrowser.removeTab(tab, { animate: true }); gBrowser.removeTab(tab); is(tab.parentNode, null, "tab removed immediately when calling removeTab again after the animation was kicked off"); waitForExplicitFinish(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.animate", true); preperForNextText(); } function tabAdded() { info("tab added"); } function cleanup() { if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("browser.tabs.animate")) Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.tabs.animate"); gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabOpen", tabAdded, false); finish(); } var asyncTests = [ function (tab) { info("closing tab with middle click"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(tab, 2, 2, { button: 1 }); }, function (tab) { info("closing tab with accel+w"); gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; content.focus(); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("w", { accelKey: true }); }, function (tab) { info("closing tab by clicking the tab close button"); gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; var button = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "anonid", "close-button"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(button, 2, 2, {}); } ]; function preperForNextText() { info("tests left: " + asyncTests.length + "; starting next"); var tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank", { skipAnimation: true }); executeSoon(function () { nextAsyncText(tab); }); } function nextAsyncText(tab) { var gotCloseEvent = false; tab.addEventListener("TabClose", function () { info("got TabClose event"); gotCloseEvent = true; const DEFAULT_ANIMATION_LENGTH = 250; const MAX_WAIT_TIME = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_LENGTH * 7; var polls = Math.ceil(MAX_WAIT_TIME / DEFAULT_ANIMATION_LENGTH); var pollTabRemoved = setInterval(function () { --polls; if (tab.parentNode && polls > 0) return; clearInterval(pollTabRemoved); is(tab.parentNode, null, "tab removed after at most " + MAX_WAIT_TIME + " ms"); if (asyncTests.length) preperForNextText(); else cleanup(); }, DEFAULT_ANIMATION_LENGTH); }, false); asyncTests.shift()(tab); ok(gotCloseEvent, "got the close event syncronously"); is(tab.parentNode, gBrowser.tabContainer, "tab still exists when it's about to be removed asynchronously"); }