/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "PropertyMap" #include #include #include "utils_Log.h" #include "PropertyMap.h" // Enables debug output for the parser. #define DEBUG_PARSER 0 // Enables debug output for parser performance. #define DEBUG_PARSER_PERFORMANCE 0 namespace android { static const char* WHITESPACE = " \t\r"; static const char* WHITESPACE_OR_PROPERTY_DELIMITER = " \t\r="; // --- PropertyMap --- PropertyMap::PropertyMap() { } PropertyMap::~PropertyMap() { } void PropertyMap::clear() { mProperties.clear(); } void PropertyMap::addProperty(const String8& key, const String8& value) { mProperties.add(key, value); } bool PropertyMap::hasProperty(const String8& key) const { return mProperties.indexOfKey(key) >= 0; } bool PropertyMap::tryGetProperty(const String8& key, String8& outValue) const { ssize_t index = mProperties.indexOfKey(key); if (index < 0) { return false; } outValue = mProperties.valueAt(index); return true; } bool PropertyMap::tryGetProperty(const String8& key, bool& outValue) const { int32_t intValue; if (!tryGetProperty(key, intValue)) { return false; } outValue = intValue; return true; } bool PropertyMap::tryGetProperty(const String8& key, int32_t& outValue) const { String8 stringValue; if (! tryGetProperty(key, stringValue) || stringValue.length() == 0) { return false; } char* end; int value = strtol(stringValue.string(), & end, 10); if (*end != '\0') { ALOGW("Property key '%s' has invalid value '%s'. Expected an integer.", key.string(), stringValue.string()); return false; } outValue = value; return true; } bool PropertyMap::tryGetProperty(const String8& key, float& outValue) const { String8 stringValue; if (! tryGetProperty(key, stringValue) || stringValue.length() == 0) { return false; } char* end; float value = strtof(stringValue.string(), & end); if (*end != '\0') { ALOGW("Property key '%s' has invalid value '%s'. Expected a float.", key.string(), stringValue.string()); return false; } outValue = value; return true; } void PropertyMap::addAll(const PropertyMap* map) { for (size_t i = 0; i < map->mProperties.size(); i++) { mProperties.add(map->mProperties.keyAt(i), map->mProperties.valueAt(i)); } } status_t PropertyMap::load(const String8& filename, PropertyMap** outMap) { *outMap = NULL; Tokenizer* tokenizer; status_t status = Tokenizer::open(filename, &tokenizer); if (status) { ALOGE("Error %d opening property file %s.", status, filename.string()); } else { PropertyMap* map = new PropertyMap(); if (!map) { ALOGE("Error allocating property map."); status = NO_MEMORY; } else { #if DEBUG_PARSER_PERFORMANCE nsecs_t startTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); #endif Parser parser(map, tokenizer); status = parser.parse(); #if DEBUG_PARSER_PERFORMANCE nsecs_t elapsedTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) - startTime; ALOGD("Parsed property file '%s' %d lines in %0.3fms.", tokenizer->getFilename().string(), tokenizer->getLineNumber(), elapsedTime / 1000000.0); #endif if (status) { delete map; } else { *outMap = map; } } delete tokenizer; } return status; } // --- PropertyMap::Parser --- PropertyMap::Parser::Parser(PropertyMap* map, Tokenizer* tokenizer) : mMap(map), mTokenizer(tokenizer) { } PropertyMap::Parser::~Parser() { } status_t PropertyMap::Parser::parse() { while (!mTokenizer->isEof()) { #if DEBUG_PARSER ALOGD("Parsing %s: '%s'.", mTokenizer->getLocation().string(), mTokenizer->peekRemainderOfLine().string()); #endif mTokenizer->skipDelimiters(WHITESPACE); if (!mTokenizer->isEol() && mTokenizer->peekChar() != '#') { String8 keyToken = mTokenizer->nextToken(WHITESPACE_OR_PROPERTY_DELIMITER); if (keyToken.isEmpty()) { ALOGE("%s: Expected non-empty property key.", mTokenizer->getLocation().string()); return BAD_VALUE; } mTokenizer->skipDelimiters(WHITESPACE); if (mTokenizer->nextChar() != '=') { ALOGE("%s: Expected '=' between property key and value.", mTokenizer->getLocation().string()); return BAD_VALUE; } mTokenizer->skipDelimiters(WHITESPACE); String8 valueToken = mTokenizer->nextToken(WHITESPACE); if (valueToken.find("\\", 0) >= 0 || valueToken.find("\"", 0) >= 0) { ALOGE("%s: Found reserved character '\\' or '\"' in property value.", mTokenizer->getLocation().string()); return BAD_VALUE; } mTokenizer->skipDelimiters(WHITESPACE); if (!mTokenizer->isEol()) { ALOGE("%s: Expected end of line, got '%s'.", mTokenizer->getLocation().string(), mTokenizer->peekRemainderOfLine().string()); return BAD_VALUE; } if (mMap->hasProperty(keyToken)) { ALOGE("%s: Duplicate property value for key '%s'.", mTokenizer->getLocation().string(), keyToken.string()); return BAD_VALUE; } mMap->addProperty(keyToken, valueToken); } mTokenizer->nextLine(); } return NO_ERROR; } } // namespace android